The Zambia Army has said there will be no corruption and nepotism in its recruitment programmes, contrary to information filtering in the media that such exercises are marred by corruption and nepotism.
The Army has also clarified that it has not commenced the recruitment exercise of soldiers and officers.
Zambia Army spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Chris Musonda said the Zambia Army will follow all laid down qualification requirements for candidates and that no payments will be involved in the recruitment exercise.
In a press statement made available in Lusaka, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Musonda said the army will advertise the recruitment exercise in both print and electronic media.
He said people with information about bribery and corruption in the recruitment exercise to report the caseseither to the Zambia Police (ZP) or the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) for further action.
Lieutenant Colonel Musonda said the Zambia Army will not tolerate any illegal or underhand methods during soldier recruitment exercise.
Last week Zambia Army Commander Paul Mihova disclosed that the Army will start recruiting soldiers countrywide soon.
Of late, anonymous people, including soldiers involved in the recrtuiment exercises have been going to media houses in Lusaka to discuss alleged corruption and nepotism that has become grave in the defence forces.
There are similar complaints from the Zambia Air Force where it is alleged that soldiers and officers have been enrolled in the defence force without under going any uptitude tests and other requirements before admission.
Can you also comment on the nepotistic appointments of Chifwelu, Kabongu, Ikowa etc
Who do you want to cheat imwe
This Spokesman is dull. In such scenarios you say ‘ The Army has never recruited people corruptly’ This statement indicates that there has been corruption and if this borders on ill qualified soldiers….Houston, we have a problem !
Why recruiting new soldiers when the current crop of soldiers has no Jobs (No wars to fight)????
Kwena uli tall lay ilikulu sana. Even an embecile has more reasoning than you ! Ittakes one year of basic military training and 5 more advanced training to come up with a proper soldier. Where will you find the time to do this when war suddenly breaks out ?
So, you want the recruitment to be done when suddenly there is war? When is training done then? Remember, soldiers die, retire and resign, so, Zambia is replacing old chaps, besides, Gvt is creating employment.
@st Louis its very simple i mean people want jobs so this is (job creation) you are right.
Mashindu,soldiers are not there just for war,they also help in disasters.In any case war can break out any time and we need to be prepared at all times.Recruiting soldiers is also part of job creation.
#2 St. Louis, You are spot on, in fact it said that ‘ In time of peace, prepare for war’.
corruption wil b always there,evin if its pf with ukwa or who eva wil b next it wil b there,dont evin cheat us.
Recruit more but discourage from promiscuity and too much beer drinking among these chaps. Send them to battle fronts in other countries so that they keep fit instead of lazying around like kwangalas or malyongos.
Which ‘battle fronts’ cheekala ? When the Airforce bought those jets, you and your fellow maturbators were all over complaining that there is no need since we are not at war. now you wanna agree that they should go to war BUT WITH WHAT ? You also dont seem to understand alliances, look at the wars around the world, which one involves our ally; Iraq, Afghanistan. Of what benefit will it be to send our men there ? I would rather keep them in Zambia than support someone else’s crap !
Really, you have never heard of soldiers dying, retiring, being discharged, going AWOL, people leaving the military to do other things, etc.? Don’t you think all these things deplete the numbers of personnel in the military? Baba, the army is obligated to maintain a certain level of strength in terms of trained manpower at all times, with or without war!
You don’t seem to appreciate how long and how much it takes to turn a civilian into a brave and competent soldier, do you? I am sure you would agree that it would be foolish to engage in some sort of “wholesale” army personnel recruitment when war is already at your door step, right? Recruitment should be an ongoing exercise to replenish the ranks so that when time comes “dummies” like you are not conscripted!
@ 8 please explain the meaning of the last words you just used hahahahahaha.
MALYONGOS are civilians like you,”lazy bones”…corruption in the army is still very fresh like
a ripe tomato
Hahaha,bloggers are missing the whole point of wars and being a soldier .The purpose of going to war is not to die for your country but rather,it is to make your enemy die for his.
I simply like Zambians, when ZAF bought jets they wre complaining that it was not necessary since we are ‘not at war’. Now we wanna recruit, they say why recruit when there is no war ? Do you know the confusion that comes around when war suddenly breaks out imwe ! Wait
more money in our pockets:)
more money in the pockets,what has government put in place to arrest the issue of corruption?
there is nothing we can do,leave the officers alone.
corruption,has weakend our armed forces.soldiers employing their relatives!thats what wil be happening.
I am an acca level 1 holder n i applied 4a position of accounts clerk,on what rank am i going to start from and do soldiers resigne and if yes when?
mashindu u are dull
but zoana after alll the turn out yestaday elo the shud just pick 80???and u se u are creatin jobs
corruption, tribalism and selfishness these viruses are killing us, the last ended police,immigration,zaf,zambia army and zns recruitment was full of the above viruses.so people like me who doesn’t have any one in these services can not be employed, this is what was happening even in the previous regime, we expected a change but the same things are happening.
mmmmmmmmmm speechless
all i nid z a job in the airforce….
lough out loud …..
What qualifications one should have, to be in the army recruit?
when will the zambia army going to exercise the next recruitmen?
føolish army cmdr nyoo corrumption all ova wat are u yapiyaping.
Job opotunits
When is the Zambia Air force going to recruit?
lets respect each each!!!!! was this a chance for cevillians to insult officers???.
Comment:take it easy n let’s respect each other as zambians…
When Doe became leader in Liberia, he allowed only his tribes men to hold snr positions regardless f their qualifications. It was a mistake he came to regret 10 years later. captured by rebels and humiliated in front of cameras, his tribesmen banyema mukavululvulu. Please come up with a strategy which should limit the number of close relatives who should belong to armed forces. This is a danger to national security.
i wonder why i was born in zambia where people r married to corruption.regreting!
Too much casualization in the Zambia Army. Bana babanenu working (without salaries) as casuals for more than two years anticipating to be taken on and the Army is benefiting. Come on guys, some of these people are double orphaned, and that’s the reason for hanging on to Army casual jobs cos they have no money to take themselves to other colleges. The people in charge of recruitment should put themselves in the shoes of these men and women who walk long distances to the barracks in anticipation of being recruited.