Monday, March 24, 2025

ZAF Commissioning Parade at Livingstone Air Base in Pictures



SERVICE Chiefs arrive for the Zambia Air Force Commissioning Parade at ZAF Livingstone Air Base
SERVICE Chiefs arrive for the Zambia Air Force Commissioning Parade at ZAF Livingstone Air Base


PRESIDENT Banda thronged by the crowd that came to witness the Commissioning Parade of Officers
PRESIDENT Banda thronged by the crowd that came to witness the Commissioning Parade of Officers


DEFENCE Minister Kalombo Mwansa greets the Service Chiefs upon arrival at the ZAF Livingstone Air Base for the Commissioning Parade
DEFENCE Minister Kalombo Mwansa greets the Service Chiefs upon arrival at the ZAF Livingstone Air Base for the Commissioning Parade


COMMANDER-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Banda meets Service Chiefs as he arrives at ZAFLivingstone Air Base for the Commissioning Parade
COMMANDER-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Banda meets Service Chiefs as he arrives at ZAFLivingstone Air Base for the Commissioning Parade


PRESIDENT Banda greets Home Affairs Permanent Secretary Ndioyi Mutiti as he arrives for the ZAF Commissioning Parade at ZAF Livingstone Air Base
PRESIDENT Banda greets Home Affairs Permanent Secretary Ndioyi Mutiti as he arrives for the ZAF Commissioning Parade at ZAF Livingstone Air Base


PRESIDENT Banda and Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Andrew Sakala (l) take their position at the Commissioning Parade
PRESIDENT Banda and Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Andrew Sakala (l) take their position at the Commissioning Parade


PRESIDENT Banda hands over the oath of allegience to Lieutenant Ngulube to read on behalf of his fellow graduating students
PRESIDENT Banda hands over the oath of allegience to Lieutenant Ngulube to read on behalf of his fellow graduating students


MARCHING on of the Colour Squadron
MARCHING on of the Colour Squadron


GRADUATING Officer cadets on March Pas and Qucik Time parade forming an arch round the Presidential dias
GRADUATING Officer cadets on March Pas and Qucik Time parade forming an arch round the Presidential dias


GRADUATING female Officer Cadets take salute before the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces President Banda at the ZAF Livingstone Air Base
GRADUATING female Officer Cadets take salute before the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces President Banda at the ZAF Livingstone Air Base


PRESIDENT Banda as Reviewing Officer, and Lt. Col. Collins Barry (r) inspects the Parade mounted by graduating Officer Cadets
PRESIDENT Banda as Reviewing Officer, and Lt. Col. Collins Barry (r) inspects the Parade mounted by graduating Officer Cadets


PRESIDENT Banda inspects the ZAF band
PRESIDENT Banda inspects the ZAF band


PRESIDENT Banda hands awards the Sword of Merit to 2nd Lieutenant Enala Pondani the only female since 1986 to receive the prestigious award
PRESIDENT Banda hands awards the Sword of Merit to 2nd Lieutenant Enala Pondani the only female since 1986 to receive the prestigious award


PRESIDENT Banda and the Service Chiefs watch the flypast and aerobatics performed by the ZAF jets
PRESIDENT Banda and the Service Chiefs watch the flypast and aerobatics performed by the ZAF jets


PRESIDENT Banda posses with ZAF pilots
PRESIDENT Banda posses with ZAF pilots


PRESIDENT Banda posses for a group photo with Commissioned Officers
PRESIDENT Banda posses for a group photo with Commissioned Officers



    • Collins Barry was born and bred in Zambian. The father is of Scottish decent but now a naturalised citizen. His mother is a Kaonde by tribe a language that Collins speaks and understands. Collins has been with the airforce for slightly over 15 yrs and had been an exemplary pilot.

    • Problem you talk without listening to waht you are saying. Lt Col Barry is truly zambia and hard working. Royal Air force is for the elite in society. Are you among the Elite? i doubt going by your behaviour

    • we had a perfect parade with him as our parade comander.he is a zambian born and bred .its sad for people lykk u who have never met him.thumbs to him though

    • No man is an island.Same principle applies at country level.Moreover,you find people of different race in defence forces of other countries.Not realy big deal

  2. Pic 13, chi mudala chilekabwezwila ka new Officer thinking ‘Shes in the same league with Thandi, kuti nabomba nako, utwaiche utu twalilowa sana’

    • Was wondering the same too! i hear te dont allow pipo less than a certain hieght in the militatry so my guess is there was no size for him (under five)

    • He never wore one. He had his own personal reasons likely because Kaunda used to wear them. Just like he never used the Copper Landrover at state house.

    • 14 MiG-21bis and two MiG-21UMs obtained from the USSR in 1976, sent to Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) for rehab and modernization including placement of radars to MiG-21-2000, 12 Chinese F-6 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S, and also have K-8 Karakoram two-seat intermediate jet trainer and light attack aircraft designed in the People’s Republic of China by China Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation co-produced by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and of cousre the old Italian Aer Macchi MB-326GB

  3. Zambia does not need the airforce in its current form. It should be disbanded; it is an expensive cosmetic option for such a poor country.

    • You dont know what you are talking about.And thats the view of your leader Sata.Ignorance.You have neighbouring countries and threats from within the country.Defence forces defend citizens from invation,looting of resources(minerals,water eg zambezi/hydropower infrastructure,land,soverienity,etc).Governance is not just about who crucks more jokes(PF).And such are cardinal issues that make people like myself who have some understanding doubt the ability of your Sata to cautiously handle.What you see is not always what is(seeing is not believing).

    • Read my comments before you judge me sir/madam. I have an opinion, and I do not recall this being Sata’s opinion as well. At no time have I claimed affiliation to Sata or to have a similar academic or intellectual capacity; so mind how you go. If you were able to read what I wrote, you will have noticed that I had stated that Zambia does NOT NEED AN AIRFORCE IN ITS CURRENT FORM. You should be arguing why you think it does rather than trying to be half clever. In case you did not know, the military is NOT there to stop looting or to guard infrastructure – that is the role of the police. The military guards sovereign interests; they are not there to shhot looters. See, I said all that without cracking a joke!

    • Sam is very right…there must be something wrong with you, it does not matter what form a country is in, you need an air force to defend the air space for any threats, the do also defend our air skies from the ground too.

  4. #2 & 7,
    You seem to be surprised by the presence of a white officer in a predominantly black airforce, it’s simple, he may be on secondment for specific assignments. Even more importantly, the world has become very small and people of all races are found in every part of the world. Here in the UK there numerous blacks, Asians all the wings of the armed forces and industries. We are in the 21st century.

  5. Why are some people always negative? Is it bhuman nature???? Nice pictures and very smart men and women in uniform. We are proud of you

  6. #2 and #7. Yes we have a white pilot in ZAF, Lt. Col. Collins Barry. He is very much Zambian and always talked of becoming a fighter pilot one day. His father, who is of British origin, is a well known figure in Solwezi where he settled after a fruitful career as a TD teacher at Solwezi Boys Secondary School in the late 1980’s. His maternal grandfather, who is very much Zambian, is the proprietor of Northwestern Contractors.

  7. People, where is the encouragement and optimism? Are we always going to be negative in our comments? No one else is going to develop mother Zambia but us.

  8. Among the many thingz I admire about the men/women in military uniform are cleanliness and the discipline.
    Think out of choice, FTJ didn’t want to wear the military regalia. What iz the rule anyway? 

    • You dont know what you are talking about.You are in RSA a relatively advanced country and yet you sound so ignorant?

    • @ Sam Jozi has a point, in the USA after your tour you still hold other jobs duh! Only high ranking officers and intelligence personel are fully militarized when state side. So point is do the just get paid for pseudo protection after 1980 Zimbabwe and UN missions?

    • My friend Zambia is a landlocked country, we need an Air Force if trouble breaks out in DRC or  Zimbabwe who do we call upon!!

  9. 2 and 7: Lt.Col Barry is 100% Zambian. He just happens to be of mixed race, that’s all. Swell guy, officer and a gentleman, and a decent golfer

  10. Is there any officers Gym at the ZAF base?? Look at our top brass just good at eating cake, i bet none of them pumpkins can fit in that little Mirage Jet in the photo, to add insult to injury our great leader, his excellency buffoon RB turns up in a uniform turning the whole thing in a circus, the man looks like a concierge steward at a five-star hotel London…even KK and Ka Chiluba never dared to touch that uniform. You have to earn it to wear it through military service.  

  11. The President is looking up in the air.

    His service chiefs are looking up in the air.

    Why are all plonkers behind in suits(believe they are security personell) 

    Looking up in the air?

    • Coloureds hahaha as you call them are black people period, simple genetics. In America they know they are black that dominant B gene is a dousy. So Zambians get off your inferiority ways and realize everyone poops and urinates. Black, white, oriental all stemmed from mama Alkebulan( Africa). I get mad with weak golden minds we started civilization; so claim your rights and life our Lord Jehovah, the Holy Ghost and Jesus freely gave us.

  12. Yaba ..This will be his last commissioning ZAF parade. What is obtaining on the ground PF is way ahead.

  13. Its surprising that in Photo No. 14 the chaps who are supposed to provide security of the VIP had compromised it. All of them looking up in surprise of jets doing some small acrobatics. For a while the security detail of the Head of State had gone to sleep. Kabonde let your boys pull up socks. You never see chaps fromUganda, Angola or pa Zim behaving like that. Its eyes in all directions. in MMD everything is taken casually. Fire the chaps who were in charge of VIP security.

    • Banda’s security detail know that no assassin in their right mind would use an expensive bullet to take out a buffoon like him, the ballot will sort him out!!! 

  14. Echikalipa ba PF ichi. Bushe Sta akafwalapo ifi. Nice pics ba LT and congrats officers, you make us proud. Mind you bloggers, I have been to Mbala airforce base and Mumbwa, you will not believe what you I saw. Those guys are real pros with all pilots being under thirty. And ofcourse with some of the best fighters jets and bombers as compared to other third world countries.

  15. What has happened to IG Francis Kabonde he is not among service chiefs I guess the man in ZP uniform is commissioner Musamba. Has RB fired the guy yet his services are most needed as we head for General Elections.

  16. Collins Barry’s maternal grandpa is Johnn Hazel son of Kaonde woman with a British Colonial DC. from Kasempa. Mr Barry was a TD teacher at Solwezi Technical who married a duaghter of John Hazel (Colored). So that chap Collins is half British half Kaonde muzungu wabula Kajo. Dont worry he wont be like a Jerry Rawlings of Ghana. NorthWestern Contractors is one of the p;dest companies in Solwezi. But I hear the children have run it down due John aging and lack of focus on part of the children. As for girls they have been married all over. Dont suspect Collins Barry he is very much Zambian as his father has settled in Zambia.

  17. @ # 24, Zambia doesnt have Mirages, and KK has appeared in Ceremonial military attire, dont know about Chiluba, fyi here is the reply to # 11 on Zambian war planes: 14 MiG-21bis and two MiG-21UMs obtained from the USSR in 1976, sent to Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) for rehab and modernization including placement of radars to MiG-21-2000, 12 Chinese F-6 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S, and also have K-8 Karakoram two-seat intermediate jet trainer and light attack aircraft designed in the People’s Republic of China by China Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation co-produced by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and of cousre the old Italian Aer Macchi MB-326GB

  18. #10 and 12 those are good observations. Uncle fred never used to put on those uniforms. I dont think he even attended most passed out parades.

  19. Discipline and cleanliness indeed. why I’m from of my grandpa and the rest of his 3 son one of them being my Dad who served this country tirelessly in the Armed forces, I miss my Child hood in Chindwin, Tagagan, Mufulira , and Arakan Baraks, these pictures they bring so many good memories and why my Dad keeps the Green Buffalo sticker on our front door to remind us the great times we had and the pride he has of the service he render to this great nation. Though it pains me to see the likes of RBs puting on the Uniform of great service men and women just for the sake of it. God bless our great nation and may he bless us all

  20. if you recall, kk toward the end of his presidency had stopped donning service attire because there was consternation among service chiefs. this same consternation led to the late ftj not donning the attire. now rb is a despot with a propensity to show his now very limited power.

  21. #2 you should be ashamed of your self to ask that, when you can already see for yourself.
    Just like we are also accepted abroad, we should leave out “Skin color” as a point of surprise, this is 2011, & the world has changed so much. Good on Collins!!!

  22. 23: Tell those shallow minded people – Lt.Col Barry is 100% Zambian. An officer and a gentleman, and a wonderful brother inlaw.

  23. correction. Lt Col Colin Barry. Gud leader, instructor with a good parade and all together a successful commissioning. WELL DONE GUYS!!!!

  24. pipo of zambia don’t be blinded by de so kod pf micheal himself he knows he cannot win elections if he dosen’t have the strong grassroot in southern,northwestern,western.zambia in particular has nine provinces and 2 be honest with you so kod blind supporters do u expect your satana 2 win jst like his name it’s like allowing the devil 2 rule over christian in which we can not allow viva RB……..2011 BEYOND
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAFWA WA LEMANA

  25. Appreciate all the comments, good and bad alike. Very Interesting!! By the way #51 is the only one who spelt my first name correctly…..thanks.

  26. #32 ‘Bwana Mkubwa’… thanks for confirming that the police service chief in the picture above is commissioner Musamba…a highly respectable and intelligent person. If you know where about he lives in Lusaka…let me know (as I live perhaps a few miles from you here in the UK) so that the time I go to Zambia…I can pay a courtesy call on him. Otherwise, lovely pictures LT. Keep up the good work.

  27. Uncle Fred could not fit in regular mens’ sizes……uniform or boots? he would have looked ridiculous in the uniform? God has a way of dealing with plunderers……! another plunderer down…more to go?

  28. Enala Pondani #13 you have done us proud, as my pupil at St Patrick`s Kabwata, you have always been a very active girl, keep it up Lt Pondani.

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