Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Chiluba extols President Banda’s leadership


President Banda listening to former president Frederick Chiluba

FORMER President Frederick Chiluba says he has experienced President Banda’s leadership and does not doubt his capabilities of steering Zambia to greater heights.

Dr Chiluba told journalists at the Freedom Statue in Lusaka yesterday that Zambians all over the country are benefiting from President Banda’s “efficient” government.

He said he is able to commend President Banda because he has seen development countrywide, and is not talking without basis.

“I have experienced President Banda’s leadership, and I enjoy it because it is practical. When you are asked about his leadership, you point to things that you have seen. God bless the President,” Dr Chiluba said.

He said Zambians have the huge task of choosing the person they want to lead them, and must judge who is a leader and who is not.

Dr Chiluba said he has observed that some political leaders have no clear policies and programmes for this country, but want to talk everyday to try and attract voters.

“Democracy makes some people sound foolish. They are so loud, but they have no programmes for the people of Zambia. A wise person cannot be talking 24 hours a day. They keep yapping about nothing. Zambians must ensure they elect a leader with an agenda for their country,” Dr Chiluba said.

The former head of State said what some people do not understand is that democracy is about understanding each other, and not about exchanging bitter words.

He said Zambia is now enjoying peace, and that the current scenario is different from the colonial days when even indigenous policemen and women were harassing their own brothers and sisters to please their colonial masters.

[pullquote]“Democracy makes some people sound foolish. They are so loud, but they have no programmes for the people of Zambia. A wise person cannot be talking 24 hours a day. They keep yapping about nothing. Zambians must ensure they elect a leader with an agenda for their country,” Dr Chiluba said.[/pullquote]

He said peace comes with a price, and that this is why Zambians must ensure they vote for someone who will uphold it.

“There must be no disruption to this peace. It has to continue,” Dr Chiluba said.

And Dr Chiluba has spoken out on Western Province saying it is a part of Zambia and must remain as such.

He said any calls for a separate state must be ignored because Zambia is a united State.

He said the people of Western Province must be careful and judge for themselves who is telling them the truth.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. This is how small Chiluba is in comparison to RB… Ha ha ha. Kafupi is really praying for HERB to continue at plot one so that the heart problem is healed completely, what a shame.

    His comment on BA64 is hollow and insulting to the people of Western Province. Kafupi you are very right when you say RB is telling the Lozis the truth that he’ll kill them should they ask for their recognition of the BA64 Agreement.

    People from Western Province are not fools, we know Ministers say what the President want them to say so they protect their jobs and save the President’s face, even when they don’t agree with what the President wants. No wonder some of them liken themselves to dogs and masters.

    Yes, extol RB, the saviour of your heart disease, you corrupt i*d*iot. Days are numbered…

  2. Ka Chiluba, you think we have forgotten your brainless privatisation programs with your HH, that impoverished many Zambians and sent them to early graves, SAP, wage freezes, manipulating the laws to get at your political enemies, hoe you ran down Meridien BIAO Bank, and your ill-gotten wealth?

    We know how you are encouraging RB to enmass wealth through corruption with impunity so that you’ll be many in prison when our just God, the Almighty, delivers justice on you on behalf of the many Zambians who have suffered under your leaderships.

    God sees the tears of His children, and hears them when they cry. That day shall definitely come, rejoice when you can, there will be no more SA cardiac reviews, will be done in Zambia, going for review from prison, where you belong…

  3. Chiluba please give us a break. You have all the reasons to side with your Banda to save yourself jail time.

  4. Donchi kubeba!! Donchi ku worry Heftyjay, your friend is looking @ 7yrs for perjury – he has to prove both parents are Zambian!! If he doesn’t, kumulonga bebele, you follow soon after!!

  5. Can’t blame him can you? Even I would say the same if I was in his “little” shoes.

    Amazing africans do to save backsides.

  6. Just wait & see, he will be the first sitting presido out of the country as votes are counted!! We need to make sure he doesn’t leave the country!!

  7. Can’t blame him can you? Even I would say the same if I was in his “little” shoes.

    Amazing what africans do to save their backsides.

  8. Chiluba is really really an annoying SoB. It would be better if you kept your mouth shut. The MMD should realise that the support RB is getting from this SoB is causing him to lose support due to the painful memories that are evoked in people because of the suffering we have been subjected to.

    Zambia could have been better if this rat had not mismanaged our economic through looting with impunity.

    MMD if you want any chance of some extra votes, Chiluba will win you non, he’s simply a liability. Do you remember the way Chiluba treated Doctors for fighting for patient’s rights, fired them and prevented them from leaving the country, holding them hostage in their own free country? This Chiluba is so evil, despite declaring Zambia a Christian Nation, no wonder we are CURSED as a Nation

    • This is a wise advice. RB, with all his weaknesses is the best bet for Zambia, but many of us will not vote for MMD as long as FTJ is associated and protected by RB. Enforce the London judgement and see the mood of the public- drastic shift and votes pouring to MMD. 
      Choice is good sense prevailing, ministers and advisers giving right advice to the President and ensuring continuity with progress, development and betterment of all Zambians, slowly but surely.

  9. The headline should actually be “Chiluba sucks up to Banda”. We all know that he is arselicking the man who saved him from a jail term.

  10. read ye the message and not the messenger. and the message is about zambia’s freedom, peace, and choosing leaders wisely, it’s not about voting for the mmd or pf or upnd or add etc.

    • Define peace.Zedians you have been blind folded on this thing called peace for too long.Zed is a democratic country therefore peolpe should vote for someone of their own choice.What peace are you talking about when people are dying of malaria,cholera 47 years after independence.Wakeup

  11. Comparative notes. Chiluba was accused of diverting public money for personal use. His immunity was remomed & a Task Force was constituted to investigate him. Chiluba suffered indignities at the instigation of a former President. In the end the Courts found him not guilty. Tonny Blair and George Bush committed atrocious crimes against their countries. The two leaders waged a military attack on Iraq based on a deception that Saddam Hussain had massive chemical arsenals against humanity. The US system allowed Bush to run his term, but Tony Blair was removed from Office before his term expired. Zambians, and Sata in particular, must learn tennets of civilized execution of powerl . Chiluba’s sense of relief for RB’s civility to restore respect to him as a former President is welunderstood.

  12. Comparative notes. Chiluba was accused of diverting public money for personal use. His immunity was remomed & a Task Force constituted to investigate him. Chiluba suffered indignities at the instigation of a former President. In the end the Courts found him not guilty. Tonny Blair and Bush committed atrocious crimes against their countries. The two leaders waged a military attack on Iraq based on a deception that Saddam Hussain had massive chemical arsenals against humanity. The US system allowed Bush to run his term, but Tony Blair was removed from Office before his term expired. Zambians, and Sata in particular, must learn tennets of civilized execution of power. Chiluba’s sense of relief for RB’s civility to restore respect to him as a former President is fully understandable.

  13. Cant blame KaChiluba. Its human nature not to bite the finger that feeds you. After all Chiluba could have been caged by former president who brought the issue if there was evidence. I end here!

  14. What peace is Kafupi talking about?Is voting for an opposition leader wrong.What then is the essence of even having the so called democracy?Zedians have been blind folded in the name of peace for too long.In some cases these politicians have even hidden their misdeeds in the name of Christianity.Shame.Has Sata said he is going to separate Western Province from Zed?Peace na njala,malaria and cholera 40+ years after independence.Kuya bebele

  15. Sata is going to hell to face his father Lucifer this year hence all the hallucinations. He will die on the campaign trail if not, its on the ballot verdict day.

  16. RB & Chiluba are hunted by Levy’s ghost. By the way, did u hear chiluba’s dream last week? “EACH time i sleep, i see Levy and sata standing together in the mood of reconciating. In the dream, i see mwanawasa pointing at RB with His left hand that you TRAITOR! After that levy hugs sata and hand over power and the fight against corruption to sata saying deal with the two evil men Rupiah & chiluba. Everyday i see sata and levy in the dream confessed Chiluba and thats how he went to see TB Joshua. Bt the prophet told him to tell the nation what he knows about mwanawasa’s death and also give bak regina to Mwanza. Hhhh kani yalula!! Joke

  17. Ba Kafupi mulipo? Keep making that noise to pleases your corrupt boss pleased,it wont be too long thogh, coz you will face judgement for your sins.For now we shall call you a GRAND thief,thats your title that you have deservedly earned.


  19. Wise words indeed Dr. Chiluba. It is not just change for its own sake. We are not a bunch of jokers. Yes we enjoy the comedy from the king of Zambia 1 comedy the Cobra but that is how far it goes.

  20. Shut the foook up you’ll burn in hell soon with alabee you fooooo

  21. Kachiluba the problem u forgot that when u used to a president, u thought zambia was yours. You can bake with whatever sound u want but don’t forget that it’s we the people to see whom to put in power. And I think we don’t need your advise on who we want. If u are Herbs go and vote for him.

  22. Chiluba is hardly the kind of person one would call exemplary to give such advice. We may forgive, but we certainly will not forget. He abused our trust, now he is to abusing our forgiveness. Its not Rocket science he will cost President RB serious votes unless he finds something else to channel his energy into, other than to comment on politics. KK has focused on AIDS, a very noble thing to do.

    • You are right bro. I Come from the same village with this little brat and we regret having him as president. He stole billions of kwacha and did nothing even for his village.But consider this;

      1. KK built and tarred the roads in the province besides building schools in each district 2. Mwanawasa constructed the bridge on Luapula river ( Levy bridge) and encouraged investments in the area.
      Let Kakafupi show what he has done other than closing Mansa Batteries without paying workers their terminal benefits up to today . Kakafwa kalechula.Katusebanya pafula

  23. Soon we will be witnessing how you shall be uplifting him in prison. remember the time is ticking.

  24. From what Dr. Chiluba has said one can see that he has learnt on how to be a working president. He regrets having received advise from people who were close to him like Mr Sata which made Zambia go more than ten years backwards.

  25. Yes,there goes another joke,You should Pray hard Sir, because your heart problem will resurface soon after this year’s elections. The peolple of zambia wanted you to appologise for what you did and you will be forgiven. The late President ,H.I.S.R.I.P wanted the same.

  26. @12, you speak words of wisdom. mr chiluba was acquitted by the courts of law either because he is innocent, or the lawyers did a bad job of it on the erroneous and lazy belief that evidence was what the post wrote. rb has not said that mr chiluba is guilty or innocent. what he has said (diplomatically) is that chiluba could have made one or two mistakes, but the cases have taken too much of our time and money, that the lessons have been learnt and it was time to move on as a nation.

  27. **** this….this that that about SATA-just keeps adding value to the idea of change. Every time you talk about SATA He gains 500 votes per minute.

  28. Talking is one component of any real democracy. Chiluba condemning those that are talking clearly exposes him as an ignorant man on democracy.
    Chiluba’s support for RB must be seen as a burning tyre around RB’s neck!! RB must discard of this crook.

  29. @28, wrong: everytime we talk about mr sata, we expose him so that well meaning zambians can make better decisions. we recognise the fact that the vast majority of zambians mean well for their beloved country but need correct information. building in 90 days all the roads and schools and hospitals that zambia needs and putting money in people’s pockets when one has no idea what he is talking about is misinformation.

  30. Chiluba give us time……Chikala cobe! Are you fooling us as zambians ,are we benefiting from your ”PONYO” *****. Just your small pit and go to hell.


  32. As long as Bemba demagogues yapping for their bemba party to deliver a bemba President are selling a snob Sata for national Presidency, they will remain rubble rousers without possibilities on National ballot verdict. One wonders why no credible Bemba is found and floated. Certainly rational patriotic and moral societies of Southern, Western, Eastern, North Western, Copperbelt rural, Northern Province’s Muchinga areas,large swath of Central, Luapula and Lusaka rural will never risk with this lanacy of risking the country with a retarded choice Bembas are floating.

  33. FTJ would do well to enjoy hiz legitimate status az former prezident quietly, for there iz no loss in that. If democracy just meanz singing ruling party praizez, then we can az well have Article 4 (if it iz still called that) of the republican constitution repealed again so that we go back to one party state and wamuyaya. 

  34. I choose not to comment on this R>B>B>I>S>H. Banda you are being gabbaged by the t.h.u.g Kafupi. He won’t be there for you. Partners in crime against the nation.

  35. This story must be read with utmost care. RB must start watching FTJ. RB must start asking himself why FTJ did not mention Sata at all but spoke in generality as if there’s no elephant in the house. RB will soon be on the receiving end of FTJ dribbles. Watch this blog. MMD is now in more danger than it has ever been. The yapping part was directed at Dora Siliya and her insulting the Catholic Clergy and the all church at its entirety. This will bite the MMD.

  36. Now it is unfair to insult the former President just because he is answering a question form the Daily Mail reporter. As a citizen of Zambia he has the democratic right to express his opinion. What we should be attacking is the opinion not the person. we cannot always be calling people names, regardless of how much we loathe them!

  37. I pride myself in being a christian but my heart turns cold when I read about Chiluba. He is a guy who deserves no mercy from anybody. I hate to say this and I will ask for forgiveness later but this short chap deserves nothing less than being at the vey bottom of the pits of hell.

  38. #35 tribalism is sin nobody chose to be a tribal is now so take people as they are in all tribals there are good and bad. you are a bad seed of a human being you need excluded from the society.

  39. The goodness with democracy is that some bloggers will never see anything positive from anyone apart from themselves and their chief Patriotic Fool.

  40. RB you couldn’t get a better commendation for good work from the voice of reasoning, thank you FTJ. This is a difficult office to execute, everyone has some imperfection. People must learn to leave the past in the past.Mwanawasa’s biased campaign on corruption against FTJ and other selected few propagated this hatred we still see in a few bloggers. Any fair minded person would acknowledge that the former president does not desrve this prolonged personal. People must learn to leave the past in the past and move on.This man must be given a break to express himself like every other Zambian without unnecessary attacks. He never insults anyone but simply goes about his business of preaching the word God and give support were it is truly deserved.

  41. RB’s consistence in carrying out government development programs should be acknowlwdge, encouraged and be given credit for. He has only been in office for just over two, but look at at the number projects he is delivering in the economy and doing so with dignity and forward looking thinking. Lets avoid at all costs the notion of changing goeernment for the sake of it. Lets face it, at the moment his presidency is no contest with the current crop of oppostion aspirants. The few months I have struggle to pinpoint what PF’s position is on issues that matter the most: health, education and the economy. In his political rallies so far, Sata has failed to spell out credible alternatives other than dwell trialities of former president’s shoes , suits and flipflopping on obvious issues.

  42. Dr FJT; I enjoyed your last TV enterview in 2001 just before the elections where you proved that you understood the free market and democracy concepts you helped introduce as the drivers economic progress. Kindly encourage our H.E RB to interact more with the populace by way nationa tv interviews. I have the privilege of knowing him personally a nice gentleman and am certain many others will come to same conclussion. Regards

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