Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Prof. Yamba appointed Zambia Open University Chancellor


The Board of Directors of the Zambia Open University has appointed Professor Francis Yamba, a prominent Engineer and senior scholar, as the university’s chancellor.

Zambia Open University (ZOU) Board Chairperson, Dennis Wanchinga said Prof Yamba becomes the first Chancellor of the University and would soon be installed at ZOU’s first graduation ceremony.

In a press release made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Dr Wanchinga said Prof Yamba’s vast academic qualifications and massive work experience will add value to his work at the University.

“The Board of Directors at its 22nd meeting held on 3rd July, 2009, appointed Professor Francis Yamba, a prominent Engineer and senior scholar as Chancellor,” he said.

Prof Yamba holds a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Moscow Auto Mobile and Road Construction Institute and a PhD in Combustion in Gas Turbine Engines from Leeds University of the United Kingdom.

He has worked for the University of Zambia as a lecturer, is former Indeco Technical Executive Director and also worked as Managing Director for Engineering Services Corporation, among many other work experiences.

Dr Wanchinga also disclosed that the Board of Directors also appointed Dr Henry Kaluba as the new Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University.

Dr Kaluba was until his appointment the Acting Director in the Social Transformation Programme Division, a department that deals with Education, Gender and Health Departments at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London.

Dr Kaluba holds a Masters and a PhD from the University of London, a B.A with Education from the University of Zambia and a diploma from Nkrumah Teachers’ College.

He taught at UNZA in the School of Education and has published widely in the field of Education.


  1. So?………………………………………………………………………………..

  2. Great stuff and show us your potential now by building your own premises to accomodate students and have consistent lectures instead of that correspondence stuff where people come into normal contact with lecturers for only two week or so

    It is really nice to read that all of the appointed chancellors were educated in the UK at PhD level and have vast proffessional experience even after moving from country to country.

    I hope those that find pleasure in trying to intimidate others with Professor titles in the polical arena will come down to Earth when they read this data.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Psalm 16 + KJV Bible:
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  3. How does this Open University work. I know there’s something like that here in the UK. Are they linked?

    How do their degrees compare with those from campus universities. It wouldnt be good to cheapen university degrees, for the sake of money for instance. These things go with brain power, above all else.

  4. “Dr Wanchinga said Prof Yamba’s vast academic qualifications and massive work experience will add value to his work at the University. ..Prof Yamba holds a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Moscow Auto Mobile and Road Construction Institute and a PhD in Combustion in Gas Turbine Engines from Leeds University of the United Kingdom.” But what has the man done for Zambia? What experience are we being told of this man? The man studied gas turbines yet we still have power problems. Typical Zambian academia, just papers and no product. Sad indeed.

  5. Dongo Na Sundu I agree. Vast experience … INDECO, ESCO… Are these very successful institutions? Typical in Zambia! Musical chairs and all change again! Recycling is the order of the day. All appointees in Zambia have nothing to show for their so called experience. Everyone of these academics is a failure. All they have managed to do is to oversee the running down of the institutions they run. Sorry guys but we wish you well.

  6. Congratulations to Prof. Yamba.I can assure ZOU that they have acquired a great asset.For people who don’t who he is,Prof.Yamba is one of the leading African experts on Renewable Energy since the 80’s.His contributions have been published in many scientific journals.”Renewable Energy” is something Obama has been pounding on from the time started his presidential campaign up to today.It’s widely acknowledged that the future energy needs for America and the rest of the world will be in Renewable Energy.
    Prof. Yamba is very patriotic to the country and he strongly believes in developing local talent.Otherwise he would have been with most of us in the diaspora.I’m one of his former students and I know the man will deliver the goods at ZOU.

  7. The reason why Prof.Yamba contributions may go unnoticed is that he has no time for bootlicking to win favours or funding.The has got no time for local Politics and everything that goes with it.In fact with the emphasis that is being placed on energy development in the developed countries Prof. Yamba can get a top job and abandon the Zambian trash.At times patriotism does not pay.

  8. Why don’t appointing authorities in Zambia appoint people who have track records of success? There are so many Zambians who are unsung heroes who have scored success after success in their areas of endeavor. There are teachers in primary schools changing children’s lives. There are business women and men who started small but have now grown their businesses. There are politicians who have grown the memberships of their parties at grassroot level. There are university and college lecturers who are role models for their students and inspiring them to achieve greater things. Why aren’t such people ever appointed?

  9. I apologise if I have spoken out of turn concerning Prof Yamba. I wish him every success and I hope he will bring his success to the institution. He has his work cut out. Theory and practice, may they walk hand in hand and kiss each other.

  10. Why can’t be a Minister? There many educated and experienced scholars who can lead Zambia better than Shikapwasha, Ci Dora, Ka Mulongoti including their headman RB.

  11. once again its about the status quo,,,i for one will only take these folks seriuosly once they show what they can do in practice,,,,,,,so that its full circle once again”…..we have so many phd’s in engineering around but little or nothing to show for the time spent,,,alas…!!!…..would appreaciate a time served individual with a certificate to lead the institution…………….anyway i am comming soon and show how zambia can be zambia and move away from this enphasise on accademic other than know how apparaisal…..zambia is crying out for innovation to create jobs!!!!!! and not big for nothing appointments…..”i rest my case….”

  12. Brothers ans sister, I seem to have read so much misguided frustrations of words that ned not be written in this thread.
    Following “The Board of Directors of the Zambia Open University has appointed Professor Francis Yamba, a prominent Engineer and senior scholar, as the university’s chancellor“, do you what Zambia Open University is? For those who do not know, it is a private university not owned by GRZ. It works on a principle of shares I believe which you can buy to own it to. The university is not competitive to UNZA, CBU and/or Mulungushi university but complements UNZA. I hope you appreciate the efforts now.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Psalm 16 + KJV Bible:
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  13. When a genius like prof clive chirwa enters politics,it is a great coup for zambia.because if this great son of the soil ascends to the topmost throne in our land politics will be redefined.mediocre leadeship will disappear and the vision of our motherland will be clearly spelt.

  14. 15 Maestro, You could be right. But I am surprised with #8 Independent that he can say that the man will deliver. What will he deliver? A string of papers in peer-reviewed journals? I beg to differ. If you look at the man’s age, he is in his evenings, so when will he deliver if he has not done so in those organisations he served? We want products not theories.

  15. Most of you are just good and quick at criticising but would dismally fail if put in those same positions. Having lived in both zed and the west i know that the systems in the allow will give you room to work as long as you are good at what you do whereas in Zambia wako ni wako. Stop criticising people you dont know.. maybe go back to zambia and see what difference you can make. Anyway congrats to Prof Yamba he is hardworking and intelligent and I believe he will do well for ZOU

  16. 17 Dongo Na Sundu greetings. On your “15 Maestro, You could be right“, I am actually right. Perhaps, people must first find out what the job of a university Chancellor and/or Vice Chancellor is before making utterances that are apaliing on here. To clear this, a Chancellor in this case is simply a head of a university called Rector or President sometimes and may PATRON would fit in well too while a Vice Chancellor is a chief executive who actually runs a university.
    In the past former President KK used to be the Chancelloer of UNZA — just a figure head only. Mr Chiluba was reluctant, UNZA has mere snr citizens now.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Psalm 16 + KJV Bible:
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  17. #13. What can you do if your own country can’t recognise your education? You go abroad where your qualification is more valuable. In Zambia they recognise praise singers like sikapwasha, mulongoti or tetamashimba who have no credible qualification to lead Zambia.

  18. It appears Zambia Open University is now attracting quality personnel. I have many students who fail to make to Unza enrolling there. This is a good development. Keep it up.

  19. No 5, i dont know about the quality of the ZOU but until about 3 wks ago or so those who graduated in law at ZOU were not allowed to go to zambia institute of advanced legal education bcoz ZIALE contended that you have to come from UNZA for you to go there but the case taken to court which has since ruled that those degrees be recognised as being equal to UNZA degrees

  20. Congratuations!
    He is the right man for the job. I believe he can deriver to the university just like he did to other institutions thereby raising the standards of ZOU….
    Future student

  21. Bravo zaou!!

    some of us are very serious,we nid universities like zaou to do our programmes in a specified period of time rather than being in a university for years.People recruit on merit not on paper basis,somebody can be from unza but if cannot articulate issues then alya ilyauma nepepa lyakwa.Thank u cabinet office for recognising open unversity degrees.The world is dynamic everything is changing including education, dont be rigid to change walashala weka!!!

    give Zaou 2 to 3 years if they will be compareble with stagnant unza,Zaou is robust.go zaou go

  22. There is nothing different about the ZAOU degree and the UNZA and CBU degree. Just now there are ZAOU law students studying at ZIALE for the Legal Practitioners Certificates. Who said they are low-level degrees? This is the reason most Zambians do not advance because of baseless debates of no substance without facts at all.

  23. For Prof. Yamba. I want to trace your sister Rabecca Yamba she is my long term friend but lost contact. Please forward my email to her. I real need to get in touch with her


  24. Kindly forward my email to Beckie Yamba she is my long time friend but I lost contact


  25. Congratulations Zambian Open University (ZAOU).

    You are a great University – ZAOU. Infact your modules are now being used widely by UNZA, MU and CBU students as the best alternative to unclear lectures they are sometimes subjected to in some lecture theatres. I am one of the University graduads who have greatly benefited from your “extreme self discipline” demanding teaching methodology – distance education. Keep it up.

    If you like bottle feeding you can not make it at ZAOU. ZAOU requires self disciplined, hardworking, organised and intelligent students. Viva ZAOU, Viva! Viva Prof. Yamba, Viva! Viva Prof. Mwansa, Viva!

  26. Congratulations to Prof. Yamba. Sad to observe that there are some people are castigating the appointment, yet they have little or no idea about who this highly respectable person is. I have been a student under Prof. and also worked with him. He was the first FULL Zambia professor in an engineering field – an honour conferred through international bodies. His contributions have not only been local (Zambia), but also international. Google his name and see what comes up. Then google your name and compare what comes up. :-)

  27. have been with zaou for four years now and have highly appreciate the way materials are organized in the modules.Hope to complete this December

  28. I do trust all the ideas you’ve presented to your post. They are very convincing and will definitely work. Nonetheless, the posts are very short for newbies. Could you please extend them a little from next time? Thanks for the post.

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