GOVERNMENT has signed a US$8.5 million (about K40 billion) contract with Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group (AFEC) for construction of access roads at Ndola stadium.
Minister of Works and Supply Gabriel Namulambe said in an interview yesterday government signed the contract with AFEC representatives in Lusaka on Saturday.
“The contract awarded to AFEC also includes landscaping, water storm drain, parking lots and other associated works needed to complete works on the facility,” Namulambe said.
The work is scheduled to take four months but the Chinese firm has assured Government that it will finish the job in two months.
“Government is confident that the company will complete the works before the end of September…our target remains the same that the stadium be ready as stipulated in the contract.

“We want the national team to play their next Africa Cup of Nations qualifier against Libya at the new stadium,” Namulambe said.
The Chipolopolo host Libya on October 8 in the last game of the qualifiers for the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations to be co-hosted by Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.
Namulambe said works on the access roads and other associated works have since commenced.
The government was supposed to construct the two access roads on the eastern side and on the northern side but the works were not included in the contract.
The minister also said works on the 60,000-seater Lusaka stadium scheduled to be completed in 30 months are progressing well.
Chinese firm Shanghai Construction Company who are working on the Lusaka stadium have also been awarded a contract to upgrade the dilapidated Independence Stadium.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Good news
If my memory serves me right Dag stadium was pulled down in 1984-85 by then Minister of sport Fredrick Haapunda.
Its a huge relief to have the stadium back
Iyo the Chinese are in Zed to stay until they suck it dry! I hope the do employ local labor to excute these contracts.
This is good for Zambia. Only somebody who has no love for Zambian soccer will condemn this development. Thumbs up MMD/UNIP
I can’t wait to watch Chipolopolo from the “New Dag” in October. We know that this was a gift from the late Levy Mwanawasa to the soccer loving Zambians.
aaaah why can they government build this road? would have be a great why to high some locals it’s labour intensive …our roads department its useless  +1 @ bawiso
bt good to see the stadium coming alongÂ
Muntu uta lumbi mubwa!!!
I know there some incorrigible PF sympathisers who are going to politicise good development for our zambians.PF get a life!!Muzalila nafuti come elections.Basop!!!
Good news…and i thank the late LPM for initiating this project MYSRIEP!
This Zambia. PF should quickly form Govt. U mean the Govt cannot excute the access roads, mere access roads leading to a stadium? How will they do Township roads then?
Eveything is Chinese, everything is Chinese even digging graves for late presidents it’s Chinese. Aaah PF come and redeem us.
@9 Mapulanga Mputyu
You cannot give thanks to the govt for ensuring that roads will be built to the stadium and zambians are going to be employed.This is the biggest problem at the core of PF and its sympathisers,myopic analysis and politicising everything!!
This is good news. Now could someone help me understand please “is the Lusaka stadium different from the Independence stadium?” If different where is the Lusaka stadium situated? if someones knows something could you please help me?
there will be two national stadia in Lusaka. the independence stadium will remain with the same name and it will be renovated and improved to become a modern facility while the Lusaka stadium is completely new and is close to the independence stadium
K40 billion is too much, chinese people will build a gonga road to the stadium. Theses guys will only use cement.
Still not happy coz chinese products dont last.
This is stupidity of the highest order!! How does one design a structure without access???? so who signed on the project in the first place??? Someone here is stealing big time!! This stadium sits right besides the dual carriage way – so whatever road surfacing will be less than 2.5 km at the most- to cost ZK40B, the other day, this same thief was quoting 9.4 km in Kasama costing ZK6B – what the f.u.c.k. is going on?????
Imagine designing a house without an entrance/door only to remember after construction!!! Yes MMD taking us for a ride – A.s.sho.le.s!!!
why all these projects at the eleventh hour? Govt should bear in mind that this money is for the zambian people, and it should be used in a very transparent way, and whatever the outcome of the elections, the programs should continue without hiccups, regardless of whoever wins! there is absolutely no reason to blow trumpets on what govt is doing becoz thats what they are paid for! zambians are the owners of the money and we all want to see how it is being used, these minerals are not only for mmd or politicians, they are for every zambian, including the blind and deaf, the old and babies! Â it is the zambian people who will punish the plunders, and demand all the stolen items in all forms of houses, cars, shoes, handbags, offshore and inland to be auctioned, we are watching!
#11 Kawaile
Independence stadium is still standing with its new playing surface (artificial turf put up by FIFA) and will be rehabilitated (grand and other facilities). The Lusaka stadium is a all new project (negotiated for by RB I believe) and is being constructed adjacent to Independence . In others words, we are going to have to two stadium in one location. As a layman, I thought a different site should have been found for the new stadium.
These works should have been part of the initial design. I thought the design was a full packge to include roadworks, parking and associated external works. Such variations must be avoided at all costs because the client tends to lose out. Contractors have a tendancy of overpricing variations if they still have a running contract at hand.
The staduim looks good anyway. Its good to see the progress they have made since the last time I went to visit the site when the western wing was still under constrction. They need to improve their safety practice in terms of vehicular traffic and protective equipment.
Thats why MMD has won already 2011 elections,PF start preparing court monies since everytime you lose, you run to the courts Muzalila nafuti \:d/
Government was supposed to construct the access roads, but as usual they were sleeping while the main constractor were doing their job. As result the stadium has been completed while the access roads have not been done by GRZ. It is a good to contract a contractor who is already on site, you cut down on mobilisation costs and time. Moreover, they are the ones who understand the designs better. When it is handed over, a proper management team comprising electrical, comunications and maintenance engineers needs to be in place.
Thanks Govmnt for this ultra modern Ndola stadium. Thanks too for the upcoming Lusaka and Livinstone stadia. I will wisely vote for you if only you give me the CHINGOLA – KITWE DUAL CARRIAGE WAY…No negotiations, straight RB and whichever MP.
#14. Mulongoti, the one supporting ur party signed the contract in the first place
They could have constructed a new one on Independence Stadium and built another new one in Kitwe. I just can’t understand the logic of having two stadia close to each other! Please begin two others one in Livingstone and another in Kitwe so that they will be up at the same time within 2 years. Don’t wait please!!!!
In Zambia change is needed to transform it. However, remember that Zambians regreted the change that came with Chiluba did so with hard economic hurddles. Zambia became worse. In the 1960 and 1970s Zambia was already in the Middle Income state but it plunge-spiraled into a very poor countries with pre capita income of $250. Your economy has picked to $1,500 per capita income and there is hope that by 2015 you could reach $2,000. You could have voted PF into government but with Sata I doubt if you will not cry foul once he came into power. Sata is a bitter man. But ask him how he will manage to create new jobs. Many politicians will say they will create jobs, but how. Allow them to tell you which areas they will forgo (give-up) to create jobs. Otherwise they just want to use the jobless.