Tuesday, February 11, 2025

46 Mongu PF cadres Defect to UPND


United Party for National Development Vice President for Political affairs Francis Zaza Simenda greeting the people who defected from PF to UPND at Mongu Lodge in Mongu district

About 46 Patriotic Front (PF) cadres in Mongu district have today defected to the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND).

Welcoming the defectors UPND Vice President for political Affairs Francis Zaza Simenda said defecting from former pact partner was a wise decision.

Mr. Simenda described as propaganda the claims by some PF leaders that it was gaining popularity.

He said it was unfortunate that some media houses were being used as mouth pieces for the PF in publishing false claims that UPND members in Western Province are defecting to PF.

He urged people in Mongu and Western Province at large not to listen to false reports and rally behind UPND party president during this year’s general elections.

And speaking on behalf of the defectors Keegan Musangu of Kapulanga compound in Mongu district said they decided to defect from PF to UPND because they have realized that Mr. Sata is not a credible leader.

Mr. Musangu said it was evident by the collapsing of the pact that PF leader Michael Sata is a desperate man who is only interested in being the President of Zambia.

United Party for National Development Vice President for political affairs Francis Zaza Simenda addressing a crowd that defected from PF to UPND at Mongu Lodge in Mongu district.

He further said that the people of Zambia needed change saying that the change can only be brought about if Mr. Hichilema is voted into power in this year’s tripartite election.


  1. If anyone on this blog would tell me that they would allow their 74 years old fathers and grand fathers to fend for them, then I would say you need to change your life style and take responsibility to take care of them. Much as we appreciate our fathers and grand fathers for their work in our lives, it is the same way we would thank Sata and Banda for their past contribution to our zambia and expect them to be advisors to the energetic as they run the nation. Our two elderly people need enough rest as they have reached a stage of decline in their lives where rest is so vital for one to live longer. No wonder in employment their is retirement as ist is just natural that there comes a stage in life where it becomes difficult for one to perform certain duties in life as energy fails you.

  2. Are you sure that these were PF supporters? To me they are more like former Pact supporters returning to their former party, returning to the fold as they say.

  3. Election year baba. De electorate go chop monnie for de fat cats eh!!! I beg oga, U chop, I chop, Everyone hapi, We go hapi! Twalya again. I go have upnd, mmd and pf chitenge even dat young boy chipimo I go wear his costume. We go chop monnie dis year ma broda oh!

  4. #1 No wonder UPND are such failures, why do you want to use age a a leverage point in this elections. You in UPND seem to lack ideas and creativity on how to win the masses over to your ideas despite having a so called young leader. We can’t see energy or charisma in your HH and look at the pictures of those who defected above ..is this something to shout about?

    The Old man Sata is more creative and energetic when it comes to entice and engage the masses.

    UPND are just losers, if it is not tribe they are using, they will use age, if it is not age they will use homosexuality. Can’t you come up with something original that just sells who you are and what you bring to the table. Obama didn’t win by being black. He won because he brought more to the table than race. Learn from him…

  5. @ 4 Freedom. I totally agree with you. This is the big problem that UPND needs to resolve. Its not about the age of a president and his academic or professional qualifications. there are so many people in Zambia who are more learned than HH and the UPND folk. What is needed in politics is the charisma which unfortunately serious serious lacks in the UPND. look at Obama, Cameroon, these young people have the charisma and they can pull you to their ideas. HH needs to work. its even hard just to see HH smile or crack a joke what kind of leader is he?

  6. PF false defectors have been making noise of late that is why you have seen UPND attacking PF. Time to attack MMD will come.

  7. UPND use all the tactics to try and bring PF down but it will not work we all want change just shallow the pride support the noble call for change through PF.vivaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

  8. # 4 age matters just like at your age you cannot opt to marry a 73 year old woman hoping to produce children. Actually people are realising that you cannot put an old truck in front of a new vehicle hoping to arrive on time. These defectors are wise i dont know what you are waiting for yourself. even natural logic has it that when season comes old leaves fall off trees and new ones sprout then fruits are seen. where do you seem to be stuck. Revolution and current world order favors radical change to prevent political constipation which young people have suffered for a long time.

  9. # 9 See Commet at #11………..infact most most of the ministers are supposed to be coming from the young generation just like Kaunda, Chiluba and Mwanawasa became presidents below retirement age. You seem to be suffering from the same problem as # 4 except yours is much serious because you dont seem to understand that change cannot be initiated by old ideas. its actually backwardness in thought. You cannot invest in old things hoping to get new returns whichever angle one looks at it from.

  10. VIVA UPND! VIVA HH! VIVA REAL CHANGE! Your mouth piece the post was busy telling false defection and all you PF homosexuals and dogs you were busy celebrating and now LT is reporting for defectors. We are now seeing you haters ooughtering hate speech! We are on the ground campaining for real chance. Tell your master mmbembe to continue campain for you because we all know that guy is gay! I want to tell all meaningful Zambians to stop buying The post news paper because it is nothing but PF propaganda! VIVA UPND

  11. Iwe# 9 chi dont kwiba mbeba — what new things do you think old sata will bring that he never brought during his useful youthful stage other than stealing a bicycle as policeman? actually he was discharged from service. Even during his time AVM, UBZ buses were fast but as of now i doubt if they can compete with Marcopolo. Naturally as anything gets old it wears out. Thats why age is a matter. All presidents that deliver are in the 30s, 40s or 50s. Not 70s. Thats why Ivory coast has chucked this old liability monster so did Tunisia, Egypt and now Libya. Its coming to Zimbabwe and Zambia. RB and Sata should packup.

  12. UPND is a party of poor political judgement tribalists whose duty is to split votes. The race is only between the big two PF and MMD. Their strategy is shallow,what evidence is there to show that the above people were PF members? MMD has Daily Mail and Times of Zambia, PF has The Post. What does UPND have?

  13. Poverty is great sin and the people capitalizing on this vulnerability of disadvantaged human beings for political and economic gains, commit far much bigger crime than the people wallowing in it. I say so because if you zoom in on this picture, you will notice that the poor woman was being bribed or bought.What a shame on the culprits.

  14. # 15 When you remove an old tyre from a vehicle and replace with an old one again and you call it a change? how far will you go? be wise. You cannot race two old trucks and enjoy the rally>> alas dont invest in old people for they are outlived their useful economic and political life. They suffer from irreversible dementia. whats your problem. when are your children going to be ministers? when sata goes to plot1 (that wont happen anyway), cabinet will come from same old recycled folks just like Rb is doing. If you want to replace old tyre by an old one you as well justify RBs stay. whats the difference between the two? they were both born in 1937. too old for modern challenge. Dont think in reverse just like Lottie was told not to look back by God and yet you keep looking backwards??

  15. I see that PF cadres overate their popularity. They will be shocked. Kaponyas cannot outnumber the normal people with reasoning ability

  16. Yabaa! Ati crowd. Atase. Chipimo jr ELIAS Is a better young and intelligent better charisma than yo H H h h mastaero what ever no sense:-\”

  17. Actually Sata is not liked by most people who are educated. The only learned people who support have a tribalism problem-they are Bemba or any of the many dialects related to Bemba. It surprises me that these numbskulls want to call others tribalisits & leave the ‘log’ in their eyes.

  18. #12 warrior nd 14 chanda chimba, ronald reagan became president of the USA at the age of 73yrs, and he is one of the revered presidents in the usa. Upnd shud admit, they are looking 4 sam1 to blame for lack of innovation. How come parties led by old people are doing so well yet up nd down part with young leaders are busy crying for breast milk. U ve tod the all world that u are very educated;show us yo workable strategic plan to make u grow from anda 5 to matures.

  19. I really feel pity for HH. It looks like he lacks charisma and experience in politics. This young man is spoiling his fortunes for nothing. His hate campaign is not yielding positive results but certainly decimating even his own fire brand within his political party. He tries to compare himself to Obama and David Cameron. However, he forgets that these two young guys have political experience. Obama has been a Senator while David has been a member of the House of Commons representing Witney. Above all he held the office of First Lord of Treasury and Minister of Civil Service. He later became leader of the Tories. As for HH, he has never been even a ward councillor and has never sat in the National Assembly. Thus, his political experience is still raw. He neds to be groomed politically.

  20. HH must admit that he cannot compare himself to the likes of sata RB mazoka magande. He draws his base from narrow minded things like; am young, am tonga, homosexual issues and all that. Politics is about doing a SWAT analysis. Its not as easy as selling companies with ftj and throwing our people into poverty.

  21. Governing a country is not about jokes creativity & clownry to intertain masses but serious undertaking to put things right. Not withstanding Sata’s vuvuzela, we take our country seriously. lET IT BE KNOWN THAT THE MMEMBES SUPPORTING SATA ONLY DO SO BELIEVING THE MAN WOULD DIE SOON SO THAT THEY CAN KEEP POWER TO THEMSELVES. For how else do you explain their vigour when until recently they told us this man was Litunga’s arch enemy?

  22. Zambians beware,gadaffi went into power as a young man, hez ruled for 42yrs, cuba’s castro has ruled for over 53yrs, mubarak ruled 4 30yrs, KK for 27yrs, mugabe over 30yrs. Young men cling to power what more this over zealous and selfish hh, he rule 60yrs coz he has no experience by time he knows how to run GRZ ll be after 20yrs.

  23. It’s myopic and preposterous to insinuate that Western Province has become passionate for the homosexuals’ party. The people of Western Province like Eastern and Southern are very conservative Christians. They have no heart for Sata liberal madness of homosexuality and bestiality. Sata need to find a credible media to limit buying into the hype of the gays tabloid of Mmembe.

  24. The people of Western Province like Eastern and Southern are very conservative Christians. They would never curve in to homosexuality crusaders.

  25. Hey No. 21 Rhupiaitis, you have got me thinking. I am yet to know of any prominent or great think-tanks who could endorse PF to form the next govt. I think if the calibre of Prof. Oliver Sasa, Bob Sichinga, Nkandu Luo, Edith Nawakwi, Prof Muna Ndulo or any highly recognised learned people came forward to endorse the PF, i think it would inspire the PF to believe that its their time this year. But nay, we only know of Waza and Panji Kaunda, Mpombo, Sakeni, some tabloid editors and some pockets of episcopal clergy, all these who can rarely be regarded as think-tanks but people with political or personal agendas only. Mulongoti can join then, but again, so can Kavindele like the way Misapa has done and it will still not make that impact those eminent mentioned earlier are capable of making.

  26. I smell monnie, monnie monnie. What time we go work if all we go talk na politics eh? Mek I come out for here. I smell monnie, monnie, monnie!! We go 419 de politicians dis year!!! Mek poor pipo chop also ahah!!! I beg poor man like to chop as much as those big bellez from lusaka.

  27. Hate HH you will be shocked they way you were when he won the Chilanga seat despite two parties working against him. The young and energetic are taking on government this year, take it or leave it. These leaders of charisma with all the political experience like Gaddafi are the ones who are difficult to remove when they grasp power, because there is no other thing they can do as politics is their only bread and butter. Mwanawasa had no charisma but he delivered more than any other president Zambia had ever had. Chiluba the same as Sata had all the charisma everyone person could admire, but what did they deliver nothing only the third term. So in short you can have all the charisma to manipulate and cheat people, but that cannot bring food on the table for our poor people.

  28. Hay people change we can, lets move it as young energetic, we take care of our elderly people, it is our responsibility. Viva HH, Milupi, Felix Mutati, Xaviour Chishimba, Kambwili, Given Lubinda, Charles Kakoma, etc. The old need to rest as we are ready to take care of them, as they also remain our fountain of wisdom on political matters. Their political experience should come to us through the advise they will be giving, and not them doing the job which we are capable of doing while they rest.

  29. Only defectors attended this UPND meeting in mongu. what a joke. stay with your homosexuality and young age! Nimwamukolo chabe!!!

  30. Sata can entertain crowds coz he noz his capabilities and we ve seen what he can do. RB does same. Others we ve never seen them smile or in public with there wives.

  31. You talk about age. How old was Chiluba in 1991 before he messed up the economy?Sounds like a good question. For age does not matter but the heart for the country of an individual. Sata is the best candidate than untasted material called HH. Chiluba was young in i991 but destroyed Zambia. He never had the experience apart from zctu which same applies to HH. Sata has a patrotic heart for Zambia as evidenced from his performance in his ministries. We saw law and order where he worked. Law and order is what we want now for our country to develop. Sata is a suitable candidate for the plot 1 job. Viva sata.

  32. @Maimai, do u need Political experience of plundering, inconsistency, telling lies, cheap propaganda, name-calling, advocating 4 Homosexuality as credentials of qualidying as Zambian Pres? Was FTJ, Kaunda,Mandela,Kabila jnr Councillor or MP before becoming Presidents?

  33. Ha ha we go chop monnie my brodah oh.upnd has ran out of ideas.They are supposed to be decampaigning mmd but surprisingly they ar focused on PF .do they eally think they can form a govt if they display such inferiorities.the mmd govt has failed the zambians not the PF members only .so an opposition with goood intentions need to address the issues of rural poverty ,unemployment,lack of medicines , poor infrastracture ,poor conditions of services,lack of enefit from our natural resources etc.shame upnd

  34. Like it or not HH is busy sweeping the ground. Those who practicise politics in a homosexual tabloid will be shocked. HH for president.

  35. Circus over WP continues.Mmembes sheet paper has been running fake defection headlines for the past one week and quoting whatever the insignificant old Mututwa says.No sane Lozi can vote for Sata, who almost abolished the throne of Litunga.Vote for him at your own peril.

  36. #39 You are so right. I am so disappointed with the way UPND is going about with its decampaigning of PF. Why cant they just tell us what they are going to do for us, the people of Zed. PF must be a mighty strong party. Its like they’re all scared of it


  38. Its not true, Bo Simenda ba mipuma muna muhulu, mwa bulozi MMD ni UPND ifelile, fa, batu ba botela PF for President and ADD for MPs ni ma Councillors, se lubata ki ku zusa MMD, UPND aikoni ku tulula MMD inosi feela, kona amubona batu ba bulozi banyemezi UPND aizwile mwa PACT ku kala ku beleka ni li bulai za MMD. Ba eteleli ba UPND mwa bulozi, bona Bo Colonel Makumba, Bo Muzinda, Candy Samwene Mundia, Induna Imbwae ni ba banwi bo ni sikabulela fa baba zwili mwa UPND ku kena mwa PF, ki bona bene basweli kopana ye yamina tate waka Bo Simenda, Batu ba bata change mwa Bulozi, MMD ina ni ku ya uno mwaha.

  39. Shame on you #39,when post reports about people defecting to pf from upnd,its so okey with you as if upnd are ruling party but if the same is done the other way, then upnd are un fair to decampaign pf, what nonsense is this. You will feel the heat this year with your propanda newspaper cleaners the post. Like Dora said yesterday you can have the newspapers covering your gabbage candidate but votes are not on newspapers but people of zambia will decide. Fortunately zambians can not be deceived by biased media houses as evidenced by mmds loose holds in urban areas where the media thrives despite all the coverage from GRZ media. Let not the post newspapers cheat you that this year you will win elections.

  40. Each time am with a tonga friend i tell then HH is sweepin. Each time am with pf kada i tell them pawato chabe. Each time am with mmd fulls i tell them rb is winning .

  41. Reason sata loses .1.in lusaka and CB sata wins by 50% and mmd gets 35%. .2.in luapula and northen sata wins by 40% and mmd gets 35%
    .3.in Central mmd wins by 45% and sata gets 15%.
    .4.in north western and western mmd wins by 60% and sata gets 5%.
    .5. In eastern mmd wins by 70% sata gets 5%.
    .6.in southern mmd gets 20% sata gets 0.5%.and when we do the maths mmd wins by a simple majority of 42.3% and sata walks out with cool vote of 32.2% and even if sata has increased his popurality by 3% he will lose.the pact was the only way.

    • You are assuming that UPND does not exist, you are in for a rude shock. Central, Ndola rural (Masaiti, Mpongwe, Lufwanyama, etc),Part of Lusaka, N/Western, part of Western, Southern and some isolated Eastern province districts are UPND. HH is winning this year.

  42. #48 dora is dead scared. She will go in the bunker together with rb this year. They wont stand their deals coming out public.

  43. #48. I hear you. tell these tribalists, PF caders think they own Zambia. What a f.o.o.l.i.s.h way of thinking..

  44. sorry I mean #53 Top Je. I hear you. tell these tribalists, PF caders think they own Zambia. What a f.o.o.l.i.s.h way of thinking..

  45. UPND will sweep thru Western province easily..Inonge should tell sata the truth..hahaha..viva HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  46. UPND will sweep thru Western province easily..Inonge should tell sata the truth..hahaha..viva HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..the post is a minion paper..

  47. I always wonder why opposition partys could gang up to bring down their fellow opposition party.
    we need to ask ourselves why it has always been the same during election opposition partys forming alliances wit the ruling party MMD to fight Sata and PF.I thought the common enemy “” for all opposituion is the party in power.
    But why is it that every time we have election we see all small partys like UPND and others gang together with MMD to bring down PF.

    What is the fear and why cant those partys join MMD so that we remain with a genuin opposition party.
    moer over UPND manifesto is similsr to that of MMD even if HH came into power he would still run the country the same way MMd is running it.
    be carefull Zambians.
    Vote for SATA and see what these other partys fear him for. stay…

  48. The boat is stuck on dry land while HH is gaining ground with the Real Change campaign. Now here is my prediction: The current PF/MMD popularity hypes are just temporal. this is because many people are still confused and annoyed with the break up of the pact, but after two months the dust will settle down and everyone, including those that enjoy calling other pipo’s private parts by name as if they did not possess the same also, will realise the importance of looking beyond one’s tribe in the search for our leader. Tribe aside and hatred aside, HH beats the two 74-year olds by far. He is the change we need, not replacing an old tyre with one with protruding nails in it. It can end up bursting at the next turn and more money will be spent in replacing it. VIVA…

  49. CHARISMA,CHARISMA,CHARISMA.!!!!! Arthur risked his life to lead MMD at the time everyone feared BUT the charismatic Chiluba snatched presidency from him, Charismatic Pastor Nevers Mumba left his church flock and party to join MMD now he is an ambassodor,Charismatic Sata expelled the Nawakwis,Tembos and others to push for the third term against Zambians and the enacted law,Charismatic Sata organised matcheting of Zambians by Zambians,Charismatic Sata,formed pf as a vengeful tool against Chiluba for picking Mwanawasa.THE UN-CHARISMATIC Mwanawasa performed greatly.
    HH DON’T BE CHEATED TO FEED POVERTY STRICKEN ZAMBIANS WITH TEETH AND CHARISMA.JUDAS WAS CHARISMATIC BUT BETRAYED.WORLD respected researchers have attached deceit to charismatic behaviours , put at 65%


  51. UPND’s make sure this year you vote to injure the Serpent and the Serpent’s attack dog, the post!

    Vote to shame them, vote for RB and abit for HH. SATA avalila nafuti nafuti!

  52. Mr. Donchi whatever, when people defect, it is either they are frustrated or their chances of being adopted as candidates have become slimmer and slimmer. Joining PF at this time in areas where PF was non-existent before guarantees you adoption as parliamentary candidates. You will see a number of defections falling in this category as people begin to assert themselves around. The change we need still remains HH. Call him a tribalist but unfortunately for you, while it was MC himself who was heard supporting Gay rights, HH has never supported tribalism. For as long as you will dwell on the non-existent tribalism claims, you’ll also be reminded of the Gay thing, Chawama hackings, Bicycle theft, third term, old age, heart problems, sarcasm and kaponya mentality.

  53. Bembas just forget about the presidency. We know you are clinging to an old rag for your Bemba salvation but unfortunately the rest of Zambia is not voting for an old finished weakling politician with a heart problem and tribal conotations. We are voting for young brilliant mind. Western Province will never fall into your dirty stinking trap. You worthless opprtunists, SATAnists. Viva HH.

  54. Chanda Chiimba III

    Walasa point.

    Donchi Kubeba-your comments are child-like, I for one don’t have that luxury time to read them because are too shallow.

    Ba LT vote for young and energetic candidate HHHH. We promise you that for sure we gonna improve your website. We will send you a picture where HH is smiling, you gonna love it. I just came back from Canada and the young man HH is everywhere, watch this space.

  55. You PF followers, wait a minute: look around in your homes, wider family and community, check how many employable (educated, skilled or able) people are scratching a living becasue there are no jobs? How many of you send your children to school today meaningfully hoping that they will later find jobs, become leaders of tomorrow and even take care of you in your old age? I am sure that all you see is hopelessness. This is all because of Sata and the old generation in general and I know this because they ve been around since 1964. We need real change and that change lies in voting for HH and UPND. Its not life to survive on little businesses of buying and selling finkubala, washing cars in town etc. Shake your heads if u can’t think straight

  56. We in western can not be far vote for Sata. Dont be cheated by post propaganda. HH will carry th day. I live in Mongu. Sata is only liked by few Bembas from here. Pls stop cheating people.

  57. Iwe Donchi kubeba, I pit you my boy. You know nothing about the history of politics in Zambia.
    You Kaponyaz should wake up from sleep, Sata is a grade four, a dictator, irational, bully and untrustworty. Let the old man go and enjoy the money he made in selling merzaf flats.

    Am sure you still sleep in the living room somewhere in Matero. Please campaign and not insulting people young man. By the way I know who you are now.

  58. Sata should just retire now. He has been defeated so many time already. It’s time he was advised that the Bemba population is not big enough to enable him win the presidency. Sata can’t attract people from other tribes to vote for him because we all remember what he did when he was in government (we remember what he did last summer). The guy would go on national tv and start speaking Bemba despite numerous pleaz that not everyone in Zed is a Bemba. The guy even supported Chiluba until he was dribbled. We will never let a Bemba rule this country because they are too tribal. The worst tribalists in this country are Bembas. We should never make a mistake of voting for Sata. Why should 98% of positions in PF be given only to Bembas. By the way they were all appointed by SATAn.

  59. Just remember each time there is a bemba near the till the shop closes down, FTJ, Sata, Kasonde, etc does that ring a bell.


    You are so right! I have never seen HH smile or heard him crack a joke. Is he human? How approachable is he? Is there a dictator hiding inside him somewhere? We don’t want mysterious leaders! We don’t want surprises. We want human presidents. UPND must think hard, otherwise you will never win the election with HH.
    All this opposition weakness is playing into the hands of the ruling party…it is such a shame.

  61. Real Change we need is HH and UPND!!!!! You will see in the next tree weeks what is going to happen. Just wait and see!!!!!!!!!!!!


  63. Toanga you are the only tribe that declares that UPND is tonga party and you did not want SACK to be president even though is far much better than HH. NOW you want support from the LOZI’S: ZERO you need to learn that tribalism does not pay

  64. The only people who can vote for Sata are foolish bembas only. A wise bemba wouldnt vote for such a wish-washy old rug.

  65. mwaume #85 what do you mean Saki is better than HH? why didnt he win the votes at the UPND convention? Or better still why didnt he win the presidency under ULP? or indeed how many mps does his party have compared to UPND? Geeezzz i had given up on a chance for a good decent laugh but you just changed that kekekekekekekekekekekeke!!!!

  66. #52 Shyman baby, king’i ha kusa votelwi ADD kaufela ni fa bupresident kufita kufa Sata kuli a wine. Sata ha sepahali mung’aka. Ha kilwapili a bata pact. Ukile a eza cwalo ni bo Sikota. Ha bona kuli wa wina u yubeka bo Sikota kuba siya mwa lififi. Bona bunyinyani boluta fumana mwa ADD bululikani. Ma bemba akiba kusepa.

  67. please answer me….
    IF U HAVE A GRAND FATHER WHO IS 74 YEARS AND WANTS TO CONTINUE WORKING TO LOOK AFTER U AS A YOUNG MAN WOULD THAT BE RESPONSIBLE OF YOU? Can old grand father produce new idea? Does n’t old age bring rigidity, lack of clear memory, lack of rubusts to read and work long hours, easily irritated, easy to annoy,etc? So why should we get SATA our grand father to bring new ideas in the land of plenty?

  68. #85 Mwaume, Saki represents Southern province, so in short Tongas are not tribalists as whatever he contributes there remains in that province. As a Lozi Saki would be the last person to say Tonga are tribalists as he represent them. Us westerners do not see Saki as one who can speak for us, hence we cannot follow his opinion about HH. Milupi is the one who we can say represents us as he stood in Luena despite him residing on the copperbelt. We are voting for HH this time around and our hope is that Milupi will join hands with HH because from the look of things our province is abit fragmented by the recent violence, which may reduce his popularity. Go HH and Milupi.

    Saki is for Southern province not western as whatever good he contributes remains there, but HH for western. viva

  69. Lets face it MMD will win these elections what the opposition parties should vie for is to have more sits in parliament.UPND are clever they want to be the biggest opposition party in parliament and be strategically positioned for 2016 whilst PF are focused on PLOT1 which will never be occupied by a serpent.

  70. Time will tell, not what you are insunuating. Votes are not decided from this forum. All of you guys are merely expressing your emotional views yet you dont represent the voters.

  71. SAKI was intimidated at the conference so you cant say that the elections in which HH won was democratic. Yes we hav hope in milupi but you people stated clearly that UPND is tonga’s party and when you fail to make it with PF now you want our support No NO NO NO !!!!!! WE HAVE not forgeten as LOZI’S what you did to SAKI might not be the best but he was surely more popular that HH at the time. fighty your own battles! dont talk about Livingstone because the people who vote for SAKI are from other tribes and not Tongas

  72. it is sad that this is a year of retirement. definitely retirement and BP is sure this year. who is taking over, Given or GBM?

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