Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Levy Mourns Boxer Charm Chiteule


President Levy Mwanawasa has sent a message of condolences to the family of the late veteran boxer Charm Chiteule who died on Tuesday, this week at Kabwe Mine Hospital.

President Mwanwasa said he learnt with regret of the untimely death of the legendary boxer.

This is contained in a message of condolences also extended to the president of the Zambia Boxing Federation (ZABF) Stephen Simpemba made available to ZANIS by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations John Musukuma.

Dr. Mwanawasa said the late Chiteule is fondly remembered for his quick foot movements in the ring which he earned him the nickname “Shuffle”.

President Mwanawasa said many who watched the late Chiteule’s fights will remember him as an entertaining but formidable boxer.

“On behalf of the government, the Zambian people and indeed on my own behalf, I wish to convey to you and through you to the bereaved family and the boxing fraternity, our heartfelt condolences on the untimely death of Chiteule. Many of us who watched his fights will remember him as an entertaining but formidable boxer,” Dr. Mwanawasa said.

Chiteule died in Kabwe Mine Hospital, Tuesday, after suffering from malaria.

The death of Charm, 54, effectively draws the curtain on the golden era of Zambian professional boxing.

Charm retired from boxing in 1984 after an illustrious professional career.

The Zambian legend belonged to the era of Lottie Gunduzani Mwale, Chisanda Kent Green Mutti and John Big Joe Sichula.

This is the group that put Zambia’s boxing flag at its highest in the 1980s.

Charm was President of the Zambia Boxing Federation at the time of his death.

At the height of his career, Chiteule challenged Ghanaian boxing legend, Azumah Nelson in 1982 for the Commonwealth and African Featherweight belt but lost on a 10th round technical knock-out at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka.

Last year during independence celebrations, Dr. Mwanwasa honoured the late Chiteule with “The President’s Insignia for Meritorious Achievement” in recognition of the boxing glory he brought to mother Zambia and for his contribution to the development of the sport in the country.


  1. What sporting infrastructure has his useless GRZ put in place to ensure that our youth grow up health physically and mentally?

    This man Levy is worse than Lucifer himself as he is a hypocrite and is an econimc hoodlum.

  2. #1 wasosa lets assist people when they are still alive.If you were concerned you could as well have evacuated him to RSA like you did to that old jackel.

  3. Sincere condolences to Charm’s family. He did Zambia proud and May His Soul Rest in Peace. Trusting that the upcoming boxers learnt something from “Shuffle”. We will certainly miss him like we miss Lotti Mwale, Chisanda Mutti, and all the departed Zambian boxers of note.

    Once again may Charm Chiteule’s soul and all the souls of the departed rest in eternal peace.

  4. We will miss the golden days of the boxing supremos, RIP and big ups for ever putting Zed on the bigger map. Cant ask for ‘any’ more. We owe u gig time. Miss ya!

  5. A big loss to Zambian boxing. He was a great guy. But why didn’t Govt take this guy to SA for treatment just like they do to these finished politicians. Zambia is becoming more like ANIMAL FARM, with Napoloen and the former Napoloens knowing excatly what they are doing, during daylight the pretend to be enemies while at night when the whole zed is asleep, they enjoy as friends, FOOLS.

  6. Tribut to the late. His name brings back fond childhood memories when we still had numerous role models for the youth in Zambia. Today one has to look hard to find some.


  8. The dead are gone! What are you doing about the kids of today and tomorrow? This is why Levy must focus on infrastructure now and not waste our time mourning the dead. Levy is certainly brain dead. He cannot think beyond his tummy.

  9. The dead are gone! What are you doing about the kids of today and tomorrow? This is why Levy must focus on infrastructure now and not waste our time mourning the dead. Levy is certainly brain dead. He cannot think beyond his tummy and cabbage which he fertilises @ the state house.

  10. Constructive contribution will help Levy realise his mistakes and probably make a u turn. Lets us pass comments that can yield results than issults that adds no value to helping Levy. We can change the cabbage to your liked vege.

  11. I saw on my computer that Charm was dead,and i was very sad,i was a friend of his when he lived in London and we lived near each other in the 80ts,i/ll say he was one of the nicest and kindest person i/ve ever met —yes his name Charm was perfect for him—-we said our goodbyes when he retired and went back to Zambia,and we unfortunally lost touch,and i also moved not long after,i want to send my condolences to Charms family,and i wish dear Charm to rest in peace with love and god bless him,have to stop here or i/ll start to cry.much love from Mona.

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