Saturday, March 22, 2025

Zanaco vs CS SFAXIEN in Pictures





Zanaco’s Makundika Sakala (left) takes on Ali Maoloul (center) and Hachem Abbes of CS Sfaxien during the Orange CAF Confederation Cup game at Nkoloma stadium in Lusaka over the weekend.


Hachem Abbes of CS Sfaxien beats Zanaco’s Makundika Sakala (right) to the ball during the Orange CAF Confederation Cup game at Nkoloma stadium in Lusaka


Zanaco coach Wedson Nyirenda is sent off by a CAF official during the Orange CAF Confederation Cup game at Nkoloma stadium in Lusaka .


Zanaco’s Charles Siyingwa (right) marks Hamza Younes of CS Sfaxien


Zanaco’s George Chilufya (right) loses the ball to Uche Agba of CS Sfaxien


The crowd roars with pleasure after Zanaco scored a goal during the Orange CAF Confederation Cup game against CS Sfaxien at Nkoloma stadium in Lusaka


Zanaco goalkeeper Racha Kola celebrates his team’s goal against CS Sfaxien during the Orange CAF Confederation Cup game at Nkoloma stadium in Lusaka


Zanaco’s Allan Mukuka (left) tries to beat Issifu Maman of CS Sfaxien







A CS SFAXien supporter posing with part of the crowd at Nkoloma Stadium!



Nkana supporters had a chance to sell their newly acquired team J.Mandela


  1. Pic 16 Goes to show how friendly we Zambians are. Posing for a picture with a soccer fan of the opposing team, they would not do the same with us if the roles were reversed.

  2. #1, how dumb are you? Look at the title. “Zambia: Zanaco vs CS SFAXIEN in Pictures”, should have told you what was coming. And LT, what was Nkana doing under this headline? Common sense ain’t so common pa-Zed.

  3. #3 Spot-on. There iz a Nkana cadre at Lusaka Timez who seizez every chance to talk about the team even when there iz no need. It doezn’t auger well to be sent-off az a coach, Nyirenda should keep hiz cool.

  4. Mr. Camera man, it would have been nice to take a snap of Zanaco’s goal!!! Those are the pics that become “classic soccer images” down the road.

    And ba LT, how come most of your captions portrays Zanaco like they are the ones who struggled in the match? Was that the case? Wow, looking at the pics, one is left with a feeling that Zanaco was the underdog and only won by luck—-that’s the impression I get looking at those pictures!

    The only, somewhat, +ve caption is @ pic #3. The rest; Zanaco’s…..tries, Zanaco’s….tries, Zanaco’s… beaten, Zanaco’s…..blah, blah, blah. I doubt if any Zanaco player looking at those pics, and your inserted captions, would be inspired. Please, let us encourage our boys—ba LT, you can do better!!

    GO ZANACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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