Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Fred Mwila Jnr’s Remembrance Set For Next Week (corrected)


The late Fred Mwila Junior’s funeral ceremony has been tentatively set for next weekend.

His father and former Zambia coach Fred Mwila Senior confirmed that a funeral ceremony has been planned for next week in Kitwe.

Fred Mwila Junior died on Monday in Cairo Egypt after complaining of a headache and was put to rest the following day in Egypt.He is survived by a wife and three children him.

The late Mwila Junior had settled in Egypt since Zamalek signed him on in 2001.

Mwila senior said he had requested Faz through Zambia team manager Solly Pandor to retrieve the former Nkana and Zamalek wingers personal belongings in Egypt before a funeral ceremony in his son’s honor could be held for family and friends.

Pandor is currently en route to Egypt with Zambia ahead of Sundays 2010 World/Africa Cup  Group C qualifying match against Egypt.

FAZ Vice President Emmanuel Munaile stated that the death of Mwila Junior was very shocking.

Munaile told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka yesterday, that FAZ expected that one day Mwila Junior would come back and contribute to the development of football in the country.

The FAZ Vice President said the bereaved Striker’s family should turn to God as he is the greatest comforter in this time of grieving.

ZAVOSOFA patron Peter Makembo said the death of Mwila was a very big blow to the soccer fraternity in the country.

Pastor Makembo said the late player greatly contributed to the development of soccer in Zambia.

He said Mwila was loved by many fans because of the way he played football adding that he was a good player.

The ZAVOSOFA patron added that Mwila was the only player of his caliber adding that many fans would miss him.


  1. So Fred Mwila Jnr was Egyptian ? That is why he was buried in that Country the day after his birth. May his soul rest in peace.

    I am just thinking to myself. If he was egyptian then what is FAZ going to do about retrieving his personal belongings from Egypt? Does this send a signal to dual citizenship ?

    • Mr Jam@co,

      Not only did he assume Egyptian citizenship, he must have also converted to the Muslim faith, reason why he was buried the next day. I am getting my citizenship here next year, but i would prefer to be buried in Zambia. MHSRIP.

    • It is just wise to bury you where you belong…don’t you think it would be confusing.during resurrection .Mwemwine wafwile somewhere only to find you self in over clouded Chingwere.

      You have seen how orderly grave yards are in these places.however, dying in some of these countries can be scary too. when they decide to burn you body to asses. If you resurrect by any chance ebalia bakalekununka ichushi.

      Ine nga nafwa niku chingwele twalibelela ichikwela.elo ekwaba na ma guyz ayengi.

    • I think it makes sense to bury ,soonest. Death is something we all know is part of our LIVES.I keep on thinking why we say ‘ l lernt the death of so and so with shock-why shock as if we are immortal.Mr Munaile is quote to have lernt the death of Mwila Jr with shock…

      Can some one tell me why we are shocked of death and not birth.I would make sense to say I lernt the birth of bra bra with shock.
      another that bothers me in Untimely death ,which one is timely?
      Just thinking… Rest in peace Fred Jr, we are all mortal beings.

    • If I’m not mistaken, I read a news item sometime back which confirmed that he had converted to Islam. That may explain why he was burried a day after. When he joined Zamalek at his peak, he was given very poor conditions compared to the other players. But, they offered to increase the wages drastically if he converted to Islam, which he did. And I remember very well that before leaving Zambia, he was a very devout chrisatian who togather with others managed to change the red devils tag which Nkana had carried for so long. While I’m not confirming that the story was true, I must take this opportunity to encourage you my bros and sis to always take a stand for the living God, no matter what.

  2. Why did his father allow his son be buried in a foreign land?
    I think something isn’t right here, His father could not even have a last glimpse of his son(body viewing)thats so unzambia….Anyway may his soul rest in peace!

    • maybe it was expensive to bring him back to zambia,and most of these muslim countries dont have the facilitys to keep bodies as they have the system to bury in the afternoon or the next day may his soul rest in peace

    • Now , you guys should not forget that we have a Zambian embassy in Cairo and if there was any reason why his body should have been sent back home, they could have probably handled that since he was there to work (play soccer). I guess that was his ultimate wish .

    • May your soul also rest in peace when your time comes. we will surely brin g your remains to Zambia, I promise you…

    • Something is not right in this article,
      L.T. needs to clarify.
      All L.T. needed to do, was just add one sentence as to why he was buried in Egypt the next day without waiting for his family in Zambia. Speculations always mislead.


    • He was converted to islam just after he signed with zamalek.Infact his name was also changed hew no longer fred Mwila Jr but was given an islamic name.It was part of the contract

  3. At times we fail to appreciate why different individuals make certain decisions, unless we put ourselves in their positions then can we understand . At a time like this, all that can be said is ,rest in peace son of the Zambian soil .You did your on the life stage of existence.

    • M.H.S.R.I.E.P.
      Everyone was born to die. Nothing more or less. And so much for the reasons that we should/must not take life for granted.

  4. RIP Bwana Mwila jnr.
    I still remember your fast and scintillating runs through the Egyptian National team defence.
    Its a pity that after almost a decade of service to Zamalek,Freddies demise is not mentioned on their website at all.
    May the boys honour their colleague by hammering the Pharaohs this weekend!!


    • I agree with you about emotional and cultural aspects but at times I think we oversubsribe to these norms. Reality must guide us because if you look at the traditions you are talking about the realities were different. For example in those daYS people never went as far as Egypt so norms were fashioned around your limits in all endeavours but now i can go to Iceland in my newly found freedoms and die there. My family may not have the means to bring my body back to lusaka so then we should adjust our beliefs

  5. # 3,. Ross my movie brother, Some of these religious faiths are difficult to understand, matter of fact, I thought he was 24 years old when he was signed in 2001, mathematically, 41 does not confirm that. Anyway MHSRIEP..Amen

  6. Infact he was no longer called freddie mwila jr he changed his name to AL shani AL fimo fimo uko,he abandoned anything to do with zambia.Citizenship,name,religion,and married an egyptian he was egyptian and no harm if he is buried the diaspora

  7. Assist me, why does everyone say rest in eternal peace. If you dont tell/say, does that mean the deceased wont rest in eternal. In short what bearing has those words to the dead?

    • FORMER international striker Fred Mwila Junior has died.

      He was 41 years old. His father, Fred Mwila senior, confirmed the death in Lusaka yesterday.

      Mwila said his son died on Monday in Cairo, Egypt, after he complained of a headache.

      Mwila said officials from the Zambian Embassy in Egypt called him yesterday to inform him of his son’s death.
      He said the burial of the former Nkana winger took place yesterday in Egypt.

      A wife and three children survive him.

      Mwila said the family would organise a funeral gathering in Kitwe to accord a chance to the late players’ friends and Nkana supporters to mourn him.

      He said the funeral gathering would be on Saturday.
      Mwila last…

    • Paragraph 3 was enough mudala! But i suppose you dont want people asking more questions, aini? So, kubapela story yonse. Mwansekesha.

    • You bloggers are so funny! you just took time copy and pasted the paragraph,and making sure that they re no further questions…….Any further questions should be directed to LT! I like that, thats gagstar Ba Major!!

  8. My heartfelt condolences to Fred Mwila Snr, Melvin,Wezi, Juliana and Sarah for the untimley death of Ba Mutale. May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

  9. RIP Mwila…………..The father accepted that he be buried in Egypt? The wife n children shud have atleast paid their last respects…Was it expensive?? I can stil wait for my hubbys corpse even after 2mths.Anyway mulale muchibote..

  10. A funeral is a funeral.
    Wherever you are, whatever your affiliations, where you are buried does not matter.
    So many personal choices come into it.

    • Bana Stevens. that is 21st feneral defination.Remember kumushi the body is kept in the house. in LSK it in the mortuary now we have remote and digital tears.

    • Ati bwanji bululu? digital tears?? or is digital keys? sorry, am not putting words into your mouth, I presume.

    • Bululu I agree with you. as long as your family understands this, there is no problem. other people can say what they want to say

  11. The passing of 1Fre Mwila Jnr. iz sad. Once in a while FAZ shud take stock of all players plying their trade outside Zambia. Just to come get newz of someone’s death iz not good enough.

  12. Condolences to the Mwila family. I will seriously miss the later Fred Mwila Jr who had a special way of playing his football games.

  13. imwe guys shom shom died? and am knowing after one year…………………….what a sacrifice and commitment!!
    see u in paradise my friend.

  14. i wish this guy had come back to coach in zambia.we could have known some of the eqptian tactics and thereby destroy the myths sorrounding them…..what aloss.

    i dont know what happened am confused…..this guy was commited to his God…..i heard it from him himself how he sacrificed and how he got arrested at arab air ports because he was carrying a bible….
    lets just be supportive of our own guys…….
    i will miss you my man.

  15. Dears

    Whatever this came very late but i would like to inform all of you that Fred died in Egypt and he was very happy here there is no stories behind his death

    he has lovely girl in egypt called Sandra shes cute AND i am the wife i have no more kids with him thats first

    regarding sending him to Zambia we couldn’t as it was very expensive and the father agreed that he stay in Cairo

    and i asked him to be in Egypt so i can visit him anytime and also his girl can go to him anytime

    maybe he have friends and family in Zambia but they have been with him for long time and i think his girl needs him more

    he loved Zambia and football and he loved me so much

    I Miss Him So much the way he was happy the way he was sad

    i can only say that man made me happy one day…

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