Saturday, February 22, 2025

Explain Levy foundation objectives, Maureen told


Former First lady Maureen Mwanawasa

LATE president Levy Mwanawasa’s first born daughter Mirriam has called on the Registrar of Societies to deregister the recently launched Levy Mwanawasa Foundation if former first lady Maureen does not explain the clear purpose and objectives of the organisation.

Mirriam said yesterday that it was wrong for the former first lady to allegedly continue riding on her father’s name by trying to blind Zambians that she embraced her step- children when infact not.

She said she was not consulted when she was made one of the board members on the foundation, which was launched after this year’s second memorial service for the late president.

The purpose and objectives, Mirriam said, had not been explained and that Mrs Mwanawasa hand picked the board members with her (Mirriam) and Patrick being mere board members while her daughter Chipokota had been made one of the signatories along side former State House Press aid Jack Kalala and Constantino Hangala Chimuka who was the executor for the late president’s will.

But when contacted, Mrs Mwanawasa said Mirriam was free to go to court if she wished but that she should instead sue the executor of the will and not her.

She said she could not say anything at the moment for fear of being perceived as if she was trying to defend herself, as she was an accused person in this issue.

Mirriam said as the first born daughter to the late president, she should be respected and recognised when it came to issues concerning his father but this had not been the case.

“What my stepmother did was to launch the Levy Mwanawasa Foundation and put Patrick and myself as just mere board members while her daughter Chipokota is one of the signatories. I demand that I should also be one of the signatories so that I should also know how the funds that will be channelled to the foundation by the donors will be used, failure to which the Registrar of Societies should deregister it.

“There is need for us to know the purpose of the foundation. I am advising her not to take advantage of the situation because I know her political ambitions,” she said.

Mirriam said she was not consulted before being picked as one of the board members and that she was only called to go and attend a meeting where she learnt that the foundation had been launched and that she was one of the board members.

She challenged Mrs Mwanawasa to tell the Zambians what had happened to the Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI) and challenged the former first lady to revamp it if she meant well for the Zambian people.

Mirriam said she would not allow her stepmother continue riding on her late father’s back with the aim of enriching herself.

“Where is MMCI today? Why can’t she revamp the MMCI if she really means well for the people of Zambia? Why go and form the foundation whose purpose and objectives are not known? The donors will be putting money in that foundation and as the first born daughter, I will not be able to know how the funds will be used especially that I am not one of the signatories,” she said.

She also challenged Mrs Mwanawasam to release the keys to the house purchased for her (Mirriam) at Lusaka’s PHI by Dr Mwanawasa in 2005.

Mirriam said she attended the meeting in which Maureen herself confirmed that the late president had purchased a house for her(Mirriam) at PHI but was surprised that the former first lady could not release the keys to date.

Mirriam’s aunt who only opted to be quoted as Inonge also confirmed having attended the meeting in which Mrs Mwanawasa mentioned about Mirriam’s house at PHI.

She advised the former first lady to ensure the children were given what was rightfully theirs.

Mirriam also advised Maureen to release the title deeds for the shops, which used to be owned by her late grandfather Patrick in Chisamba and Namwala.

She wondered why the former first lady continued holding on to the title deeds, which were not in her name.

She was also disappointed that out of all the three farms, Mipacima also known as Teka farm and Shakabunda, both situated in Masaiti and Palabana in Chongwe, Mrs mwanawasa had not released any of them. Mipacima farm was the abbreviation for Mirriam, Patrick, Chipokota and Matolo.

“Imagine my stepmother is also holding on to the title deeds for my late aunt Violent’s farm in Chisamba. Aunt Violet was the first born in my late father’s family and she died just after my father resigned as vice-president. Let her give these title deeds back to us as the Mwanawasa family. She should give the title deeds to aunt Evelyn, the late father’s only surviving sister so that we know what to do with them,” she said.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. This is a typical situation of angry women.However, this is embarrasing to say the list. All families have problems including yours and it will be prudent if you guys can work your late presidos’s crap in privacy. Mirrian – call your stepdaughters and set up a meeting and sought this problem once and for all. Remember dialogue!

  2. This is getting messy. Let these people seek arbitration to resolve all outstanding issues. This is clearly not the way to go about it.


  4. This does not make good reading at all. Family matters must be discussed and then solutions found. If anything, Mirriam should meet with her mum in the presence of other family members to discuss this issue. No press coverage is needed.

  5. Levy left a will which should guide the quarelling. So the question is not what Maureen and Mirriam want from the estate but what Levy himself outlined in the will (live and in colour on dvd). can you imagine what would have happened if the man had died without writing a will, those women would have gone after each with knives and axes. ni wafwa na mpanga!

  6. Mirriam has a good point about the Levy Mwanawas Foundation. Mwaurine, why start another foundation when you have failed to resurrect MMCI? There’s Levy Junction being built. You resurrect MMCI. Sit too with your step daughters and iron out your issues outsite the court.

  7. Maureen I am sorry to say that you when you said “until death do us apart” you meant everything else including belongs. It is not about the WILL, it is all about your ego, write down what extra you can give to the Mwanawasa family, you enjoyed a wonderful journey with their person. Start another new life, close down that Foundation.

  8. Ulu lupwa taluleikala bwino iyo, abana bakusangamo te saana. Mirriam wikale panshi nabanoko mulanshanye. Bana Mwanawasa nabo cilemoneka balikala pa fintu ifingi sana. Icishinka ca kuti ifyo Ba maureen bengacitila umwana wabo uwakuifyalila tefyo bengacitila Mirriam, lelo te muli uyu musango. LPM we muntu shi bwela wise usunge abana, ala baculaaaa?

  9. This girl ale fwaya uku shanina ka ngwee ka kwa LPM.she is the proverbial lost child in the bible who squandered his inheritance.Patrick as man of the family,please sit down your sister and mother.

  10. Well, not that whatever happens in the Mwanawasa family is any of my business… (it really isn’t). But hey, Levy was Maureen’s husband, and she can use his name. Miriam is not a kid, and at this stage, she should be able to make in life on her own. Grow up woman! If you don’t like your step-mother (or perhaps she is the one who doesn’t like you), what’s the big deal? Happens all the time in our country!

  11. The problem is with the way the children grew up.Levy was supposed to bring the children to Maureen when they were young.Gentlemen do not discard children who you give birth to even when marriage has ceased.They continue calling Maureen as a step mother.This in itself is segregation.In African context,there is nothing like step-mothers,nephews,aunts,uncles or nieces.African culture treats my brothers’ children as my children.If I remarry,my children should call my wife as their mother.Already am seeing weaknesses in the Mwanawasa family.Maureen is treating LPM’s children as step children and the children they are treating her the same.As long as the African culture is not emblace,antagonisms will perputually be there.We should go back to our roots and do away with western culture.

  12. take this bitch to victim support pliz share the estate equally you greedy harlot. mirriam and lona are your daughters whom you have ditched after the death of their dad. shame on you property grabber maureen kakubo

  13. Maureen is doing a good job not releasing everything to the two drunkards in Mirriam & Patrick.That Mirriam girl should get a life than just relying on his late father’s hardwork.Maureen has started practising & what is mirrian doing herself apart from screwing married men.

  14. Fellow men, please don’t divorce and re-marry anyhow.It seems to me that this Mirriam and Co. didn’t fully embrace their step-mother beca use howelse can we explain this public quarrels with one’s step-mother?Are they not family anymore?

  15. typical of girls fights, gloves are off in the mwanawasa family…I guess maureen should have resolved this before the crunch time…Maureen enjoys the limelight i suppose she will enjoy this too!!!!

  16. # 6, 14 and 17 you are right, this is family matters. Please bamayo ba Maureen, try to sit down with your family. Am sure you have elderly people around you guys. Respect each other please and I dont think this is a way you want to honour our late president, is it? This is a shamefuly thing you are doing. We pray that a solution will be found before this issue becames worse. Mwanawasa family were are you leting your daughter going out to the press kanshi? Mirriam take it easy, am sure there are elders from you dad’s side to help you out than blowing a Trumpet to the all world.

  17. It seems Mirriam wants to ukusebanya Maureen but what ever action Maureen took she must have known its legal so ba Mirriam just have a descent talk with your mum otherwise its not only her but even yourself who will sebana at last, remember she is still Mrs Mwanawasa and still has some rights to some belongings.

  18. Shame on Maureen Kakubo. I can see injustices in the way this kakubo woman is treating the her children. Your hushand is dead and the onus is on you to try and unite yr children. Imagine you are dead today (God forbid), do u think mirriam and Chipo will live in harmony as sisters? Chi Maureen grow up. MMCI gave u alot of money, learn to share atleast with your step children as u call them. If i was Patrick, i cud have just beaten u. The property is not yours. It was 4 their father.

  19. More things are yet to come out. Maureen is very selfish. how could she hold onto things that do not belong to her? Nangu nikukonda ndalama! Shame on you Maureen, shame!

  20. #7. one expects a WILL to settle (not ‘GUIDE’) the dispute/misunderstanding or quarrel (not ‘QUARRELLING’). wilalemba icisungu mucibemba boi.

    “Levi was suposed to BRING the children to…'( this was a direct translation from Bemba – not gud boi).

    “Gentlemen do not discard children whom u GIVE BIRTH TO….” . (since when did men started giving bith 2children? And ‘giving birth’ is the actual delivery process, so u cant use it in this context).

    “They CONTINUE CALLING maureen…..” ( a native speaker will find it hard to understand this, nacibomfyafye ubukaya to get the meaning).

    “Maureen is treating LPM’s children as step children, AND THE CHILDREN THEY ARE TREATING HER THE SAME”. (serious English issues involved here).

  21. Nkani yalula………………… Maureen, you need to convene a family meeting to iron out these issues. This is a lesson to all of us, esp those with kids outside the marriage bed, set you house in order to avoid such kulabila labila. Sad indeed!

  22. I see no difference between Mirriam and Maureen. Both lack something. I hope both are not moved by political schemers. Both should forget about politics. Period!

  23. Maureen sit down with these children and show some maturity. We are not interested in this public mud throwing going on in your family. As step mum you are equally responsible to late Levy’s kids. Take heart and sort out this family mess…..Your value exceeds this nonsense going out in the press.Unless you are telling us that you cannot handle your family matters then we will begin to question your calibre …..presidency????????

  24. Pls Mirriam go look for a job …leave yo step mother alone, she was the wife 2 yo father, remember yo playing days when yo father was president, u could have used the time to finish yo education…uless.

  25. iwe mirriam,why cant you find your own husband instead of harrassing aunt maureen?as old as you are you want to rely on your father’s wealth,where you there when he and his wife were planning on how to live well?you should have some shame

  26. This should serve as a lesson to all you men who have a wife who is not the mother to all your children. You need to leave a will and you need to sort out things in case you meet your demise. I would have thought that there would have been a Mwanawasa trust to ensure that all children are well taken care of in terms of property and cash. Mirriam, Lona and Patrick are entitled to their father’s property. No one should have the power to stop them from this entitlement. I hope Maureen will be mature enough to deal with this matter FAVOURABLY and not selfishly.

  27. Ya ya ya !!.. Maureen wawa! give away what is not yours.I suspect this woman must have been the one who prepared that WILL Mwanawasa was just being pushed about. Some men WAKE UP!!!

  28. In yesterdays article Maureen advised Mirriam & Co to build their own wealth and not ride on the late fathers assets… then whats Maureen on with Levy Mwanawasa Foundation??? For Mirriam to go to the press she must have hit a brick wall going through the right channels so that her grievances could be heard by Maureen. While pursuing these matters Mirriam should look for a job or join her step sister (Chipo) at University in Kent.

  29. Gentlemen, I need to be enlightened here, Is this the same Mirriam who was impregnanted by Hon. Liato. If she is the one let her go to hell. She is a play girl period!!!!!!!

  30. Why do these people have to solve their issues in the media. Why not sit down together like civilized people and sort out any issues as a family. It is disturbing to see a family that held the highest office in the land behaving like this. What does it say about ordinary Zambians? Please sort out those issues as a family. Let us use the media for more important matters that affect the majority of citizens. What a mess!!

  31. #29, awe you dont speak like that bane, Mirrian has the right to His fathers property and ba Maureen has also the right too. Good parents plan for their children, I think thats why we all work, its for the benefit of our children. Let them just find a way of solving this problem as a family especially ba Maureen should call elder ngabamona ati umwana afuma mushila, because choo-chese tayabombe. Mayo ba Maureen just hamble yourself and have a motherly heart, to all this issue, it shall be solved.

  32. Eye how many women will Liato lato kanshi? Yangu..anyway let Mariam exhibit her Fathers will so that we see what was left to all of them..put it in the post a will maynot of necessity be private…let the Zambian people be the Judge..

    As for Maureen forget about trying to rule zambia you ruled from the bedroom once but never again and with the PACT in power you will lament in your mother tongue when we show how corrupt you are.

  33. Imwe mwebantu, there was a Will left by LPM which stipulated what was due to whoever was mentioned in the Will. So if Levy left 15m and 20m to his daughters, thats not Maureen’s fault!!! everyone got what was left to them by the late Levy. so if Levy left bigger chunks to Maureens’s biological children that was their father’s doing not Maureen’s. ba Mirriam muli bakulu sana no wonder your dad left just a tiny bit for you for the sake of getting some share rather than go empty handed. lesson to all step children, be good to your stepmothers you never know when u might need them. Fathers too, write Will coz things are worse when there is no will at all.


  35. Mwanawasa family issues aside but one thing is for sure non of the NGO in Zambia are actually in it for the people but for their own minatory gains Period!

  36. Do You remember when Maureen Insulted MS Sata in Munali.Sata’s response was ” She needs Alangizi” there should be something wrong here which someone is reaping.

  37. I don’t think Maureen ever had a good relationship with her step children even when the late president was alive. These issues will get worse and more is yet to be revealed.

  38. maureen looks like a devil, now i see what sata meant when he said that maureen stole mwanawasa from his wife,
    Remember maureen was mwanawasa’s office assistant

  39. #42, Iwe widow hunter uleufwa, you have made me laugh and made my day. Ok I will give you her number later kuti wabako ichikwilili naiwe mwandi tata. Try your lucky.

  40. Miriam just get your share of the K700 million and whatever is due to you in the estate and thereafter you should just mind your own business. Whether your step mother wants to make use of your late father’s name to make millions of dollars it should not bother you. Mind you, she was your late father’s wife and we do not want to go into details regarding that. So let her use your late father’s name if she wants to. But if she marries another man I suggest she forgets about the Mwanawasa name and just concentrate on the new name that she would obtain.
    Also know that you too can make use of your Daddy’s name to make money. Your step mum does not own your late daddy’s name. Get my advice, once you get what is due to you just leave your own life else you will end up having unnecesary…

  41. Why are people so quick to point fingers either at Maureen or the Mwanawasa daughters? None of us knew what went on in the Mwanawasa household so we dont know who is to blame for this family fracas. Maybe Maureen did all she could as a step-mother but was rebuffed or maybe she was the stereotypical evil step mum but we dont know because we are not members of the family. I just wish they could sort out their differences in private as their squabbling may very well dent the image of the man that they all love the late LPM. For the sake of Levy’s memory I implore the Mwanawasa family to please sort out this issue with dignity and in private.

  42. #23 Nshilandalanda
    Much as I appreciate your correcting others,be reminded that not all are linguists and that languages are dynamic.As person who has learn’t Russian and German (still learning and don’t mean to boast),I find no problem in direct translation as long as it meets grammatical rules.

    Now back to the topic.Maureen should sit down with her kids and sort the mess without cameras.

  43. #33 Lets discuss issues at hand all children deserve better; thay are children and heirs to their father’s wealth regardless of their behavior and past record

  44. A lot of wisdom and not self preserving ego needed here. Its not even an issue of what unpracticed academic knowledge you have have on paper but wisdom which Ba Maureen has shown lacking. She is mishandling a very sensitive issue with a propensity to leave her damaged in the courts of public opinion. Maligning the President Mwanawasa’s blood of children may not be an easy and safe thing for Ba Maureen. They need to find an independed arbitrator to adjudicate this mess.Mirrian is the first daughter who knew Mwanawasa many years before Maureen started it with a married man. In the absence of selfishness damaging information would be kept away from the public domain.There is no doubt these children know Maureen is in an advanced relationship already with another man yet is keen at maligning.

  45. No man works for his wife only but more the children. It is illogical to think a window can marginalise the blood of his late husband. By virtue of President Mwanawasa devocing his first wife does not mean Mirrian and Parick were not treasured children to their father. Blood is thicker than water.This will leave Maureen damaged unless wisdom prevails soon.

  46. I think no 51 you are right ..Maureen should sit down with her kids and come up with one solution..problems are there in all families ,,,what is important is to sit together and table it out as family

  47. In the same vein i warn all Easterners and Northerners to respect my 3 children now and when i’m gone across the bridge.My wife is a professional career woman like my siblings in the absence of my parents both gone long time ago, should only take claim to her allocated percentage. But every asset and money i will leave behind from any initiative while i can all belong to my 3 children. I ask the world to challenge Northerners and Easterners not to hire a compromised manipulative administor of their own. Ala Mbombela abana.I have no doubt to believe even Mwanawasa worked for his children and necessarily Ba Maureen and her boyfriend.One with a conscious would not be enjoy the heritage with children’s misgivings.Build a strong family relationship between the two Mwanawasa camps.

  48. MMCI was one of the NGOs that has not accounted for the funds from Global Fund.We will never stop hearing about Maureen. Maureen and Times of Zambia, Maureen and Radio Phoniex, Maureen and BBC and now Maureen and stepchildren. This is the woman who says she wants to rule Zambia one day. God forbid.

  49. Am sure Mirriam is just broke,she’s the ”prodigal” daughter who always brought shame to her late father. It’s a lie to say Maureen never got on well with her step children,total lie,Patrick has always been close to Maureen than his real mother in Ndola.
    Mirriam Mwanawasa is the female version of the late Castro Chiluba,it’s even a waste of time giving her space here.It is also a fact that Maureen never got on well with some of Levy’s sisters,it’s just normal,she’s a discplinarian who doesn’t take nonsense especially from gold diggers.

  50. Mwanawasa’s wealth belong to all his children and not Ba Maureen. Instead of uniting the children, she is fiercely dividing them a practice Levy wouldn’t be happy of. He must be turning in his Grave at the shame Maureen is striggering needlessly.Unite the family now and limite the damage to the Mwanawasa name. Pf interest is how Maureen grabbed from her late brother who served as Home Affairs Minister Hon Mapushi’s widow. She claimed every thing belongs to the family and not the widow. It took Levy’s empathy to send the humiliated widow to Kenya to serve in the Diplomatic corp, otherwise she could have died of depression. If she did that to Mapushi’s widow, why does she want to grab everything from Mwanawasa’s very own blood children?????

  51. I notice this trend among families where the Father divorced a wife with children, marries another one, has children and then dies. Normally, the children of the first wife tend to lose out in estate inheritance. Not suggesting this is what is happening here. Nevertheless, mixing women tends to cause post humous problems for the deceased children either from the former or latter wife. In this case, the triangle becomes complex because the other children may have more influence with their mum.Or someone interested in seeing the bickering may be fanning the complaining child. Ther must be someone in that family who can bring them all together, and have it resolved outside the media spot light.

  52. In bemba we say umwnane kasembe. There is no father worth his dignity who would consider his own children secondary to others. To insinuate that Levy took his first and second children as secondary beneficiaries to his wealth is myopic thinking.

  53. Some one is using this Mirriam girl, ITS POLITICAL WAKE UP PEOPLE soon the MMD will want to run away from the convention issue!!!! Maureen has got some individuals who like her in the MMD so the big guys are afraid. Katele the NDOSHI is suffering from the same problem. Some people want to sideline them so that Banda is unopposed. Just think outside the box you will see that what am saying is true.

  54. #52 you are right Maureeen must ve having a man friend and Mirriam & Co are thinking this guy is going to enjoy our dad’s sweat. One wonders what type of relationship Maureen had with Mwanawasa’s family. Were they, Mirriam & Co. free to visit plot 1? Mirriam & Co. may know some of the terrible things Maureen has done. So Maureen stride carefully. This is a very delicate issue.

  55. Levy Mwanawasa was not only Zambia’s President but a distinguished lawyer who left a will,this Mirriam should put to task the person(s) put in charge to execute the will if she feels she was left out,it’s not her step mother’s fault that her father didn’t give her what she wanted,he knew what he was doing to give her what he gave her coz she’s a waste. Maureen knows what the will contained and so do others so that’s why she’s saying she’s eager to face her step daughter in court afterall she’s a qualified lawyer too.
    #33 You’re correct.

  56. I think Mirrian is right to compplain about what Maureen is doing. Guys, just think of the vast estate of Levey mwanawasa and out of the lot, you are given a K20 million as a first born daughter.

    Mmm guys, who executed the will? I doubt if mwanawasa was part of it..I really doubt coz no normal person can give a daughter K20 million out of billions of estate?

    The other thing concerns the Mwanawasa foundation, Maureen has her foundation called the MWCI, she has failed to run this one and wants to ride on the dead person’s name. Why? Why…..

  57. You cannot avoid such problems after the death of a father who had children from two women,, it is really difficult no amount of advise will work, untill when all the asserts of the late are evenly shared ,ofcouse they cannot call her their mother anymore because they already have theirs and their father is already gone

  58. DADA- well said! what about children born outside marriage??? Do they have a right to sideline their deceased father’s wife in property sharing (no will left behind)? please share….. these are children born outside marriage and their father’s wife accepts them and brings them up as her own, then their father dies and these children take control of all the property and sideline the step mother.

  59. Regardless of what people say about Maureen i think this girl is very rude and shameless to be bringing family stuff into the open. It doesn’t matter whether shes got a valid grievance or not it’s still not acceptable having a go at someone your father once called his wife. I salute Maureen for having kept quiet.

  60. Some of you who are talking about the will, we all know that Maureen had a upper hand over her husband and this will may have been written when he was not a president with access to anything. Maureen must know that if she is taken to court, the court will tell her to bring all the estate documents and it will be suicidal to allow such a thing to happen. The name of Levy will be turnished. For the young man Levy jnr, try to show leadership but if Maureen is selfish then it will be as they say in bemba ‘Ukulila munsenga.’ #70 just keep quite unless it is you, K20million out of billions . Maureen has to do a decent thing and it is to give some of the things to the daughters . For them to come out then there are alot of issues that we may not know till in court.

  61. Imagine how they would want to fight if they were brought together to talk. I think they reached a dead end thats why all this is coming up. 20million and a house is nothing compared to wat mwanawasa had. Fight on mirriam but use the rightful channels.

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