Friday, March 14, 2025

The Week in Pictures



Mad Max Auto spares Marketing Manager Nyambe Maboshe (left) presents a certficate and medal to Mr Iron Man 2012 winner Sylvester Mwila while Zambia Body Building and Fitness Federation (ZBBFF) president Danny Mkandawire looks on last Saturday night in Lusaka


Zambia national socer team technical director Honour Janza (l), head coach Herve Renard and physical trainer Patrice Beaumelle take team players through their paces at the Olympic youth development center in Lusaka


Chipolopolo defender Nyambe Mulenga and Lubambo Musonda during the training session at Olympic Youth Development Center in Lusaka


The first flight for the Royal Dutch airline KLM direct flight between Amsterdam and Lusaka touches down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport on Tuesday night.


Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga and Kenya Airways country Manager Rose Kiseli (r) after the arrival aboard the first Royal Dutch airline KLM flight between Amsterdam and Lusaka at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport.


Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga after the arrival aboard the first Royal Dutch airline KLM flight between Amsterdam and Lusaka at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport.


Vice President’s wife Charlotte Scott presents an I-Connect modem to Timilehn Fashinasi, a Grade Seven pupils, during the flagging off of the I-Connect 4G School Day at Rhodes Park School in Lusaka.


Vice President’s wife Charlotte Scott (right) is taken on a tour of a computer laboratory by Rhodes Park School teacher Rachel Chakalashi after the flagging off of the I-Connect 4G School Day in Lusaka


Vice President’s wife Charlotte Scott listens to Rhodes Park School teacher Rachel Chakalashi (right) when she visited the school computer laboratory after the flagging off of the I-Connect 4G School Day in Lusaka


2012 Zambia Motor Rally ace Mohamed Essa in action at Lusaka Motor club


Puma International Motor Rally Champion Mohamed Essa and his navigator Stead pop champagne at the prize giving ceremony in Lusaka


Secretary of the tribunal set to probe three suspended judges, Chipili Katunasa, takes oath before President Michael Sata while Office of the Vice President Deputy Minister Edgar Lungu looks on at State House


President Michael Sata receives an affidavit from secretary of the tribunal set to probe three suspended judges, Chipili Katunasa during a swearing-in ceremony at State House.


Chairperson of the tribunal set to probe three suspended judges, Justice Lovemore Chikopa, takes oath before President Michael Sata at State House


One of the judges of the tribunal set to probe three suspended judges, Justice Thomas Ndhlovu, takes oath before President Michael Sata at State House.


One of the judges of the tribunal set to probe three suspended judges, Justice Naboth Mwanza takes oath before President Michael Sata at State House.


President Michael Sata with Malawian High Court Judge Lovemore Chikopa (second l), Justice Naboth Mwanza (r) rand Justice Thomas Ndhlovu (far l) after a swearing-in at State House.


An amatuer video producer takes time to smoke marijuana during the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


Ras Kerrys skanking during the Jah Nite at Mount Zion during the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west


Ras Kerrys skanking during the Jah Nite at Mount Zion during the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west


The No Parking Band in action Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


The No Parking Band in action Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


The disciples performing at Jah Nite at Mount Zion during the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


The Jah rally during the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


Chris AKA during the Jah Nite at Mount Zion during the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


A man smoking during the Jah Nite at Mount Zion during the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


The Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka west.


Copperbelt minister Davis Mwila hands over a certificate to one of the midwives at the graduation ceremony in Kitwe. Standing on his left is provincial medical officer Chandwa Ng'amba, district commissioner Elias Kamanga and Kitwe mayor Chileshe Bweupe


GENDER and Child development deputy Minister Esther Banda third (l) captured at Sunsunthila Orphanage center in Mbala


Zambian Lotto Human Resources and Marketing Chilufya Sata-Chisinga presents a winners dummy cheque to Robert Ululi who is one of the 12 lottery winners at the Zambian Lotto offices in Lusaka.


Some of the Zambian Lotto lottery winners pose for a photograph after cheques dummies for their prizes in Lusaka


  1. Pic 18-Awe zo-ona mulolo uyu wena.Teti waya nempanga.Pic 5 & 6…eish ! A direct flight between Amsterdam and Lusaka.Awe yawama iyi mwe.

    • Very good, no more BA.!! We have booked already for 31 July, fair fare and as usual luggage allowance

  2. pics 12 -17 wasting of tax-payers’ money by the man of action. All those people could have been elsewhere being productive instead of being part of a circus simply because some people are allergic to paying back nkongoles they got under dubious circumstances.

  3. Where was DEC when the Bob Marleyans were smoking the illegal stuff? Shame on them. Good to see mama Scott looking good. Good mama that your hubby has rejected GRZ house because you’re comfortable where you’re. Good to see the teach & the kids with their computers.

  4. Pic 1, That guy is big, i think i need to step up my gym routine, pic 4,5 and 6 is good ba KLM now just make ma offers to zed so that every one of us ku diaspora can visit zed.


  6. Thanks KLM, we are tired of BA with their restrictions on check-in Luggage and hand luggage! On 31 July I will land in Zed with 46 kilos luggage!

  7. The guy that was arrested with 0.3 grammes of Marijuanna yesterday, should be released because UMUTONDO mu Packaging ya BALANI picture number 18 must be half a KG.

  8. Pics 7,8 and 9, Grade school children use computers; in 12th grade I was using log books to do my mathematics. Thank you Jesus things have changed and in some ways stayed the same.

  9. Zambians realise this all these companies bringing their planes to Zambia have realised our growth, question is where are our own birds?

  10. Why is the Kenya airways country manager there is that is her airline? Many of these pics show zambia has too many idlers.

  11. Pic# 1 – Young ones visit this site and you are standing there with Vunda bulge in full sight.

  12. yes the officials look like childrens drawing of man and woman. Pure cartoons. Fat alberts creatoer wasnt original. Any rest of the photos goog taste

  13. #20, Kenya Airways is owned by KLM. Therefore, it is conceivable that this lady will also be in charge of the KLM flights as well.

    • Kenyan Airways handles KLM’s African operations, don’t be surprised if they use KAL planes on this route as well. 

  14. It was going down at the Bob Marley Memorial concert in Lusaka West, next year I’m joining you fellas!! 

  15. Kenyan ladies are really sexy, well figured the Kenya Airways country Manager Rose Kiseli (Pic 5) is a true example true African beauty not Zambian women too much fi fake long hair, fake eye lashes, fake nails, fake accent, fake smile fake fake you end up finding a different woman next to you in the morning fake atase!

    • Iwe Uncle Pipos @ 25, tekanya. Wikubwa umutenje wa ng’anda taula lalamo. Which Zambian women have you been exposed to? Wilachita patronise Addis Ababa. Those are call-girls. They are at work.

    • Iwe mambala iwe, have you seen the ZCAS productions? You don’t know bwoy. Zambia is where the most beautifulest woman are. Ask me mwaiche!

  16. Well Done KLM, Now all will follow after Emirates. Fact is that we should bring back our Nkwazi (QZ)Zambia Airways NOT Zambian Airways for Thieves

  17. Herve Rernard or “Heavy Leonard” as someone called him here once, seems to be enjoying his job more than ever before. Zambia is a nice place with nice people. He did’nt have to elope to Angola to realise that.

    Honourable Robert Nesta Marley (O.M) must be smiling down from Mount Zion looking at these celebrations. Never mind DEC, that’s just a Cuban cigar you see in pic #18. LoL! I’m just wondering what milky substance is in the bottle the youngster in pic#27 is holding?

    KLM Amsterdam – Lusaka is definitely a good thing. We can travel with it now but let us never give up the hope that one day we shall have our very own flag carrier again.

  18. People had an excuse to smoke pot, how nice they should do that more often weed is very good for the soul! Sensemilla in the house should be encouraged, Jah men need it for the wisdom!

  19. Pic#1- good job Sylvester. I knew u’d win this…you really have no competition in lusaka, don’t believe the hype my friend. Happy for you and am glad you quit that polo grill door bouncer job. You’re better than that.

    Man forget KLM, when are we getting out own airline please?

    Pic #7,8 and 9- I always forget we have a muzungu as our vice president. I was going to ask who is our vice president who married a white woman….hahahaha. Nice one.

    I see the indians still commanding motor rally in Zed. Now these Bob Marley pictures awe shuwa. Pic#24 ninshi, ya mukola dobo chikala uyu? WTH hell? I can’t stop laughing. And Pic#26, is that supposed to be a bong? Hahahaha, I love these pictures…thanks LT.

  20. #25 @Uncle Pipos..Leave divas alone. Wettin did Zed women do you eeh?I think you’ve never been to Kenya coz women there use hair extentions and make up etc just like here. For your own information, Rose the one you’re admiring actually has what we call 100% weave on hair. You are so ignorant. Just tell your woman what you want and leave the rest of the women folk alone. The whole world cannot do what you want just to please you, have you considered what other men like? Shut your mouth!!


  22. Brilliant that KLM is now flying direct to Zed. Nomba futi ati no Netherlands Embassy in Zambia with effect from next year! Can someone please explain the logic?

  23. ah marijuana is fine ur head is still screwed mabye loosely and your less likely to be violent ,sexual abuse someone or to cause havoc un like Tujilijili

  24. as our country continue attracting international airlines, govt should seriously consider improving kk airport. All those asbestos roofs should be removed and stop making passengers walk to and from the plane.. this is very embarrassing. So bwana minister of transport dont just wear those expensive suites but do the work for us. The airport is so undeveloped such that it is a risk to the aviation industry especially that we dont even know if the radar system is working??

  25. Much as we will see an increase in tourists arrival, we need our own airline. I like the name “Zambia Air Ways”, ( a smile for every mile). KQ is not fully owned by KLM. They just have shares just like Ethiopian Airlines but with KQ being more Kenyan. Most big airlines world over are in that arrangement.

  26. Shame on you LT to glamorise ganja smoking. I dont think doing drugs is what made Bob Marley famous. Lets get real, NO to drugs. Atase…..

  27. Zambians full of shit. you celebrate bob marley, air line from armsdam and you have a head of tribunal from malawi. then where are the zambians, full of shit

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