Friday, March 14, 2025

Cholera in Mpulungu confirmed


Ministry of Health spokesperson Kamoto Mbewe (L)

The Ministry of health has confirmed that there is an outbreak of cholera in Mpulungu in Northern Province and as at yesterday a total of 10 cases were recorded.

Ministry of health Spokesperson Dr. Kamoto Mbewe said the first case was recorded on 2nd October .

In a telephone interview with ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday, Dr. Mbewe noted that with the onset of rains it was possible that more cholera out breaks in some parts of the country would be recorded.

He explained that the Ministry had established a Cholera treatment Center in Mpulungu which is providing care to the patients.

He said measures to prevent the water borne disease has been put in place among them health education and chlorine to purify the water.

He disclosed that a total of 660 bottles of household chlorine were distributed through churches at boreholes and households

Dr. Mbewe said Community sensitisation was being conducted in churches,homes, at water points and markets and the District Health Management Team was working with the Council to ensure that safe water was provided to the people of Mpulungu.

He added that the cumulative number of cases as of Monday was 10 and that currently all the patients have been treated and discharged.

Dr, Mbewe further said that cholera was preventable if people strictly took and followed precautionary measures.

He advised people to boil or chlorinate all drinking water and maintain personal hygiene-by washing hands with soap before eating or handling food and after using the toilet.

He explained that food must be cooked thoroughly and must be Kept food covered and eat it while it is hot.



  1. The problem is eratic shortage of water and people are forced to draw water from the lake, besides its very hot in Mpulungu plus water shortage, what do you expect?

  2. These among many more issues should be number one priority. Can we just make sure cholera is eradicated for good. This is simple, govt should inverst more in clean water supply, rigorous campaign in cleaning town and gabbage collection regulary. This is embarassing that 21century zambia is still pliqued by such deseases. Shame to the health experts

  3. Why can,t people observe hygenic standards like washing hands after shitting with soap washing food before eating and drinking boiled or chlorinated water?
    Africa I dont understand why simple instructions are difficult to understand and follow and people will die needlessly!!!

  4. Clean up zambia and put up new and strict laws againist littering..that should do the trick..its the environment they live in its not just a matter of washing hands with soap and water i like the comical way in which u have put it number 5-michael

  5. Lusaka times lets be serious how can you put that picture of kamoto Mbewe laughinh with his friendthe white man when you are initially talking of something serious. there is no corelation of the picture and the news.

  6. Indeed the shortage of water here due to like of seriousness by Chambish water who were given 1.4 billion Kwacha to fixe the water problem is troubling us here in mpulungu.Chambishi should be investigated for economicy surbotage.

  7. I am well informed that water and power failure(ZESCO) are a major problems Mpulungu is facing now, evin after the people of MPULUNGU voted out the MMD mp Mung’amba AND replaced him with PF mp Sikazwe Freedom. Another issue is Chambeshi Water Something, people of MPULUNGU have been complaining of water problem in the last six years. My informant said that there is a big Indian business man who owns GREAT LAKE PRODUCTS COMPANY, who was willingly to bring the pump water machine and the Mpulungu civic center was unwilingly to accept the offer because of political reasons. people draw water from the lake and bore holes and only a few have access to chambeshi water. something must be done i know the PF govt will do something good to avoid embarassment to our country.

  8. chorela will countinue in Mpulungu and a country as all.Not untill govnt recoginise environmental health staff,then they will be no chorela in zambia.PF should adress the problem
    Lets govnt realise that EH are more important than doctors.Imargin EHO are getting same sary with a nurse with certificate do you think you can work.The govnt should divide MoH
    into two namely public health and reseach and clinical care expert.Am assurring you if not chorela
    will countinue………. GO GO chorela

  9. its sad that zambia is still recording cholera cases,my pipo personal hygiene is simple,my country plz try to consider Environmental Health Technologists they do alot of activities but lack motivation,givin peanuts at the end of the month and not sopported by the gvment to implement PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.why do you train them if they nt important in the ministry of health?

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