Sunday, March 23, 2025

Chiluba nods meeting Captain Solo


Former President Frederick Chiluba has accepted the request by failed 1997 Coup plotter Steven Lungu alias Captain Solo to meet him.

This follows the request by Captain Solo yesterday that he is looking forward to meeting Dr. Chiluba to apologise in person.

Dr. Chiluba will meet Captain Solo tomorrow at 11:00 hours at his Kabulonga residence.

Dr. Chiluba’s Spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba has confirmed the development to ZNBC News in Lusaka today.

Yesterday, Captain Solo regretted having masterminded the thwarted illegal insurgency.

Captain Lungu also thanked President Rupiah Banda and his cabinet for having pardoned him.

He was speaking when he gave a testimony in church.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. Solo is not in his right frame of mind after 13 years in chitakataka,guy needs to relocate to some countryside & recuperate.Just why is he grabing headlines when the said coup was a huge flop.If he has apologised to the nation thats enough.

  2. This (Solo) chap was found guilty and sentenced to death by the Judiciary and he should apologise to the Judiciary not the Executive branch of the presidency (Office of the Former Presidency). These glory seeking headlines, should be left to the garbage and this chap must be exiled to his village in Chipata and made to work at RB’s farm for the rest of his days! A pardoned ex convicted must follow certain parole terms to fully integrate back into society and warned that should he commit such an offence the previous (death) sentence will be carried out!

  3. #6 MB
    You are a very bitter person. if you read the stoey to the end, he made his apologies and request to meet theex president in churchwhen giving his testimony. Seems to me he acknowledges the mistakes he made n is sorry, besides his sick and doesn’t command any power to pull another coup

  4. #3 Wanzelu. you are just a spineles coward with a SOLOPHOPIA. I think you deserve relocation more than solo does.

  5. #3 Wanzelu, I agree with you, for the time being Solo needs to recover physically, mentaly and otherwise and this is only possible if he can live quietly with family and avoid the publicity.

  6. its plan by RB to use all sorts of people to win this yrs election. Dn’t be surprised to see Cpt Solo part of the campaign team alongside William Banda.if xavier chungu can be assigned the role of campaign manager for RB, I really smell somethin………People pray for this country.

  7. I love the way Zed ladies are into fashion…look at how Regina has matched the green hat,suit and shoes.Even Mushota is wearing a black hat and black top.

    Meanwhile Uno mwaka nde sungapo

  8. May be this Solo is planning to strangle kafupi with his bare hands this time. I hope there will be proper security at the meeting.

  9. I remember having watched a film entitled the Unfinished business and I hope this “This follows the request by Captain Solo yesterday that he is looking forward to meeting Dr. Chiluba to apologise in person… [Mr. FJT] Chiluba will meet Captain Solo tomorrow at 11:00 hours at his Kabulonga residence” is not similar.

    In the movie SOLO, there is a line by some military general which goes like “Solo is a perfect soldier. He is professioned in all types of combat. he has no family, no friends… not even a social security number. If he is wounded beyong repair, we throw him away“.

    Have a blessed time in all you future endeavours people and enjoy this competitive year on the Zambian political scene.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of…

  10. #5 hey this ka mushota doesnt work cos she is now married toan 89yrs old grand parent who has a farm in scotland,she is lazy hene i kicked her out,she was so desperate to live in uk so married an old man without teeth in his mouth

  11. #5 Yaba. But for you to have noticed that Mushota is ever on the blog means you are also ever on the blog. So answer your own question – what time to you work? And I see Mushota’s comment is #2 and you are #5. Not far away.

  12. #24. Sour grapes if indeed you ever tasted Mushota. It looks like the old man beat you to the game, hands down.

  13. Mushota you did well to leave zed. The guys here are petty and jealous. In stead of talkin the topic they turn on you.

  14. 19,walidabwa you don’t know fashion Regina has not broken the green color which is so prominent in her outfit.the same applies to Mushota.

  15. I know the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ rests on the hitches of forgiveness. Personally, I believe evil people that ask for forgiveness would not have asked for forgiveness had evil prevailed. Do you think Captain Solo would be repentiful had he succeeded with his illegal acts? There is no sorry after death! Chiluba, hate the guy, but coup? Solo would have been a very unrepentant dictator, and ka Chiluba is a smart bloke, this will be a nice public photo op, also RB will use this as a way to show that he forgives Chiluba together with his enemies.

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