Sunday, February 23, 2025

‘Catholic is not an enemy of state’


VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli
VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli

The Vatican ambassador to Zambia Nicola Girasoli has said the Catholic Church is not an enemy of governments but that it is a partner in development and social justice.

Ambassador Girasoli observed that it is unfortunate that the media has recently concentrated on individuals to reflect the opinion of the church on various issues.

He says Zambia is a big family and that there are some people who hold different opinions on various issues.

The Apostolic nuncio, however, charged that the Catholic Church will avoid any kind of involvement in partisan political debates but will always promote, protect, defend human rights, and dignity.
[ QFM ]


  1. When the Church, be it Catholic or any other promote, protect, defend human rights, and dignity is in no way being partisan but evangelising as Jesus Christ did during his time. Now that he is no more with us, its the foundamental duty of the church to carry on. Though it is also true that those in the church are human beings who are also subject to error ethically especially on political emotions as it is evidenced by the 2008 general elections and a few hickups later. The church should not favour any nor hate any political leader, they are also members of the church that need to be educated. Leaders too be open to learning and grow spiritually, an advice is not an attach…

  2. pf, tell us who is the better leader between the one who is developing zambia and the results are there for all who have eyes to see, or the one who tries to steal people’s votes with sweet nothings like 90 days deception? while you are at it tell us the real objective of promising people what is impossible for a human being (pf or any other party, white or black, chinese or american, japanese or german) to do in 90 days, if it is not to lay your sticky hands on the national treasury? tell us also why obama is struggling with the american economy when people like sata can do it in zambia in 90 days? to do those 90 days miracles, mr sata would have to be equated to our Lord Jesus Christ who can feed multitudes on one loaf of bread, can you confirm that kind of pf blasphemy?

  3. The Catholic church leadership should not think that all Zambians or indeed any other people are dull and they don’t have GOD given brains and spiritual discernment to read and understand the Catholic church partisan and tribal inclination to one against the rest political parties and their leaders.

  4. “Ambassador Girasoli observed that it is unfortunate that the media has recently concentrated on individuals to reflect the opinion of the church on various issues. He says Zambia is a big family and that there are some people who hold different opinions on various issues”. well ambassador, people have repeatedly said that. truant priests were advised to come out of the pulpit so that they can be challenged in the political arena. the aim was to avoid this very misunderstanding, i.e. creating an impression that the government is attacking the church and not individual priests, and vice versa. are priests not representatives of the church in a parish? who appointed them? if indeed the church’s opinion is different from that of its priests, how come the church has tolerated these priests?

  5. by the way, those who attend catholic church, today is 5th June did they go ahead and read that pastoral letter? i would be very surprised if they did.

    • the church issues occasional pastoral letters to its faithful. There is nothing wrong with that, thanks.


  7. @8, is that so? not surprising. i missed the main part of znbc tv 19.00hrs news bulletin this evening, but i caught the bit about girasoli and our very own cardinal mazombwe saying something like “some isolated priests in the catholic church are making it look like there is a rift between government and the catholic church when the two are actually enjoying excellent relations, and the church is not interested in partisan politics”. well said, but until you discipline your priests that tabloid will continue to have a field day with them, didn’t the post reduce bishop telephone to the status of a pf cadre?

  8. Enemy of the state, is the foreigner that swore on oath that he is zambian by descent, WHEN HE PERFECTLY KNEW HE WASN’T – as for HIM , JAIL IS CERTAIN, whilst Kafupi, the wheels of justice will start turning again – THIS IS THE YEAR FOR CHANGE, THE YEAR THAT THIEVES WILL GO INTO HIDING OR GAOL(JAIL!!!)

  9. PF Govt, the letter has been read and the Catholic Church will continue to be the voice of the poor, needy, oppressed and the voiceless regardless of the change of govt. PF Govt you may be young to forget that Catholic lost it’s Archbishop for speaking for the masses 1990 regardless of their religious domination. Catholic played an important role for MMD to win in 1991. The Catholic suffered verbal attacks, humiliations and depotation threats by the hands of UNIP cadres like William Banda, secret service and the so called KK boys who were ruthless.MMD should have known that fighting the church wont help. Why G Kunda and other ministers who Catholics quite? They know , Catholic is in very corner of the country. Cardinal and Girasoli they have no control over priests but their Bishops

  10. G kunda with his kashishi, has probably been deserted by the almighty, he should just continue asking for forgiveness!!

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