Wednesday, March 5, 2025

UK to pump K48.5b into Electoral Commission of Zambia

Share British government will spend 48.5 Billion Kwacha to help the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) deliver free and fair elections during this year’s polls.

British High Commissioner to Zambia Tom Carter says part of the money will also go towards enhancing democracy in the country.

Mr Carter says the assistance which will be done through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will involve training of police officers to enable them handle elections in an effective manner.

High Commissioner Carter told ZNBC News in an interview that his country will also train election observers.

He is hoping that the elections will be free of violence and the political players will accept the election results.

Zambia’s government has allocated 322 billion Kwacha for the electoral commission to organize this year’s elections.
The exact date of the elections is determined by the President, who has yet to make an announcement.

And new director at ECZ says commission has begun “earnest preparations” for the general elections to be held later this year. Priscilla Isaac says the electoral commission will need over 60,000 “trained and tested” officials to conduct this year’s vote. She says the electoral body is implementing new training strategies for its officers to help “publicize and educate the electorate on what to expect in this year’s elections at the grassroots-level.”

Ms Isaac also rejected the demand of a PVT system , saying the electoral commission is “the only legitimate body mandated by the constitution to organize elections in Zambia.” She says the electoral process as it stands is “open and transparent enough.”

Click below to listen to her full interview with Clottey of the Voice of America


  1. That’s what responsible Diplomats do. Such efforts are very much welcome and appreciated. I’m sorry but the American cowboy style of diplomacy of offering to work with NGO’s on unlawful election systems without government cooperation was nterferance of the worst kind. It was the same as changing government on their own. When the unwise diplomat made the offer, a pack of wolves mascarading as NGO’s got so loud because of the cash. Americans should learn and accept that it’s not everything that they know best. The British on this one have outsmarted them and have chosen the right organisation to implement their help with. It beats me to see cowboys still arrogant after getting us all in the global economic mess. Dont bring us the political mess to Zambia.

  2. Congrats Zambia we are now becoming a maturing democracy. A becon of hope for so many African countries…
    Development only comes with democracy hence the economic gains Zambia is making…

    For once am being PROUD OF BEING ZAMBIAN

  3. Thanks Ms Isaac for categorically rejecting the demand for a PVT system. Keep your eyes open. The PVT used recently in Ivory Coast supported by FRANCE created a lot of confusion. Pipo are still killing each other. FRANCE actually used it to invadIvory Coast. PVT is a way for Western nations to keep their colonising bonds to African countries. They do this by recognising as legitimate WINNER only their preferred candidate. By doing so they can change govts as they wish and then have their way to a countries abundant natural resources. Look at Zimbabwe, Congo, Sudan, Libya, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Angola etc etc

  4. We thank the British for the gesture of support to Zambia’s democratic political system. The amount is 15% of the GRZ funding.

  5. Let’s see whether ECZ will also reject the K48.5billion ($10million). You can eat the cake and have it!!

  6. Ms Isaac, this is not UK. You should consider who is responsible of appointments ECZ Executives? Then consider independence of the commission. PLS we need PVT.

  7. Come 28 September RB will be back in state house again. Goodbye Sata and thanks for trying! But can Sata still contest 2016 elections…I will vote for him then in 2016. Long live Sata and waiting to vote for you in 2016.

  8. Since MMD is desperate for campaign funds, to the extent rupiah is begging diplomats for money, dont let him get near this money for he will divert it to MMD

  9. Is this the first time zambians goes to polls?? police need training, election observers training… When will Zambia become independent and be self reliance? funding its own elections without foreign aid..

  10. I don’t want to believe that it’s true the UK has given this amount to Zed for elections. If it is, it’s a shame. Such amounts usually end up as credit cards which the next Sata government has to pay at the expense of our children. Another case of short term planning characteristic of our African leaders who always get corned in broad day-light.

  11. Imwe Zambian leaders, what’s wrong with you, Haven’t you learnt that the western world don’t give money for free, accepting money for elections! What!! you will pay back through the nose, Ukutumpa backward thinking, iwe Chi RB wake up.

  12. At a glance you are right my dear, these s.t.u..pi.d leaders actually get cuts from all these collosal amounts of monies and who ends up sufferings? It’s the poor citizens of Zambia who are left to pick up the pieces. Greedy i.d.iots!

  13. the only legitimate body mandated by the constitution to organize elections in Zambia.” She says the electoral process as it stands is “open and transparent enough.” Priscilla nkashi yandi, tukamilya kanama kabishi if you rig elections. Don’t even think about it. Bear in mind what is happening in North Africa, Uganda, Swaziland. Zambians have taken the for far too long. They can no longer bear it.

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