President Rupiah Banda has welcomed the reclassification of Zambia as a middle income country by the World Bank.
The President has pledged to ensure that Zambians start feeling the benefits of better salaries and standards of living.
He says this will be done through having a stable economy which will create jobs, increase foreign investment and eradicate poverty.
President Banda says the reclassification reinforces his achievement in building a better future for all Zambians.
The President says the World Bank’s decision is the latest in a long line of economic achievements which are directly having a positive impact on the Zambian people.
President Banda says Zambia’s economy is delivering growth of more than seven percent despite continued recession in many parts of the world.
He says his Government is also in the process of establishing multi-facility economic zones and industrial parks to promote the manufacturing sector.
This is contained in a statement issued to ZNBC News by Special Assistant to the President Dickson Jere.
Zambia has been named by the World Bank as a new middle income country together with Ghana.
The Banks latest assessment for this year ranks Zambia 27th and Ghana 28th.
Now!!Only a typical PF supporter will dispute that there is more progress than Sata was in government while championing the third term.H.E RB will give the PF another white wash and this time with a major landslide.PF keep dreaming a disputing economic figures while the rural voters are banking on more fertiliser ans more bumper harvests.
i am really at loss to express my feelings; in one breath i am very happy and i am thinking some people will still politicize this. i see the pro mmd people saying we told you whilst the other camp saying there is nothing to show for this re-classification. the truth is that this is good for our country though i fear may start to pull out of the country thinking there are more needy countries than zambia. to the opposition i say tell the people how you gonna build upon this but the mmd simple acknowledge that this was started way back in 1990 and everyone who partcipated in the process deserves a pat on the back – sata included. that does not exclude the former cabinets and civil servants etc. poverty levels are still high tho and this needs to be tackled fast for whoever comes into power
Ha! For once he didn’t mention Sata (or maybe they edited it out)
In can predict Sata will say this is meaningless, a true flat earther he is. Well done HERB….cool initials aren’t they?
So how does this benefit the poor and unemployed in the streets.To me this is just a campaign move by the mmd.Anyway our minds already made up.We know who to vote for wheather middle income country or not.And ba LT please use credible news sources and not DEAD NBC.
an intelligent old president not this flip-flop sata…viva Zambia..good for us..!
What exactly defines development in a country?
Well done… a country on the move and as usual those who have eyes will not see and those have ears will not hear…
Keep it up Zambia and well done GRZ.
It takes time, dedication and leadership… most of all you need to have gone to a place called a University.
You can not learn economics in 90 days
I love my country
well said my man…
#7 Nubian Princess
It means finnishing the Choma-Namwala which was a gravel road since independence;it means having tw consecutive bumper harvest when there were none prior to that;it means having Mchinji railway line when before that no one could travel by train from Chipata to the indian ocean.
These same clowns at the World Bank will pat you on the back if you privatised all your utility companies like in Uganda where you think twice before you use your microwave or stove because their are in Private companies charge hideous tariffs.
So Ba Banda should we start celebrating now?? Please explain what this means to the joe public on the street…
The fact remains that the Zambian economy is still in intensive care. It will take a big effort to get it out of there into the normal sick ward. Unfortunately People dont eat economic data.
These same clowns at the World Bank will pat you on the back if you privatised all your utility companies like in Uganda where you think twice before you use your microwave or stove because they are in Private companies, they charge hideous tariffs.So Ba Banda should we start celebrating now?? Please explain what this means to the joe public on the street…
Nafipena ifintu!!!! Good leaving standards and create more jobs this time??? So many projects to take off this yr.Mmmmmmm….you are really working.
I don’t think the man meant this year, or are you reading what you want to see? Unlike Sata who’s plan is simply to say abracadabra, The New deal MMD has walked the walk now RB is simply talking the talk.I have all faith in Mr. Banda, you ought to too.That way he will be pushed to work better.
Economic gymnastics :my old mbuya in shan’gombo is not benefiting at all from this nonsense neither i am here in Kwamutonyo compound. So tell me who reall benefits from this improvements is it the politicians alone or the already affluent?
Are you sure you have been to shang’ombo?
so we are dont have to buy cargo pants now right. I mean more pokets more money .HA HA HA……. MORE MONEY IN YOUR POKETS IN 90 DAYS IS WHAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE. THE WORLD BANK CLASSIFICATION IS RIGHT CHECK THIS new stadium, new roads, ni vambili chabe yuo know……
well said
I suppose a number of people on this blog did simple statistics in school – the mean and can still remember what it implies! Sustained growth rates of at least 6 percent per year and the GNI per population which influence that – nothing to see with the eyes!! That is why economies that are more advanced such as that of Kenya are still low income. Check for classification tables here:
Are we the same as China and better than Kenya? The answers are yours!!
Thanks for shedding more light on this topic which keeps eluding most of the bloggers here, especially those who believe in certain miracles.
Thank you very much for that link…i hope peeps take a closer look at who is that group and what it really means; instead of being mislead by RB’s campaign machine!!
It is about time we joined the middle income group, there are a lot of positive developments happening in Zambia. Any positive thinking Zambian can see the good things happening in Zambia, we are getting there.
I know that PF leaders and cadres will say this is political, but we all know that the World bank is not a political organization and it is very objective. Good job RB!!
#15 Kapilipili wambaba
I was in Shangombo last year and was amazed at the availabilty of health centers and schools were there were none.Shongombo is soon boasting of a high school which is so unprecedented.In Tonga they say ”Muntu uta limbi mubwa”.I know you are a grateful person and that’s why you are demanding for an explanation of the benefits of development which will be given to you ”Mbichani mbichani”.
It’s a surprise that the majority of people praising this WB classification are either non Zambians or non resident Zambians. This is nothing to celebrate about considering the fact that the unemployment is well over 85% and this is reason why majority of Zambians live in abject poverty. So It’s a wonder how the WB came up with this data.
Whatever you may want to say i still stand by my word that this country is a failed state worth auctioning.
Zambia is not the worst country that there’s, I’ve seen countries far more run down than Zambia and the people still love their land, no need to auction my Zambia, it is our Nation, our beautiful heritage and motherland, its always nice to take pride in our country.
Well done Zambia. This is good news for all of us. This must never be seen as a destination . With more effort and resolve let’s move our economy out of the intesive care and propel it to greater heights. I think the assessment was free from any bias.
What did Banda do? As usual Banda thinks things have improved. Please read the report to understand the classifications. The classification is based on external factors that took place in the world. The following are some citations from it. The report state that “the price of copper was depressed in the 80s and saw its price rise … as China and India’s economies grew and demand for copper soared.” Moreover, the country classifications are only used to “determine the levels of support provided by many agencies aid agencies”. The middle-income countries account for most of the world’s population living in absolute poverty and need aid allocation models…”
On paper yes but in reality… mmmmh, a long way to go. We always hear of single digit inflation rates, classification XYZ but the majority of Zambians are still languishing in poverty. We would appreciate if that translated into more job creations for the educated unemployed, less taxes to the few working class, reduced floor prices for essential commodities .. and the list goes on and on.
Unfortunately this does not mean more free money in your pockets, less taxes or more jobs. You need to be working or in some form of a business to appreciate what all this means. Certainly for the working class and business this means more oppotunities with this B+ rating you can go out there and borrow cash in sacks! Soon…. you will not need an L/C or even any upfront payments to order goods or raw materials from any source. Back to the old federal days of postal service oder from Freemans. Talk to your Bankers will be easy too….
These are just paper tigers being splashe din our faces. Our economy is far from full recovery. I cant see light at the end of the tunnel. Thats all I can say aprt from seeing heavy duty trucksladden with copper and other pieces of metal destroying our roads. This growth is seen and appreciated by BOZ and a few elite guys not the common man on the street.
The world loves to watch clowns…is all I can say…!!
But how many people are in imployement in zambia, is it not only 750,000 out of the 13,000,000 what medium income group in zambia.; while the rest of zambians are languishing in poverty, why boast when you dont have anything what will those people who have no food in chibolya say, how about those in kamatipa , those in zimba mufulira what is their answer
The church must say the truth especialy those in compaunds are the best to tell statistics, not those who live a distance from the community;; these politicians who have no intrest in people
If you expect more money in your pockets while you are just sitted sipping jilis then ”Basop”.
Development rewards those who a grateful for the little they have and apply effort.Not those who shout ”Donchi kubeba” after sipping a lot of jilis and expecting more money in their pockets on a silver platter.That is a joke of the century!!
The reclassification to a middle-income country has implications. It means we have to begin to support ourselves. We should expect less help from the out-side world. Therefore, we need a well accountable government to achieve this. Not the one that says there is no corruption, when in fact corruption is widespread. Not the one that refuses to give employment statistics in parliament, when later it gives the same statistics of 13% employed as a positive achievement. Zambian, we have a duty to open our eyes and start to plan for our childrens future. The Chinese inspired development in good but we should take it with caution. My point of view is neither MMD or PF has zeal to take us through to the so called- develoment we strive. They are all old guys without view. We now need a visionary.
The World Bank’s website clearly states that main criterion for classifying economies is gross national income (GNI) per capita, we are classed as a LOWER Middle Income in a group that includes Nigeria, Morocco, and Egypt etc. Now ask yourselves this: if the GNI has increased where do you think the increase has come definitely natural resources like copper do you think this is sustainable? So what happens if the Copper price drops? Isn’t this the same industry with so many leakages in tax revenue; is there any accountability and transparency with this government? Good governance? What policies has RB’s gov’t implemented to attain this growth?
Njombwinjo you are f u l l i s h, try travelling on that train and you will see. Also, does the rain fall because it likes the government of the day?
I would be celebrating if Zambia’s WB classification increased due to agricultural and other non traditional exports as it’s sustainable and at least it’s in the hands of Zambians..Rwanda has a lower classification than Zambia but it has good governance and accountability.WAKE UP PEOPLE RB is JUST MILKING THIS INFO. ASK HIM THE REAL QUESTIONS!!WAKE UP!!!!
How true what Nathan Nyirenda said in his famous song – all this prosperity is just on papers maybe the Chinese and Rupianese can agree
The World Bank is part of the problem in Zambia due to some of their policies.
So don’t by what the World Bank says they say whatever to get more funding. World Bank is a business, and doesn’t care about the poor.
The world Bank is out of touch with reality of poverty, unemployment and underdevelopment.
The ranking is meaningless because the vast majority of zambians are still wallowing in abject poverty, and over 70% are unemployed are going to bed with empty stomachs.
Show me the money? Middle income country! All thoses street vendors in Lumumba Rd.
I havent even hidden my real name for this I need to speak Up.
First of all you hopeless run away Zambians need to hang yourselves for being so unpatriotic the statements here smell of poorly educated Zambians. Firstly Zambia is developing in every sector, Health Care, Tourism, Agriculture and Commerce. Street Vendors in Zambia love their locations I actually have freinds whop are street vendors they can afford to drink anyday of the week and pay to use teh best mobile devices. Unlike you who are fighting your data plans in the so called developed world. Rupiah is being stead fast Lusaka’s image has continued to grow I vistit the country every year more than 80% of you critics, Ba satani. You bark like dogs that havent eaten for days. Copperbelt is on its way back. North Western too
MMD has made it possible for teh average Zambian to dream, We have instiututions of higher learning opening up at a fast rate, Wat do you even know of wat is going on, on the ground. Just because God gave you fingers doesnt mean u shuld type Just sit your ass.
Only 750,000 people in formal employment, out of a population of 13 Million!!! And you call that middle income country? Ha!!!
If you didn’t knwo marketeers and farmers as wells as business men are not considered formal employment in Zambia.
The classifications are very academic. Our economy is sometimes said to be improving even when most people still survive under a dollar per day.Though academic you cannot credit this to RB because this supposed to happen over a long time and the old chap has only served for less than five years. This should actually be credited to the late gentlemen, the Don and LPM.
Even if Rb gave me £10m . I would still vote him out. thats how bad it is.
by the way its lower middle income …… middle income is south africa or botswana it’ll quite a few years to get there hence the 2030 goal gni per captial for lower middle is = 1,400 zambia s now 1,503
Well done Zambia!
@17 there a big differnce between LOWER middle income and middle income and High middle income ,learn to read more
@31 ,32 +1
we’re moving in the right direction bt nothing to get excited about now if this was news about us meeting our MDG goals i would be very excited
What is your point? Check the average ranges!
Anyone putting the good classification by world bank on President Banda is less informed….. a lot started way back claiming the fruits and not the planter is stealing credit….but kuyabebele PF to take the step further before corrupt MMD chaps steal more and destroy the grading given. Zambians are no longer blind…..
#42 not ukubeba…I totally agree
The Zambian people will not feed on paper economics and figures. They will not leave on re-classification either. They demand simle things like decently paid Jobs not chinese ones, where workers are aid K425,000/- per month and rntng a house for K450,000/- per month. It is time we became realist than living a fools lie. The fact is the majority of our people are still very poor, MMD has failed and is going this year by hook or crook.
@ 40 Chipindi
Tell those zambians who have hardly ever set foot in the motherland and are pouring contempt on the strides Zambia is making.How can they claim that development in zed is hogwash and window dressing?!!!!No wonder the tongas say “Muntu uta lumbi mubwa”
Good thing for democracy otherwise this so called President if you can call him that would be like Mugabe. Thank Christ he’s out this year! He’s robbed the public in such a way most don’t know he’s doing it. If you embezzle you don’t want to be caught. Sometimes it’s better to quite while you are ahead. GREED that’s the problem.
There is noway Zambia can be in the same catigory as ghana. Ghana is way ahead of us.
That’s what we planned to achieve, and we have. Im off to London for the weekend!!! Is’nt that what it means? No. There is still a long hard way to go. However, the stride is commendable. I wish we could now realise how it is so improtant to cave a niche for ourselves in the world, so that every ordinanry Zambian can benefit. This is so important.
Viva RB!! U r a great man.
Yes Viva to RB and his crooks are now big players in Zed amassed so much worth for themselves!!
Yes Viva to RB and his crooks, they are now big players in Zed amassed so much wealth for themselves!!
We can say whatever we want. Insult whichever way but the truth stands. The topic here is technical – Economics and Demography!! It is fine to argue with emotions
Great news. Well done Zambia for the progress you’re making.
I love my country and I love my people.
Good sign though development is not only defined in economic terms alone but also non-economic like provision of clean water/sanitation, HDI, accessibility to health facilities etc. Good start though.
At times we like celebrating anything said by either the IMF or World Bank. I had worked with a retired World Bank employee at a university here in the USA. He had been advising the Zambian government about economic issues and had been to Zambia (Lusaka) several times on the international institution business. He really confessed to me that he was one of those who had misled the so-called Zambian officials. Please let us not get excited about whatever we read.
Country men, it is good to note that our belove Zambia has reached this ranking. But I think our government should consider this as a burden rather that a success. Because, if you earn more, you must have more things to show for all that money you are getting…:-?
Witness@51 – tell that to the World Bank.
World bank and their bullshit! Middle income my foot! These guys are out touch with reality,how can they call it middle income if they pay someone £20 a month? We should not listen to these outsiders and RB, they are promoting slave wages.
I can see that this seem to be bad news for you all PF cadre, you are giving all types of excuses, but it is the truth, before you know it, we will be classified as an upper middle income country, it will not happen in 90 days, but it will happen. I love Zambia and i love what RB and his friends are doing to my motherland. I will be in Zambia to cast my vote for RB.
i love my country,zambia is peaceful nation,kaunda brought us all together 73 tribes,ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION I LOVE THAT,and up today we are still united dispite election,i love to be a zambian cause when it comes Marriage ,you are the Man who oversee your family , i love our culture and its cheap to have zambian this coming election lets vote and show our support to our leaders ,change will not come overnight but through our courange we can change things by voting this fall.zambia is a beautiful country i cherrish her ,lets vote for better.
thx fellows.peace out.
zambia need good investers to boost our economy,and we need good people to run our head departments in the country,what mwanawasa did was great,he did not fear anyone by fighting corruption,so if sata can do that ,that will be fantastic.peace out.
Middle income country were 80% of the people live on less than $1 per day! The damn true is all the copper money is externalised by the infestors. Yes Zambia is now a middle income country but only on paper!!!
“However, in both Ghana and Zambia, the number of children in primary school has climbed along with literacy rates and infant mortality has fallen. Even if they are not on track to meet the MDGs, quality of life is getting much better,” it states.
bwana sata try 2016……..rb, alimwi alimwi!
@63, honourable bwana sata doesn’t agree with you. he is on record as having said that he is quite happy with the current tax regime and would not change it if he came to power. wake up pf cadre, even the top pf leader thinks zambia has investors and not infestors.
I am sure the world bank and IMF are looking at what zambias wealth is making, very little of this wealth comes down to the common man. The results of a desousters MMD 20 yrs selling spree with no saftey net for the poor and no long term planning for our country.. results, more that 80% unempolyed, living on a dollar or less a day.
If you have so much development and higher living standards, why are MMD panicking and why is so much of the population against them ? Becasue the pipo are suffering. Zambia remains a paradise for foreingers brought in by MMD to ride on our backs yet giving so little or nothing back to the country were they live so lavishley. Sata will put zambians 1st.
Ba LT report correctly as it is LOWER-MIDDLE INCOME from LOW INCOME. The is no middle income.
Cross check the types of income groups.
It’s a good start, thank God.
Congratulations Zambians. This is good news, this is what it means to hold the Govt accountable.More pressure should be applied to any ruling party that is in power. Zambians need to set standards by which they should be ruled either by the ruling or opposition parties. Zambia deserves to be a developed country, Zambians should not settle for less.
I take back my comment, the change of status to middle income has to do with higher copper prices which have picked up due to demand from gwowing economies like Vhina and India in comparison than it was in the 80’s. The question is will this be translated to economic advancement to the common man and is there accountability over Zambian resources.
Meant to say, I take back my comment, the change of status to middle income has everything to do with higher copper prices which have picked up due to the demand from gwowing economies like China and India in comparison with what it was in the 80?s. The question is, will this be translated to economic advancement to the common man, and is there accountability over the Zambian resources.
Congratulations Zambia
When the Japanese Yen weakens, the Japanese celebrate; when Namibia was declared a middle income country, they cried… In Zambia everything is seen in positive light without weighing the consequences. Namibia is still struggling with that middle-income tag. Additionally, Japan is now struggling with a strong currency because their product is too expensive! Zambians always celebrate the negatives that are only sugar-coated. No wonder we are always ushering in leadership that we immediately regret about!
Middle income simply means the level of income in Z has risen to about $1 500 on average. This is an investment opportunity for investors. Zambians rise to the occassion and invest in the economy, and create jobs yourselves not govt. Walala Wasala
good zambia can now attract multi national companies to come and set up plants in zambia and thats the meaning of this. The reserves are high and when MMD continues this will be safe guarded. PF will take us backwards coz they will have to pay back to the Taiwanese money from our reserves before they start servicing our int debts.
#10@ Nubian Princess, You’ve left out Mutanda-Chvuma road, Zimba-Livingstone and two football stadiums under construction. You’ve also left out Levy Business Park, new Soweto Market, Luanshya mine etc, etc
This is fantastic news! Well done mother Zambia!
cool news ……not to the player haters….
81 football arena is not development… no wonder it is so easy for RB and the other crook to fool you all. development is measured in production and what exactly has Zambia produced under RB????? starvation, baby dying because there is no generator in the hospitals… need I go on?