Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Kuomboka Ceremony in Pictures



Vice president George Kunda waves the MMD party symbol at the ZAF plane which President Rupiah Banda used to travel to Mongu
Vice president George Kunda waves the MMD party symbol at the ZAF plane which President Rupiah Banda used to travel to Mongu


President Rupiah Banda emerges from the ZAF plane at Mongu airport
President Rupiah Banda emerges from the ZAF plane at Mongu airport


A foreign cameraman making shots of the Kuomboka traditional ceremony
A foreign cameraman making shots of the Kuomboka traditional ceremony


President Banda greets young Jack Cottan at Mongu airport
President Banda greets young Jack Cottan at Mongu airport


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema arrives for Kuomboka at Limulunga palace in Mongu
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema arrives for Kuomboka at Limulunga palace in Mongu


Chief Mumena arrives for the Kuomboka traditional ceremony at Limulunga palace
Chief Mumena arrives for the Kuomboka traditional ceremony at Limulunga palace


National Milling Corporation managing director Peter Cottan and his son Jack clad in Lozi Siziba traditional dresses
National Milling Corporation managing director Peter Cottan and his son Jack clad in Lozi Siziba traditional dresses


President Rupiah Banda is welcomed at Mongu airport
President Rupiah Banda is welcomed at Mongu airport


President Banda talks to the Lozi King (r)
President Banda talks to the Lozi King (r)


President Banda (in red dress) escorts the King to board the Nalikwanda
President Banda (in red dress) escorts the King to board the Nalikwanda


Part of the crowd eagerly waiting for the Lozi King to arrive at Limulunga palace
Part of the crowd eagerly waiting for the Lozi King to arrive at Limulunga palace


Some Mongu resident waiting for Kuomboka proceedings to start
Some Mongu resident waiting for Kuomboka proceedings to start


National Milling corporation managing director Peter Cottan talks to Hakainde Hichilema, the opposition UPND leader
National Milling corporation managing director Peter Cottan talks to Hakainde Hichilema, the opposition UPND leader


The Nalikwanda being paddled to the Limulunga harbour
The Nalikwanda being paddled to the Limulunga harbour


The royal boat called Nalikwanda is about to dock at Limulunga harbour
The royal boat called Nalikwanda is about to dock at Limulunga harbour


The Lozi King emerges from the Nalikwanda
The Lozi King emerges from the Nalikwanda


President Banda and his children Duniya (c) and Temwani (l) during Kuomboka at Limulunga palace
President Banda and his children Duniya (c) and Temwani (l) during Kuomboka at Limulunga palace


Looking so far away as far as she could see... First Lady Thandiwe Banda following proceedings under dark glass
Looking so far away as far as she could see... First Lady Thandiwe Banda following proceedings under dark glass


First Lady Thandiwe Banda and her son Temwani
First Lady Thandiwe Banda and her son Temwani


South African High Commissioner to Zambia Moses Chikane following proceedings
South African High Commissioner to Zambia Moses Chikane following proceedings


Revellers waiting for the Kuomboka
Revellers waiting for the Kuomboka


President Banda leans forward to get a question from a reporter
President Banda leans forward to get a question from a reporter


  1. #1 Boring and petty really, put your picture up and lets see what you look like and what you would look like at 72 or how your father looks like.

    Otherwise great pictures Thanks LT. I feel emotionally attached to the rich Zambia culture. Next time am in Zed I will take my family to this master piece of a great show our great country has to offer

  2. By the way if you have noticed lately I changed my name from Bootlicker to Bootlocker because we are oversubscribed and we are not accepting bootlickers anymore till the change of guard in 2011. So I have locked the letter box that was accepting application and thrown the keys till 2011.

  3. I see HH is already campaigning for 2011 in pic 5 and 13. Bring it on MULUMBWANA. We are ready in MMD

  4. Honestly George Kunda and HH dont you have any sense of decency. The Kuomboka ceremony is not a campaign arena. Waving party symbols and wearing attire inscribed with political campaign messages is the most childish thing to do when Lozi’s and other Zambians just want to have a light and joyful moment.

  5. Was RB the only entertainment at the Kuomboka?Coz only his pics and family are there,LT see why i say u r MMD?LT,Times of Zambia and Daily Mail no. So Peter Cottan is a married man or Jack Cottan is the young brother

  6. #16 so ba Cottan is one of them tht spends nites nama Zim women? I totally disagreed when a colleague told me balapita sana pa mugodi wakwa Esther Phiri

  7. Miss daisy, atishani mwana! ala kwaliba nemitwe shiwamina fish umuchila!!! Are you the one mukakope ako??? awe waliwama!

  8. Baby C, am good good. yes .thats me mwana..natotela !…Awe sure..she digs her fishtale..atleast the face didnt look like mad powder

  9. At one point I thought those kids with RB were his great grandchildren :-w

    Anyway, not very impressive photos but thanks.

  10. great photos,Litunga looks like a real king.Temwani is handsome while the mother is over serious.where was sata,he abashed again,Hmmmm?LT thanks for the good pictures,next time when am sweet home will definitely attend this colourful ceremony,thumbs up bo nyambes.

  11. Ba first Lady ku kanwa kwati bafuma mukufyompa sucker sweet!!
    I’m yet to see this girl smile.
    Alifulwa umu girls, bad. But then you can still understand, EDITED

  12. Bakachepa pa blog,munaziba bwanji ati ba cottan bama nyaulanyaula?nishi naimwe muma chayako kankani kakaena.,hahahhhhaha!

  13. Mmm LT nishani ukulachita edit ama posts yandi lol
    Anyway, on a serious note, someone should really train our first lady on the need to to smile in public at least once every hour if its too painfull to keep a constant smile. Look at how Ba Vera performed despite her limited education. And i am made to believe Thandi is a teacher which means she has some education of some sort and should easily understant that shes now a public figure, she likes it or not and a smile would o a long way!

  14. imwe 1st njipusheko. uyu e Cotton wa mbokoshi, nefyamandamanda twale umfwa akale????
    Ala twale mutina dadi uyu ngewo

  15. Kawalala! the first lady puts on a serious face so that she can atleast look abit older…you know what i mean….

  16. Baby C, maybe someone should then give her a mask that looks a bit like her hubby so she can look seriously older lol

  17. LT, please delete the comments on number 1. Thank you very much in advance as we deter people from insulting our President RB Banda.

    Otherwise, the pictures are nice. Impressive to see the woud-be incoming President of Zambia president Hakainde Hichilema.

    By the way, did the PF leader Undereducate MC Sata attend the Kuomboka Ceremony or you, LT, decided not to publish his pictures for some reason?

  18. Nice pictures LT. The ceremony appears colourful.

    Pic # 5 – Chi HH – why campaigning ?

    Pic # 7 – Chi Cottan – Nice turn out!

    LT – Pic #17 to read: President Banda and his grandchildren.

    Pic # 18 – First lady, atleast, appears gorgeous!

    Pic # 21 though shown as #12 by LT – why are those pipo being referred to as revellers (were they drinking alcohol and making noise?)

    Pic #22 – I am “mauless”!

  19. Lt, the caption on pic 18 cant you just say, Thandi wearing sunglasses rather than ‘under dark glass’? Whats ‘Dark Glass’ anyway? lol

  20. yes bo HH good for being with us in times of hardships and ceremonies…may God be with you and make you win 2011 elections very well.As bulozi we with you mwanaluna.Alusebezeleni hamoho.

  21. Very nice pictures. Thanks LT for letting us have a glimpse of the wonderful ceremony.
    Greetings lovely Zambian people, I can spot some new faces too.

  22. Nine Chale hahaha, il pick you up from the airport…. But yes thats me! How you….There is no money for ZNBC wokers but u supported the govt ati eposhili ishaba zimbabwe!

  23. Thandi’s outfit looks great , if only she would smile a bit her mouth is permanently upside down .Thank you LT for this wonderful work that you doing of informing us of the happens back home .

  24. Miss Daisy nawishiba ifwe uluse too much…I feel gfor the Zim peeps.
    Anyway you’re a blessed with beauty and that’s the truth, not a compliment. I’m out for some lunch, I’ll join you later….

  25. First lady she is so plain. She looks like she so much on her mind every time. Does she smile if I may ask?

  26. Zambia sweet mother Zambia
    how beautifull you are
    rich in culture you remind us of the ond new en the future Zambia
    Zambia sweet mother Zambia
    I love en miss you

  27. What can you say the president is an investor from Zimbabwe. So he just want to take his profit out of the country like every investor.

  28. Though pictures are good, they do not really capture the spirit of the Kuomboka and therefore have failed to tell the story. There is too much focus on RB and men, the women are somehow invisible!

  29. HH is a political leader and that’s what the country knows him as. Mr Mbulawa, there is no problem with him expressing his party signs. Yes it was a traditional ceremony but that’s his representation wherever he goes around the country. I think it was a beautiful outfit and he represented himself well as UPND leader attending the Kuomboka.

  30. Maestro (overestimate) # 43, you complain about # 1 making disparaging remarks about your president, then in the same breath you call Sata undereducate, what does your bible say about hypocrites? (short answer please, and no need to copy and paste what I have written as I am allready aware )

  31. Long live the Litunga and the peaceful lozi people ,what a blessing that the face of king snake was conspicuously missing else havoc could have reign

  32. 62 Makali 1greetings. On your “Maestro (overestimate) # 43, you complain about # 1 making disparaging remarks about your president, then in the same breath you call Sata undereducate,…” the word BASTARD is an insult while Undereducate is not an insult, but truth ABOUT Mr Sata’s academic level of formal education.

    On “what does your bible say about hypocrites? (short answer please, and no need to copy and paste what I have written as I am allready aware )”, I advise you to read the Holy Scriptures very well or ask some one who understands the Bible properly for currently your insights about the issue of HYPOCRITES seems to be very inadequate.

    Have a nice day and please, get a dictionary and find out what the words “BASTARD” and “UNDER-EDUCATE” mean!

  33. Flora you represent the same backward political culture as all the backward politicians in Zambia. Not every gathering or venue is a poltical arena. Americans or Australians would go wild if the official residence of the president or governor general or prime minister were turned into venues for political party activity. This is normal behaviour to you Flora and the present and past Presidents and their followers. You have never respected state house. A state president should never address his cadres in the grounds of state house. And it is equally disgusting for any politician to turn the Kuomboka into a political venue. It stinks to high heavens. For centuries the Kuomboka has been what it is…a traditional ceremony. I as a Lozi wouldnt want it to be turned into a political arena.

  34. Maestro # 64 I looked up the word you mentioned ( I will not write it as I will not lower myself to your standards, besides, I thought LT did not condone that sort of language) on your advice and guess what? it had a photo of you next to it!, I allways wondered what you looked like thanks for clarifying !

  35. that plane land that belongs to ZAF does not be long to MMD.A pity that a learned man the VP would signal such a symbol to………..who was it???

  36. So ngamulefwaya aka mwana akasuma you know what to do….But dont ‘quote’ me nga…pantu ine kukana namyanga napanshi

  37. Miss Daisy do not mislead people. That only would happen if there is a repressed beauty gene lol. I have seen one two many children represent their parents. If the child a good looking and daddy is not; questions should thrown towards the mother. AKA DNA testing. I love my Losi cousins and family, but why does the Litunga wear an eighteenth century Royal navy outfit? Anyway may God bless you all. Miss daisy I love the humour.

  38. Dear Wanzelu ,your observetion is very true .The Kaongolo Kanyambe and pramount chief of the malozi and Litunga of Barotseland doesn’t physically attend other people’s ceremony but he sends representative.

  39. eeish, the first lady needs my advise – which is – go Vera Chiluba/ exaggerated if you can’t make the exclamation simply!!!

  40. the first lady is a dis,she should consult fashion stylists ,ba RB is a rich guy,she should dress to the occasion,get ba Vera Chiluba’s advice.

  41. Kuomboka Ceremony is very boring,coz there is no participation of the general audience.Imagine spending a fortune of money to go & watch someone being paddled!,its a waste of money & resources

  42. Shangwe bo amuna onzuna, plz atleast dont insult our respected and famours ceremony. It is not watching somebody being puddled but this is part of our culture. Maybe you have a problem with the lozis man. everything is symbolic munamuhulu. Plz market the ceremony wherever you are. You are part and parcel of the ceremony. You are welcome next year for the same vibrant ceremony.


  44. Lusaka times!your pictures are very impressive,but please we want more of the event not the President!why are you also trying ti kiss ass?please be clear on one thing we are not interested in RB orHH we are Zambians and we want our country to show cased!

  45. Lozis, you are great people! I like your ceremony. I am always appalled by some of the other so called ceremonies especially where they drink animal blood and sacrifice to idols. Such are an abomination indeed!! However, Kuomboka is different. Long live Kuomboka ceremony!

  46. I was at this 2010 Kuomboka ceremony and Rubiah`s dressing wasnt red, especially his hat. it was white and his dress was white/bluesh grey:-

  47. I was at this 2010 Kuomboka ceremony and Rubiah`s dressing wasnt red, especially his hat. it was white and his dress was white/bluesh grey:- wrong pictures!!!!

  48. Wow Zambia ” Natabela ha ni bona ze kaufela” Please someone tell me the approximate time when Kuomboka takes place. I am a Namibian born and raised in Caprivi but Kuomboka is a must see for me as my ancesters are from Zambia (Barotseland to be specific). I want to go see my king ha omboka………..

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