Friday, March 28, 2025

Former Bank of Zambia Governor David Phiri has died


Former Bank of Zambia Governor, Academician and veteran sports administrator, David Phiri has died. Mr Phiri , a Rhodes Scholar, a fellow of the Rhodes Foundation and the Beit Trust in Zambia, died in Lusaka this morning, aged 74.

And President Michael Sata has said that he was deeply saddened at the passing of Mr Phiri. In his message of condolences to the Phiri family, the President observed that the late Mr Phiri rendered a great service to the nation across many spheres where he demonstrated exceptional skill and talent.

“David was a multi-talented person who demonstrated excellence in the many assignments he executed during his tour of duty. Therefore, his irreplaceable and distinguished services will be greatly missed,” President Sata said.

The President recalled that the late Mr Phiri’s life can be told through many facets across many disciplines especially through his service in the mining sector where he started his career, sports fraternity and banking and economic circles where he played a pivotal role to promote investments in the country.

“David’s career in both the public and private sector is a shining example that must inspire younger generations to work hard and maintain high levels of integrity and dedication to the service of humanity,” the President says.

“I remember David from his early days as a management trainee in the mining industry to the apex of his career as head of the Central Bank, he led by example as a committed employee with an impressive work ethic. This, he also demonstrated in the academia when he served as Chairman of the University of Zambia Council.”

The President said one of the greatest memories of the late Mr Phiri will be his strong resolve to restructure the Bank of Zambia and the clean-up of the physical environment at the Central Bank premises.

“On behalf of the Zambian government and indeed on my own behalf, kindly accept our heartfelt condolences on this tragic loss.”


  1. One of the greatest son’s of the soil. Brilliant public servant, selfless, approchable, simple and yet higly intellectual.


  2. The passing of David Phiri iz sad. Will remember him most az FAZ Chairman. The Lord Jehova God Almighty soothe and give strength to thoze he haz left behind.

  3. Jay Jay is it your long lost father just claim a scottish one then you can also have sausages and chips like me instead of delele

  4. This is a shoking news to Zambia. Mr. David Phiri served honorably in various facets of Zambia’s economic and sports arenas. This is BIG loss to this nation. MHSRIP.

  5. Any relationship with Dr Manasseh Phiri? Zambia is losing all the good guys. I wonder why criminals have a very long life span these days. Mr. Phiri, we will miss greatly. M.H.S.R.I.P

  6. My condolence the Phiri family. That is a ladder which each one of us should go through. Let us just prayerful and seek God’s guidance during this trying moment. Sadly miss Dr. Phiri.

  7. Lutanipu asibweni! Bakongana yumo yumo muCalo nchamulele…….. Tamukana Kuchanya palamazuba yamala tamukwimaba aleluya! My condolences to the Phiri family.

  8. I joined Roan Consolidated Mines, Luanshya in November 1981. At the time David was the CEO of RCM. He was a very keen golfer. I had the honour of meeting him on numerous occasions at Roan Golf Club. Insightful and brilliant, RCM was the better run of the two mining companies in Zambia at the time. He was an inspiration for us all to do better. With a multitude of expats, and a depressed copper price, RCM still made a profit. Thanks to David astute management.
    My boss…WE ALL MISS YOU!!!!

  9. Dear Sir, 
    I am Pleased to inform you that I Pass my Soncez condolence to the believed family and wife God strengthen you and your Children will remember Mr. David Phiri for declaring Zambia a Christian Nation ,
    M H S R I P

    Pastor Emmanuel M. Mwami (Deaf)    

  10. i’l miss sunday breakfast wit u u wer’ like a granpa 2 me mre than th@ an inspiration 4 me 2 wrk & strive hard ur tlks always gave me motivation & i will continue 2 wrk hard 2 achieve w@ u always encouraged me 2 greatly missed DARP!!

  11. DAR was one of the straightest talking people I have ever met. He got things done by saying it as it really was. A great loss to Zambia and especially to Zambian rugby. I will remember him with great fondness.

  12. A very late tribute to a man I had the pleasure to meet on Kitwe golf course. He became a friend and I am proud to say that my family were the first european family who had him to stay in Kitwe.
    He expressed his concerns of how to serve his country and I have never forgotten his words.
    “Dick you guys will not be in trouble if things go wrong (meet the expectations of the Zambian people) It is us who must meet those expectations. He even said, no doubt not seriously If it gets that bad I will go back to the UK)
    He certainly served Zambia well. My condolenses to his family some who I met in Lusakab
    It was with great sadness the news of his death reached me.
    My condolences to his family some of whom I met in Lusaka

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