Zambian Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, Catherine Namugala, stole the limelight at the United Nations Forum on Forests UNFF9 High Level Segment in New York when foreign journalists besieged her following an impromptu conversation with 13-year old Felix Finkbeiner from Germany over views relating to forests and people.
Ms. Namugala who walked over to the boy accompanied by her Zambian Delegation soon after the closing of the launch of the International Year of Forests Ceremony at United Nations General Assembly Hall, chatted with the boy for about ten minutes.
Zambia’s First Secretary at the UN in New York Moses Walubita says suddenly the discussion between Ms Namugala and Felix caught the attention of the international media, and video cameras then hovered on the two for the best footage, followed by interviews.
He says what started as a casual chat, between the two ended up as a big media attraction.
Mr Walubita says the international media were attracted by the professional and eloquent manner in which Ms. Namugala elaborated issues on forests and the environment with Finkbeiner.
He says at the close of their chat Ms. Namugala invited Finkbeiner to visit Zambia.
Mr Walubita says the boy had just delivered an expressive speech on behalf of the youths of the world on the future of forests.
“What followed was deafening clapping of hands in the packed General Assembly hall, presided over by the President of its 65th session, His Excellency Mr. Joeph Deiss (Switzerland).” He says.
He says Ms. Namugala had wanted to talk to Finkbeiner and that was where her focus was, despite the flashing of cameras.
Finkbeiner who was interviewed by many media outlets, said he was pleased to meet Ms. Namugala to discuss issues on forests especially planting of trees.
His message to the World leaders was that they needed to STOP TALKING AND START PLANTING.
His message, the young lad indicated that youths or children had a problem in understanding the logic in leaders in the world who never showed seriousness in addressing issues of deforestation.
He said they only looked at the present situation and not the adverse effect climate change would have on the future generation.
In elaborating his presentation, Felix likened it to someone telling a monkey to choose between eating 3 bananas at the moment or eating 9 bananas after a month.
The monkey will choose eating the 3 bananas that very moment he said. “This is the kind of greed and lack of seriousness that we see today because we don’t want to address this issue of climate change now in order to benefit everyone in future but we want to put a blind eye to these matters that affect everyone.”
What a load of ru.bbish! Does it matter how this Namugala speaks to a boy? we should look at how well she performs at her ministry! She should explain why she has allowed the Chinese to be cutting down our trees with no regard to the environment and why they never prosecuted KCM for polluting our Kafue River. Kafue River is a natural resource that provide water to the people, recharges our water tables hence giving the forests the ,much needed water and allowing KCM and the Chinese to be damaging the rivers and our forests is what Namugala should stop to do. Not talking through ones a.ss!
You people are either reta.rded or just out right st.upid!!
He says at the close of their chat Ms. Namugala invited Finkbeiner to visit Zambia.
Yes, bring the little boy to Zambia to spend a single day in a Zambian village in June, without electricity and water. Then he will understand why our people cut down trees.
Being single,she was just interested in the boy.
Research from our university shows that the practice of cutting down trees will not stop until people are given an alternative to replace the practice.
Robert: So whats all this about, did they not expect her to be eloquent?
Teacher: that was really good for Namugala, but it was quite a shame for the journalists to expect her to be dumb. Actually without sounding paranoid, did you think it borders on racism?
Robert: I am not sure, i dont really care, madam.
You guys dont know this woman and how she………anyway i will stop here
“Finkbeiner who was interviewed by many media outlets…”
Who stole the limelight? The boy or Namugala? Ha ha ha ha ha. Who are the editors at ZNBC again? ZNBC, Times of Zambia and Daily Mail now sound like some Village High School Newsletters. These guys are truckload of crap.
Let her marry me.. I am a bachelor. Ps Underage children are not allowed to travel alone. Why inviting the boy instead of some of the participates to see what is going on in Zed?
Africa holidays: From Victoria Falls to safaris, Zambia has it all$ lSituated on the very edge of the Victoria Falls in Zambia, the naturally formed pool is 350ft high. If you’re brave, you can swim to the edge and look down.
And who will pay for the boy’s visit to Zambia? Go round Zambian schools you will find boys and girls planting trees every term why not support thier efforts? The solution to reforestration or climate change does not lay in that Germany boy no. Encourage the school going even villagers give them electricity or other alternatives and the fruits will show.
Hehe….dull creatures feeding us with crap. Tell us what she discused and the solution they found to cutting trees for energy (charcoal and firewood). Why reporting about the photos she posed for with this boy? Really ZNBC are dull.
Believe it or not Malawi is to enact a law criminalising farting. The govt says citizens have been farting a lot since the advent of Democracy! Just how the police will enforce this law baffles me! How can a culprit be caught farting say at a crowded Bus Stop? And how do police collect evidence?
lies. which international media? just googled her name and there’s zilch from anywhere else other than znbc, The Post and LT he he he
Ok that was good then.
I read this article with a lot of shame! what has the little boy to do with our forests, the Zambian forest are different products and a source of livelihood. the little boy only knows the pines and the trees in Germany. We have experts who have done work in Zambia but no support from GRZ. improved charcoal stoves and other measures developed by Zambian to sensibly reduce deforestation do not receiive the support of government by inacting appropriate policies. we have so many young people planting trees. Whats so special about the boy! oh he is white and thats the attention attractor to some. shame shame
A big shame indeed to our reporters. What does that chat with a boy has to do with local problems here? Which international media did she attract? Ba Walubita mwilatusebanya ngatamukwete ifyakulanda. You could have instead made us read her speech (or the speech that she read) to the summit or highlight her achievements at the ministry, not talking to a 13 boy. This is all crap. Meanwhile our forests are depleting at an alarming rate!
CRITICS, OR IS IT CRITIQUE ZAMBIA WILL NEVER MOVE FORWARD AS LONG AS WE HAVE THESE KIND OF ARM-CHAIR CRITICS WHO ARE GOOD FOR NOTHING.just showing off their very little knowledge.And most of them with scant knowledge in matters they comment on
Don’t worry the boy is coming to plant three blue gam trees.I thought someone from from the ministry of environment and shani-shani was the one to attend this NY thing.
This is a non starter! Walubita find some more progressive things to report on!! Focus on develp
I know 13 is an unlucky number and the story being reported on a Friday may have had some unforeseen negative effect on the reasoning of most of the bloggers here. The story is about the International media who found it news worth for their media houses the chat between a tall Zambian lady and a 13 yr German boy. It has nothing to do with whether Namugala comes from a country where 80% of the population use charcoal or the boy comes from a country tha has only two types of trees. This is what ZNBC and LT chose to inform us about. The stories you wanted to read about will come in other headlines, but even then most of you will post rubbish.
Guys, this is just a report of what happened. Can you refuse it?
Ain`t they supposed to be telling us what Namugala`s speech. How can the conversation between Namugala and the boy become more important that than Namugala`s address?
So Namugala feels like the monkey that will eat three bananas now? She just wanted to do the boys father..this grade7 failure
bunch of rubbish. i am annoyed that i even read ths article
L.T. what is up with you? This is not newsworthy!
Lusty look from the co-ordinator too! LOL.
#4, the university is proud of your research work. Just one 7 months to go and you’lll be in the school hall of fame. Then you’ll start to rub shoulders with prof C Chirwa who’s a frequent professor in our schools of technology & international relations
Ndate Sicaba # 20, well said. Can someone tell me if this is true, I hear Catherine’s late sister was married to a muzungu and after her demise Catherine took over the role. This muzungu i am told didn’t live long and he also died. He owned some eating places – fast foods in town. Catherine by the virtue of being the widow automatically became the owner.
News indeed!(sic)[-(
Number 27, thank you prof.You are a great source of inspiration to the student body.
Finkbeiner: So how is global warming affecting your country?
Namugala: What?
Finkbeiner: Global Warming.
Namugala: Ah sorry we are so poor we haven’t yet procured it. But with the good policies of our President his Excellency The President Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda we should be able to buy it. I think it is in next year’s budget. We really envy the global warming in the developed countries.
The dullness exhibited here is shocking. At the end of the day, people will go on Google trying to learn more about Zambia – find a lot of nice things about the country and end up visiting Zambia – that is the significance of all this. It is about exposure. People in the Western world are very passionate about gestures as what Ms. Namugala made. This small was invited all the way from Germany to be at this Conference – have you wondered why they didn’t invite you mature people to talk about deforestation? They do not know you and going by your rantings here, you have nothing to offere other than to think all this was stupid.
Ka Namugala is sweet looking, would love to sp#ank her ass and get my groove on with dis chimama. Nice matak.o and a ka good face….
I was looking for some articles about Felix Finkbeiner in New York … and I found your article.
I am from Austria, europe … and it is really time – to hear you, to read your messages. I know – WE produce a lot of pollution – worldwide. Sometimes I ask myself, what can I do – against deforestation of our rainforest in South America, what can I do – against the pollution of the water, the seal, the air – in India, in Bangladesh, in Zambia?
I think, it is important – to know, that the Chinese cut down your trees ….
The Internet is a very strong instrument. It is time – to network.
We can all make a difference, together we can stand stronger than we think.
Because, we are all – children of our earth.
Most of these comments here are condescending and really shallow…You really need to meet the Minister of Tourism and find out what she is about, rather than talking from such a point of ignorance and debasing the beautiful and very articulate minister…
you re so right…these comments here are so shallow. Dont judge people by what you hear or read..get to know the person