Sunday, March 9, 2025

Clinton scolds Africa on handouts


Hilary Clinton

African nations must stop seeking handouts and begin tough structural reforms, especially on trade, if they truly want to improve their economies, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Monday.

Clinton’s sharp comments were in response to a question about broadening the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a measure passed by Congress in 2000 which gives favorable access to U.S. markets to dozens of African countries.

While many African governments hope the benefits can be made permanent, Clinton signaled Washington was going to look for signs that African countries are serious about improving their own domestic economic policies.

Both Clinton and U.S. President Barack Obama have used trips to Africa to stress good governance, saying local leadership is as important as foreign help in the drive to stamp out war, corruption and disease on the continent.
[ QFM]


  1. Americans and the western countries are nothing but plunderers who have robbed Africa of resources and continue to suppress our growth while claiming to be helping us.Reality is that prosperity of their economies mainly depends on the exploitation and suppressing of third world countries. However She does have a point and I think we can from Asia how they are slowly emerging and becoming a major force. Having being in Asia for almost a year,I have noted that many asian countries are investing a lot of money in education, especially technical and research work. This has been the major driving force in their economies!

  2. This is what undemocratic leaders need to hear. No democracy no aid. I must mention that with the right people in place, Africa can grow. The problem is Africans in general have no faith in themselves. A good example is Zambia where we are stuck with old leaders. Even those that are “popular” have the support of young ones. Its not just the politicians who are selfish but also young people who support people like RB and SATA in their personal newspapers so that when the same old finished leaders make mistakes, they can insult them and the gullible Zambian Africans continue to buy their papers and more money for their papers. Why do we fail to support the you vibrant leaders like HH, Milupi, Elias Chipimo, Professor Chirwa? KK ruled us at 40. Lets wake up and be responsible.

  3. The way forward for my beloved Africa is serious control of rapid population growth. The Chinese model can can work for Africa – some kind of a one child policy. With this in place, you will expect less pressure on infrastructure like more primary schools, more housing, more of everything….If you read my message take the first step and think twice before you decide on more than one child. Otherwise, we will ever be perpetually depended….LET US CONTROL OUR NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4 MSPontiff i agree with you. The industrialised countries are our west worst enemies. But we need to understand that there is no sweet that comes without a struggle. We need to start somewhere and wrestle the power of manipulation from the west. China has managed and we can follow suit. Africa needs a generation change at the top. The dynamics have channged hence the need for Africa to adjust accordingly.

  5. Well Madam, nice advice to Opposition and other African countries who think they can only live on hand outs and running currency print press machines and promise the people 90 days economic miracles. The MMD is now firmly on the path of no handouts. This is evidence by the significant reserves we have built up over the years and the serious pursuant of the Countr’s rating and bond issuance because we believe we can raise capital and build infrastructure that would repay. In terms of Agriculture we continue to pursue policy that will make our country never again to depend on food hands out. Zambians are great people and can feed themselves and shall feed the regions.

  6. Aisha,I agree with you.We need to control our numbers and be fathers to our children and the street kids will reduce in numbers.The population growth outdo our economic growth.

  7. Well said Hillary
    Kwena twalichilamo
    Even countries rich in natural resources like Zambia have to rely on handouts
    Its such a shame.
    #8 MMD Chief Buk*lalicker, how do the opposition parties come into this?
    At the moment the focus should be on the sitting governments. And if the opposition come into power and continue wih hand outs mentality then we ll attck them too
    And yes its good we have built reserves but its time your RB government stopped running another huge debt for the country

  8. Madam Clinton your handouts have not developed any country in Africa ,you chaps have always robbed us of our resources and you pay us peanuts for the raw materials .We are bettter off than the Israel which depends on you for survival.We also know that you have no money at the moment so so do not vent your anger on us Africans.And please improve the welfare of our brothers and sisters who live in those drug infested slams Africa is even much better in that case.

  9. JOSE. am disappointed tht a person in diaspora can buy such trash from America! who determines your price of copper or any products of Africa? Talking of Trade, until them pieces of coal, straighten out trade imbalances, you Africans will always be at their mercy! wake up Jose!

  10. Bootlicker your head needs to be checked. Has anyone from opposition looked for aid from anywhere in the world? Who is in the driving seat? The same guys have failed to discipline Musonda but were quick to arrest a tax driver for no reason. Your president the other day was on TV saying there was a reason as to why Musonda shot the cadre. Dont you think that there is a reason too why criminals steal and should be left alone? You are the same guys who keep looking/asking for aid every other time. I have no better words for you following your negativity towards opposition.

  11. Tell them madam, especially Rupiah Banda. We are busy giving out every opportunity and assets to foreigners for a song in order tomorrow to start asking for handouts from them instead of making our own money from our assets. Rupiah should have given foreigners minority shares if it was necessary at all and them sell the rest of shares on the stock market for Zambians to benefit from in this very lucrative business of telecommunications. this is the very reason why no Zambian in his normal state of mind has any consideration for Chiluba. He sold everything we had. And now RB has come to finish us off. Kuya (ku chimbokaila) bebele!

  12. Hilary is right in every way. Zambia has sold itself to investors and have failed to develop the country since 1991 when chiluba came into power. They have sold all industries to themselves and pocketed the money. Now they are always asking for donor money. Donors should not give them the money. Zambia needs tobe self sufficient and generate their own money. Zambia needs to values its own people and pay their salaries on time. Investors should stop giving commissions to mmd and they are destroying the country.

  13. Recession has gotten the grips. So it Pains to see taxpayers money being wasted by Recipient countries … Wake Up Call:-w:-w:-w The Squeeze is on The Way:-t:-t:-t

  14. ZAMBIA’s efforts in fighting against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria may be under threat following the decision by the Global Fund to suspend funding to the health ministry citing strong evidence of fraudulent activities.
    The decision was made at its 21st Board Meeting in Geneva held between April 28 and 30, 2010.
    The Global Fund has stated that it will not proceed with signing any new grants with the Ministry of Health until it is satisfied that the situation is under control and that adequate measures are in place to allow for a return to normal arrangements.

  15. The report stated that the OIG conducted investigation missions to Zambia in July and September 2009 in order to initially gain a fuller understanding of allegations of theft the Ministry of Health and a clearer indication of the level of risk to grant funds.
    The OIG had sought to engage with the national authorities (Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) and police in relation to the scope of their investigations and possible expert assistance from the Global Fund and other funding partners.
    The Fund stated that the response received was very disappointing

  16. “ZAMBIA’s efforts in fighting against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria may be under threat following the decision by the Global Fund to suspend funding to the health ministry citing strong evidence of fraudulent activities. The decision was made at its 21st Board Meeting in Geneva held between April 28 and 30, 2010.” The Post 15 Tuesday June 2010.

    Meanwhile Dr Solomon Musonda is busy GUN TOTTING instead of managing these funds PRUDENTLY!!!!:o:o:o:o

  17. “The national authorities have failed thus far to provide assurances of appropriate action regarding fraud against Global Fund grant programs. In October 2009, during the audit of all grants within Zambia, the OIG audit team uncovered further evidence of fraud and other irregularities within the Global Fund grant programs in the MoH, in particular multiple apparently fraudulent allowance claims by senior members of the MoH staff. An OIG investigation team was deployed to the country and, in November 2009, referred comprehensive evidence to the Zambian ACC,” stated the Fund, “The OIG remains in the dark regarding the scope of any investigations being conducted by the ACC or police, which stem from the original whistleblower allegations.

  18. “ZAMBIA’s efforts in fighting against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria may be under threat following the decision by the Global Fund to suspend funding to the health ministry citing strong evidence of fraudulent activities. The decision was made at its 21st Board Meeting in Geneva held between April 28 and 30, 2010.” The Post 15 Tuesday June 2010.

    Meanwhile Dr Solomon Musonda is busy GUN TOTTING instead of managing these said funds PRUDENTLY!!!!:o:o:o:o Giving the country bad Accountability Record…:-\”:-\”:-\”

  19. Neither does it have information about whether the investigations extend beyond those persons originally named as suspects. Similarly, despite numerous requests, the OIG has not received any feedback on the clear evidence of fraud against the Global Fund that was formally referred in November 2009 for criminal investigation.”
    In both cases, the OIG is unable to report with any confidence on the capacity, will or efforts of the national authorities in conducting timely and appropriate investigations.
    “The OIG is therefore unable to provide assurance as to the safety of investing further funds through the Ministry of Health while the issues surrounding the investigations by national authorities remain unresolved,” it stated.

  20. THE kwacha has continued to post losses on the financial markets hitting a low of K5,290 against the United States dollar on Wednesday.
    According to the Standard Chartered Bank daily newsletter, the local currency closed the trading session at K5,245 to K5,265, signifying a depreciation figure of K85 from the opening levels.

  21. THE kwacha has continued to post losses on the financial markets hitting a low of K5,290 against the United States dollar on Wednesday.
    According to the Standard Chartered Bank daily newsletter, the local currency closed the trading session at K5,245 to K5,265, signifying a depreciation figure of K85 from the opening levels.

  22. You’re right, Hilary. What an embarrassment these guys are. We got everything down there to get things done right, except we have no brains at the top.

  23. If we change our policy you are the first ones to slap us with sanctions. Look at what the USA and its western allies are doing to Zimbabwe. USA thrives on divide and Rule. If a country wants to stand on its own like Iran you make silly noise. Just shut up Ms Clinton and try play some golf.

  24. bana chelsea look at how heavily you subsidize your essentials for the poor who survive on coupons getting free food and grocery from supermarkets but as you tell as to remove subside.

  25. On “Both Clinton and U.S. President Barack Obama have used trips to Africa to stress good governance, saying local leadership is as important as foreign help in the drive to stamp out war, corruption and disease on the continent” this could explain why UPND and PF-UPND president HH was invited to USA by the US Government to attend an 18 day or so leadership and security meeting.

    I hope our mis-Leaders will honourably let the younger man HH to led Zambia after the 2011 elections as President of Zambia so that we can begin seeing accelerated development in all areas of human life in our country Zambia.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  26. I do totally agree with her observations and comments. These handouts don’t benefit the people in need. Instead the resources go into corrupt leaders’ coffers like Chiluba and Banda. Until we start measuring success with our own sweat, we will remain at the bottom of the pile. We as a people should start having some pride.

  27. #1T. Stevens – That’s a callous comment coming from another woman. I hope your husband cheats on you one of these days. – Learn to support other women.

  28. THIS IS IT>>>>
    let those who have ears listen…it is simple. while many leaders are colonising their assets into foreign hands other are diversifying their economies from single dependance to multiple.
    there is need to start reviving the value chain sytems production rather than exporting rwa material.
    china went thru the same phase…foreigners invaded their nation and ploughed many resources out of china…now the sleeping GIANT has realised its potential. they have industrialised their economy by investing in manufacturing industries, factories are up and running and little or nothing is exported as raw material.
    ZAMBIA WORK UP YOU SLEEPING GIANT…………VERY SOON WE WILL CUT OFF THE AID….enough is enough guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

    we pray for this leader with such wisdom…

  29. Mrs Clinton, we also dont like the handouts and being under your control all the time. Please invite Mrs BBR and explain what u mean. Am sure she can make BBR understand better mweeeh!o-+

  30. what our leaders are forgeting is that this copper is a wasting asset. it will finish at some stage or the prices would plumate like before. we can not go on depending on this comm. there is need to revive agriculture
    we need 20 to 100 more Mpongwe projects. we need at least 100 to 5000 kanakantampa or Mkushi faming blocs IN EACH DISTRICT. Develop the infrastructure- roads , electricity and so own. open up for the Zambian people to go and settle in these areas
    address the issue of boleholes—- offer tax holiday up to 10 years– unfortunately we need to pay the price (less tax for u guys in govt).
    the reward of doing this will be seen afterwards.
    Invest heavily in the Energy sector— this is potential import $ investment—- moving fast not at snails pace—we CAN YES WE CAN!!!

  31. IN ADDITION TO FDI thru private sector development, we could raise this fund by chopping the blotted Govt structures, use Copper revenue to develop such ideas.
    We need to pursue this cause with great force and desire—– diversification is the solution for the survival of our posterity

  32. ” African nations must stop seeking handouts and begin tough structural reforms, especially on trade, if they truly want to improve their economies, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Monday. ”

    This is very interesting, and I hope Hillary knows what she is talking about.

    1) The only handouts are to the mines and extractive industries – they pay no taxes, and share no profits. I hope Hillary has our backs when we privatise and our leaders don’t end up like Patrice Lumumba or President Mugabe.

    2) Hillary Clinton co-sponsored the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001, which through Section 4C put the Zimbabwean government on a credit freeze. Why? Because they started redistributing corporate owned land.

  33. SHE REALLY HAS A POINT HOW I WISH all these Western countries can stop giving aid to African countries. Especially countries like Zambia. I hope RB is paying attention. The very first thing RB did when he became president was to ask for money from the Western countries and at the same time he revoked the wind-fall taxes on the mines and canceled the visa fees that Levy Mwanawasa had put as reciprocals.
    So he cut off the countries income and started asking for aid while the country can be self reliant.Keeping in mind that the donors will give him money. The budget that his finance minister made was that of which they were saying we do hope that the donor countries can help us with the amount. How do you budget for the money you don’t have. Budget within, create projects to bring income.

  34. (2) Continued…) Specifically, the Oppenheimer Family’s giant Debshan Ranch (35,000 ha out of 117,000 ha). And because they Zimbabwe threatened the illegal concessions in the DRC held by US/Israeli nationals, by militarily supporting the government of Laurent Kabila against the US and UK sponsored ‘rebels’ that were to eventually assassinate him. One of the demands of ZDERA was the Zimbabwean withdrawal from the DRC, even though their presence was on the request of the DRC government and through SADC. The Zimbabwean presence in the DRC was completely legitimate, the presence of US/UK sponsored ‘rebels’ from Uganda and Rwanda was completely illegal.

  35. 3) African governments depend on ‘donor aid’ to make them dependent on western governments, not because they need it. Case in point: Zambia. Zambia’s privatised mines export about $2.4 billion in profits every year, pay no taxes ($50 million total this year, giving them an effective profit tax of 2% – people in employment pay 35%). If the mined were taxed at 50% of profits, Zambia would collect $1200 million a year, twice the $600 million of ‘donor aid’ Zambia received in 2004.

    4) I too am tired of independent African governments being undermined by the West, and what is their favorite control measure: stopping ‘donor aid’. Look at what happened in Malawi, when the West wanted to push it’s weight around and interfere with the Malawian legal process over gay rights.

  36. So stand by your words, Hilllary, and:

    a) Repeal ZDERA, and apologize to the Zimbabwean people for destroying their currency with a credit freeze in retaliation for something so right and due, like land reform.

    b) Support all governments that want to get off donor aid by taxing their extractive industries, instead of punishing them.

    c) Stop palling around with or accept any donations from Maurice Tempelsman, who was either directly or indirectly involved with the murder of Patrice Lumumba, for doing exactly what you are suggesting African politicians do – taxing their extractive industries.

    Now if Hillary Clinton is serious about ending donor aid and starting taxation, I am all for it. But let’s put everything on the table and move forward.

  37. If you’re Zambian and you really want to find out how IMF/World Bank is used by the West to keep us poor and own nothing in our own land, read this:

    FOR WHOM THE WINDFALLS? Winners & Losers in the Privatisation of Zambia’s Copper Mines

    Meanwhile, our wimpy MMD government is busy saying “Yes, Bwana” to everything they are told to do. Today, we have Lumwana owning 100% of land that has vast mineral wealth, they pay little tax and siphon out all that they plunder. If you want to have an idea of the amount of money that is in mining copper, take a look at the infrastructure in several towns on CB. What has Vedenta, Anglo or the other Australian thieves done since they came? Plunder upon plunder. Shame on MMD.

  38. This is waht our own Dambisa Moyo has been proposing.. Please Donor, do not give aid to govt like ours.. that way we shall learn to chose better leaders who will utilise our resources well.. Rupiah just spends Donor money on flying and most of it stolen from ministries..Please Donors do not handout these aid packages they are killing our democracy

  39. we do not want dambisanism here!
    after stealing our resources then monica lewnsky—-oh sorry hillary clinton can vomit such words! shameless lady. sought your marital problems before the african agenda.

  40. 48 suntwe, ” This is waht our own Dambisa Moyo has been proposing.. ”

    I don’t think Dambisa Moyo wants us to tax foreign corporations. After all, she does work for Goldman Sachs.

  41. Oh and by the way, Hillary Clinton maintains economic sanctions against Zimbabwe (she is the co-sponsor of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001).

    Read more at ” US to maintain pressure on Mugabe: Clinton “.

  42. I like that we need to look forward to do our own, not always hoping to receive from some where, it is illigal to depend on other people. Africans must learn to respect themselves no beggar is respected by any one

  43. Good Evening

    The message is loud and clear: we cannot build our future on handouts, it is time that Africans started thinking big and take their destiny in their own hands. Africans themselves need to realize that every region of the world has it’s own problems and they need to start working out their own concept of survival. We do not need Hillary to tell us that.

    We’ve been allowing Europeans, Americans, Chinese, Indians etc. to define our politics, our development, our education and even our borders for so long. Now we are even letting them define our culture and lifestyle by tolerating their man to man and woman to woman marriage in the name of human rights. As long as this happens, mental colonialism & slavery are very much alive.

  44. What is the difference in the management of the economies between Zed and Botswana?Can’t Zambian get some ideas?

  45. Tell ’em.

    I wish the west stopped giving money to these corrupt govts. Maybe thats when we will begin to take care of ourselves

  46. 🙂 Zodwa I have been giving the Botswana example for years on LT no one even thanks me. As for Maxi number 27, Africans invented cities. But inferiority complexes and pride that crept in destroyed our kingdoms. Read history and be amazed.
    Nine chale good evening my bro. Enjoying the world cup? Great words you shared.

  47. Greetings Mwanawakwithu.

    Bless up, bro! It’s always an honour for me to contribute to the development and upliftment of our Nubian race by sharing words of reality. Like Marley sang, indeed “half the story has never been told…” and if our people (including our leaders) only took some time to search our History, they would find that we were Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses in this mighty continent of Africa. I could go on and on… but Brazil is about to slash the Koreans and show them the melanin formula in soccer… which was once evident in the unforgettable tactics of Pele.

    Let’s watch and cheer!<:-p

  48. Mama you are right…stop giving handouts to these dull creatures which God blessed with so many resurces but they cant use them for the benefit of their own people but foreigners.

    It is good that there is suspensin of RAD and health aid, I applaud you mama , tell off these dull useless creatures on earth which cant think on their own. Very dull creatures indeed. :)>-:)>-:)>-

  49. @ Zodwa for saluting and honoring your brothers you show that indeed you are a wise and great person too 🙂 we all learn progressively. Africans need to understand that outsiders fear our concious to awakening. When African Morals fall, though we have our own evils then the rapture nears.
    @ Nine Chale, blessings to you too bro. Yes Brazil just iced the cake. Brazil, Germany, south Korea, Ghana, The Netherlands and south Africa are teams that have showed that hunger for the cup; as of now that is. Yes indeed the only tell half truths about Africa’s history.

  50. obama said ‘good governance is the ingredient that has been lacking in many african countries for far too long’.tamumfwa na moma kano alandapo

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