Friday, September 20, 2024

New Fertiliser plant to open in Kapiri-Mposhi district next month.


A 27 million US Dollar Organic Liquid Fertilizer plant is set for construction in Kapiri-Mposhi district next month.

The Agri-Bio Tech Fertilizer Plant is a joint venture between the Russian and Zambian private Sector.

Russian Ambassador to Zambia Boris Malakhov says the plant will produce organic fertilizer which will also be exported to neighbouring countries.

Ambassador Malakhov says the Russian Private Sector has pumped in 20 Million US Dollars into the project.

Mr Malakhov says the plant will also provide job opportunities for the local people.

Ambassador Malakhov was speaking in an interview in Lusaka today – Wednesday.

Meanwhile a senior officer in the Ministry of Agriculture says plans are underway for the Zambian Government to import improved Goat and Sheep breed from South Africa.

Principal Livestock Production Research Officer for Southern Province Dr Chibwe Kaoma has disclosed in an interview in Sinazongwe that about 400 improved goats and sheep will be imported.

This is part of efforts to restock the newly built goat breeding Centre in Sinazongwe District in Southern Province.

Dr. Kaoma says Sinazongwe district is ideal for livestock production because it experiences few livestock diseases.

He says the goat breeding centre, which is situated in Senior Chief Mweemba’s area, will be upgraded into a cattle breeding centre.

Dr. Kaoma has thanked Government for funding the goat breeding project.

About K300 million was used to build the first phase of the goat breeding centre.



  1. That’s great.

    By the way, you can make great fertilizer yourself, by fermenting plant extracts. Stinging nettles, comfrey, and others – probabably plant parts from the crop itself. All you need to do is put them in a container, add water, and let it stand.

    Plants really like fertiliser made from plants. The nutrient concentration is low, but that is more than made up for by the increased bioavailability of the nutrients – they get absorbed along a far greater pH range, especially incombination with mycorrhizal fungi.

    Go Veganic! :)

  2. This news sounds good as long as Dr. Kaoma and his co-workers do not finish the goats and sheep the way they did with Mochipapa Research Centre cattle that were being sold as weaners. From over 700 cattle they found and only less than 100 had remained by the time the govt was alerted. One of the computers that had data was taken for “repairs” where the important records of livestock at Mochipapa was erased. The govt was told about all these but it was too late while the damage had already been caused to the Centre. Let us be serious people.

  3. Good one. That is the way forward. Keep travelling and bringing investments into the country.

    Let those that believe in the crying games stay in the dungeon. This is good for Zambian Farmers and will result into more bumper harvets and cheap mill meal for our people.

  4. A pro development people’s Government in tangible investment crusade overdrive winning confidence from its business minded citizens and the international investors. Go RB go with unprecedented development.

  5. Kapiri Mposhi district is close to Mkushi farming blocks, an area well know for its prime farm land and commercial farming activities in Zambia. This is good news indeed, to take such developments close to where it is needed most.

    Mkushi, Mukonchi, Nkole, Chitina, Chipepo, Chikupili, extra, area farmers are some of the most hardworking people you can ever find in Zambia. They will definitely appreciate this development very much. This will most likely even have an impact on the cost of fertilizer which has always been one of the major impediments to many small scale farmers expanding their businesses.

    I know this because I come from that area and I am very familiar with farming activities in the area. LOOKING FORWARD TO THE COMPLETION AND EVENTUAL OPERATION OF THE PLANT!!!!

  6. Yaba improving the quality of goats and sheep in Siavonga is a welcome move. This means more muchopa business for the mwata boys. Who ever dreamed that one day mbuzi will become very popular among Zambia’s middle class. As for the fertilizer plant being set up in Kapari that is a welcome move. We need more industries being set up outside Lusaka as way spreading development.

  7. Why the pipo around Mkushi, Munkochi, Chipepo, Chitina, Nkole, Chikupila etc are hard working. The fact the British after World War II resettled most of the demobilized soldiers in Mkushi and they engaged in commercial farming. As a result locals from the surrounding areas were employed on the farms and they learnt alot of modern farming methods. Soon after independence most of these ex British soldiers for fear of the unknown ambandoned their farms and trecked to Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. Thats why at the height of expulsion of white farmers from Zimbabwe most of them found themselves in Mkushi. Thse are the decendents of thefarmers who trecked back south and now they are doing the reversal. For local farmers in the above stated areas please keep it up and feed mother Zambia.

  8. This is indeed good news, and the fact that its organic fertilizer and not chemical makes it even better. Unfortunately the report does not mention the through-put of this new plant. So we do not know what % surplus is for export. It will not do to have a plant in the Country and export, but at the same time have shortages of fertilizer. So please please, lets make sure we do it right. Good news indeed.

  9. good news for zambia. we could even be export in the region. great indeed. lower taxes on business fuels businesses. will also open new opportunities for that small town and reduce the migration to lsk

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