The Lunda Royal Establishment (LRE) has distanced itself from the story which appeared in The Post edition of February 12 which alleged that President Rupiah Banda promised to give the position of Republican Vice Presidency to Luapula Province.
Senior Chief Mwata Kazembe of the Lunda people of Luapula Province said that President Banda had not at any time discussed with him possibilities of offering any political position to any individual during his just ended working visit of the province this week.
Chief Namwana Kashiba of Mwense District said in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today on behalf of Senior Chief Mwata Kazembe that the story which appeared in the private newspaper was a figment of the author’s imagination.
“At no time did the issue of Vice Presidency or delivering the province to MMD ever discussed in the meeting between the Mwata and the Republican President,” Chief Kashiba said.
The chief also clarified that President Banda did not meet any other chiefs from the province at his palace in Mwansabombwe, Kawambwa District apart from Chief Mwata Kazembe himself. He said the entire article which appeared in The Post newspaper lacked merit and etiquette and urged all well meaning Zambians to ignore and discard it.
Chief Kashiba said President Banda, the Mwata and Katanga Governor Moise Katumbi did not discuss the purported issues of votes and elections including the issue of the Vice Presidency of the nation. “The article has greatly disturbed the persons mentioned and cast into question the morality and well projected images of their respective offices.
“This is terribly regrettable and the Lunda Royal Establishment wishes to totally disassociate itself from the slurs and the innuendos expressed in the article,” the chief said.
The Post newspaper in yesterday’s edition published an article alleging that President Rupiah Banda had promised to give the position of the country’s vice presidency to Luapula Province ahead of the 2011 general elections.
President Banda was on an four-day working visit to Luapula Province where he inspected many developmental projects government had initiated in the province.
Its a shame for the tabloid.
Can Chief Kashiba explain/comment on Katumbi s presence during these discussions
Since when has there been a Lunda Royal Establishment? Royal Establishment fya ba Lozi. They are the only Kingdom with devolved traditional power within a centralised authority complete with a Litunga (King); subordinate Chiefs in each District except Kaoma, a Ngambela (Prime Minister) and a Kuta (Council of Indunas).
The chief has just responded as expected….Do u think he can accept that he was given an under-table deal and he agreed to? come on people!! read between the lines…The is no way he was going to agree to the story published in the Post even if was true..Many questions arise from that meeting; What was Katumbi doing in that meeting? why didn’t the president address the public? these and many other questions, incline me to suspect that the story in yesterday’s Post had some truth in it
This is what is known as a backroom deal! Only an id..o/t will expect the Lunda chiefs or State house to admit that there is such a deal. #1 Patriot you must be a very dull chap!
This tabloid is alienating Sata more and more from every Zambian traditional establishment around the country. How can a struggling opposition party with multiple challenges and natural failed image at hand align and depend its fate on such an antagonistic tabloid? This ongoing lie by the tabloid is vainly meant to trigger mistrust in the rank and file of the administration ignoring the fact that institutional capacity in consistency check is effective than a subversive tabloid efforts. Actually these kinds of guessed ghetto reports are synonymous with free some free circulated tabloid magazines in the USA such as the “National Enquirer, People and Star Magazine” to mention but a few that mostly thrive on innuendoes and gossip that cannot be proven.
In some highly regulated professional environments such as the US where value for money counts and the US’s FCC offers good practices frameworks, some of these gutter tabloids we call newspapers in Zambia could have been relegated to the dustbins because they only deserve to be free circulating tabloids which the Post should be doing because it has distanced itself from credibility and ethical practices in its crusade for sensationalism and speculation. Tabloids are measured and expected at another sublevel standard as freely or cheapest circulating enclosure magazines with private mails in people’s mail boxes.
Interesting, Chief disputes story, RB through DJ disputes story, so where did the post get this story. Its fun how many will take the post’s story as gospel truth, but dispute that which is coming from the accused mouth. Interesting reasoning by bloggers. If I may ask and so what if RB offered them vice presidency, what does it change, busy stressing yourselves over POST nonsense, mukafwapofye pali ba post, if you playing.
can someone explain what moise Katumbi was doing at the chiefdom? this part is being somehow ignored. Katumbi and Testicles Mwansa are the missing part in the puzzle.If at all the post was wrong how come the government has not taken the post to task? Lately MMD has been good at threatening and dragging to court the post
What was Katumbi doing at the palace?
Patriot, shushushu the tyre around your neck is waiting for you. If all these stories by the post are not true, TAKE THEM TO COURT. They proved that FTJ was a thief and he withdrew the case. TRY THEM MY BROTHER and we shall have a field day! see how even chiefs are being compromised by the brown envelops.:d:d/
As someone who knows what goes on at the Post, i can assure you that the Post would never publish a story if they do not have any reasonable truth. They will never publish lies. How many times has the Post written anything and we find it is untrue? Close to never! The GRZ is frantically denying this story because of the damage it has caused to the relationship of RB and GK. The Post writes even about what was said in the MMD NEC and you have never heard anyone refute because it is always true. What many people do not know is that Fred M’membe and other Editors demand very high standards from their Reporters. Do you think Fred is so stupid to write lies when RB has openly said he wants to finish the Post? Those who are saying the story is not true, think again!
Nimbushi fye ishi, RB is president and chooses whoever he wants to be his vice president. Althogh the story is not true, why should people get annoyed if he did that?
Shame on the Post.
They are also trying to finish RB by fabricating stories.
#1 patriot-Have you seen how un ashamed some Zambians can be?? The people who were at the meeting are thats a lie and you who infact out of Zambia you want to insist that its true.
Surely it shows your dirty agenda you have. Look I believe in being honesty in what you do and say. On RB th Post has gone deep to tell lies.Some of you are foolishly asking what C. Mwansa was doing there out of ignorance. Mwansa is one the Mwatas in waiting-he belongs to the Royal family and whenever there is a meeting of such magnitude he has to attend.So whats your problem???
If you have personal imaginations keep them to yourselves please.
Could the aim of The Post be to make the Rt Hon George Kunda SC insecure in his job? They have never managed to cause President Banda to fire anyone or cause anyone to resign. This must be causing whip worm infestation itch or haemorrhoidal pain to the Editor.
Mwebena Zambia, ask yourselves what transpired at the Chipango. Why did Critoris Mwansa and Moise Katumbi enter the meeting room twice when everybody else was outside? Why was Moise at that meeting? Did he represent Kabila or was he there on his own, serving the interest of Chiluba et al? Truth of the matter is that Rupiah Banda’s inner circle has been infiltrated just like KK’s inner circle was. Those who remember very well, Luke and Clement Mwananshiku during the day called the MMD baMatipa and at night the briefed Chiluba what was discussed in Cabinet. When everybody else departed with KK, the two were re-appointed. Isukeni imitwe, iwe chiPatriot.
Ba number 16! dont try to be a smart a..s..s. can you tell us what Katumbi was doing there? what meeting of what magnitude are you talking about? RB just met the Kazembe and not any other chiefs so i dont see what magnitude that can be? why should a chief in waiting be attending every meeting the sitting chief has?
To be fair, this is one trip that has been the best that Zambian politics have ever produced. Here was the Republic President reviewing developmental projects in the Province and accompanied by the relevant Members of Parliament through whom CD funding is channeled, the neighbouring Congo Provincial governor, which has strong ties with the province and the chiefs, whose subjects are the beneficiaries. The tour was a success. There was no rancour or anger at all from all sectors. Since there was nothing ‘evil’ to report, one newspaper ignores all the good and goes on to fabricate a story that has no relevance to the interests of ‘the poor souls’ that The Post is supposed to be concerned with. Sorry, this was crass!
c r a s s Mr LT webmaster is not a dirty word. It means ‘nrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibilty.’ I do not understand why you have written ‘crass’ like that. The combination of a_s_s is found in many words such as Ba-s-s, A-s-s-ociation, etc. Can you get your software to be a little bit cleverer than that surely. Because whether you like it or not insulting words in the main are not in English here. I would suggest that you stop this nannying altogether.
Post newspaper has a hidden agenda , that all zambians know about, its the Zambian Airways issues, nothing else, so lets not be fooled, they do this for business , lying 24/7 . what a shame a this tabloid and them that believe in the lies, no wonder they get along with Sata that lies through out his life.
Why are you asking those questions like; what was Katumbi doing there? Ask the Post kabili they dig deeper, why didn’t they dig deeper to let you know what Moise and mwansa was doing their?
You are right the Saint. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good.
Good Evening
Whatever transpires at Mwata Kazembe’s palace in Mwansabombwe is not everybody’s business. However, the presence of the Katanga Governor is a legitimate reason for Zambians to ask. A good explanation from State House would be enough to dispel the “rumours”.
I believe that the Mwanawasa Bridge will benefit both Congolese and Zedians economically and otherwise and so the presence of Katumbi is of siginificance in that area.
The rail line from Mchingi eqaully attracted chiefs from neighbouring Malawi at its inspection and so will many Angolan chiefs and Governors attend the long awaited Mongu/Kalabo Bridge or ‘Highway.’
Burying that airline has caused terrible relations between the post and GRZ.
The questions that beg answers are: what were Katumbi and Mwansa doing at the place? Was it by accident or design that both of them happened to be in Mwansabombwe at the same time? Were they invited or did they just happen to be there by chance? If they were invited, what were they invited for? Even if he is Mwata Kazembe’s nephew, which issues were so important that required that Katumbi leaves his work in Lubumbashi and Mwansa, his work at ZRA to come Mwansabombwe?
Patriotic you still have not commented on the misuse of funds at the Zambia embassy in DC. People the bridge was not discused as the president does not talk development but Sata. Banda is drama and should not run our beloved nation.
#4 and 5. You have just both heat the nail on its head. Actually, it suddens me to realise that most of the Zambians despite their degrees, indeed they are very dull chaps. You see, the whole thing raises a lot of questions than answers. If RB is a republican president why hide what he has discussed with the chiefs from Zambians but share it with a foreigner-Katumbi? You see I have now come to fully understand why Nigerians call Zambians domicile. Zambians have the birth right to know what the president is intending to do for Zambians themselves. So, now Zambians need to go and ask ba Katumbi, ati “bushe bakalamba nifinshi mwaleyambaula ne mfumu na ba president besu?” This is crap and big insult to Zambians especially when realises that Zambians will not even stand up to complain. We…
…are second class in our own country. We don’t know whats going on while foreigners know exactly who the next vice president will be. How do you expect other nationalities to respect you even in your own countries if you have to beg them in order to have any information about Zambia? I really don’t know when we Zambians are going to wake up from this seemingly endless slumber.
Comments reserved on this issue.
Even then Zambians should be worried about the presence of Mwansa in this entourage. Zambians must suspect that it is most likely ZRA will now start financing RB’s campaigns. This is UNIP style-“the party and its government” way of stealing. The domicile state of Zambians really worries me.
We all know Katumbi was there and it is a shame that this man has influence in our country and yet he is not Zambia this is Chiluba’s fault. Banda is a lie and corrupt individual who has no shame and if allowed will ground the country.
You guys who think the Post could publish a story they are not sure of are actually, very dull. Whole the state machinery is just waiting for The Post newspaper to make a mistake and you think they (Post) f.o.o.l.s to not seriously verify and authenticate the source? They have all possible documents or even audio recordings of the source.
t.e.s.t.I.c.l.es. mwansa next veep!! yo
Shame, shame, shame what was Moses Katumbi doing there? Wasn’t Katumbi involved with chilubas son in some dubious deals. Awe mwe.:-w
I believe Ba VJ lost his job because of Moses Katumbi,so what was he doing there with ba RB?
You i diots who blindly believe in the so called pact,cant you just see that this guy RB has just won luapula from the nose of one ego inflated sata.And tommorrow another province is falling meanwhile mweba mu town continue halucinating that the wind of change is blowing
Ahh! Haaa! Thats the one!, the missing link in the Zambain Presidential race.
If it is true that Mwansa has been promised a veep position could not be a bad idea at all.
Mwansa looks more Presidential material than RB Banda and should cross over to the PACT so that he is chosen as the Presidential candidate.
Mwansa is right person as he is educated and has been successfull at ZRA raising money for the country.
# 38 what has RB won in Luapula? i think you are the one hallucinating. Those are last kicks of a dying horse we are seeing. You are the one who is blind, cant you see the winds of change? Change is gonna come, Zambians deserve better
# 23 the post has already said the reason testicles mwansa was there was because he has been promised to be VP. how do you want the post to say it. if you are thick, get a translator to put it in your mother tongue so that you can understand.
The Patroit (#1) must be very low in thinking. Cant you see why it has become so urgent for them to refute the story. Wait and see. The Post are not finished yet on this matter.
Who cares about what goes on in Zambia? Nevers denied until he became vice.
#38 Bwambar bobe. Chatil e chobe. Walishama maka ndi yobe.
the post never lied damn it!
it has now emerged that FTJ and a couple of ex African presidents flew to liberia on a private plane and they didnt pay for that trip.the ex presidents include chissano, jerry rawlings, nujoma and our own FTJ. a bill of $200,000.00 is still outstanding.
#3 You have addressed yourself as ‘Chileshe’ because you are coward.For your own lack of info The Lunda Kingdom originated from an Empire not a Kingdom.Your flipping ancestors were probably from the Luba/Lunda Kingdom or from bushmen.Go through your wikipedia and log in the Lunda Kingdom and it will educate you on this one.
the bottom line is mwata is a disgrace for aligning himself with a political party
Some People believe in the Post Newspaper than themselves. How many stories on the Vice President have the Post printed and non have come true? Even SM and HH believe those stories. Zambian, Zambian please wake up.
How many times has the POST proved to us that they are credible, reliable and honest in their reporting over the years that they have been in circulation? Who has dared sue them and has won that same litigation against the POST? Iwe Patriot, show us how shameful the tabloid has been, except of course you are trying to express your ignorance here, which is the real shame. You read it not cuz its gutter but that you from the gutter dont have a paper of your own.
C’mon POST, bring on more exposes!
#40 you are the same i diot am talking about.You are line an HIV patient who lives in denial.Mind you that band of luapula mps who accompanied RB can not lose an election under any circumstance.all the chiefs who supported your sata in 2006/08 have jumped ship and you numbskull can not read between the lines.Wina azali
Same chi #40. It’s like you have embeded all your balls and brains into swallowing anything puke that puke that is spewed by the POST.Learn to sieve. Can’t you see that the post are always quoting an invicible source in there fabrications.the is no investigative journalism but story tellin sweetable for people like you.
In the quest for economic survival the post have abandoned the principles we knew them for.What they have resorted to now is blackmail.be on our side and don’t talk about zambian airways we dont trash you.Stick to your principles and pursue what we syphoned through zambian airways you are our enemy and you face our wrath as simple as that.And you f uckers are blind to that.
Chi # 23 u are very dull, the Post has already told u what Katumbi was doing at the Mwatas and u are still saying “ask the Post because they dig deeper”. Myopic way of thinking, the Post like any other media is to report, from whichever source and that includes substantiated and unsubstantiated reports. By the way they even care to let u know how credible there sources are. The onus is on Govt to refute those allegations and take the Post to court if found wanting. I can assure you, no Govt official including Bwezani or the Mwata is going to challenge those allegations in whichever court of this land. They have been caught pants down, we can bet on that one!
#51 to 53. Akapondo. Kweiwe satan yo ko bukupulilefye. If you keep denying all these things why then is Zambia ranked among the most corrupt nations in the world? Just because ulafyompamo? Wait until you are kicked out. Nothing lasts forever. I would love to see you tied on your little balls onto a tree. Cinoko ububi, caba akabwamba ubunono. Katwishi nefyo cakunyele satany o ko iwe.
#51 to 53. Akapondo. Kwena iwe satan yo ko bukupulilefye. If you keep denying all these things why then is Zambia ranked among the most corrupt nations in the world? Just because ulafyompamo? Wait until you are kicked out. Nothing lasts forever. I would love to see you tied on your little balls onto a tree. Cinoko ububi, caba akabwamba ubunono. Katwishi nefyo cakunyele satany o ko iwe.
People, Is it true that when you post on LT you PC/Laptop ilashala with a virus which makes LT mods to start looking at everything you are doing?
Jane fulama, bano ko zip paka nena
#56 ba jane fulama,pakumipanga mudala alebafulamika banoko elyo amipelako ishina after mwafyalwa.Awe tali fair
imwe guys, not insele sana. remember how we all abandoned zambian sossa, ni ifi fine.
mmm fashion sense yaba kazembe ukuvipa! he needs a change of wardrobe bane. every year same outfit. awe twakana. deuces bane:)>-
But RB is very desperate, why sould he include The Katanga Governor in a our national issues ? for what purposes even if you have run out of ideas… If you want to have fun with him; please we urge you to invite him at your private house in Kalingalinga, and not at the Umutomboko. This is purely treason ! Some body ( the DPP ) must charge you for that. You want to sale our souvereinity for your malicious gain which will not even work… Ala mulekwatako namano !!! All your wakwatu ni wakwatu advisers should be fired on incompetance ground. I love Mama ZED.
why cant we use some civilised way of addressing issues and persons in question for once please.Criticles Mwansa is a very respectable man who has achived alot and contributed much to this country than what most of you who are insulting him have done apart from just sitting on your p.c and posting comments on LT.shamuna wena!
#47 Hola. Mate; My name is truly Chileshe. And I honestly dont know what you are blurrbing on about. There used to be a Luba/Lunda empire eh? How relevant is this to what I was alluding to in my previous Post ? Where is the Luba/Lunda empire now? In Mwansabombwe, Luapula I suppose? By the way I am not a cheap and shallow person that can use Wikipedia as a source of information. Wikipedia is for trash like you!
I wish to clarify one thing here we Lunda people from Luapula are part of the Luba- Lunda Empire of the Kingdom of the Mwata Kazembe. We are originally from Congo and specifically Katanga Province. Most of us have relatives on the other side. We have had not only Katumbi but many other people including Chiefs from that side visiting Mwansabobwe with the Mwata Kazembe doing the same. It is a long history and if there are those of you who might be ineterested there is a book written by the late Mwata Munona Chinyanta about the history of The luba-lunda empire. The whole thing started in Congo some years back and it will continue.I know the Mwata personally and from the way I know him he does not control the people of Mwansabombwe as to how and who they vote for. Leave the Mwata out of this
What is Luapula going to benefit by have a Vice President from the area anyway, nothing at all. And why all this tribal nonsense a Vice President should appointed based on his qualifications and not because a Province votes RB. Let the Vice Presido be an elected official and not the way things are now. People in Zambia are not interested from which province the Vice Presido comes from, if only he can work for improving the lives of all Zambians, that is that, NO MORE NO LESS
#62 Zambian Samurai you are very shallow. Read Justice Kafusha’s entries 65&66.
Don’t believe anything, until it has been officially denied. Indeed, we must now set our eyes upon Mr Criticles Mwansa..
#44 yours are big,very big.
Nkaku tombela akakashi kobe akashibeya a maso ine amano yano stombonyani
ladies and gentlemen, i wish we could be more civil in our debate unlike wats obtaining now.FORGIVE!
ladies and gentlemen, i wish we could be more civil in our debate unlike wats obtaining now, twapapata!=d> FORGIVE!
We don’t need people like Akapondo on this blog! Last time i heard rubbish like in posting number 69, it was a minibus conductor talking! Surely we don’t expect this kind of language here!
Oh dear chief we so believe every word you say!!
Post is at it again
Post is slowing becoming like MTZ and all other tabloid papers of USA and UK. Its trying hard to make more money but pl…ze not at the expense of reporting their own imagination. As much as we love the post, we would like them to focus on reporting facts.
So die, die die Geschichte denken, ist eine Lüge., was katumbi und mwansa war, machend dort und sowieso Sie waren zu nicht in der Versammlung und macht Sie denken, dass der mwata ja sagen kann, dass wir die Ausgabe diskutiert haben, zu wissen, dass es einen anderen Vizepräsidenten auf dem Land gibt. denkt Sie Dick Köpfe.
Lieb Mwanta, den wir jedem Wort glauben, dass Sie sagen, weil Sie nicht liegen können, und der Posten ist eine große Lüge aber wir Gepflogenheit Wahlstimme MMD je wieder. Hahahahahaha
Wie viel wurde bwana verwickelt?, an was kostet?, was es mit der Oberhäupter ist, ist es Armut oder was?
Fellow Zambians,what Politics is RB displaying? If he promised Luapula Peolpe a vice President about us in N/western were at the Momment if not mistaken 2/4 or 3/4 of the GDP is coming from,these type of Politics should be condemned at all cost becoz not even my 8yrs old son can not accept.Let RB just keep such decisions as his secret becoz at end of the day he will be the biggest Liar.I personally can’t disclose to my son if there is anything good I intend to do 4 him.
My other concern is RB has started compaigning whilst the opposition are not allowed , ECZ should tell the Nation so that all Political Parties have also time do the same.If the ECZ leave things like this,I’m worried 2011 will be a dissaster and ECZ shall be held responsible.
U people should understand that never in history has the POST ever produced a fictitious story. Look at what happened to the ITAWA FLATS, Chiluba went there first to show them the influence that he has on RB. He promised them that once they vote for RB, they will receive a number of benefits including those flats. What did we see next, government scraps off charges on them and accuses councilors of stealing money from the poor, then plans of selling them to the tenants. All this is at the influential hand of Chiluba. The zambian people were not going to know all this had it not been for the POST.
ch sehe AKAPONDO, dass Sie ein Dick Kopf sind, und Sie sollten von Kongo verursacht sein, dass ein Zambian sich der Weg Ihres nicht benehmen kann, sind oder schreiben der Weg, den Sie machen,., und wenn Sie ein shushushu dann sind, fickt den bustard, der Ihnen die Aufgabe gegeben hat..
#64 Wikipedia is not for trash.it is for the simple minded like you.I haven’t got time to give you a lecture on the Lunda Empire.(You certainly don’t throw pearls on a pack of swine…they wont know the value)
So what will be the post write about when The PACK takes over government, Are they going to shift goals and support another opposition party or group from government, Are they going to throw away the People they love with their pants down. Or Maybe it is a business strategy, just write what your readers are expecting to increase sales. RB might not have been the worst president in Zambia, but he is the most attached president. even those who built houses in flood plains like misisi are blaming state house
TO PACK SUPPORTERS , PRINT THIS AND KEEP IT SAFE TILL MARCH 2012, your pack will not change anything even after been elected into office.
Please prove me wrong after the famous 90 days, say March 2012, the poor will remain poor, the rich will remain rich, Thats the game
betters – you sound hopeless. are you rich or poor ? and whats your level of education?
12 Contrada, where did you get that nonsense from? You must be the only blogger who does not know the Post. Unless of course you are a plant by the Post. From 2008 the Post has never been the same paper that any reasonable person can rely on for Zambian politics. If you want to read stuff from the gutter, you buy the Post. Just pay attention to the people who read the Post these days. Just stand near a Post news point early in the morning, observe how many security guards crane their necks over a copy of the Post. That should tell you something.
#83, just do me a favor, keep a copy of my post 82. I would like you to prove me very wrong before you throw your insults on me. Nothing will change, for your eyes to see, Misis will remain misisi, woodlands will remain woodlands,
I dont live on hope but facts. The fact is that SATA is using your desperation or NEED for CHANGE to become president, even promising you that in 90 days your lives will change, How can a president change your life which your Father and Mather have failed?
Lets wait for March 2012, (assuming election are held in Dec 2011)
This is what happened in 1991, people thought by Voting MMD from Unit there lives will be better.
Do you think this farm Zambia is run by Statehouse, no But by Brussels, London and Washington nowadays even China is involved.
its a shame that the post is using lies just to sell their paper. you are bringing the level of journalism very low, we are taught not to be bias and verify info from our sources but what the hell is the post doing. this will cost you alot if you do not change? as much as we apriciat th fact that you make the govt be alert and push them to work by revealing different scams, its not fair to attack the president especialy with lies.why do people want to blame RB for almost eveything even thier misfortune? i personaly do not suport RB but i think to believe that Sata will change our lives in 90 days is bullshit, it takes no body but yourself and your efforts to change your life. why do we want to appriciate people when they are gone? we will see who the post will criticise if the pact wins