Friday, September 20, 2024

PF has de-politicized newsrooms in public media – Tembo


Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Deputy Minister Forrie Tembo
Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Deputy Minister Forrie Tembo

Information Broadcasting and Tourism Deputy Minister Forrie Tambo says the Patriotic Front (PF) government has de-politicized newsrooms in the public media and enabled them to operate independently.

Mr. Tembo says government has taken a number of reforms since coming into office last month which have seen the public media operate independently.

He stated that the changes that his government has taken in the media include changing of management at various public media institutions in the country.

He said the changes the government has made has resulted in the public media to stop operating as propaganda tool for government but give balanced coverage to different stakeholders.

He said the public were now testifying that the public media had become very objective adding that his government would not interfere in the running of the institutions.

“This is in line with the government vision of freeing the media in the efforts to have objective media,” he said.

Mr. Tembo who is MMD Nyimba Member of Parliament (MP) said this in parliament yesterday when debating the President’s speech during the official opening of the National Assembly.

The Deputy Minster has further said the merging of the Ministries of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources and Information and Broadcasting Services will also help the country to market its tourism potential.

He said the change has already shown results by making Zambia win the joint bid with Zimbabwe to co-host the United Nations World Tourism Organization General Assembly in 2013.

The public media came under serious attack from stakeholders prior to last month’s general elections as it was accused of being biased and used as a tool for propaganda by the former MMD government.



  1. The President is sick. He’s confined to statehouse and will remain so for months to come. A bye election is eminent. Even his wife has a heart condition.

  2. #3 in your case even when Jesus comes akesa kumisanga fye abatuntulu,you only wish your friends ill and dead.You will be surprised how this man is going to last….he is not Chintelelwe in journey to paradise always on the move,former president MANONE…president Lwendo.By the way offices are at state house,those who are there for work they report on duty like he does.Mulenashako akalijoooooo.

  3. Imwe ba # 3 just writing anything that comes in your head isn’t patriotic. You got to be very sensitive with certain sentiments. You are telling me that you have become a CIA to almost know everything about Sata? Why do you have to wish the man ill, please give him a chance to rule. No wonder you are called tribalist.Teka bola panshi mambala!!\:d/

  4. This is a good thing. However, institutional changes are required and not just changing faces. The public media needs to be protected from political manoeuvring, especially by the ruling party. So this should be seen as the start. Good job for the job done thus far. :-)

  5. Its too early to come up with that assertion Mr Tembo of PF having depolitised public media houses. Firstly, who is running these public media houses? Who appointed those in charge and to who are they accoutable? Simple answers to all this points to Sata PF and bosses of these public media are writing everything to please Sata PF. True these media houses were abused by the previous MMD govt however, Sata PF and The post private media were used to write negative things about other parties. The Post and Sata PF cerebrated when MMD was defeated.The Post since then has been transformed into a PF appendage in writing for the PF govt. This is not only unethical and morally wrong for a private news paper but but risks its continuity in news business should another govt come in power.

  6. Information Broadcasting and Tourism Deputy Minister Forrie Tambo should simply state that the PF Govt has silenced the critical analysis the editorials in such public media as ZNBC, Times of Zambia and Daily Mail. The cadres appointed to head the news media are parotting official pronouncements of PF leaders. Viewers can detect waves of frightened news-casters on ZNBC and the vuvuzela forms of head-lines projected by public newspapers to foretell terrorism propagated behind the scenes. True freedom of expression by media housed will only be appreciated when Govt stops harrassing journalists in private media. If PF Govt is honest, let it sell off ZNBC, Tmes of Zambia and Daily to private enterprise. Mr. Tembo must just design how he can siphone allowances from GRZ before someone dies.

  7. @ # 3 you are so senseless shame on you..why cant you just comment the issue based on what is been discussed..change man

  8. @3Tribalist as you call yourself? Be very careful in the way you wish others bad. Do you know your health status?? You will have a shock of your life. You are evil and decay in our Good Zambian Community. If you have nothing sensible to contribute?? Keep quite..
    You are very childish and shame on YOU.

  9. @#3 you will continue wishing as you have always been before hoping that you will take over the pact or boma should sata die. well we’ll wait

  10. That is progressive.Please All Zambians have the mandate to promote their country in and out.Just as we know the chinese people.Each and everyone says good about their home town.They do encourage people to visit their home town

  11. # 3 you are one of de pipo who went round and said he had collapsed in Nalolo, even wen de man jst slipped from de chopper , is he still collapsing, he mananged to hold rallies in kaoma, infact you go for VCT urslf , Heart check-ups, Kidneys. Liver and Lungs , you will were u belong,shame on you, scallywag,..ninocompoops…..

  12. In as much as LT would want to publicize everyone’s’ reactions to their articles I would suggest that they censor some of these comments from the public domain. No. 3 (tribalist) however critical you may be towards other people, wishing them death should be something that should never come out you if you are a sane person with sound morals and values.

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