A BRITISH High Comission official has been arrested for allegedly assaulting her husband. Police have also arrested two other Britons in connection with the same incident.
The husband, who is Zambian, is believed to have been hit with beer bottles and other objects and left unconscious at Lusaka South Country Club on Saturday around 02:00 hours.
Both Lusaka police commanding officer Greenwell Ng’uni and the victim who is a chief executive and proprietor of a manufacturing firm in Lusaka confirmed the incident in separate interviews yesterday.
The victim, who has since been discharged from CBF Medical Centre where he was admitted, said he has a fracture on the back of his skull, severe injuries all over the face and stitches on his forehead although his condition is improving steadily.
“I was attacked by a white Zimbabwean and my wife when I approached them. They hit me with two bottles of beer on my forehead and left me in a pool of blood. It is just good Samaritans who helped me,” he said.
He said since the matter is now in the hands of the police, he wants action to be taken against his wife including those who took part in the attack.
The victim said he also wants the Zimbabwean man to be tried in the Zambian courts of law because the issue has now seriously affected his marriage.
And Mr Ng’uni said the incident took place last Saturday at Lusaka South Country Club during a beer-drinking binge.
Mr Ng’uni said the woman together with two other British male nationals, one of them a farmer in Mazabuka, were arrested yesterday and charged with assault at Chawama police station.
“On August 28, 2010, while drinking beer at Lusaka South Country Club, the three British nationals, one woman and two men, picked up a quarrel with a Zambian man and a fight erupted. It was then that the three descended on the Zambian coloured,” he said.
Mr Ng’uni said the trio was released on police bond yesterday after a warn-and-caution statement was recorded by the officers handling the case.
He said the man who was attacked is currently admitted to CBF Medical Centre in Lusaka along Addis Ababa Drive.
The British High Commission employee was allegedly found with the other man by her husband before the fight ensued.
When the husband asked what the other man was doing with his wife, he was allegedly punched on the face after which his spouse and the other male British national allegedly descended on him, hitting him with beer bottles, shoes and any objects their hands fell on until he got unconscious.
Vanguard Investigations managing director James Kasamanda said his company was involved in investigating the diplomat.
Captain Kasamanda said his company is still looking for more people who may have participated in the attack of the husband of the High Commission official, adding that investigations are almost complete.
He said the victim is a senior employee of Asbestos Roofing Solutions.
And according to a medical report, the victim sustained three broken teeth, bruises all over the body and a deep cut on his forehead.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Too bad. I pray for his quick recovery. Zambian men, be warned, these dressed chickens you like marrying will one day kill you. there is no harm in marrying these village chickens, atleast they treat you with respect.
mmmm? are they British or Zimbos pliz? anyway I hope they get what they deserve from a proper investigation
Sometime you have to fight fire with fire and teach people a lesson. This should be settled not in a gentlemanly way but in the streets – easily organised. Have the attackers running to the Police
I wonder if the coloured guy did not start the fight. Ma coloured you cannot trust them but anyway sorry man you should forgive your wife she was under the influence.
@ Dora I agree with u. Osati chabe zina ati nakwatila muzungu..
very confused story no wonder where beer is involved in the matter it is misplacement of ideas altogether.
NO i dont believe she was white! only a black woman would have done that. awe nakana bane. leave the sweet buga alone. am sure she was the one attacked! arrest the husband chapwa!
Imwe, these papers should not be sensationalists, this is true paparazzi standard!! What they have not told you is the couple are on legal separation because the point five man( who is Portuguese descent and not a coloured Zambian) has been using her as a punch bag obviously cannot afford to join a boxing club, she took him to therapy over the abuse of her and substance but he has not relented. On the day of the incident, he was the one who walked into the club as drunk as a lord and picked up a fight with his wife hitting her before the other parties got involved . The lady in question is not a diplomat but a local employee of the High commission. Daily Mail verify your stories before you print these things, you are misleading us readers. Concerned witness
Number 1, Dora, that is nonsense. Village chickens also have the history of using boiling cooking oil… Its not a question of the breed of chicken… I can only assume that it is the inter-feminine competitive factor that leads you to say such a thing…
Number 3, indeed… Guerilla tactics
Number 4: it does not matter who started the fight. The purpose of self defence is to reduce the potential of the attacker to cause you harm, not to knock him senseless even when he lies defenselessly… Secondly, he is the husband… of course we dont get from this story what was happening with this other guy…
Number 5: You may be a clever person, but your statement is as shallow as number 1
Number 8, Amayo-Moyo, Thats what I’m talking about. Bloggers, learn to contribute in this…
They also forgot to mention he walked in and assaulted her before people had to step in and assist her. She is just as Zambian as he is so it shouldn’t be made out that some Western woman is out here abusing a poor Zambian soul – this article is worthy of libel, as previous statement say verify your stories.
rational objective manner… Thanks number 8
For effective intellectual discourse it is vital to remain within the context of the subject at hand… As it turns out, according to 8 and 10, the “facts” as presented in this story do not say much of what went down, and I have reason to,in the manner that 8 speaks, believe he/she knows what he/she is talking about…
Then there’s the question of giving one a taste of their own medicine… Legal is one thing, moral is another… I wouldnt mind kicking a guy that kicks my sister around, or any woman for that matter…
Anyway, facts first before judgment!!!
daily mail and times are on war against the British embassy hence these cooked stories. they want to use such shallow and as.s papers to discredit others.
Whatever……. the next thing they will be bonking each other in their bedroom and non of us will be there when its sweet. Leave them to kill each other. Cockroaches!!!
Shame on Daily Mail – the paper that scratches shallow!
This is why I prefer the Post – the Paper that digs deeper.
Bushe ni ba POLICE aba utufumo?
Juicy story from the British High commission. When they are not acting as donors, they are street fighters. Anyway, juicy change from London judgement!
13 & 15, you Pact guys will always score top marks for creative imagination a.k.a. hallucinations.
Sub standard Jornalism from these useless tabloids Times of zambia and zambia daily mail,
This is desperation by mmd in trying to discredit Britain
ka doyo! eya ni apopene mune! deuces
it’s sad that an article like this should be reflective of the media and police’s stance to domestic violence – no wonder it’s a losing battle.True, self defence is not about bludgeoning someone, although it was people defending her.How many people would stand by and watch those they love get beaten in this situation? When domestic violence enters the public arena as extremely as this, it should give you an idea of the living hell this woman had behind closed doors and infront of her children. It is appalling that the race card is being played her to demonize her – where were the media and police when she was asking for help?Walking into work with black eyes? Black, white, Zambian, British, Zimbabwean what does any of that have to do with the facts that have been neglected in this…
8 and 10 if what you say is true – then great the guy had it coming. But when ZP investigate do they take this into considerartion and if all she did was take him to therapy and not report it. then she and her compadres will be found culpable – case in point the woman who poured boiling cooking over a shushu husband who had been using her to practice his torture techniques
Ummm and in addition maybe someone should advise the journalist that he was in CFB and not CBF – atleast try and get the small facts right!
Zambia has had a number of cases where women driven to breaking point by physically abusive husbands land up killing them. But unlike in the west our traditional stance is “shipikisha” and unfortunately the man lands up dead or a cabbage, the woman in jail and the children parentless. Zed women you must starting reporting these cases of abuse!!! not just reacting pa last.
23 LOL! just shows quality of reporting and editing!!
Berlusconi babe is very much correct, I did a study on Domestic Violence in Zambia and even I, who was not a victim was intimidated by the way the police treated me. Then later being asked in a room full of strangers, who were not staff at the victim support unit why I had gone to the VSU would have sent me running had I been a victim. Across society, poor to rich, black or white – I heard stories of how women had gone in to report the husbands and the police had told the husband; who had then silenced his wife. Sadly, socially a lot of women are driven to breaking if they’re husbands don’t kill them before that. Zambian women of all races need to find a voice.
Iyo bane mulipo na data, ukuchila na ba Daily Mail………..lol
Journalism in Zambia is reaching dying point while our friends in East Africa are reaching world class level. Just check online for proof.
I tend to agree with #8/#10. If this lady was a diplomat the police would not have charged her swiftly because of diplomatic immunity
There are cases where Diplomatic immunity does not cover…cruelity and causing actual bodily harm is one of them I am sure otherwise these mad diplomats would go on an orgie of destruction …Imagine an Al-Qaida Ambassador in DC knowing he can any thing and not be arrested?
hope this man got visa using her influence! noti uletomba but not gettin anything from it. nizeee
The truth such come out in court and for those white farmers have forgotten how Mugabe chased them? We will give a call so that he can tell RB how to sort them out!
Cage them please.
Hi all,
First off the press along with others must get thier facts right as to what exactly transpired. The Gentelman (Carl) was intoxicated and mistreating His wife (British High Commision Employee) in public, he even physically struck her first. The other Gentle man, who was a by stander did what any other person would so (I Hope), he interviened, to stop Carl from abusing his (Carl’s) wife. Thus how the brawl got out of hand. From the way i saw it on Sunday, it was entirely Carls fault and all thus nonsense of assault is bogus.
#8, Amai-Moyo, I tend to agree with you. The story, as reported and written sounds incomplete and skewed!
Talk about quality freporting!
#8 thanks for the true refection. the rest …… kaya
FTJ and RB at work! I love these two!!!!!!!!!!! Cheap politics at work.
dont be racist u chaps,
You cant really know what happened until the facts are in court, witnesses have been cross-examined. Anything at this moment in time is just conjecture. The only good thing is that there was no loss of life and I hope there are no children involved as this could scar them for the rest of their lives.
# 8 I salute you at least we have people in Zambia that believes in fairness and natural justice your statement is straighter then LT’s
zambian coloured?,, white zimbabwe?…what kind of reporting is this? racism or just naive
LOL coloured clobbered? I thought coloured chaps were rough and rugged…I’m sure there’s more to this story!
This is the most disreputable piece of journalism I have seen for a long time. It was deliberately written to mis-lead people into thinking that those awful white people have been bashing an innocent Zambian man for no good reason. I suppose it’s no surprise, coming from the Daily Toilet Paper. On another point, Greenwell Nguni and his band of merry men look totally unfit for police work.
I think this story is not carrying the truth, just for the sake of writing or reporting- worse more, look at those police officers- ala balelila- nowonder we have too much crime -can we know what happened and not reporting on what said who said-
The story is not balanced and well researched. I believe that when you report you have to hear both sides of the story. Not the case here. The police too, sound biased. They dont seem to be doing their investigations, prefering to take sides.
#7 just shows u probably never lived outside Zambia you’re so ignorant these so called sweet buga’s of yours can be much worse than the local black girl you know *****!!
2010 racism neh…will it ever end:(
coloured, white, black. what a racist piece of reporting.
numbala 47 mambala iwe! u dont know me mudala! i have been around and bin in relationships with various races and nationalities and the result of my study was that avafilika they are a problem, go for white women my friend, this is jst some advice which wud save yo life, unless u want to be strangled and hot water poured on you. buga is the way. i am now a happy man, always smiling and recieving tlc if u know wot i mean(raises eyebrows) nizee
Good Evening
An unbelievable episode of violence though there seems to be an influx of factual errors as some bloggers have perfectly analysed. It would be interesting to hear the concluding report after the investigators have gathered all the facts.
Going by the data given to us in the story, my moral is that: whenever you have an issue with your woman, it is not advisable to solve it publicly. Hold your peace, take her home and discuss matters over a cup of tea. Or else you will end up like our poor friend.
…”He said the victim is a senior employee of Asbestos Roofing Solutions.”..ARE YOU still using asbestos for roofing in Zambia? Hasn’t it been outlawed as a roofing material for it’s a danger to human health? ANYWAY BACK TO THE STORY…
…First, the whole story is a typical representation of poor journalism from Zambia Daily Mail. However, expecting quality from this paper (and Times of Zambia) is like expecting a dog to lay eggs for your breakfast. Second, why has the players’ countries of origin taken much precedence and not the offence? Third, why is the paper calling (pressumably) a half cast (or mixed race) a coloured? Don’t these journalist know that they themselves are the coloureds (pigmented)- assuming that the journalists are pure black Zambians? Why is the misunderstanding of this word being promoted by penpushers who are supposed to inform and not misinform the general public?
without doubt our women are prostitutes and these *****s are taking advantage of the sitiuation and the weak laws. Why didn’t ypou organize kaponya and teach this *****s a learns. how in the world would you let foreigner beat you. its time we taught these fools a lesson. zambia fight back.
Peter #52-54. Who are you? Zambia this, Zambia that. What’s your biggest problem darling?
The Police cannot arrest a Member of The Diplomatic service as they enjoy immunity period this story does not add up.
The victim must start Karate lessons ASAP.
Ubuchende lol
Where where they lockd up before bond was issued? Chimbokaila or Kamwala remand? I’m sure the donors after hearing this story will quickly donate to the prison or remand to have it painted and toilets fixed. Weldone POLICE (ZP). For arresting and having these chaps taste our prisons.
#7 u a beast of no nation a chicken that eats its own eggs and deserse to be imprisoned under a basket
We are a very funny people. Always happy and dancing at airports and yet we have so many problems. Quite disturbing.
Wtf is up with Zambians and being colour struck? I think it is ridiculous that people should be moved wenever anyone ‘light’ skinned is involved in an incident. Ati ” A white Zimbabwean decended on a coloured Zambian!” How pathetic