Sunday, March 9, 2025

Chiluba warns foul-mouthed young politicians


Former President FTJ Chiluba
Former President FTJ Chiluba
FORMER president, Frederick Chiluba has warned young politicians who are insulting President Rupiah Banda that they are cursing themselves and risk ruining their political careers.

Dr Chiluba said in Kitwe that young people who were insulting President Banda were going against the teachings of the Bible on respecting old people and would reap what they were sowing.

Speaking on Sunday at Living Water Global Ministries Church in Kitwe, Dr Chiluba said those who were insulting people who were old enough to be their parents should not blame anybody for the bad luck that they could encounter in their lives.

He said the country would only receive God’s blessings if the people embraced dialogue and followed the teachings of God.

He said it was imperative that Zambians should embark on reconciliation for the country to continue receiving blessings from God.

“In the Bible, we are told to respect our parents. When we are told to respect our parents, it does not mean that only our biological fathers and mothers alone but all those who are old enough to be our father or mother.

“Those who are insulting President Banda are just cursing themselves because they are going against the teachings of the Bible, which talks about respecting our parents,” he said.

Dr Chiluba urged the Government to strengthen its relationship with Israel because it was a blessed country and Zambia stood to benefit a lot from the good relationship of the two countries.

He said when he became Republican president, he restored the relationship between Zambia and Israel because the Middle East country was a blessed state.[quote]

He said God had used him to restore Zambia’s relationship with Israel and it was imperative that the present Government strengthened the existing ties.

“I restored the relationship with Israel because I knew that Israel was a blessed nation. Just after restoring the relationship with Israel, the shortages of essential commodities like sugar, mealie meal and others came to an end,” he said.

Dr Chiluba said he was happy that people had appreciated his decision to sell houses to sitting tenants and that he did not regret having made such a decision.

He said he could not imagine what life would have been for retirees and retrenchees if he had listened to those who were against selling houses to sitting tenants.

“The mines were in Zambia and the people who were working in the mines that had produced the money to build the houses were Zambians and so, it was just fair that I sold them houses so that they could benefit,” he said.

Steven Mwakibinga said the sale of houses to sitting tenants and the coming up of many churches were some of the good things that Dr Chiluba did for the country.

Pastor Mwakibinga said it was good that following Dr Chiluba’s declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, a lot of churches came up.

He said it was good that President Banda also wanted Zambia to remain as a Christian nation, and urged other Zambians to support the declaration of Zambia a Christian nation.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Mr Chiluba what about the saying ” Amano yafuma mwifwesa yaya muchulu” Wisdom begins from an anthill into a mountain” The youth have a role to play in zambias good governance. You can NOT scare US with cursing. SORRY IT WILL NOT WORK.

  2. Shut up!!! you little crook. You should be the last person to preach about respecting elders. You kafupi, you call our first president a mad man and people dont easily forget. By the way who is even giving you the platform to utter all the nonsense? **** you!!!

  3. Shut up!!! you little crook. You should be the last person to preach about respecting elders. You kafupi, you call our first president a mad man and people dont easily forget. By the way who is even giving you the platform to utter all the nonsense? **** you!!!

  4. What about you FTJ, you grabbed somones wife, you st ole public money bying hundreds of size 3 shoes and small suits. You are also cursed for the meess you have put may zambians today. look at how miserable yo pals are today those not in govt and you looted with.

  5. Bwana Chiluba, you the old pipo have not inspired us at all. how do you expect us to listen and not critisise you? mubepelefye boss

  6. Well, the word of God is not for holy people. But I dont think Chiluba qualifies to speak of respect, morarity and christianity after all the evil, criminality and and anguish he has caused the country. Chiluba arrested KK on Xmass. He opposed every good thing KK did in the interest of his personal agenda. He sold the country for his own good. Chiluba must shut up. I hope the court case too finds him. But singing praises about RB means that man is seeking sympath from RB to buy a favor. Shame.

  7. Who is giving this man time to talk in church? Let him first reconcile with the Zambians b4 he’s allowed to talk on the pulpit, its not rite to the christian community. Who told him that by advising RB its insulting. He shud be the most cursed person in the world for insulting KK.

  8. Leave chiluba alone, he did his part and stole his share after all we a all sinners, if u not a sinner cast the first stone! He can say what he wants anywhere.. he is a Zambian and he is as free as anyother zambian, Lets Go Yo Bally One!

  9. Ba Chiluba ba mudala, u still have a mouth to open after all the atrocities you made us go through. Dont tell me mwabwela pa scene jsut because the movie director (rupiah) is as porous as a handkerchief.

  10. Yeah Kafupi you are right, the way you have ruined your career (if you had any!!!!) by calling KK a mad man. What a bootlicker we have for a former president, he will do anything for RB to be forgiven for all the crimes he has committed.

  11. this kafupi guy is a crook..its nowander his given platform in these crooked church’s where he donated public funds in name of slash funds…you can never find UCZ,SDA or Catholic giving that crookk a puilpit to preach.he knows where his fellow crooks in name of pastors are found.too bad RB has fallen for chiluba’s trap……CHILUBA should burn n hell

  12. Probably this man is repentant now. Maybe he took the time to reflect and confess his sins against Zambia, friends and other people. Surely, what he is saying is from experience. He knows that it does not pay to seek political achievement by insulting. Ubuntu (you are a human being because you regarded others as human beings) must be the rule of the game. Well, maybe he wants to gainsay RB and pervert the course of justice.


  14. BA CHILUBA, seems like you have found a friend in the President,keep singing the praises to the almighty President he might just have amemory lapse. funny you have stooped getting sick these days. must be the lunching with President.

  15. Chiluba is just advising you people that dont make the same mistake he made of insulting KK.he is paying dearly ,and he wouldnt like any one to go through the same,so please take his advise,remember who feels it knows it.umuchele ukufina baumfwa ku basendele.

  16. Morning fellow bloggers.

    Chiluba is still the same unrepentant conman he was 15 years ago. His sweet talk can easily mislead the uninformed.

  17. LT this, is not worth news please, this man should understant by know that his time to address, warn and make press conferences is long gone and I don’t know why the press give this i.d.i.o.t a chance to comment on anything!!

  18. With all the as$ kissing going around for Rooftop Barman, I won’t be surprised if the courts fail to convict him come August 14.

  19. Some Bloggers can be silly at times. Instead of addressingm Mr. Chiluba’s message, they start insulting the man. What Mr. Chiluba is saying is very true. Young ones must not insult the old. This is disrespect. The only problem is the people from the PF camp have got no morals nor respect. I would call them Kaponya’s but even Kaponya’s have got better respect for the senior citizens than these PF thungs. Thug would be the correct term to use for these cadres in the PF. These PF thugs resort to insulting the person instead of addressing the message. A dull tactic in my opinion.

    LUSAKA TIMES. May you kindly please act quickly on #27. Such language should be left in the PF thug gutter where it belongs.

  20. Am a PF supporter but I have forgiven chiluba. Not all that he did was bad, right now a lot of zambian are landlords they have acquired big masions because of the home ownership which FTJ inroduced. At least when one retires you dont have to be forced to go to the villiage. Yes he messed up but thare were a few polices which were ok. I was there in the Times of KK and I know what I’m talking about.

  21. There is something brewing, Chiluba talks so confidently and even sounds presidential on foreign policy ( Israel ). Forget about his court judgment this month. He is likely to be imposed on the Zambian people as vice president just like Rupiah was imposed on us. Don’t forget the statement by Rupiah on Chiluba, ‘he was a damn good president’.

  22. Watch this space. You’ll find FTJ is sent as ambassador and all his cases will be quashed. Get these bafoons out of govt and please, please, please mwe bantu mwe vote wisely. Monkeys and baboons are running the country, please, please, please vote for the right party, whatever that will be. Katele is running the Muppet Show and yet he has court cases. FTJ is singing RB’s praises, what next, Xavier Chungu campaigning for RB! It’s disgusting.

  23. The Word of God and God himself are to be feared. It doesnt matter who is reading it out to us, whether it is a mad man, a pastor or someone who is just as sinful as we are. It is not their word, but the Word of God. Even the Lord said of the Pharisees, do what they tell you but not what they do.

    So we receive the word to honour our fathers. Thank you for the reminder FTJ.

  24. mr. capitalist, i dont think that just coz sumone’s old they automatically have to be respected, more so in our sick society were grandfathers are molesting 2 year olds. respect, no matter how old u are, shud be earned and i dont see RB doing that. remember how the late used to be called cabbage? all that died down when he ‘earned’ respect. i am in zambia rite now and i can tell u that RB is the most dis-repscted president we have ever had. u have to admit that a whole country not liking RB is not coincidence. it is becoz of his actions/inactions and of course its an open secret that the pipo actually runnin this country are Teta and crew. in my opinion he is just a figurehead and figureheads are not respected much. think about it.

  25. #30 Mr Capitalist. Are you forgeting that RB is always insulting opposition leaders regardless of the sort of function he is officiating? Have you forgoten the amount of abuse Chiluba put KK through. All Chiluba is doing is indirectly appealing to RB for him to see that the judgement is made in favour of Chiluba. Please open your eyes.

  26. shimucita panono ala naine kale naumfwilepo aka ntondi. Naibukisha naku bwaice. But ka Kafupi I hope he has repented from his misdeeds, i.e. divorcing his first wife at the expense of his maid Verah Tembo and grabbing Regina from her lawful husband, insulting ba zebige ba KK.

  27. Tell me who has stolen more, Chilubu or the new deal administration. Those billions of kwacha stolen from MoH. and the PS who is the controling officer is untouchable and is free coz the powers that be have said he sholdn’ be arrest. Probably by now he has transfered the money out of the Country who knows

  28. Chiluba.
    Shut your God given mouth.

    All the words from you are lies and malicious.
    There is no GOD otherwise he would of put you in the grave by now.

  29. Dudelove you are right, very right indeed. And this Mr Capitalist seems to be an MMD thug or old UNIPIST like his RB. We shall only give respect where it is due, it has to be earned, like in the case of KK.

  30. Kafupi reminds me of this verse. Matthew 7:15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. This short man is a wolf! Why do people even bother giving him a stage?

  31. #41 yes, let us be aware of false prophets who can perform miracles when in actual fact they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Kafupi might say true things like reconciliation etc, but his deeds, awe!!!!!!!!!!!1

  32. The heart has healed at LPM’s death. During his reign, you never rested Chilu. Each time you opened your mouth, Levy’s men sent good tidings to your doorstep making you trip to some Hospital in SA. Finally u’ve found your tongue. I think No. 11 deja vu is 150% right. Congrats! and God bless U if your claims in His Name are real.

  33. #30 Amusing as we have come to know him now. Mr Capitalist with his usual tripe. What is there to address from Kafupi`s message?

  34. Ba Capitalist – how does it feel being alone on the other side of the sinking boat. I think u r not different from village voters who know where to put the thumb two years before the elections but loose it when they see a bag of mealie meal.
    Muleipaisha zambia imwe – u know the truth but cant stand for it. atase

  35. You can tell trhe main remain reason why FTJ declared Zed at one point to be christian nation. Me wonder which God he serves that would love to see his own imgage to suffer like what he started and still supports now that he is n´t even holding power.Don´t mix church and poltics cos it will be Politricks at the end of the day.
    To FJT:……no Man nor woman in thier right mind ever wanna even hear what you say……you trully a clone that is complete.
    RB………….hOope you don´t very soon start comparing dicks with Sata over there as this drama continues.

  36. #43 Maikalange. I always say you can not be a believer and be in politics in Zambia. Something has to give. Nevers Mumba, Shikamona, Pule, Mrs Nyirongo the list goes on and on. But judge not! Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. God I am doing a Hakuchitashani lelo.

  37. Man Kafupi thinks he has done zambians good. There were better options you and your men could have followed to save and serve Zambians.
    I see contentment in your voice and looks like we ‘re free economically each time you open your mouth these days, u think perhaps we’ re better that Namibia, Mozambique and Angola, former war raveged countries. Zambia is worse and seem only suspended to a string which will break any minute. Chiluba you brought misery to the zambian people. TODAY WILL YOU BE THE FIRST TO guide young spoiled politicians like young Siulapwa you helped bring about. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR THE YOUTHS IN THE COUNTRY during you reign ex- president?

  38. Stop insulting Mr Chiluba, he did a lot for this Country. He managed to get rid of smugling ( which KK failed)and ended the shortages of essential commodities such as mealie meal, saladi, sugar, soap the list is endless. Babies used to die on the quese for these items, some women lost marriages coz they made friends with ZCBC or NIEC mangers for essential commodities. He also worked on most major roads and high ways which were impassable, he also brought in transport which was a nightmare when you are travelling, even schools and hospitals had become diplorable. But you people forget so easily or is it that you were not born, or is it ukwalola umwela naiwe oko waya like the Post etc

  39. Let me remind Chiluba to keep quiet because Zambians have not forgotten his evil deeds. He must be the last person to comment on privatisation issues because he still needs to tell us how our money from the privatisation exercise was actually used during his regime.

    His name is still in the mud following criminal case levelled against him. Mr short clear your name FIRST

  40. #51 Malinga, we are not disputing what Chiluba brought. The matter at hand is RESPECT. When he was in power, Chiluba never respected pipo like KK, he used to refer to him as a mad man. He divorced bana Tito (first wife) and married his maid (Vera Tembo Chiluba), he wrongly grabbed and married another man’s wife (Regina). So where is the respect here? Plz answer me Malinga. Yes Chiluba brought a lot change to this country in many ways and that we appreciate. But then he power got to his head and forgot about the electorate and started distributing the country’s wealth to his children. I end his for now bcoz there are a lot of misdeeds about this Kafupi.

  41. Bringing Soap and Sugar from outside Zambia is not a score for Chiluba,the fact is that,this Man is Evil,a total criminal he should not be caged in prison.He is using God’s name in vain.And you number 53,stop your blind support to Thieves.

  42. Hello Bloggers
    A good politician can sell ice to the Eskimos, he will tell lies with a straight face. But ye shall know them by their fruits…

  43. NIne Chale shani man? I was expecting imiponto nalelo kuli batata bakafupi Awe yabomba we! lol! Ndifye man ine. Shani bamayo ba blonde kung`anda? The last person I would ever want to listen to Is Chiluba. Unless one is not Zambian. But then again Matthew 7:1!

  44. Iwe ka Chiluba iwe, ulishilu sana. Go and teach your children who are a big let down to Zambia. i.d.i.o.t. do you think visiting Israel while cheating on your wife ended the shortages in Zambia? What a pity to have people like you still living when men of substance like Levy are in the grave. No wonder zambia is living hell. Can’t you be ashamed of yourself for once? How many children do you have and what do they do in life/ What values can you teach our children you hypocrite, thief and immoral thug?

  45. What is this former Head off talking about? The houses were sold to sitting tenants as way of bribing those he would support his third term bid. What econmic sense did it make then to sell a house in new Chelenje as less than the price of a pocket of cement. The councils had their own way of selling houses to sitting tenants at some economically resonable price. The man coz of his desire to rule against the consititution sold houses for a song . Most councils are now depending on GRZ to pay salaries. If he was to praise sing RB coz he hwas damn good president let him do it properly. Chiluba play your well to secure your freedom and not spitting in our faces.

  46. I still think Mr chiluba deserves some repect. This Country had collapsed totally. There was a break dowm in all the sectors and that was why people were rioting anyhow. Mr Chiluba brought this Country to life. He laid a foundation on which the new Deal Adminstration continued.

  47. I think Malinga and Capitalist are related either to Nyama Soya and Thandi. I saw Capitalist’s comment on Thandiwe still being on GRZ payroll as a teacher. If that payslip was not published or shown to the media, no one would have believed Sata. And mind you Capitalsis Thandi is a public figure and hence everything about her should be public. Or if she wants privacy let her go back ku mushi where she came from.

  48. Chiluba was only doing what we would have expected him to do. He wasn`t doing us a favour. When he started he was alright until he realised how power was sweety and how he was going to be “former” president then things went pear shaped.

  49. Can anyone remember Apartheid? if you are against refugee camps and slave labour and colonist, then how can one support Israel. if Chiluba wanted to love Israel, to be in Gods favor let him talk about peace in the middle east and equality. Israel killed over 600 civilians in January (247 children ) no apologies and I suppose these are gods people .

  50. judge not,so that u may not be judged,before u judge others look inside yoself,chiluba he is tolking from his past erra,remember we learn through mistake.chiluba has done a lot of bad things,but we must also look on the good things which he has done too.

  51. Plundering the state coffers, calling yourself a political dribbler, revealing where tunnels are for the President’s security (regardless of which sitting president), losing one’s immunity and bringing the position of President into disrepute does not amount to doing a lot for the country. FTJ was not God fearing when he did all this, so excuse me for being cynical. The youth don’t have to insult however when adults are mud slinging what kind of example is this to the youth?

  52. Kafupi was being too simplistic. Insult an old man=political curse, love Israel= plenty of sugar/mealie meal. These theories needed to be expanded upon to bear any meaning. He insulted KK himself, i guess that explains his curses ie divorce, children dying etc. So maybe he needs to be listened to on that account.

  53. At one time I have insulted all Zambian presidents. Ok I have had nightmares for doing so, but here I go further insulting… I insulted Kenneth Kaunda when we formed MMD, insulted Fredrick Chiluba when I became rich and untouchable from Post Newspaper sales, I insulted Levy Mwanawasa because I was inept before him and now I’m insulting RB because I must continue to be seen to be brave and my newspaper should sale.

  54. MALINGA WE MWANA MALINGA. KK wanted Zambia to be a finished product manufacturing country. He was frustrated in his efforts by the International Capitalists who wanted to dominate this area and most and worst of all Zambians employed to run these industries. We were in the fore front smuggling maize meal and other commodities to Zaire. All Chiluba did was inrease the price of commodities to levels higher than what they were fetching in Zaire and smuggling came to a sudden stop. But at what price for the Zambians? As for houses: It was part of the IMF and World Bank conditions-offload non core assets-separation package to include some of these non core assets. Besides no President can ask for praise because he is supposed to serve the people Zambia and gets paid every month.

  55. if i were u n#62,i wouldnt critised chuliba in such a way, saying this is not that i support chiluba,but the fact is,even u kachonga pipo critised u behind yo back,before u judge think first,am sure u learnt this in R, E.

  56. At one time I have insulted all Zambian presidents. Ok I have had nightmares for doing so, but here I go further insulting… I insulted Kenneth Kaunda when we formed MMD, insulted Fredrick Chiluba when I became rich and untouchable from Post Newspaper sales, I insulted Levy Mwanawasa because I was inept before him and now I’m insulting RB because I must continue to be seen to be brave and my newspaper should sale.

  57. #68 James. The Mid East conflict is not as simple as you put it. If the Israelis relaxed even for on minute they would be wiped out completely. Or ask yourself why is it that these Arabs with their petro $s have failed to help the Palestinians achieve their goal. Answer: The Palestians past time is to peddle terrorism. They are taught from a very early age to get rid of all infidels that includes you and me and anyone who doesnt believe in extreme fundamentalism

  58. The irony about chiluba telling people about going against the bibles teachings. Doesn’t the bible say he who does not keep the commandments but says he loves me is a LIAR .

  59. Well, Chiluba killed people and he will certainly pay in some way. If he doesn’t pay directly himself, his children will, if they don’t then their children will and if they don’t then their children’s children will pay and the feat goes infinitesmally. So Chiluba, the seed your sow in your days as President are there to scar your family for life. Thank God, you disowned your father but what you forgot is that you never fell from a tree. You were someone’s sperm and that person deserves respect. Chiluba, be reminded, lest you forget that ‘Chaona munzako chapita, mmawa chilipaiwe’ . In case you don’t understand, ask RB for a literal translation. Uchiwona iwe!!!

  60. Desperate men resort to desperate measures. Two days ago he said our economy improved because he liberalised it. No he is saying its because of renewing ties with Isreal. The man is so deluded he is now mixing up the bible and taking it out of context. This is a man who allegedly stole money, definately stole another mans wife and is responsible for things that cannnot be gone into for “national security reasons”. Was his treatment of bashi panji (KK) respectful? What is equally surprising is the media coverage that is given to “hefty Jay”. In what capacity is he giving this advice on foreign policy and religion? Zambia economic woes began due to the world reccession of 1973 and had nothing to do with Isreal. The hour has come indeed – prison beckons.

  61. Imwe FTJ the one you are demonising is not as bad at RB you will tell me. Most of you guys are young you dont know what we wnt thru during the KK time. FTJ brought some hope until when he started loosing direction over the third term. He might have stolen but it can not be compared with the situation we are now seeing now where one person getting away with billions of Kwachas and there are many more of that nature how much has been lost so far and where was the gvt.

  62. Bwana your selling of houses to sitting tenants was a third term manipulation which shamefully did not succeed. Your sudden support for RB makes me uncomfortable. Why not keep quiet and wait for your day of judgement in court and in Heaven.

  63. FTJ just close that short beak of yours. You think you will be forgiven for what u have done. Just wait and see.

  64. LT, is the word “stole”, past tense of “steal” a word that needs moderation? Is it derogatory? Did you miss the “Allegedly”? Pathetic!

  65. 75 Deja Vu, did you know that 12% of Palestinian are christians. Most of those Arab countries are in backed by America, who are in controlled by Jews. Just like how Banda of Malawi supported Apartheid.

  66. Debating Chiluba’s lies is like discussing whether fish needs water to live. Chiluba is a known pathological liar, thief, immoral and irresponsible thug. I feel pity for his Children really because they do not have a person they can proudly call father. Even Vera consoles herself by looking at what Chiluba has done to himself. Divorcing a wife at night and grabbing a neighbour’s wife is a taboo in our culture and should NEVER have been entertained. But as money is a devil in itself, giving money to a person life Chiluba makes a devil fly and flying can take you anywhere – hopefully it takes Chiluba to eternal hell!!

  67. Senior Citizen, Can you please draw the attention of other shushus or other MMD stooges to the comments on this thread. May be Chiluba can learn something I have always advised him about. For RB, trust Chiluba at your own peril.

  68. Iwe Barret # 63 which school did you go to? Where you taught English language using vernacular? Be serious and maybe do your postings in vernacular. Don’t criticise others using your poor English and rubbish punctuation marks. Think before you blogg.

  69. You grabbed som1’s wife boss Chiluba we can try to listen to you but the things u hav done to pipo’s lives ar not some thing we can even talk abt as a president. U shud ask for pipo to pray for u

  70. ‘Speaking on Sunday at Living Water Global Ministries Church in Kitwe, Dr Chiluba said those who were insulting people who were old enough to be their parents should not blame anybody for the bad luck that they could encounter in their lives’

    I wonder why some churches should allow people living in sin to speak in their churches. 1 Cor 7: 10 – 11 and Matt 5: 31 -32. Marrying after divorcing is adulterous, unless the other partner ie the divorced husband or wife dies. Plain and simple, sin is sin. FYI sexual sin filters in church if the one committing it is left to dwell amoung saints….read the word and be doers.

  71. I too will NEVER respect Chiluba and no one should blame me about it because respect is earned and Chiluba has NEVER earned it in my eyes. Most of us proudly respect KK just like we proudly respected LPM. But for Chiluba, I wonder who respects him and what values they respect in him. Anyway, having said that, we may say the easiest thing is to criticise another person. But, if you honestly reflect Chiluba’s actions attract more criticism and disdain than anything else I can imagine. Greed, immorallity, cruellity, lies, adulterous behaviour, lack of parental skills, the list is endless. What a shameless living thug!

  72. All of a sudden God is in every sentence, when you were buying shoes and suits in every color and 7 cameras using poor peoples money where was God then?

  73. #85 james- Thank you for your response. But they still remain Arabs and therefore countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE etc should use their American connections to “liberate” their fellow Arabs the Palestians. But alas! these Arab countries are like a RICH MAN WHO COMES FROM A POOR FAMILY AND DOES NOT WELCOME HIS LESS FORTUNATE KINSMEN.

  74. For the first time i agree wchiluba. we need to respect our elders. . . the only problem is old pipo are not respecting themselves . look at RB he is busy disgracing himself . Old pipo should retire and go farming . . . RB is an old man. Too old and i feel its very unfair for him to be in state house . . . God will punish who ever forced him to be president.

  75. You people always the same stories everydays anyways i am searching for other sites with more personal daily updates i found a few hence i dont spend a lot of time here i thinking of openning a online charity that helps people directly and not through NGO. I came across a site where they or he/she has set up there own site and they make money for themselves when people click on adds on the site or use the google search on the web you can check it out if you like and help hivpositivelife . com

  76. #91 The Realist, zoona you are realistic, walanda ngo mwaume. Let’s us not feel pity for this kafupi. All those designer suits and shoes he bought using the Zamtrop funds. Chiluba did a lot harm to this country and he does not deserve respect from the youth of Zambia.

  77. ‘Chiluba’ Titus Mpundu should indeed learn to keep his mouth shut as advised by Sata in Chitambo. He should always remember that the nation of Zambia knows him as a conman. Mr Fredrick Chiluba you fooled the nation for too long, but a day will come when B. Y. Mwila will state the truth about you. Already BY has privately disowned you as revealed by Lawyer Winter Kabimba and some of us already know that you met Benjamin Yoram Mwila for the first time in the classroom of Kawambwa Secondary School on the 5th of August 1960 as pioneers of that school. He wasn’t an uncle then. Who are you Kafupi? You are not even a Christian. Stop talking to Christian congregations. What happened to being a UCZ church elder?

  78. Fredrick Chiluba can snatch at any opportunity to talk all the shit coz. We would have stopped Chiluba’s adventurous conduct from 1995 at MMD Prty convention held at Unza where late Levy was the only credible challenger. In his campaign speech he said” there is nothing Chiluba will offer to Zambians, the man is a liability”. But pipo then mislead by King Cobra as MMD SG. Levy was boowed by cadres. Let us be proactive. We complain after water has passed under the bridge. Chiluba declaration of Zambia as a christian nation was not sincere. Why we closed our eyes in prayer the man as little as he is did us all sorts wrongs. Let us carry with our lives and forget about the past. Let us forgive the man. We asked for it and got it thru Chiluba as 2nd President. Many died coz of his sili…

  79. Secretary of State Clinton is taking a major trip to Africa and not on her many stops is Zambia. This is very indicative of what is thought of about our political and government system.

  80. We are all to balme coz we gave the man a blank cheque. I remember during my youth attending a momath rally in Matero where Odys’s is located at head of MMD campaign. The man once on stage in his usual way he shouted and we acknowledged back clear and louder” ARE YOU GOING TO SACRIFICE WE RESPONDED THEN TO KING MAKING YES WE ARE SLEEP. We leave every to chance. We never take interest to question our leaders whether their actions in making serious decisions is in our best interests or not. Its not our nature but we need alot awakening. DEBATING THINGS OF NATIONAL INTEREST IS NOT A CRIME. PIPO HAVE SIMPLY TO SAY STOP THAT IS NOT IN OUR INTEREST. Zamtel is going coz the majority of the pipo are short sighted the few who are seing futire danger are called all sorts of names. Wait and see

  81. Chiluba is now talking! Maybe RB is about to drop the theft cases and the Usd 500000.00 sitting in the Zamtrop account is on the way to Kafupi. Zambians cannot be fooled

  82. Continued: “Do as I say not what what I do” FTJ says. “Young aspiring polititians should respect elders like President Rupiah Banda but I did not have to respect elders like KK and that is why I sent him to prison when I became President” Titus Kafupi Mpundu concludes.

    Living Waters congregants, do you have to listen to such a diabolical person or do your pastors still feel they owe Kafupi alot for the brown envelops he used to dish out from tax-payers money?


  84. Uyu kapoli wa mupamba sana!! kula kalifya imitima abantu ba kaele. Talks like a free man already!!!

  85. Chiluba as ambassador? To where? Don’t make me laugh!! The only place fit for him to be ambassador to is Lupiya Bandit’s farm in chipata! Her is on his way to the big house – JAIL.

  86. This is the same man who falsely declared Zambia a Christian nation – on the advice of the sleazy pastors and congregants of such i d i o t i c churches as this Living Water Global Ministries Church in Kitwe! This is the same man who called KK, a man a 100 times more Christian than he ever will be, a mad man and arrrested him on Christmas day. It’s true birds of a feather flock together. Like Lupiya hangs out with the likes of Mswati and Mugabe, Chiluba is also finding his level in Lupiya Bandit.

  87. israel has been a very interesting subject .can our preachers /priest confirm which israel the bible refers to .is it the new founded israel -a country formed thru the UN ,or is it the people who chose to follow the christian bible.what happens to that UN resolutions if it is ammended .interestingly the jews -converts of israel -majority of them are not even christians -they follow the judaism -jewish do we embrace israel geographically or there religion,in this case judaism .and if so how we do it because to them -the messiah has not yet come .i may be wrong but surely israel is an interesting subject .chiluba twebeni

  88. I am told his first names were Titus Mpundu. Then he stole a form 2 certificate belonging to Frederick Chiluba and added a third name Jacob (Judas) whichever he liked. Then he pulled these names together in a sisal plantation in Tanzania after smoking weed and coined himself Frederick Jacob Titus Mpundu Chiluba. After the Kafupi story emerged, he then reprinted the form 2 certificate with the names FTJ Chiluba leaving out the MPundu. Isn’t such a person a crook and we Zambians make him President – No wonder he thinks we are all F.O.O.L.S.

  89. fumbi @ #110, It just goes to show that this chap Chiluba doesn’t klnow his a s s from s h i t! He thinks Israel is a Christian nation by the simple fact that the bible tells him Jesus was born there!

  90. Ka Chiluba u should be the last person to comment about things in Zambia. U being a president one time u set a very bad example to us youths and we are no longer inspired by your leadership style, U left us in mess of everything, stealing public wealth, grabbing some ones wife is against the Bibble, u failed to teach your own child Castro who would have used your opportunity of u been president to archieve meaningful life. So wat kind of christianity are u practicing now? u have no good morales.

  91. #110 The people in the bible werenn’t christians they were jews that went to synagogues and kept the judaic laws. Christ and all his disciples were jews just like the people in Israel today, don’t fool yourself with christian doctrines that go against the bible of Biblical jews being replaced. Christ and all his followers were all judaic jews until Paul in the book of Acts started converting gentiles. Gentiles are not gentles if you follow christ , a gentile becomes an israelite once you follow christ hence the term BORN AGAIN( of more accurately set apart. The word Israel just means being upright and keeping the covenant it doesn’t mean build buildings and speak gibberish and act like buffoons

  92. Chiluba why talk about Zambian Politics when you failed the nation in all sectors? its a shock to hear somebody with cases to be opening his mouth in the public domain as if the law doesn’t exist. For God’s sake why has the nation especially law enforcement agencies allowed this man to yaping in the Public?

  93. The problem is our Papers who are covering Chiluba. This guy should not be covered at all. Just the mention of his name stinks, and please he needs to remain in the past. STOP COVERING HIM PLEASE. The earlier we forget he ever existed in this country of ours the better.


  95. blasfermy at its level best,Kafupi there is no way u can start using the bible against us,WERE NO FOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,we know u

  96. Thats some true spit right there,but remember you turned ZED into a thug nation,one zambia one thug nation,the streets of zed are now militant, only thugs survive.

  97. A person who respects himself is the only person who should be respeted.All of zambia’s glory sank during his presidency and continues to do so under the MMD. ‘Zambia banned from flying in european airspace…’ that’s what we’ve become a laughing stock and all because we respected our elders, KK, Mulemba, Wina and some people of that era are people of high regard because they made zambia put us on the map, but now we are beggars because “our elders” plundered our own wealth. We need to stregthen azmbia so that zambia can have a say and be an example in africa like we used to be.

  98. #100,maikalange even yo names sound like shits,which school yourself did u go too?yo english its like some who as never attended grade 1,that was my typing erra,u shud also think before u type.shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

  99. This is the same man who kept insulting Dr. Kaunda at the advent of MMD and when he was in State House. He called Dr. Kaunda all sorts of names and yet Dr. Kaunda is old enough to be his father. What cause is he championing, when he has the most vulgar language. They used the same language with Sata at rallies when Sata was his Minister. Paised himself as the master dribbler. Let him dribble RB and no one else.

  100. Following “Those who are insulting President Banda are just cursing themselves because they are going against the teachings of the Bible, which talks about respecting our parents“, where is it written like this or about this exactly in the Holy Bible? Secondly, who is insulting President RB Banda? Thirdly, is President RB Banda’s “ubufi (lies) …” and insult? If it is an insult, then Zambia has an insulting very old aged President unfortunately.

    As if that is not enough, the Zambian President seems to be specialising in lying — for the South Africans have refuted his MMD GRZ’s claims that he is going to have bilateral talks with South African President Zuma.

    Be blest all.
    1 John 2:25 And this is the promise that he hath promised us, [even] eternal…

  101. Christianity say watch the fruits of any preacher. The fruits of chiluba was destroying the Zambian economy . Kauda tried and did his best to develop zambia. chiluba didn’t even build a single school, hospital, business that is owned by Zambia. He is a recycled politician who should not be given the platform. He hurt the Zambian people’s livelihood with his policies. Kaunda Zambia can give him a platform he was a good president and the fruits of his works like UNZA , UTH are still helping the Zambian economy. Why is Chiluba being praised ? what did he do for Zambia that helped elevate educationetc?????Why the platform for him

  102. Please mind the typo errors in 132 ….If one is a Christian and Zambia is a Christian nation they need to follow what Jesus did. Feed the hungry, clothe the poor etc We are happy Zambia is a Christian nation but we have to remember as a christian leader or nation you have help and build people. a good christian leader is a servant to their people. They believe in serving …..A president gives one an ability to make a difference in people’s lives . In Christianity ACTIONS have to match words. In this case schools, hospitals, jobs ,building local businesses etc are actions a Christian leader should display. Where were Chiluba’s fruits.

  103. #125 thax for your comment. tell some pipo here who are bootlinking MMD thugs our beloved Zambia is being taken off the world map becouse these thugs. here i always sing about how lovely zambia is to visit to my workmates, sadly only to read in news that EU citizens are being advised not to travel to zambia becouse thier insurence co. will not cover them. sad ideed.

  104. #127 Barret . Pliz pliz check your grammar, even your response is full of errors; not typographical ones. So what can you tell me. Just compare what your postings to mine. Another blogger was able to notice your poor English yesterday. So pliz just accept and and have some private tuitions in English. You might be good in spoken English but written yena wabwelapofye!!!!!!! Later.

  105. #138 maikalange why are you behaving like a pregnant dog,?no wonder yo girls she always complaining about childish mind,!1

  106. #139 ba Barret, plz ati” no wonder yo girls she always complaining about childish mind,!1″ what does that mean? Plz, plz, are you learning to construct sentences today? please take your poor English elsewhere and not on this blog. Surely even when responding you cannot ask someone to help you write a sentence correctly; just for once plz. I do not understand why you are insulting when I am just trying to help you learn how to write. Don’t be like RB who does not want to be corrected. Please just heed my advice. Full stop.

  107. #140,i think you are a problem,if you are married, i wonder what type of a husband are you?if not.i wil just conclude by saying NO WONDER!!!!!!! U and banda are just like birds of the same fithers.



  110. Maikalange Twamulya, did KK show any respect to Chiluba. He called him, “that short man Chiluba, am not scared of him”. But well , the short man unseated him. Anyway the point is the old man was also not conducting himself properlyy as a mature man should. He was rude, dictator, abusive and in short we were tired of his dictatorship through :One party Participatory Democrasy. So don’t have such a short memory

  111. Well, #144 do not have a short memory on Chiluba’s extreme negative impact on the Zambian economy . Leave Kaunda alone he may not be perfect but at least he tried ……

  112. Yes malume # 144 I can see from our flags that our Internet Service Provider proxies our traffic thru the same route. I get your point on Kaunda.

  113. #141 Barret, look at your spellings and punctuation marks. Is it feathers or fithers? And we say ” I wonder what type of a husband you are!”, not “I wonder what type of a husband are you?” We don’t put a question mark at the end, but an exclaimation mark. I think I cannot continue arguing with you because you are so shallow minded. I have decided that the best way for me is to start tutoring you in English. And as you can see, my first lesson for you is by correcting you on what you were supposed to write. Thanks and good day dear.

  114. #144… leave KK alone he ruled Zambia with an iron hand suffered for Zambia. You do not understand that all the problems that Zambia faced in the KK final era were caused by outsiders. Now that Chiluba sold most of Zam’s asserts to foreigners, large amount of money is going out of the country while u are sleeping. Safari tickets are pegging at $400-600 paid in South Africa when game parks are in Zambia. Who is profiting from the game reserves??? If this money is paid to Zambian game reserves, they can pay workers and improve roads and other infrustructure for the better of zam. KK was much protective of home industry than kafupi

  115. This business of respecting your elders is bullshit if they can’t earn that respect. Leaders in the west earn the respect of the people not because they are old but because they perform to the expectations of the people. Zed is not getting anywhere because every time you question the leaders who in most cases have been around since independence, somebody says you have to respect your elders. I think we have to change our attitudes so that respect is earned and not bestowed on you because you are old. Wake up Zed respect has to be earned or we will continue on the same old path of bootlicking! 😡

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