VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda returned to Zambia from South Africa yesterday where he had gone for a medical review, condemning rumours about his purported demise as satanic and contrary to Zambia’s Christian and cultural values.
Mr Kunda who arrived at about 12:58 hours aboard a South African Airways flight, accompanied by his wife Ireen, was received by hundreds of well-wishers who included ministers, senior Government officials, hordes of MMD members, his children and grandchildren.
The joyous Mr Kunda waved the MMD symbol as he alighted from the plane, much to the jubilation of hordes of people who thronged the runway at Lusaka International Airport to welcome him back home.
He took time to greet Government officials, MMD officials and cadres who included various singing and dancing groups, who painted the airport runway ‘blue and white’ – the MMD colours. The Vice-President robustly walked to the VIP lounge where he addressed journalists.
“It’s so nice to be back home. I have missed nshima. It’s three weeks and I am grateful to the President, Government, the party leadership, the provincial (MMD) chairman, and all the Zambians who have received me. This shows that the people of Zambia were praying for me; there is a lot of sympathy and encouragement,” Mr Kunda said.
He said the rumour that was circulated in the country about his purported demise was the work of sadists who were hoping to destabilise the working of Government. He said his medical review has been politicised by some opposition political party leaders who were hoping that his purported demise would turn out to be true.
[pullquote]“Mr Sata, let me tell you, there is a lot we know about your health. However, we have remained committed to Christian values. Your health remains between you and your doctor,” Mr Kunda said.[/pullquote]
“What kind of hatred is this,” he asked. Mr Kunda said Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata phoned the Zambian High Commission in South Africa asking them to confirm his alleged demise.
According to Mr Kunda on his second telephone call, Mr Sata accused the High Commissioner to South Africa Leslie Mbula and Government of lying about his purported demise.
“When he was told that I was still alive, his reaction was ‘thank God he’s still alive,” of course with a forked tongue,” Mr Kunda said.
“Unfortunately I got the rumour which was circulated in Zambia about my purported demise. This must have been fabricated definitely by some criminals, sadists and in fact satanists, because this is not our culture. These are some of the things that are coming from outside the country such as homosexuality,” Mr Kunda said.
He said it was unfortunate that there were bizarre and eccentric characters in society who thrive on inflicting pain on others.
Mr Kunda said the enemies of Government and the ruling MMD wanted to create tension in the country, weaken the system, and make them lose the capacity to defend the President.
“To the contrary this ungodly and criminal act has made me stronger and somewhat elevated me to the status of a martyr,” he said.
[pullquote]“Unfortunately I got the rumour which was circulated in Zambia about my purported demise. This must have been fabricated definitely by some criminals, sadists and in fact satanists, because this is not our culture. These are some of the things that are coming from outside the country such as homosexuality,” Mr Kunda said.[/pullquote]
Mr Kunda said he went to South Africa aboard a commercial aircraft on prior arrangements with his physician, contrary to rumours that he was evacuated in an emergency.
He said he stayed in a hotel for two days prior to commencing medical review at Morningside Clinic. Mr Kunda said he started going to the clinic for medical review during the reign of the then President, Dr Levy Mwanawasa who facilitated the treatment of many people outside the country, including Mr Sata.
He said President Banda has continued with this practice due to his kind heart.Mr Kunda said a medical review may entail admitting a person into hospital and this is what happened to him. The Vice-President said like any other person, he needs medical treatment, what he needs from the people of Zambia are prayers for good health.
Mr Kunda said speculations of his purported death, devastated his family and children some of whom are still in school.
He charged that Mr Sata was behaving like he has never been a subject of similar rumours.
“Mr Sata, let me tell you, there is a lot we know about your health. However, we have remained committed to Christian values. Your health remains between you and your doctor,” Mr Kunda said.
Mr Kunda said as Catholics, they pray for the sick. He urged Christians in Zambia to condemn politicians who thrive on spreading falsehoods and wishing sick people dead.
Ka Kunda, Zambia was better off without you. Thats why people were celebrating because you injure so many people with your grandiose wild accustions.
Keep quite and enjoy your nshima which you missed. Ala, you came dressed in a thick coat to mask your bones. You chose to go to mufumbwe to cause trouble forgetting to drink your ARV’s. Ala mambala.
U just disembark from the plane, quickly you start hallucinating and talking about Homo’s. Did they propose you???
I feel pity for George Kunda, really feel sad for him. he is sickly and needs infinite rest.He cant withstand political pressure.
maybe confused RB should appoint FTJ as vice. ha ha ha ha a Lazo ha ha ha.
Inshima nama bilimu na räpe filomfwika bwino!
Welcome back home George Kunda!
My sister works for Morningside and my brother at Milpark, these are the two health institutions our MMD ministers end up at. I will find out what George has that required ” Specialist Review”. Please do not accuse me of being personal. The MMD used our money TAX Payers money to waste on George. If it was a review as Silly Dora Siliya said why did George go to RSA and not UTH???
what Zambians are against is our government leaders contributing heavily to the South African medical system and neglecting our own health system.If UTH was a world class hospital would there is need for George Kunda to go to RSA.If you add all the monies that has been spent by the Zambian leadership at Morningside clinic and hotels, it cld refurbish UTH 10 times over! Please can KK write a health manual for Zambian leaders and ordinary Zambians to follow.I think he is the healthiest Zambian.
This man is sick, and the sooner he retires, the better.People were phoning the embassy because even the minister of information admitted he had no idea were the Veep was. And how does this man claim the review was scheduled weeks ago, when at the same time he was scheduled to be campaigning in milanzi?And why was his trip so shrouded in secrecy if he was as fit as he claims?And what kind of review takes almost a month? Just be happy you survived,rather than the pomposity you exhibited
Ungrateful bastard!
Good Afternoon
What kind of people are these who comfortably wish death and calamity to befall someone else’s husband, father, grandfather..etc? They cause me to have a sense of humour failure.
If anyone reading this has ever wished a fellow human being death, can I just say: repent and get a life! I recommend an eternal one through Christ Jesus, the saviour of all mankind.
Was it very cold for him to put on that heavy brown coat????
Retire him on medical grounds
Is this man for real! Zambia is a Christian nation. No one comes out in the open to say they are satanists, sadists, homos and so forth. Only he has that in his brain. If Sata was concerned about his hospitalization then he should thank him traditionally. What sort of tradition values is he mumbling about? Be thankful that you are feeling better. Other people are not responsible of your ill-health. And whether you die or not, Zambia will still be there and a government will still be in place without you in it. You are just a replaceable resistor on a faulty circuit board mr. Matyr for Zambia.
Good for him aletola nobwapona for what our tax payers money has done for him.Deuces bane:)>-
“Thank God he’s still alive”, said Sata. I do not see anything wrong with that, do you? Yes we should always thank the almight god in times of happiness and sickness. My advice to the veep is to take it easy now. An early retirement on medical grounds might just help. Ichalo ba Kunda, lifupa..
It can never be put any better than the way His Honor the Republican VP Kunda has done it with sanctity. It’s sad that Mr. Sata out of desperation for power and campaign money has curved in to the spiritual wars of queers at the tabloid senselessly against the Zambian morals, spiritual and cultural values with their abominations. Sata’s son Chilufya died with this inhumane sexual binary and drugs. In the PF camp championing the queer culture are: William Harrington, Ruff shenton, Given Lubinda, Mumbi Phiri, Jean Kapata and “Gay Scott” who have long surrendered their human selves to pervasion. Its all for the love of campaign funds and imaginary power he will never get in his life time at his age he is settling for these pervasive binaries.
G.a.y Scott, Given Lubinda the Bangladesh-Zambian and Mmembe as PF cadres and queer actors are behind the moral ruins of the 73 years old Mr Sata. They are exploiting his illiteracy, impulsivenessness, obsession dream for power he will never get and irrationality.Sata has become a queer theorist and shame to the country.
Akadoyo is very stubborn. So dont celebrate yet. Soon you will fly back to SA more reviews.
Kunda should just appreciate the efforts of Mr.Sata who tried his best to find out the condition of the hospitalised VP in S Africa. Sata has shown that if morningside was in Kabwata he was going to visit Kunda’s bed. Those speculations are as a result of the previous Levy incident where the government was not updating its people about the condition of the Prezdent. When people lose confidence in some people, they will create speculations so that the authority can respond.
Wellcome back Honrable VP of the rebublic of Zambia. Many of you power hungry satanist thugs were wishing he had expired. Shame on you. With Sata shouting to for GRZ to tell the nation about GKs condition even though they said he was ok. What kind of thuggery is he engaged in ? As an aspiring presidential candidate the man is a like a witch. Not happy with hurmony, only doom and glum drive him.
The best thing he could have had done was to thank all the zambian`s for the financial help(From our tax money) they rendered to him during his hospitalisation.But for him to start with a witch hunting mission in form of who said what,who did what and bla bla shows how short sighted the man is.Wish him a full recovery incase he has been told to finish the rest of the treatment at home.:-?
Its really a pity like the GK’s caliber are not well informed. The Veep is being misled or maybe it is his sickness that is making him hallucinating all the time. He has simply confessed to the Zambians that he is sick and has been sick even during the time he was working with the late LPM (MHSRIP), it is therefore important for him to concentrate on his health and leave the public office as it has so much pressure that is a danger to his health. He must also be reminded that many people did not wish him dead but simply wanted to know the truth about his condition. The poor communication on the part of the govt is reason many people got so interested to ask on his condition as they always give half baked informed. Welcome back home but please consider resigning for the sake of your…
You can knock of some letter from a satann but without success to disguise the real him. Sata’s sadistic mind has vividly manifested his satanic nature and heritage despite pulling off the “n” from his real name “Satan”. Who doesn’t know that Sata is a moving coffin saved by the MMD administration today surviving on a Pace metal inserted in his heart chambers? Today he avoids anything magnetic material because magnetic fields would malfunction his heart tripping into an instant death. Isn’t it the MMD administration that footed his over US $ 750,000 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation bill in SA?
You can knock off some letter from satan but without success to disguise the real him. Satan is Satan.
Here is the other side of the coin, What kind of leaders are these who selfishly and arrogantly make the nation’s resources only available to themselves, their families and friends to facilitate their evacuation to better medical attention abroad while the poor and the neglected back home die like flies? Their selfishness and inhuman deeds to the people cause me to feel how diabolic they are.
If anyone reading this has ever thought that this GRZ cares for fellow human beings, can I say Go To Hell!
The question is despite the ruling MMD administration footing his over US $ 750,000 bill on Cardiopulmonary resuscitation pace metal inserted in his fragile heart, did Sata’s hospitalization offer any updates to Zambians other than G.a.y Scott hallucinating without introspection in pledge to reimburse Zambians the money spend on him untill he realized it iwas a stuggering US $ 750,000 bill to delay Sata’s fragile heart from circumbing to death.Ha he ever updated Zambian even on his month check-ups at the Lusaka Private Hospital he often runs into whenever the inserted metals starts failing?
i can see you become so personal and touched when talking about SATA. I dont find you constructive and your insults are very disappointing that as a Zambia, “Cultured Person” whatever sex you are, you are able to insult a grown up man. These are national issues dont take them as though you are dealing with someone who is sleeping with your spouse. Both VP and Cobra are our leaders lets respect them .
#24 Veteran/Senior Citizen/Whatever Else you call your self.
I think you are the one in hallucinating mode. Ny the way US $ 750 000 is three quarters of $1 million dollars. There is no hospital or clinic anywhere in the world that would charge the money you are quoting for the procedure you are describing and where did you get the lies that Sata has a metal in his heart. Stop hallucinating and leave G a y s alone. They are also human and God makes the sun fall on them too and he loves them and dies for them
ba vice Gorge Kunda is very sick.In Sickness it has made him forget to thankyou Zambians first, go home enjoy a sleep and then talk about all those rabbishi.Anyway that should have not even bothed him alot as he could have just kept quiet and work
I hear you Ba Kunda but please you may have to blame your colleagues for not informing the nation about your wherabouts and acting suspiciously when asked about it. Sorry ba mudala but tefyo bengila mu calo ifi. Two wrongs never made a right.
Do not worry, we need to start campaining in Muchingi. The next time GK will go for reviews he is coming back as Cargo. At the rate he is going, he probably is on the last line of ARV’s and any misharp resulting from his forgeting to consistently adhere to treatment will land him in Morningside for a very long Medical Checkup.
Let’s just start campaning as these are the last words of a dead horse.
On “He said his medical review has been politicised by some opposition political party leaders who were hoping that his purported demise would turn out to be true” I am very disappointed with the Vice-President Minister of Justice Hon MP George kunda for it is the MMD Administration of GRZ that caused all the speculation due the incompetence of their system. To the dull characters, I will elaborate on my above point below.
When the press learnt about Vice-President George Kunda’s hospitalisation in a South African Clinic/Hospital, they inquired from Minister and Chief GRZ Spokesperson Roan Shikapwasha who expressed ignorance about the hospitalisation.
Be blessed day all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto…
Did I read some fellow rang the High Commissioner of Zambia to South Africa and seek the private health files of the Vice Presidents health status? God forbid! Is this the Government we are soon to get ourselves into that will reveal secrets to third parties so carelessly? Obviously if the High Commissioner even at the slightest hint revealed his condition to a third party…he would be FIRED! This is applicable to Medical Doctors as well! In other words only a foolish man would even contemplate such luck coming his way…but this is what we have for leadership in our country—mediocre!!!
Only the other day the same guy was boasting he has a very educated wife who is a Medical Doctor. Now if this guy was any clever he would have asked his wife to investigate clannishly from her friends…
Following “When the press learnt about Vice-President George Kunda’s hospitalisation in a South African Clinic/Hospital, they inquired from Minister and Chief GRZ Spokesperson Roan Shikapwasha who expressed ignorance about the hospitalisation” above, the incompetence of MMD GRZ Administration lead by Mr President RB Banda caused the nation to hunger for the truth about Vice President George Kunda. When falsehood crept in, that is when the seemingly most important Minister MMD spokesperson Hon MP Dorah Siliya came on the scene to assure the Nation that the Veep went for a Medical Review that was scheduled. Why then did Minister Shikapwasha show ignorance?
Be blessed day all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto…
Now if this guy was any clever he would have asked his wife to investigate clannishly from her friends at Morningside. Use logic guys…
With “When falsehood crept in, that is when the seemingly most important Minister MMD spokesperson Hon MP Dorah Siliya came on the scene to assure the Nation that the Veep went for a Medical Review that was scheduled. Why then did Minister Shikapwasha show ignorance?” nicely mentioned, I am humbly asking the MMD to put there house in order instead of insulting the opposition and concerned Zambian voters.
On another note, I am asking Mr acting MMD president President RB Banda to relieve Vice President and Minister of Justice, Hon MP George Kunda, of one GRZ MMD Administration portifolio so that he can serve better in one capacity, say Vice-President of Zed only.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto…
What medical review takes a month?
Morning Side Clinic can you publish what exactly is wrong With GK?
He left the country when there were crucial byelections. Why did he not go for the review after the byelections?
Why clad in a heavy coat and not sitting upright when addressing the nation ?
Was he addressing the nation as VP or an MMD cadre?
Is this the quality of leaders we shall have after 2011?
Kunda, just die and leave zed in peace..all of us will die, but your death wont be a lose to our country/democracy and peace
The “On another note, I am asking Mr acting MMD president President RB Banda to relieve Vice President and Minister of Justice, Hon MP George Kunda, of one GRZ MMD Administration portifolio so that he can serve better in one capacity, say Vice-President of Zed only” is just meant to remove some Minister of Justice work-demanding-pressure off the ill (note the time frame of sickness since the late Mwanawasa Presidency to now) and now recuperating Hon George Kunda.
This move would be in the interest of the Nation and MMD as it prepares for 2011 elections so much that Hon George Kunda can concentrate on campaigning in the rural and urban areas as Veep.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.
He was wearing the winter coat because it was too cold for him..imagine midday zed heat. Kunda pliz take time off your stinky mouth and concentrate of good politics in you last days. That way we shall remember u better than this time now.
On the today’s POST Newspaper’s “These are some of the things which are coming from outside the country such as homosexuality because these people who are invading the country, they are heartless. These are not things which we do here in Zambia… it was unfortunate that there were bizarre characters in Zambia that enjoyed inflicting pain on others” atributed to Vice-President Hon George Kunda, it is surprising and disheartening that the Veep concentrated on trying to anger his his perceived enemies — or opponents — instead of just appreciating their concern on his health by praising their efforts that were frustrated by Minister Lt Gen Roan Shikapwasha.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.
Shame on the all purveyors of hatred and evil, the queer agents of the devil masquareding as know-it-all. May the lord prolong the life of His Honour the Vice President George Kunda, State Counsel so that he may out-live all those wishing him dead.
By saying all those things like ““If Zambia loses its Christian values, rumour mongering of this nature, witchcraft, sadism, Satanism and heartless behaviour will take centre stage in Zambia. The evil rumour was fuelled by lies suggesting that I was evacuated to South Africa in an emergency situation“, he made things worse for himself.
On “He took time to greet Government officials, MMD officials and cadres who included various singing and dancing groups, who painted the airport runway ‘blue and white’ – the MMD colours” what a bad way of trying to cause ANARCHY in Zambia by the MMD leaders and cadres who mis-rule GRZ as an Administration under Mr President RB Banda.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be…
On the POST’s report ““For those who don’t know, before I went to South Africa, I addressed 10 campaign rallies in Mufumbwe with other ministers. This is not the first time that I have been to South Africa for medical treatment and reviews,” said Vice-President Kunda“it is sad to note that the Veep Minister of Justice George Kunda forgot to congratulate the mighty UPND Team for winning the Mufumbwe by-election even though MMD is trying to petition or has already petitioned the MP by-election result according to President RB Banda who said that there was no need to constitute a commission of inquire due to the petition.
As for the POST’s Editorial, please don’t worsen his state.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be…
Continuing on “As for the POST’s Editorial, please don’t worsen his stateThe truth is George is not well and his illness has nothing to do with the people he is venting his anger on; it has to do with the way he has lived his own life and what food he has eaten. There’s no one bewitching him. The political hatred against him has nothing to do with his failing health. His failing health is a matter of his own practices… All we are trying to say is that as long as George stays in public life and is in a position to be scrutinised by the public eye, people will see that their vice-president is not well, his jackets have started to hang and his trousers are almost falling, he is a walking stick”.
B blest o…
Reading today’s Post editorial,the indeed assumed the role of VCT official and indirectly pronounced GK HIV positive.They also were not happy with GK’s opposition to Homosexuality.I have a reason to believe somebody at the newspaper is a seasoned Yakumbuyo practitioner.
# 1&2 well said you have made my day. I salute you with both hands..hehehehehehehehehehehehe
23# I agree with you.If these politicians want us to see some sense in what they are preaching they need to revive the UTH to international standards.Kunda’s life is no more precious than Maestro’s grandmother in the Gwembe Valley.They both deserve the best medical treatment available.
Hundreds are die in our poor hospitals. MMD senior official seek medical care in SA using tax payers money. MMD has been in office almost 20 years they’ve had a chance to improve our hospitals but have failed. So this Kunda chap thinks it’s not Zambian culture to wish someone dead! what zambian culture? I wish you were dead and I really hope your days are numbered. This is called freedom of speech and expression it’s not a culture and I exerciser them.
Kunda is a moving Grave no dought!So..who is he tapping in the A???
This habit of privileged individuals taking themselves to “morningside ” or abroad for every little ailment they have should come to an end…of course who am I kidding! that will never happen..for the SINGLE reason that Zambians prefer to keep quit over such ( well there are few individuals who say something once in a while)….So I usually ask..Why do we have UTH? are the doctors at UTH not able to handle these cases? What impression does that give South Africans about our health services?…All Animals are Equal, but some Animals are more equal than others…so so true! Yet its the common underprivileged man who has to foot these medical bills. If these guys really cared about us..and the country they would go to UTH…
I now see why people wanted GK dead%-(%-(%-(
But GOD, why should you allow such kind of people to govern the Zambian people. We really don’t need George Kunda amongst us as can be seen from the majority blogs above.
Anyway, we know that next time mwemfumu, muka getelele.;)
This i di ot is not even ashamed to say I lived in a hotel. What a mug!
Kunda is just frustrated with his own sickness. He doesn`t understand basics of public leadership and private life. When you decide to take up public leadership, that which was private becomes public. If Kunda does not want people to talk about his sickness let him stop living on tax payers money. As long as people are funding his living and medical reviews, we will continue gossing about his health.
#4 Mpangula Mputyu – for you to think of extracting private medical records using your brother/sister speaks a lot about your lack of ethical integrity — it tells people a lot about who you are. You have revealed too much info my dear. Similarly, if your relations avail you such info — then they are not worth working in the medical profession.
Can all Zambia do as Sondashi is now doing
LUSAKA lawyer Ludwig Sondashi has said he will now concentrate on praying and fasting for God’s intervention to give Zambia a leader who can turn it into a truly democratic state.
Yes, some of these PF cadres portraying satanic behavior have been truly shamed.
“I eagerly await the demise of Kunda, he’s the most senseless lawyer i have ever seen or heard of.”msana wanzili, Nawakwi vows not to be intimidated, Lusaka Times, March 29 2010
The devil speaking through some PF cadres who wished death on Vice President G Kunda has been shamed. These PF cadres portraying Satanic behavior have been shamed. It is disgusting that the PF can wish death on fellow human beings. These people don’t care about Zambians if they can wish death upon them. They are cold and evil minded. Their satanic behavior is being exposed and defeated. I pray these PF cadres repent from their evil minds.
Ba Kunda mwisamwa! Lekeni buche!
Kunda, you and your government are very funny people. Do you know that you were employed by the people of Zambia and that they deserve to know where you are whenever you miss work and whatever is happening to you whenever something seems to be wrong with you? Don’t expect them to remain mute. If you have a legal backround of which you do, you should be in a position to know such basic employee responsibilities. Whichever problem you have-HIV/AIDS, ukupolomya, etc people deserve to know as your employers. So, don’t hide somewhere in a luxuary hotel after a medical in a well equipped hospital and expect that your employers will just pay for you without asking about the details of your stay wherever.
#21 Veteran….calm down my bro. I think you are a well educated fellow who should not sink so low to the level of personal insults. Hate the game and not the player.
We may disagree with some of the things that some politicians do or say but NEVER should we get so low as to start calling other people as ‘SATAN’….no no no that aint right. I dont agree with some of Sata’s politics but that does not make him a ‘satan. You are the same person who tells others to respect RB coz he is old enough to be their father BUT what about Sata? Is he not old enough to be your father Mr. Veteran????
Those of us that have had the priviledge to be educated owe it to the nation to show a good example in morals and debating and acting on real issues not personalities.
Last week, the President was away in Tanzania and VP Kunda was in hospital in SA. The President left the tools of power in the hands of Dr. Kalombo Mwansa – Defense Minister. I would have expected the paper that digs deeper to spend time to inform Zambians who Kalombo Mwansa is – his background and whatever info they could have gathered on the acting President — basically, his suitability or lack of it in the event the President and his VP were unable to run the country. Instead they spent all their time wishing the demise of GK. That is the quality of the independent press in Zambia.
The Post editorial has been right on the mark in terms of advising Kunda to focus on taking care of his chronic condition.In order for Kunda`s CD4 count to be elevated,he must never miss his medication,have proper diet and less stressfull work load.
You is a damn fool! What school did you go to, bootlicker?
VP Kunda has done what, with sanctity?
Last sentence is totally nonsensical, too. What a waste!
You is a damn fool!
Veteran says:
May 9, 2010 at 12:42 pm
It can never be put any better than the way His Honor the Republican VP Kunda has done it with sanctity. It’s sad that Mr. Sata out of desperation for power and campaign money has curved in to the spiritual wars of queers at the tabloid senselessly against the Zambian morals, spiritual and cultural values with their abominations.
Ka Advisor #62.
Had the paper done exactly what you are suggesting, you were going to be the person planning to stop both the president and the vp from returning home so you could prove that the post was behind their demise.
What rubbish!
Yes maybe we needed to learn more about K.Mwansa but why blmae it on the POST, yr Times and Daily Mail would ve given us more info on Mwansa too.I dont remember the paper wishing death for the VEEP,harsh as todays POST editorial might be on the VEEP,its factaul,brotherly and timely.
Ba LT i hope a good number of your week in pictures will be of our Vice president captured on his return from medical”review”.We need visuals to see if the man is well mwe!!
What is it that Morning side Cinic have which UTH has not got? Whatever it is, our leaders should be very ashmed for using the tax payers money in south africa!
What does homosexuals have to do with George Kunda’s illness? You condemn others for behaving so Unchristian while you yourself have such hatred for innocent Zambians who simply happen to be g.a.y. Isn’t that a bit hypocritical of you?
Why has it become so fashionable for our leaders to bash a certain segment of our society who have done nothing wrong to anyone but are simply living their lives. If leaders are the ones in the forefront attacking the vulnerable in our society, who is going to protect these people when they get assaulted or worse, murdered over their lifestyle?! Is Sata g.a.y for the Veep to bring in g.a.ys in this issue?
I am heterosexual and do not see anything wrong with 2 conserting adults doing watever they want. Hence, please Zambian leaders, you ve homo citizens ( and perhaps some politicians too) and as long as they doing whatever with other adults, please accept them! I am sure you know that such acts are common in you prisons and you ignore them…..
No wonder you ignore your hospitals and choose to waste money in South Africa. They do not need you money, just improve your healthcare services please..
its good the man has come back in one peace.He should now concetrate on national development and not attacking political opponents
It is sad indeed. This MMD will bounce back and Kunda will continue to go to SA while grand ma in kasempa, kivuku village will continue to go to a clinic a distance away which the MMD say is of high standard in southern Africa. I think multi partism is not a good idea. If we had a democracy with only two politcal parties then the wining part would be a majority one. And this way checks and balances is viable. Becoz the situation now is that MMD will get it again with only 23% while 77% will be shared.Sad
This article portrays the calibre of leaders we have in Zambia — leaders who only think about the self, the president and the party and its government. GK is even incapable of realising that it is failure by the Daily Mail, Times, ZANIS, Shikapwasha, and Siliya to inform the nation about what was happening to him that caused the rumour-mongering. I cannot see why Zambians should give these buffoons another term of office come 2011.
In any case he should disappear. I don’t care how.
You, Mr. Kunda, went for medical reviews outside Zambia, at tax payers’ expense – recently much noise was made about our medical services being adequate – you are the worst hypocrite walking on two legs right now.
Talking about “disappearances”.
Does anyone know of the whereabouts of VJ and Rev Shikapwasha?
Govt controlled media (ZNBC, Times and Daily Mail) please assist us by informing us the whereabouts of national leaders. They are paid by public funds.
Your “His Master’s Voice” syndrome is causing all these rumours. You only report when MMD leaders say something, no matter how irrelevant.
Are you going to blame the tabloids if rumours start flying about ?
I pity young journalists working for these organisations. How will they become top class journalists worth working for BBC , CNN , etc ?
Ok George Kunda, osati kulimonesha ta ka! We can all clearly see from the way you look that you are marked for death. If I were you, I will learn from Mushota’s horror before AIDS killed him. We all watched the man turn into a living skeleton and from all indications, this seems to be what is happening to you. I do not know why its like this with you lawyer chaps, you just dont seem capable of saving the public the nausea of watching you get swallowed right before their eyes. This is very disgusting, please resign and save the rest of your short remaining days with your loved ones. Or maybe the chap is rooting for a state funeral and 21 gun salute.
WE SHALL SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its not bad to go for medical check up but as a public figure official notice has to be given so that you clear the airs.Otherwise people might end up concluding that its an emergency.So Honourable VP,what was the result of the review and since its a routine as earlier said when is the next check up?
Umuntu ne chishinka tafyumfwana. Ba Kunda balwele.
u shud ve just died you chap..shut up!!
Ba Kunda,
I pray you can tame your tongue.Instead of thanking God you instead begin name calling. May God deliver you from your ungraftfulness. Please remember God for once. You could have instead thanked Go for the following,healing, saftety to and fro, your wife, your job,strength you are abusing,food etc. Please be grateful Ba VP and lead by example of christianity.
There is not a single person on earth who is in perfect health, for from the very day that we are conceived, we begin to die. Our cells at the molecular level will deal with zillions of errors of metabolism. genetic replications and cell divisions. Over and above this will be environmental factors of radiation, microbes and viruses assailing us. Some of these insults will come from normal and necessary habits such as eating and drinking and reproduction. Collagen will age, time will plough its lines on our faces and eventually we succumb to dust! To say that one is in perfect health is to say that a car remains brand new. Thanks be to God who creates a new man in us, the inner man alone is in perfect health, through the resurrection of Jesus. You are blessed if you understand.
# 83, THE SAINT,
You are indeed a saint
welcome come back Mr Kunda.what is wrong with a person recovering? dont be sadists people
#83 THE SAINT I am blessed by that contribution. We need more of that light to scatter the dark thoughts that usually abound here.
Is GK really Positive? Can he answer this himself and not pretend he has not read the comments
Adherence is very important GK .just thank the people of Zambia (Tax payers) for paying your bills.
check the new post newspaper at postzambia1.com this is confusing now! read the true story from there
Ba kunda pliz, namatobo yalemoneka ati yakuputa, anyway we shall c. kwik recovery
this S.A morningside clinic should honestly think about opening a brunch pa Zed:d Any how did Sata wish Kunda dead? am cumfused:-?
Ba Kunda the male nurse that was so nicely looking after you at morningside clinic is my g.a.y friend. So mwitupontela sana. Your beef with sata has got nothing to do with us. Sata actually thanked God that you were still alive but you are still complaining. Mwaba pa mulomo:-@
It makes sad reading that our politicians reduce themselves to such levels. I dont think HIV positive people ought to be laughed at. I wonder how Mrs Sata would feel if people started discussing her health. You read people talking about Sata having herpes on his private parts…this is so disgusting and dehumanizing zambians. It leaves Zambians with a fertile imagination as to where Mrs Sata’s herpes is! Sata’s late son was even administered with tetrasil from one Dr Edgar Ng’oma! bane why do you want this nonsense in the public! Please please our leaders and readers lets debate harmoniously and stop this ROT. We are all Zambians at the end of the day.
I do not understand why you discuss other people’s health issues. Its secret. You say you know about it but it remains between you and your doctor! It should be like that why should you even talk about it.
I hope Rupiah will hear the cry of people and retire his VP before he sends him to his early Grave.
Kuti baya fye mukwai. Bushe tabaishiba ukutila no Levy eko alala alapapa fye bukamillion bwenu BaKunda. Akaya kushindula.Akashishi nako takalebomba bwangu pakutila muleyabwangu ilyo tamulapwa indalama shesu. No kufola fwebabomba kuboma tatulafola chatile chobe elyo uletutuka instead of thanking every zambian.Imilomo isho isha kashika shalaamba ukususuka pankafye ukubulabe.
It just shows how so far we are from developing as a nation! is sad8-|
so does that indicate that sata also used our taxpayers money when he was taken to hospital in south africa in 2008?
But of course you know that Mmembe is the conveyor of insults. Mmembe is the number one instigator of violence in Zambia
Come on guys lets mind our language.Insults are not better ways to solve a problem or correct someone.Two wrongs can’t make a right.We should watch our tongue,we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.I would just like to encourage His Excellence to surrender his life to christ and ask for God’s mercy.He is faithful and just to forgive.I invite everyone to pray for our beloved country mother zambia.ZAMBIA SHALL BE SAVED
#57 Chela Moche
Sondashi’s god must be very mean. Can you imagine a father who gives good things to his children only if they fast and grovel and sweat in the dust! If that is the kind of god Mr Sondashi has to appease, he better dump him. My God SHALL (not will, not may, but SHALL) supply ALL (not some, but ALL) my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. It is my Father’s GOOD PLEASURE to give me the kingdom. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights in whom there is no double mindedness. God’s gifts are irrevocable and without change of mind. Tell Mr Sondashi to bow to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus who so loved the world that He gave His unique Son, and how much more. with Him, will He give us ALL things? I don’t need to fast!
Biggie Jim and Nine Chale.
Stay blessed. Amen.
# 101 the SAINT..,……. u are displaying the type of arrogance and self rightousness that is endemic on this blog in assuming that your god is the only one and true god. Your assumptions about Mr. Sondashi’s behaviour are bigoted and misguided to say the least .
There are alot of G.A.Y PF kaponyas on this blog.. thats why reasoning in twisted, when one is sick.. you simply wish him/her well.. why do you want checking his/her status when you are not doctor?:o:-\”
Why go to South Africa for a medical check-up. Those foolish politicians should make UHT .Our poor mbuyas are suffering due to lack of health facilities in Zambia.
Most of the tax payers die because there is no medicine and can not pay the admission fees in the our poorly maintained delapided stinky hospitals while the few politicians keep helping themselves by shipping there dead bodies abraod for complete worsting our the poor people’s little income. Imagine, even for a knee. Someome has to travell to RSA
If the government leaders feel our hospitals are trush why should they ask us to go there. We all should be going to RSA for headche, stomach pain, knee, nails, hair cut and all stup.id trivil issues, even for free Anti-Retrogressive viro’s. Shame on these hypocritical African leaders.
#65 Bugsy – you are very shallow — I wont comment on your low quality opinion. # 65 yes, I expect the independent press to be the true eyes of the people. I am surprised you are supporting substandard reporting from them.
#108 Adviser- No body wishes Kunda dead. Itshis arrogance and double standards that make people irritated. I would not wish somebody dead even if his years would add to mine. Kunda occupies a very important office so his activities will not be a secret. He should not have said what he said on arrival. It is like these MMD i*****s will spend their miserable lives arguing with people fools included.
#103 The Lord SITH
Self righteous? No sir, I have no righteousness of my own. I have only what has been imputed to me.
Bigoted? Well, a physician has no liberty to tolerate the erroneous views of a dying patient. It would be negligence on the physician’s part to say to the patient, ‘I see your views about your illness and I accept thatthey are also true.’ You may not like it sir, but it is not I who said, “I am THE way, THE truth and THE life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.”
… veep back from another transfusion. Bit of advice, zed can survive without you. Do yourself a favour, step down so you can spend your last days sorting out your finances, spending time with your family and enjoying life. No joy in dying on the job, eps if you did a very poor one. Zed is full of leaders – you are all VERY EASILY replaceable. :-w
This is a great embarrassment to the country for the VP to be spitting venom like that! Clearly he is still a sick person and should take time to recuperate.:-?
lets vote on condition that who ever wants to be come President of Zambia should buil a hospital exactly like the one they (politicians) rush to in south africa so that our money is not wasted by paying for their flight tickets / hotel bills / medical bills / food etc.
Dear the Party and its Government,
I would like to let you know that I have a chronic disease that requires specialised treatment in SA. I do not have sufficient funds to foot travel, upkeep and medical expenses. In addition, I am not one of those previledged few Zambians who enjoy overseas medical attention on tax payers’ expenses. However, I am a tax payer and have been so since 1995. In view of my condition and since the Party and its Govt do not want to equip our hospitals, I would like to ask the Party and its Govt to exempt me from paying PAYE for 8 months so that I save that money and use it to meet my bills.