Thursday, March 6, 2025

State House warns false alarmists (UPDATED With Wikipedia Links referenced)


State House is saddened with the malicious, sadistic and unfounded story which is circulating that President Michael Chilufya Sata has died.

President Michael Sata’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chillah says this follows the publication of an article he describes as insensible and sickening by an uncouth website.

According to Mr Chellah, the article claims that the Head of State was assassinated in the early hours of today, January 22, 2012.

Mr Chellah said this in a press statement issued to the media today.

He said State House is aware that such horrid stories are being perpetrated by certain rogue elements with a bulk of them being investigated for gross misconduct and corruption in the ongoing crusade against graft.

Mr Chellah says these elements are being aided in this attempt to create panic and despondency among Zambians by another cluster of frustrated politicians who cannot stomach the reality of losing an election.

He says the Presidency is wide awake to this low-priced political campaign and has ordered the state security wings to straight away bring the perpetrators of such evil acts to book.

Mr Chellah says Mr Sata has ignored similar stories previously but that now that the President, state house will let the state security wings chat the way forward on this and any related matters in order to safeguard and preserve the peace this country.

He has warned that those behind these thoughtless, persistent and inhumane stories circulating in the country, especially on the Internet should to stop or meet the penalty of their deeds.


  1. Why use state security to pursue rumors about an event that will eventually happen,death i mean is a certainty even for Satanists.

  2. BUT you are now just telling us sir. Just ignore such rumours and continue with your life. Otherwise even some of us who did not read about this demise issue are now wondering if its true or not. Don’t make opportunists popular you little men of few brains. I end here!

  3. These Kaponyas in Statehouse need  education mwe bantu. Do they have to react to every rubbish. There was an entry on Wikipedia with a Died entry for today. Why should they alarm the nation over an entry on Wikipedia that the president had died. Everybody Knows that Wikipedia is not a credible source and that is why academic institutional DO NOT allow anybody to cite  Wikipedia.  Anybody can update Wikipedia and PF should not take anything they see on the Internet as gospel. Just ask the owners of Wikipedia to delete it and case closed. No need to alarm the nation and falsely accuse other politicians. Probably Wikipedia has the account that put that entry, talk to them.

    There was 

  4. Oh boy what now? Mr Chellah don’t upset our Sunday with news you obtained over the internet and wikipedia of all things.Aren’t there any educated people at State house apart from the first Lady?..Next

  5. The Problem is that Mahaters mwapaka!.Sata whether you like or not will rule until his terms of office comes to an end.The plunderers are still in a state of denial that there are no longer in power to continue with their plundering of public resources i.e zamtel.These rumours,false stories through on-line publications will take you nowhere but to jail.shame.Sata forever!!!!

  6. I think it is important that this clarification was issued, the type of demagogue stories that have been circulating need to stop in Jesus name, that is not our culture. Fervent prayers are needed for Zambia, our leaders both ruling and opposition and for every Zambian , thank God for the peace we enjoy in Zambia.

  7. Don’t raise our hopes for nothing. Close wikipedia and arrest the owner like watchdog owners. close all ‘internet info’if you can. 

  8. Is someone haunted by their lies and failures following pre-election promises? Keep away from playing to the gallery and try to deliver after your own 90- days disaster. Did nt you promise to resign if you fail? I wish you more days to live and reflect with the citizenry on your legacy. May the church join in prayers for your sustained health. For now we expect quality leadership not arrogance, disrespect and thoughtless decisions at play. God Bless Zambia

  9. Please twapapata ama blogger are you damn that you cannot just go to wikipedia and see what the SATA is all about. It s to do with computers not ba President.

  10. If this President dies of heart attack or kidney failure, please do not deliberately attribute his death to an imaginery assassination.

  11. Opposition in zambia is dead Pf govt is really working all the opposition doing is to wish HE SATA to die,he wont.Just wait we shall recover what you stole from us.Go foward your excellence we the people are behind you.

  12. They want to hatch the ‘Zero option plan’, no one said Sata was dead. This is just a PF plan to gain sympathy and use it to persecute the opposion.

  13. # 9 – How do you know that Sata will rule until the end of his term? Given his many health ailements and enemies he is creating left right and centre, such a probability of him running the full course is very slim. I can foresee a bye-election in the horoscope and I hope he will emulate David Phiri and sign for cremation in his will now before he kicks the bucket.

  14. Good evening

    What is preposterous in itself is that someone can have the possibility to submit false information about the Head of State on the internet and that certain media can release it without even establishing the facts. This is a very serious deficit on the part of the media and something needs to be done quickly against it.

  15. Freedom of expressions comes with responsibility and ethics, intellectual ,ethical,nation building and debatable posts should be welcome even though views could be different. Each online news carrier or blog needs to establish house rules. There has been too much insults, hatred, tribalism,poison spewed on a lot of blogs and we shouldn’t forget that there are some sick and unstable minds out there who may cause a lot of confusion. Learn from BBC Have your say house rules on how to moderate comments.

  16. Let the state security pursue and deal with these wicked people. They have called for wrath upon themselves. We despise them!

    Long live Zambia, long live President MC Sata!

  17. #18 Nine Chale – This is how low these so called media websites operate without ethics. They thrive on innuendo to attract internet traffic. the more people will surf their websites, the more they can charge for adverts. Point in case is an imposter like Mushota on LT who posts sensetional statements to generate counters blogs is actually part of LT editorial team. Unfortunmately you cannot police them and UPND and MMD are milking this without dignity. No wonder China monitors google to contain its sovereignity.

  18. We all didnt see it but State House saw it.

    The whole thing strikes as very strange. We all missed the article despite being on the internet 24/7 except Chella, really? Who is lying here?

  19. No comment, just enjoyed reading the blogging and the interesting breaking news from state house. I wish the first lady can be the vice presido.

  20. there are a number of us who saw it and have been praying since. God has been good to Zambia he has delivered us from the imaginable , thank you Jesus, tears flowing.

  21. There are a number of us who saw it and have been praying since. God has been good to Zambia he has delivered us from the imaginable chaos, thank you Jesus, tears flowing.

  22. Let all well meaning Zambians continue to pray for safety, wisdom, health of the leadership and the peace of great nation of Zambia. “All one, strong and free.” The tasks ahead of us look insurmountable, and risky, but God’s hand of PROTECTION & FAVOR is upon Zambia.No weapon formed or fashioned against the leadership will prosper. The glory of the later temple shall surely be better than the former temple. Zambia your best years are ahead of you.

  23. Satana is now scared of his own shadow ,remember how you called LMP all sorts of names about his illlness?Whats good LMP is good for you .Majority did not vote for you wechipuba we.

  24. However, to cramp down the on-line news outlets like Gustapo will be counter productive and ut most, state is heading for failure in this area. Re arrange the protocol and sources of info. at statehouse.

  25. The article was on Wikipedia last night and I was dumbfounded when I saw it. Had to call some connects in Zed to confirm the story. Who ever put that story up there is an *****.

  26. Freedom of expressions comes with responsibility and ethics, intellectual ,ethical,nation building and debatable posts should be welcome even though views could be different. Each online news carrier or blog needs to establish house rules. There has been too much insults, hatred, tribalism,poison spewed on a lot of blogs and we shouldn’t forget that there are some sick and unstable minds out there who may cause a lot of confusion. Learn from BBC Have Your say house rules on how to moderate comments.

  27. Not to speculate but in the event that the president needs to be replaced, who is the next of kin or capable in PF????

  28. ba ngwele, uwafwa undp or mmd, bushe ukobaba, tuleteka nabesu ba sata. mulechimona uno mwaka, mulekakwa ngapanono

  29. Metro hehe is smart.Let the perpetraters be punished.When the gov agrees on media self regulation ,they should remember that even though things may sound too democratic some journalists and disgrantled people are not there for professionalism.The ones to feel the chocking on the neck are the people ruling.It is self hunging we like it or not.I invite unbiased debate on this from my fellow bloggers

  30. there is no point in discussing this because we all know that wikipedia is an unreliable source. anyone can edit that shit. death rumors are so powerful that people dont find out online, they hear from people. e.g chilubas, 5 to 6 years before his actual death. gk’s went round, mwanawasas went round before he actually died. How come no one heard of this until we saw it online. Publicity stunts are childish. Sata and chella, kuleni guys. its either State house came up with this rumor to win sympathy or to arrest and weaken the opposition. This is bullshit. state house brought this to our attention through its mega phone chellah. we had no idea, akubombenifye guys twapapata.

  31. we are tonga and we are bitter, but this is petty even for us tonga pricks, why are we stooping this low?? And yet still expect the zambian people to vote for a tonga, when we are being this selfish crude and self-centered. We contunie on this path, we shall have more miles Sampas bossing SP and more and Tonga women shunning tonga men for the more civilized bemba dons,,You may think you are sharp educated going on wikipedia putting up lies about Sata,, what you have really done is for zambian voters resenting tongas and this you will see at the next elections,,watch and learn kiddo

  32. Ba Chela you have the trueth about the state of affairs at state house. Why don’t you just edit that article on wikipedia?.

  33. #19 Mr Know it all Nine Chale thanks to fred mmeembe for his ethical journalism which has produced the most useless president in the world.

  34. Death isnt for the physically sick but for the living. A sick person may even survive many years in comparison to the seemingly sound one. No one knows what’s gonna kill him. Being sick does not mean death. Evryone commenting on this site has been sick many times before but still here. We are all subject to sickness and eventual death. So be Careful what evil you wish for others you may just be the one to get it.

  35. First of all it is despicable and shameful for anybody to keep making postings or even talking about false information, particularly the death of the president. It is shameful and these cowards doing this should know that nothing ever built on lies survive. If you think about death all the time and wish it on other people, it will actually happen on your. That is just how life works.

    President Sata is in fine good shape & health and in fact he actually has 20 to 30 more years of life left in him because of the drastic change he has made in his lifestyle. You might laugh at his over size jackets, but those are a symbol of a health man who has nicely trimmed his weight and am proud of him.

  36. Having said what I said in posting #50, I have some strong words for the press Team at State House comprising that Kid Chellah and Amos. These Kids might be academically and wisdom challenged, but they need to realise that the position they hold is crucial and require high level skills than those they had in running a newspaper. As # 44 & 45 said and many others, these kids should have know better about what Wikipedia is all about. They have the truth and why didn’t they just edit the information on Wikipedia. Anybody can edit Wikipedia and I hope you are not advising the president to shut down Wkipedia.


  37. This story a lot of Zambians did not know anything about it because it was on the INTERNET and only 6% of Zambians have access to the Internet. Most Zambians get the news from the radio newspapers and TV.

    Now because of the recklessness of Chellah and Co in handling this situation, this has become national news and will be broadcast in all the other languages in every corner of Zambia and they will all start to wonder what is this INTERNET that is making our president agitated.

    Bottom line is stop reacting to every lie, your are just making these cowards famous and popular and this is what they want. You are playing into their hands. This could have been quietly done without informing the whole nation

    • Wise words, Sir! I salute you. You have always risen above mediocrity even in the face of buffeting winds! Stay blessed.

  38. President Sata were good friends with the Late Chiluba, sure I believe Mr Sata learnt a lot on how FTJ dealth with the media. The rule is you basically ignore trivial and it will go away, every time you react to them proves that you spend night and day reading their rubbish. These Kids need to get some tips from Richard Sakala and Authur Yoyo who worked in those positions.


  39. Wisdom demands that at times, such as this moment, it is better to let sleeping dogs lie. The Post Headline today is rubbish; sensational and working against national stability. You do not place such rumours as headline unless you wish the president dead. The Post headline today, like many in past weeks, I repeat, is alarmist and childish.

  40. May be MR Sata need to get rid of these immature kids excited with their positions and find mature adults that are not carried away with their positions, but focused on the job, just like FTJ did when he got rid of that radio DJ Chellah Katwishi. How coincident..

  41. Zambians let’s be mature the way we raise issues. If such story was published then it’s really unfortunate. In our culutre some body who wishes another person bad luck is a witch. Why should some body continue publishing such alarming stories and some other people with also ill motives are even supporting! Where are we going Zambians? Let us not erode our diginity just because some body influences you to take side with him/her in most cases due to political or tribal line! Let us be people who can make sobber and mature comments.

  42. My guess is that when Michael Sata was a schoolboy he must have been teased by his classmates all the time. He is so easy and predictable to get a rise out of and seems to know no other way to react than to overreact.

    Please, Sir – just get on with governing. You’re not going to stop people from saying what they want to stay (…no matter how ill-judged those statements may be), especially on the internet!

  43. Propaganda. These tactics i believe are from state house itself. These are also called Mugabe or Hitler tactics. Sata is trying to cook something so that he diverts attention from real issues to his personal agenda. Remember not long sata said that some pipo in barotroseland wanted to cede from Z. Today instead of publishing the inquiry report by chongwe he is publishing the B. Agreement. Propaganda.

  44. Too bad.THERE IS NOTHING GOOD IN IT ALL.These are moments when we should advocate for truth.Why tell lies and at that level.Its scaring.

  45. bafikala ba ddm na dnpu mwaba amatole the president is very fine we are behind him in prayers the almight is taking care of him. viva the president what evil things there planing against you God will protect you and it is them who will die soon.

    • Mr Champ, with an IP address, you can have at least a location of computer (at the time). And please don’t say email messages don’t have addresses, they too have an IP address. It is called internet PROTOCOL. 

    • That’s not entirely true. Gmail, hushmail, and fastmail all strip the IP address. Check the header, no IP address is there. You may be more expert than me, but I also don’t think it is entirely correct to say an IP will reveal the location of a computer since what it really tracks is the location of your server and in any case will be an approximate location only (north London for example, not 15a Grovsner Place, Flat 2, spare bedroom on the left). Also, if you are using a proxy server, VSAT link, or even a cell phone network in Zambia (?) your IP address can be very different from the location of the user. Take the flags here at LT for example. Anyway… Cheers, dude – happy to have this discussion.

  46. When someone starts by “Whether you like it or not…”, I don’t read any further because this is a standard kaponya line for having NOTHING to contribute to the debate. Why not just keep quiet?

  47. Supposing it was true, i repeat, this is a hypothetical situation, who do you think would have shot him in the head, guys? Chella?

  48. The bible says,’pray for your leaders’A leader enjoys a high degree of protection from God.If the life of a president is at stake,then the whole nation is at risk.I pray that wisdom,knowledge and righteousness shall be the stability of the current leadership of Zambia.

  49. The bible says,’pray for your leaders.Leader enjoys a high degree of protection from God.If the life of a president is at stake,then the whole nation is at risk.I pray that wisdom,knowledge and righteousness shall be the stability of the current leadership of Zambia.

  50. @ 18 Field Marshal Tungulu__________________ You are the one who needs to make a will for your ADS infested bodies to be thrown to rabies infested dogs in TONGA LAND SP because your and your whole clan will sure be dead before HE MCS is taken by the Lord,,, you and your Satanist Devil Advocates (SDA ) are headed to your choma hell. Your family and all your kind will die before our president

  51. The wikipedia alteration appears to have been done in the United Kingdom town of Crawley by unknown persons using the IP Address through the domain name with Virgin Media Limited as Internet Service Providers. The falsified alteration was sent through a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or Digital Subscriber Loop – a family of technologies that provide internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network. The coordinates for the altered post appeared to be 51°6’48?N -0°10’58?W while the weather station code for the alter was UKXX0816, signifying that it was done in the England region of the UK. The falsified death claim was available and accessed worldwide early hours of Sunday 22 January 2012.

  52. Some people posting hatred re: our President might be part of the crooks peddling lies with evil intentions. Some of these chaps might have benefited from the corrupt system of the previous regime, and now realise they have lost their chances of economically oppressing the many Zambians.

    Posting on Wikipedia does not authenticate the story. Wikipedia can be accessed by anyone, and whoever wants to post anything there can.

    State House must not just talk, let them act, and tell the nation that they have fished out the bad eggs, and brought them to justice. One might not help but think that we now need the KK type of intelligence, with modern learning to stay ahead of those bent on destroying our nation for their private selfish economic manipulations.

  53. these chaps sorrounding this issue must be caged, the head of state need to be respected. we cannot toralate such nonsense to pepertrate in this country.

  54. Freedom of expressions comes with responsibility and ethics. Intellectual ,ethical,nation building and debatable posts should be welcome even though views could be different. Each online news carrier or blog needs to establish house rules. There has been too much insults, hatred, tribalism,poison spewed on a lot of blogs and we shouldn’t forget that there are some sick and unstable minds out there who may cause a lot of confusion. Learn from BBC Have your say house rules on how to moderate comments.

  55. how come Chellah already knows the suspects? And why tell OP to investigate when Chellah has already mentioned the suspects? Sounds like another zero option. Can Mr Chellah talk about job creation, reduction of fuel prices and PAYE for K2m and above, vat, free eductaion up to university etc.

  56. Anyway, it is still difficult to find the perpetrator. Quiet investigation would have been much better Mr Chellah. 

  57. When RB was President u kaponyas didnt see the need to respect him as the Head of State,now u want pipo to respect satan,what for what goes around comes around you called RB all sorts of names it is time for satan to receive what you gave out,who says sata is popularly elected he was elected with 46% maybe your brains are becoming ceased.

    • @87 you are bitter, if you not careful that bitterness is gonna kill you bro so chil.VIVA pf and may the good LORD protect our president

  58. To calm down the people of Zambia, let the President come forward and say he is well and kicking. There is no way a person can come up with such a story out of the blue…

  59. george chellah mupuba. why overreact? just state the contrary. why would we be dispondent if we can see the president? appointing immature boys to offices too big for them………..

  60. Freedom of expressions comes with responsibility and ethics. Intellectual ,ethical,nation building and debatable posts should be welcome even though views could be different. Each online news carrier or blog needs to establish house rules. There has been too much insults, hatred, tribalism,poison spewed on a lot of blogs and we shouldn’t forget that there are some sick and unstable minds out there who may cause a lot of confusion, learn from BBC Have your say house rules on how to moderate comments.

  61. the problem with our country is that we have too many professional lazy morons with nothing to do but peddle rumours. we might as well open a University of Morons so they can practice officially! Its not as if Wikipedia is free for all but information has to be verified by its editors before publishing. Its true some people are living in denial over PF victory but is this the way we are going to build our country by peddling unfounded rumours? Field Ruwe’s article in Sunday Post made a lot of sense. we seem to have an outbreak of professional lazy morons!

  62. I have located this IP address86.174.123.59, and it not a randomly generated. Its in England and I know which town and phisical address. this staff is very easy to find people grow up.

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