Friday, March 7, 2025

The Weekend in Pictures



ILLEGAL quarrying... stone crushers threatening to beat the LT photographer along Alick Nhata road in Lusaka
ILLEGAL quarrying... stone crushers threatening to beat the LT photographer along Alick Nhata road in Lusaka


PRESIDENT Rupiah and First Lady Thandiwe at Chipata airport
PRESIDENT Rupiah and First Lady Thandiwe at Chipata airport


PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda, ANC leader Jacob Zuma and Paramount Chief Mpezeni at the Nc'wala treditional ceremony in Chipata
PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda, ANC leader Jacob Zuma and Paramount Chief Mpezeni at the Nc'wala treditional ceremony in Chipata


A Ngoni warrior performing a traditonal dance
A Ngoni warrior performing a traditonal dance


PARAMOUNT Chief Mepezeni during the Nc'wala traditional ceremony
PARAMOUNT Chief Mepezeni during the Nc'wala traditional ceremony


IMPIS from South Africa performing a dance during the Nc'wala in Chipata
IMPIS from South Africa performing a dance during the Nc'wala in Chipata


A road traffic accident in Kitwe
A road traffic accident in Kitwe


BIKERS showcasing their talents during a motorcross tournament in Kitwe
BIKERS showcasing their talents during a motorcross tournament in Kitwe


MEN At Work’ Diggers and Konkola players battle for the ball during a friendly games played during the weekend in Kitwe. Diggers beat Konkola 22-7
MEN At Work’ Diggers and Konkola players battle for the ball during a friendly games played during the weekend in Kitwe. Diggers beat Konkola 22-7


FORUM for Leadership Search executive directo Edwin Lifwekelo and New genration party leader Humphrey Siulapwa during a press briefing in Lusaka
FORUM for Leadership Search executive directo Edwin Lifwekelo and New genration party leader Humphrey Siulapwa during a press briefing in Lusaka


NEW generation Party leader Humphrey Siulapwa with Forum for Leadership Search executive directo Edwin Lifwekelo stressing a point during a press briefing in Lusaka
NEW generation Party leader Humphrey Siulapwa with Forum for Leadership Search executive directo Edwin Lifwekelo stressing a point during a press briefing in Lusaka


PUPILS during a science quiz at Licef school in Lusaka
PUPILS during a science quiz at Licef school in Lusaka


Children watching a cycling race
Children watching a cycling race


A PUPIL showcases a science project during a fair at Licef school in Lusaka
A PUPIL showcases a science project during a fair at Licef school in Lusaka


Cyclists prepare for a race during a fundraising event in Mutendere township
Cyclists prepare for a race during a fundraising event in Mutendere township


Children waiting for their turn to take to the tracks for a cycling race
Children waiting for their turn to take to the tracks for a cycling race


AN un identified girl peddling her bicycle
AN un identified girl peddling her bicycle


A boy balancing himself on a bicyle during a race in Lusaka's Mutendere Twonship
A boy balancing himself on a bicyle during a race in Lusaka's Mutendere Twonship


Cyclists outdoing each other in Mutendere township
Cyclists outdoing each other in Mutendere township


INFORMATION and Broadcasting minister Ronnie Shikapwasha walking with christina women during the commemoration of the world day of prayer along Nurma road
INFORMATION and Broadcasting minister Ronnie Shikapwasha walking with christina women during the commemoration of the world day of prayer along Nurma road


CHRISTIAN women walking along Burma road during the commemoration of the world day of prayer
CHRISTIAN women walking along Burma road during the commemoration of the world day of prayer


Zambia Wildlife Auhtority public relations officer Wilfred Moonga displays confiscated ivory in Chilanga
Zambia Wildlife Auhtority public relations officer Wilfred Moonga displays confiscated ivory in Chilanga


Soldiers coming out of the United Nations Russian chartered plane
Soldiers coming out of the United Nations Russian chartered plane


Soldiers alighting from a Russian chartered plane
Soldiers alighting from a Russian chartered plane


Zambia Army soldiers at the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) base in Lusaka on arrival
Zambia Army soldiers at the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) base in Lusaka on arrival


Family members jostling to welcome soldiers who returned from Sudan
Family members jostling to welcome soldiers who returned from Sudan


Picture shoot-out...An un identified soldier taking photographs of a colleague
Picture shoot-out...An un identified soldier taking photographs of a colleague


Captain John Jerry Mwale receives a kiss from his wife Golezya when he arrived from Sudan on a United Nations peace-keeping mission. This was in Lusaka
Captain John Jerry Mwale receives a kiss from his wife Golezya when he arrived from Sudan on a United Nations peace-keeping mission. This was in Lusaka


Some soldiers immediately dashed for castle lager beer when they arrived at the airport in Lusaka
Some soldiers immediately dashed for castle lager beer when they arrived at the airport in Lusaka


    • Interesting pics indeed and revealing too!!I cant imagine appreciating my wife after she been sitting on stones the whole day issssh!!! I hope RB sees beyond that too!!

  1. Baby C, these people were discussing you on friday.Nine Chale, Lisa and Cutey. Lisa called you a monkey then nine chale and cutey supported her.

    • Anonymous, can you prove your allegations, come out with your real name and face me like areal man. This means war! Baby C, you know very well that I would never engage in intrigue on the blog.

    • Anonymous(nobody) has nothing to talk about. I totally ignore such. I was away attending a 2009 Yamaha Phillip Island Superbike World Championship Friday/Saturday and never blogged. Someone is blogging for me I presume!! Good luck to them.

      Oooh dear this anonymous/nobody looks familiar, when will it ever end??

    • Anonymous is a coward. I will watch carefully as no one else blogs under that flag.It’s on papi…it’s on!

  2. pic 3, this tradition please, is that woman married? those brests really suffered, to be seen by RB and Zuma. These women never listen, I thought we warned them never to go near RB and Zuma, but look at her busy rubing Shoulders RB!

  3. It’s good to see young people in places like Mutendere taking up recreation sports like those above. This should be encouraged to keep the young ones busy and from engaging themselves in vices. I would ask the govt. and the private sector to support such activities.

  4. To me picture #1 beats them all. May be it’s time to agree with the likes Fine. These women should be growing a lot more of what is in front of them and be sat there wasting time. Those maize plants look very healthy. Why not grow a bit more?

    We like quick money!

    • Yep! Sudan being predominantly Moslem, beer must be scarce or may be even banned. The lieutenant in the picture looks like he is really enjoying the cold one.

  5. Nice pictures but im still struggling with the upgrade which LT did. Is it really an upgrade or downgrade? Goodmorning everyone

  6. Nice pictures for sure.for pic1,i even miss chibwabwa.Iyee ba mbuya RB atlest showed his face kuli bamutenguleni who were remembering how hard it was for them to pass through bemba land.woo! They met with real men!!

  7. Mulamu:that is how this Ngoni women do! They dance half naked for them it doesnt matter whether married or not.

  8. Baby c, its the truth! Cutey dont lie.You were blogging on friday. How can you call your fello human being monkey? Nine chale and lisa also dissd you. Am not a liar

    • LT please deal with this character for good. He is violating the code of conduct on this blog by intriguing bloggers against each other. Why doesn’t he quote my words and provide the thread? Al the comments from Friday can still be viewed. If he has nothing better to do than picking fights on LT, he’s really a miserable individual. He probably never felt what it’s like to be loved.

    • Nine Chale,
      will you forget about him?? he is a nobody and doeas not exist. This is not the first or last he will do kavundula on the blogg.

  9. Baby c, its the truth! Cutey dont lie.You were blogging on friday. How can you call your fello human being monkey?

    • He hhe haahaha hhehh , you have baked that one good and good luck.You sound like a left handed monkey yourself..

  10. The NGP and the other obscure party, why have two pictures of the same guys. It was monotonous to say the least. LT I know you are MMD and support it’s current leaders and who eve sides with them, but those two pic’s awe kwena!!The other Pic’s wonderful But Siulapwa and his friend Lifwekelo, are they not the same fellas that were in a wrangle over bribing cases allergation during the Presidential campaigns?

  11. Shame, i miss the days when i used to do JETS, ..Nice Pics but some are so irrelevant ba LT.
    And tell those chaps to come for kissing lessons!

    • Good memory Dr Maureen. Inspite of our desperate situation we stopped eating cassava leaves. Those were tough days. I actually commend these women for their initiative in these hard hit economic times. LT, recognise their potential and direct them to legal business activities.

  12. Good morning,I now understand why Zuma was involved in that sex scandal when women

    are moving half naked like that, he cound’nt just avoid it .

    • I ma Ngoni, i don’t think Zulu’s are our brothers. they are savages and generally very scruffy drunkards. i lived in SA for 3yrs and i know what i am talking about. I don’t know what the world was thinking to give the world cup to SA. it will be an embarrassment to the rest of world. just wait and see!!

  13. 24.He has seen goodlooking women that’s why he cant even embrase her. He just realised that he married her so he’s ashemed, it’s better to choose wisely.

  14. Good to see that the Zambian soldiers are doing their part in Darfur!! I have to say, they look very smart in their outfits. Well done brave ladies and gentlemen, you make us proud!!

  15. Great pictures LT apart from the poor kids anyhow depends on what was your intentions when puting those up. I can say there balanced.

  16. That kiss is okay in private. There is a different way of kissing though, especially in public. The soldiers – drinking in uniforms! I hope they were just doing it for the camera. Either that or they could have gotten permission from their superiors.

  17. Nice photos ba LT….Of all things our soilders go for a beer upon arrival no wonder there are many bars compared to houses in Zambia. Money Banda is just too old for Thandie what a shame honestly why get married to a man old enough to be your father or should I say grand father.

    • The love of money will forever lure the young to the old. Otherwise it is not right to stand naked in front of your ……..

    • The love of money will forever lure the young to the old. Otherwise it is not right to stand naked in front of your ……..let alone to…………

  18. Damn! pic #3 those are nice tits! i can suck them till kingdom cum! since LT has gone erotic , my comment is warranted!

  19. Kuomboka ceremony is coming watch out for our ceremony and going to be there by all means, nice pic’s otherwise

  20. But zooona !whats the difference between being ichintako or fye (naked) at a traditional ceremony and on the streets?it doesnt make sense when in the two cases there are people around.


  22. #99,100,101 Kauke ubulezi ntiti wahesu.Kono babukume ka hande without forgetting basali ba bona ni mabasi abona kamukana

  23. nice pics in job well it possible to post the pics in such a way that we can comment under each pic?????i read the comments and i have to scroll back up to check which1 is # 8 or 15.
    and who is the editor?the eng under these pics leave much to be desired.


  25. Office of the President needs to spend serious cash for 1st lady UPGRADE/ MAKE OVER!!! Hair, wardrode, code of conduct etc??????

  26. Pis #1 These are not ‘illegal’ they are women under tremendous pressure to provide for their families and you demean them as that,what an insult!you owe them an apology,things are tough,they are not like you LT scribes who sit in AC rooms eating and wining with fat necks,while majority of the country(500,000) go to bed on an empty stomach,may-be we should look at alternative sources of news about Zambia,you guys are becoming irrelevant…….

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