Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Vatican Ambassador to Zambia distances the Catholic Church from the attacks on Government by some priests


VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli
VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli

Vatican Ambassador to Zambia, Nicola Girasoli, Girasoli has distanced the Catholic Church from the attacks on Government by some Catholic priests in the country.

Apostolic Nuncio Girasoli was speaking at a media breakfast and launch of his book entitled, “One Hundred Thoughts of Peace; we can negotiate everything except human rights” held at his residence in Lusaka today.

He explained that the Catholic Church in Zambia spoke through the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and therefore, opinions and statements from individual Catholic priests should not be regarded as the stance of the church.

“This (attacks on government by some catholic priests) is not the stand of the church, the stand of the Catholic Church is done by ZEC. So the voice of a single priest is the opinion of that priest and not of the Catholic church,” he stressed.

He said the Catholic Church was working well with Government but had a role to speak for the voiceless in society.

Ambassador Girasoli said the Catholic Church runs over 220 schools in the country and 39 hospitals with one university.

He also observed that Zambia was one of the countries with high respect for basic human rights.

Ambassador Girasoli said human rights and press freedom were highly respected in Zambia as compared to other countries on the African continent.

[pullquote]On the issue of some politicians planning to allow homosexuality if they came to power, Ambassador Girasoli explained that the rights of gays and lesbians should be respected because they were human beings too.He was however quick to point out that in Christianity, homosexuality was a clear sin adding that the Catholic Church strongly condemned the act.[/pullquote]

On the issue of some politicians planning to allow homosexuality if they came to power, Ambassador Girasoli explained that the rights of gays and lesbians should be respected because they were human beings too.He was however quick to point out that in Christianity, homosexuality was a clear sin adding that the Catholic Church strongly condemned the act.

Ambassador Girasoli has also observed that the Zambian economy had grown in the recent past due to favourable economic environment in the country. He said it was recognisable that the economy had recorded positive strides in the last five years of his stay in Zambia.

He that said among many factors that have contributed to the improvement of the economy were the favourable international economic developments.

Ambassador Girasoli pointed out that there was need to recognise the role of economic growth in the country and ensure that it benefitted all citizens.

“We must acknowledge the role of this growth and we must also see that this growth benefits the majority of the population,” he noted.

[pullquote]“What we see unfortunately is this gap between the rich and the poor is unfortunately becoming wider,” he said.[/pullquote]

However, Ambassador Girasoli noted that the economic growth that had taken place in Zambia in the recent past had not fully benefitted the ordinary Zambian people.

“What we see unfortunately is this gap between the rich and the poor is unfortunately becoming wider,” he said.

Ambassador Girasoli therefore suggested that it was important to allow citizens to have more access to the use of Zambia’s natural resources in order for them to come out of poverty.

He explained that citizens should have access to natural resources because they essentially belonged to them and not to Government.



  1. My Fiancé has been cold to me since Monday am. Are my expectations or reasons for having intimate relationships fundamentally changed. In Zambia It used to be that men and women formed relationships mainly to survive as a family.. All that had to be done was a man brings home food for his family. Women, meanwhile, happily attended to the family and house. Mutual love and respect existed in these relationships, intimacy, passion, and personal fulfilment did not necessarily have the same place in the relationship that they do today. For the most part, in contemporary relationships, personal fulfilment has become the priority. I am having doubts and wondering if this is largely because we are a multicultural couple.
    Don’t get me wrong, I have always and only been attracted to Whites since I…

  2. , I have always and only been attracted to Whites since I was 14, but why do I feel as though I have made a mistake again? I feel so Thanks

  3. tell them to stop turning catholic church into a political party,bcoz as at now catholic is political party,it is as active in politics as pf and upnd and political parties

  4. Well spoken although the mmd have tried very hard to twist the story in their favor. Desperate chaps these Movement4MadDogs. on the other had the amputee in Mongu is reported to have died by zedleaks

  5. Don’t worry, Mushota. Each relationship has got its own ups and downs. Am sure things between you and your fiance will work out well once you sit down to talk about it. Communication is much more important than we sometimes realise. Best wishes.

    Well spoken, archbishop. I hope the media will get it that ZEC is the catholic church’s mouthpiece and not drag the church’s name into disrepute by publishing personal opinions of priests and attributing them to be the the church’s stand.

  6. Apostolic Nuncio Girasoli is contradicting himself. he talks about economic strides being made at the sam time pointing out that the gap between rich and power is getting wider. anyway the source of the story says it all. RB has finally started believing his on lies because of the state run media and his minions. didnt knw that things are this bad that some people are living on k1500 per day. this is an insult of the worst kind. rb should have a heart

  7. The strength of catholic church is in its UNITY. you touch one member of the church, you touch every catholic!

  8. The question we all miss is that the CHURCH is made up of people and these people are the ones in these political parties. So if the church is NOT in politics then we are saying people in churches should NOT be involved in Politics. Kunda is a Christian and he is in Politics, Sata is christian and he is in Politics, same with HH. The question people need to ANSWER is WHAT is POLITICS…….One defines POLITICS as a vehicle that is used to redistribute national resources for social,and economic activities of the country that benefit the citizens…….there many definitions…… should the church be left out from speaking on the redistribution of the national resources to benefit citizens?????? each one of us has an answer

  9. Iwe ka Mushota, take your relationship problems on your Facebook page, not here. We want to discuss national issues here.. kupusa

  10. #7 Editor in chief …….there is no contradiction in what the Nuncio said. An economy can improve 1000% times….but it can generate more poverty at the same time. In pure capitalist driven economies the poor become poorer while the rich become more richer. What is required of the Party in power is to introduce policies and measures that narrow this gap btn the rich and the poor. Now if u say the poor will pay same price as the rich in schools, colleges, hospitals, and will buy farming inputs at the same price, u will access same interest rates in getting loans……the gap widens further and the rich only succeeds. In short the Nuncio is reminding Govt. to mitigate the suffering poor and narrow the gap btn the rich and them.

  11. In a country with good rainfall and plenty of arable land, one chose to live on a K1,500 per day and you want RB to do something. What nonsense is this? And the govt still gives FSP. If a grade seven drop out comes to Lusaka or Kitwe and wants to work as in an office instead of sitting in the farm and make a decent livelihood, that is his choosing. He should not blame anyone when he ends up unemployed and resorts to begging on the street.

  12. #11 Mashimba

    Unfortunately you can’t see through mushota’s intelligent reasoning shame on you my brother i end here for now. as for the catholic church, these people have never served God, they have been a polical organisation from the very begining when catholisim was formed as political organisation to conqur and rule the world during the late days of ceaser Nero.

  13. These Bemba Priests in Catholic Church wants to dent the image of the Catholic Church in their persuit of supporting fellow tribesman Micheal Chilufya Sata. Thanks Vatican Ambassader these tribal priests in your church starting from Mpundu, Bwalya, Chama etc needs to be tamed.

  14. Its the Homo magazine that tries to portray views of adulterous ‘priests’ as views of the church.Well said Ambassador.

  15. My dear sister Mushota – I hear you. I am also only attracted to white women, have been since I was 18. And I have been married 3 times to white women, all British, but one English, one Welsh and my current Scottish. I think all women are the same! Just like all men are the same, whatever nationalisty or race. I’m now 64 and thinking of marrying a Polish woman!

  16. If Nuncio says homosexual is sin then those advocating for it are sinners and the father of sinners is SATA.N. All followers of SATA..N are children of satan and demons. Twakana Sata n come whatever time 2011 or after………NOOOOOOOO!

  17. GIRASORRY, this should be your new name. How can you say homosexual rights should be respected and at the same time say the Catholic Church and Christian hold such as clear sins? Girasorry! A sin is sin, tolerating homosexual rights is permitting sinning

  18. “He was however quick to point out that in Christianity, homosexuality was a clear sin adding that the Catholic Church strongly condemned the act”.
    This is the main point for me, so some politicians cannot claim to be Christians while at the same time commit sin by advocating homosexualism: “Zambian laws recognise(s) gay rights, Zambian laws recognise(s) lesbian rights……..the laws are there, what is required is to implement them (when I come to power)”.

  19. Chi, the Church is not a social club. They should be talking about Christian Teachings.
    Mushota take heart! True love is not about race. I wish you well with whoever you have chosen to make you happy.

  20. #22 Kalimwitobo dont provoke the church. The nuncio is speaking on behalf of Catholics. You seem to miss the fact that HE was speaking on both point of Law and Morality. This mean gay rights could be enshrined in the constitution through an Act of Parliament (God Forbid) and change the status quo but a point of morality cannot be bent. it is too rigid. Following my explanation the Nuncio was simply telling an ordinary person like you that Zambia has a choice whether to adopt the vice or not but the church is against the very vice but cannot impose its stance on a State but members of the Catholic faith within that state.

  21. #22 Kalimwitobo dont provoke the church. The nuncio is speaking on behalf of Catholics. You seem to miss the fact that HE was speaking on both point of Law and Morality. This mean gay rights could be enshrined in the constitution through an Act of Parliament (God Forbid) and change the status quo but a point of morality cannot be bent. it is too rigid. Following my explanation the Nuncio was simply telling an ordinary person like you that Zambia has a choice whether to adopt the vice or not but the church is against the very vice but cannot impose its stance on a State but members of the Catholic faith within that state. The lunguage he used was diplomatic and it will be different when he speaks on same subject during HOLY MASS…… i think you belong to SATA(N) and practice serpentry.

  22. The bible does not support any immorality or sin. Why should the Catholic Church say that gays and lesbians’ rights be recognised because they are human being with rights. Should a Christian also any other sin as long as it is human rights. Mind you it is human right that led our first parents in eden to sin.The church is compromising with the world over this issue. With this statemen on homosexual by this Bishop it is clear indication that the Catholic leadership will definately support a presidential candidate who will recognise the rights of homosexuality in zambia. No wonder they support Sata whose laws will recognise gays and lesbians. Zambian Christians be careful with the Catholic Church. Protestant christians continue protesting as the protestant reformers did from the…

  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TO… PF……….. someone tell me please these guys are advocating for homosexualism???? No SATA and his Marriage with Mmembe.. No nowonder POST publishes PFSATA nicely……… WHO IS THE WIFE BETWEEN THE TWO? I Think Sata bamamukwela atase… Is this the man people wish for predo? Lets ask HH properly maybe he refused a threesome. If thats true then he is the man for my vote…2011

  24. I think that no 9 is missing the point. Looking at the way Sata. the POST and the Catholic Church (through Father Bwalya, Duffy and a few others), the catholic church including the vatican is supporting Sata for whatever reasons. They have teamed up so well that thay want to sue the POST, Red card campagn, the puilpit and civil society organisations to change government. A friend of mine mine who is a shushushu hinted that the vatican is interested in the Uranium in Lumwana while Fred Membe is interested in the post of VP with chances of taking over from Sata.

    the writtings on the wall are very clear.

  25. Proverbs 29

    1 Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes
    will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.

    2 When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice;
    when the wicked rule, the people groan.

    3 A man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father,
    but a companion of prostitutes squanders his wealth.

    4 By justice a king gives a country stability,
    but those who are greedy for[a] bribes tear it down.

    5 Those who flatter their neighbors
    are spreading nets for their feet.

    6 Evildoers are snared by their own sin,
    but the righteous shout for joy and are glad.

    7 The righteous care about justice for the poor,
    but the wicked have no such concern.

    8 Mockers stir up a city,
    but the wise turn away anger.

    9 If a wise person goes to court…

  26. When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice;
    when the wicked rule, the people groan.we need change in zambia RB should go this year

  27. The Catholic Church itself is good, the people making it look bad in the eyes of many those who just come and leave the faith, or rather part time believers like Sata and Father Bwalya. Sata has married 5 wives and divorced 4 and claim to represent our faith, he even said he is a fundamental catholic, hiding his sins in the church. B realistic guys God is not mocked the way we can mock a human being. Father Bwalya is a father who has fathered a child and is busy tanishing the image of the church with his red card campaign. Can these two people stop using the name of our church for their dubious goals of manipulating people for their good? Zambians please choose a good leader not these imposters in the name of Sata and Father Bwalya.

  28. King Muswati # 28, Cheap propaganda !!!!!. Get down to real issues…not mukadwa nsima ya kapenta mwa yamba kubwata bwata..sha !!

  29. We do not need another Rwanda genocide in Zambia because opf some irresponsible tribalist priests in the Catholic Church. Zambia is bigger than you tribe you ka father Bwalya, Mpundu etc.

  30. #25 I see a lot of wisdom in you. You have hammered the nail on the head. Just what I thought Apostolic Nuncio Girasoli meant. Even in UK there is government tolerance for homos but the Catholic Church is seriously against homos. Thank you very much. I will read more from you!

  31. Kunda is an embarrassment – Fodep president

    Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) president Alex Ng’oma has charged that vice president George Kunda is an embarrassment to the nation.

    Dr Ng’oma says the recent attacks by Republican Vice President on opposition Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata during his trip to Western Province where he was attending the Kuomboka Ceremony should be condemned.

  32. Dr Ng’oma says it is disappointing that the Vice President who is an advocate of issue based campaigns has been engaging in politics of name calling.

    He explains that Zambians are tired of politics of character assassination taking root in the political arena at the expense of developmental politics.

    Dr Ng’oma has further advised the Vice President to concentrate on important issues that are affecting the majority Zambians as opposed to attacking people’s personalities.

    And Dr Ng’oma has warned Zambians not to fall prey to the alleged political gimmicks by the ruling MMD ahead of the forthcoming tripartite elections.

  33. He says the recent directive by President Rupiah Banda to write off outstanding debts of over 3000 former ZCCM housing units on the Copperbelt leaves much to be desired.

    The FODEP chief adds that Zambians should be empowered because they deserve it and not in exchange for votes.

  34. If anyone of us can realise why that post called minister without Port folio was created, would understand why Sata is a dangerous person for president. All these crimes commited by those who served in the Chiluba government were masterminded by Sata. These recycled politicians will never allow anyone outside their circle to rule Zambia because they fear for their protection. They could not allow Mazoka to rule because they new that he would not protect them as he was not part of them. Mwanawasa could not fight corruption fully because the money which funded his campaign was from zamtrop account for plunderers, For Banda the people who campaigned for him were the same plunderers, and For Sata he was one of them and even the archtect of their crimes. So Zambians wake up from slumber.

  35. I agree with comments from Ambassador. The choice is between RB & HH in 2011.

    Zambia does not need to amplify the spread of Aids, which is very high in the Homo Circles, according to scientific evidence. Others have done it to make money but have died before even enjoying the money from Homosexual Practices.

    The Catholic Church also need to clean up the acts of Homosexual, which has rocked the church in countries like Ireland, Brazil, Italy, Spain, USA etc. The Vatican has put a lot of issues under the carpet for years to cover up.

  36. Sorry william!! – Sata is retiring this year. He is yet to dispute or sue anyone about the $30m from Taiwan. Bazumu ponona mudala.

  37. This is cheating. The catholic church supports what these individual priests are saying against the government. If they are not supporting, why have they not condemned the messages or disciplined the priests? The Catholic church want to have someone evil from their own church to be the President of Zambia.

  38. I heard your thug twisting his foul mouth trying to lie on a straight forward blander. THIS MAN IS FAR FROM PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL. He can cheat a few young voters not those of us who have observed him & have been close to him the last 20 years.

  39. So Telephone Mpundu was not speaking for the catholic church when he madde headlines in the POST. He was only tying to personally revive his bast*rd nieces/nephews chances of getting to state house…

  40. According to PF intelligence reports reaching us, the Apostolic Pronuncio has been bought by RB and MMD. It is also alleged that the Pope himself has been compromised, although we are still waiting for details from PF leaders on how MMD scored such a feat.

  41. When the Apostolic Nuncio spoke of Homosexuals having rights, he meant human rights such as the right to education, water, freedom of expression, e.t.c., and not the right to engage in homosexual behaviour as this is sinful and illegal in Zambia. He was not in any way condoning homosexuality, but simply saying that their dignity as human beings should be respected despite their tendencies.

  42. #1 mushota, just hang in there and know that whatever is hot will in the end turn cold; take this opportunity and tune in carefully so that you can hear what the little voice is trying to tell you

  43. @50 I agree. The nuncio is the Pope’s envoy. He is pope de facto in Zambia and is superior to all catholic officials and bodies.

  44. Apostolic Nuncio Girasoli tried very hard to clear Sata’s name from supporting gays but failed lamentably. The catholic church oposes the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation. What people must understand is that with God there is no compromise. If you want to be moderate with things of God then you are not for God. So be careful with people who use twisted tounges when speaking. The catholic church always has a hidden agenda anywhere in the world. They like it where the leaders are weak in the things of God because then they can use the bible to do other things such as investing in alcohol production, weapons manufacturing, arms trading, homosexuality, drug peddling, etc

  45. The nuncio is a known mmd supporter and has a sexual relationship with a female mmd minister from the eastern province. he also frequents state house and mmd supporters homes and yet he talks about the poor. when did he ever visit a poor catholic in say kalingalinga or even his driver’s home? The Zambian Bishops are in touch with reality not him and he is not the head of the church in Zambia

  46. Number 60, Bwezani Tembo,Tell us the name of the woman! why do you always like tarnishing the names of others? Uchinje! Girasoli has travelled to all parts of Zambia, and has invited numerous ordinary catholics to his residence in lusaka. He is a very down to earth man and has a listening ear too. I wish you all a blessed Easter triduum. Let us reflect on where we need to change before we throw stones at others,.

  47. The Vatican Ambassador to Zambia, Nicola Girasoli has spelt out the position of the Catholic Church in Zambia. But some priests ill-trained in theology are exploiting the Church to meet their own personal political goals through a religious Institution that embraces worshipers who hold divergent political beliefs. Since I originate from Mpika, I will not mention positive developments that have occurred at Chilonga Mission. We pray that Ambassador Girasoli lead a deligation of Priests (including Bishop Mpundu, Duffy, Banda & Fr. Bwalya plus The Post) to see what RB’s govt has done to Mpanshya Hospital, which serves the needs of the poor in areas of Rufunsa, Lukwipa up to Luangwa Bridge. An access tamac road has been built from GERd up to the Mpanshya Catholic Mission Hospital. Amen


  49. Number 63,Black pope my foot! You are the one who should do a research on the REAL catholic church and not the one you read about from hate propagandists. After you have done your research, if you don’t become a catholic, ninshi uli katubi!



  52. Bishop Banda should be the last person to claim to speak for the poor. The man is very heartless despite being a priest. He never helped his mother when she was alive and just suffering in the village while he enjoyed the spoils of the rich Catholic church. The man is a disgrace and I know him from a long time. Such men who have been abusing boys and girls alike in the catholic church should just keep quite and enjoy their ill gotten positions. as to whether he speaks for personal view or church is not for me to say but I am catholic and have attended some of his empty masses where he just talks politics and not the word of God. He was the reason i had to change a parish at one time as my spirit was not being norished while i attended his masses.

  53. Vatican is not ther local Church! The local Church has more significance to the people than the universal one. This is the problem for us Catholics. We want everything to come from Rome. Rome is dominated by non-Africans who have little ideas about our problems. Nuncio Girasoli should not just be protecting the universal church at the expense of the local church. These priests who are speaking out are Zambians who are in touch with reality on the ground. Girasoli has never stayed in Kalingalinga, Chipulukusu, Misisi, Masala, Chawama or any other place. Our priests have their relatives staying in these places and they know what sufferings people are going through. I wish the local church can be respected more than the universal church.

  54. It would have been exciting if Julius Malema had a chance to comment on Fr Bwalya as one that serves the best interests of white supremacy in Africa. Memories of the Rwanda genocide and the instigators of such un-Godly acts are still fresh. A well known Catholic Bishop tried to ferment troubles in Mongu. Remember a Bulawayo Bishop who was caught red-handed making love to a married woman; another was reported in Southern Region of Malawi last year; add Fr. Bwalya’s son on the Copperbelt on the list. Alas! the Church has powerful machineries to conceal their own immoral acts.

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