Tuesday, March 18, 2025

RB commissions $2bn Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro-electric Power Station


FASHBACK: Energy Minister Kenneth Konga and Sino Hydrom engineers at the site where ZESCO LTD is buuilding a new power station calle Kafue Gorge Lower

PRESIDENT Banda yesterday commissioned the construction of the US$2 billion Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro-electric Power Station which will add 750 megawatts of power to the national grid once completed in 2017.

The project, which will create about 300 direct jobs for indigenous Zambians, is being implemented under the public- private partnership made up of Zesco, Sino Hydro Corporation and the China Africa Development Fund.

Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony in Namalundu Gorge in Kafue, Mr Banda said the power station is one of the most important components of Government’s strategy to meet the growing energy demand in the country and the region.

“The energy sector is essential for the smooth functioning of our industrial sector and must be expanded as quickly as possible. Zambia’s power needs have been increasing faster than projected, largely due to the rapid growth of our economy which has averaged 6.4 percent over the last six years,” President Banda said.

The mining and agricultural sectors have registered increased growth during the last five years. The mining sector grew from 2.5 percent rate in 2008 to 15.2 percent in 2010, while agriculture grew by more than 6.6 percent in the same year.

The President said the growth rate must be planned ahead to keep pace with the rising demand for power.

Mr Banda said Government’s strategy is to facilitate the growth of small businesses in rural areas, by initiating more rural electrification programmes through Zesco and the Rural Electrification Authority.

President Banda said the strategy is designed to support agriculture and other formal and informal businesses which create employment in rural areas.

He said communities do not immediately see the long-term benefits of large-scale projects like the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro-power Station and it is necessary to ensure that the communities see rewards from such projects.

“In this case, the commencement of this project will open up opportunities for employment and enhance the overall development of Kafue Gorge area,” he said

The project will entail building new roads, houses, hospitals and schools while some existing infrastructure will be expanded.

He said the project will boost local businesses including small and medium enterprises dealing in cement, steel and other building materials which will be sourced locally.

President Banda said besides power generation, Government is also paying close attention to the power distribution and transmission system.

Government has initiated measures to improve the efficiency of the power distribution system and ensure its expansion beyond urban centres to rural areas and communities where electricity is on high demand.

Minister of Energy and water Development Kenneth Konga said the implementation of the project is an indication that Government’s policies are being effectively executed.

Southern Province Minister Elijah Muchima said it is painful that opposition parties have continued to condemn President Banda’s administration even when Government is implementing projects like the Kafue Gorge Lower project.

Chinese ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yuxiao urged Syno Hydro Corporation to employ local Zambians and pay them rewarding salaries.

Mr Zhou said the contractor should also ensure that it observes labour laws and respects its employs.

He said by the end of 2010, China’s investment in Zambia has accumulated to about US$2 billion, covering sectors like mining, power generation and transmission, infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and telecommunications.

Special assistant to the president of Sino Hydro Corporation Wang Minsheng said his company is committed to the completion of the project in time.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. He has now changed positions, from President to Commissioner.

    Commissioner of poverty
    Commissioner of debt
    Commissioner death
    Commissioner of misery


  3. Gents, Abwezani simply does not know the actual work of a President for Zambia. As pointed out, we should instead name him as commissioner instead of president as he seems to be quite good at that than been a president.

  4. I have come to a conclusion that many bloggers who are negative towards what RB is going actually are jealous of what he has achieved….

    The old man is actually doing a great job. It shows that experience and having been to school counts.

  5. @kalos hahahaha, i don’t care you commissions , the project as long as construction starts and it has funds allocated to it . I’m happy zambia needs more power esp. with smelters , mines and the growing population and economy load shedding is a killer 3 cheers 4 the mmd and if there not hear by jan i hope sata can continue these projects

  6. Its never a good thing when people dont talk abt u..it means ur NOT WORKING…but now that RB is a man of action..a president that is working and taking the nation foward..the opposition now wants to down play ur works Sir,…NO NO NO!!!! it will not work…they always refer to Sata doing work at Ministry of health etc..but forget that he was under Chiluba (MHSRIP)…it was not Satas policies that were at play..he has never been president and he will not have my VOTE!!!!
    Viva MMD and RB 2011…keep up the good work RB

  7. Another positive development for Zambia. Let the cynical Bemba tribalists above sneer and snigger if they want but the fact is this project is another building block in creating a prosperous future for Zambia. H.E.R.B you will certainly be getting an endorsement from me!

  8. dull minds and people with small brains will always castigate anything, be it gud or bad. people shud learn to strike a difference between politicking and projects which require national solidarity and support. being in opposition does not mean to oppose anything the ruling party/govt does.i expect smart minded people to support this huge investment to be service our budding economy.we are tired of road shedding and our growing economy need more power,bravo RB and well done.

  9. Isn’t “commissions” a wrong word for a project whose ground has just been broken for works to start? I thought you commission something that is finished or near completion and ready to go into service.

    I think the title: “RB breaks ground for a $2bn Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro-electric Power Station” would have been more appropriate, Just saying!

    Good news nonetheless. We need more of such huge projects if we hope to transform Zambia. It is projects like these which, in all likelihood, outlives the Leaders responsible which testifies to their legacy. Not building sand castles in the air—-lining their pockets and that of their families!

  10. I do not think this project will cost $2 billion as in the heading. It will cost much less. Please do not deceive the people. $2 billion for 750 MW is paying too much and someone is lying!

  11. Well done RB and MMD. Praise must be given where due. The govt is doing a good job. The number of projects being implemented bears testimony that indeed Zambia shall be saved. It all started when Zambia was declared a Christian nation.
    Fellow countrymen Zambia shall prosper. Oil and other mineral will be discovered in Zambia.

  12. Nothing wrong with RB gracing the commencement of the project. However, it is wrong for the newspapers to insinuate that the project was conceived by RB’s government. He just happens to be president when the construction is beginning. The project was conceived long before he walked into office.

    • You are right project was on plan long ago in unip times.BUT it takes firm leadership to kick start.The Botoka project is equaly long over due.It will also require firm leadership both in zambia and zimbabwe to kick start.I personaly commend RB for this.We have right to critisize BUT we also have responsibility to commend otherwise how would our leaders know that we appreciate the good decisions?

    • You are right project was on plan long ago in unip times.BUT it takes firm leadership to kick start.The Batoka project is equaly long over due.It will also require firm leadership both in zambia and zimbabwe to kick start.I personaly commend RB for this.We have right to critisize BUT we also have responsibility to commend otherwise how would our leaders know that we appreciate the good decisions?

  13. Now where are you PF bloggers with your more money in your pockets?
    RB is man of action and it is clear that the oppostion are feeling the heat,wapya munzi!!
    Wina azalila nafuti mongo lyonse.


  15. When are we as Africans going to come together to make the Grand Inga project, in the DRC ,
    as success. Power generated there would power the whole of Africa and we could export some to Europe.This project has potential of making the DRC the richest country in Africa to overtake RSA.Imagine if the DRC were the riches country in Africa , and imagine the whole of Africa electricified.

  16. #21 Ye, INGA maybe a pipe-dream project, for as long as politics stay as they are.It can only work if a commission such as that administering the usage of the River Nile is established, with all parties having equal authority in decision making, i.e. if they were to get together to fund it. Alternatively, a union of states such as Europe, but as we can all see what is happening in Greece, we need to take our time to study which possibilities are viable!

  17. We need to be objective. We should actually be commending RB on this one. Such are the projects he should be commisioning & not some of those he has been doing on behalf of th Majors or Provincial ministers or MP’s. Zambia needs such long term planning well done RB!!

  18. President Michael Sata will commission one hydro power plant on Luapula River, one on Chambeshi River and one on Luangwa River.

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