Former Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Mundia Sikatana has passed away.
University Teaching Hospital (UTH) public relations manager Pauline Mbangweta confirmed Mr Sikatana’s death.
Ms Mbangweta said Mr Sikatana died on Thursday around 22:00 hours following an illness.
“He was brought here (UTH) on 12th June (2012) and was admitted in our main ICU (Intensive Care Unit) where he died around 22:15 hours on Thursday),” she said.
During then President Levy Mwanawasa’s reign, Mr Sikatana, a lawyer by profession, was appointed as Agriculture and Co-operatives Minister in 2002 and in 2006 after his re-lection as Head of State, Dr Mwanawasa appointed him as Foreign Affairs Minister, but was later that same year relieved of his duties for what the President attributed to as his (Mr Sikatana’s) declining health.
Meanwhile, Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has described the death of the organisation’s founding president and its trustee Fostone Sakala as shocking.
FODEP president Shepherd Chilombe said during a media briefing in Lusaka that the country had been robbed of a father, democrat and mentor whose services and elderly advice would greatly be missed.
Mr Chilombe, in his message of condolence to the bereaved family on behalf of FODEP, said Rev Sakala would be remembered for, among other things, his contribution to the formation of FODEP and dedication to its cause until his death on Wednesday at the UTH.
Sorry for this loss. May his soul rest in peace. You an hard working minister of Agriculture.
Condolences to the bereaved family, MHSRIEP.
The man had lived a full life and served his country. MHSRIP.
This stale news! LT is too preoccupied boring recurrecurrent HH/UPND/Cadre antics. The forget to carry important news on time
I am sorry to heat this
Hope the will mentions your grandkids
Our prayers are with his family.
RIP you made your never to be matched contribution to agriculture for the Zambian nation, you will ever be fondly remembered
My lawyer is gone! Thank you for championing so many causes that, had you not helped, would have left a lot of us destitute! MYSRIEP!!!
Rest in peace, you were indeed honorable and you achieved a lot for Zambia in Agriculture.
He was hardworking even in his poor health as a Minister. I still recal him saying “these millers sibakuta”, (these millers are never satisfied) he was referring to millers who were hiking mealie meal at will and yet the price for a bag of maize they were buying from farmers was too low to warrant their price hikes. May his soul rest in peace. We shall miss him. I end here!
Sad. The man worked well. He revamped Agric. I will fondly remember you for the “cowdung policy”. You were a good man.
bumper harvest minister…Thanks for the contributions to the country.
Now all the 1980 coup plotters are dead. The 1980 failed comprised Mundia Sikata, Edward Jack Shamwana and Valentine Musakanya. The coup was foiled when Sikatana betrayed his friends and told KK about the whole coup plan on the eve of the coup. Mundia was granted immunity for prosecution while Shamwana and Musakanya were arrested and convicted.
Neverheless, rest in peace Sikatana and say hello to your mates.
The CV i not inspiring, he never obtained a masters or PhD and served in all those portfolios? How many kids has he left ? what about wives? ATMS(assistant to ,madam) inform us so that no chokolo
RIP, MS … you did miracles for Zambia in Agriculture. You were the first Minister to have made Zambia an exporter of maize since Independence. Haters will forever bring in their diatribes but they will never take your achievements away. You proved critics wrong and you worked your heart and soul out for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise.
MYSRIP, gallant Son of Zambia, we shall forever be indebted to your contributions and reforms at Agric. What a loss!!! RIP, MS. May the good Lord comfort your family as they go through these trying moments.
A lot of things you initiated are now policy at Agric, and the Zambian AGOA prospects were your brainchild, your shoes have been too big to fill, how much more now that you are gone, RIP, MS … rest in peace. We miss you already.
Who died kanshi, Sikatana or FODEP? That story is confusing.
next will be #9 BR Mumba, he looks unhealthy, start attending confession every Friday my friend.
What was his Illness???????????
Too sad for the loss of sikatana. He was one of the genuine leaders of zambia.
Yaba Ba LT you really mamble jambo your English was it Mundia who founded fodep or is fodep who died . Am I the only one confused bushe
Number 18, you are the only one confused here,dont act like CNP, learn to get sense from the little nonsense LT gives us. Two people died according to this report 1. Is Former minister M.Sikatana, he died of a disease called “An illness” then the other is the founder of Fodep Fostone Sakala, I hope you will have a plan after this.
May their sould rest in eternal peace.
But on the other hand I always wonder whether it is the duty of the UTH spokes person to announce deaths – especially of prominent people. I thought such announcements should come from family members?
You are so right Mwine Bata.
correction to 20 above: May their souls rest in eternal peace.
The winter maize and the begining of bumpper havest is one thing I will live to remember him apart from sharing the same ques in Kaunda square stage 2 each time we went for polls. To me he had his own legacy but like it is always said- good things are for a short time. It is high time politiciations went up above to campain for the return of our Lord since no one will judge them on how far their government has done to change the lives of the poor. At least in this land of money- solwezi in particular soon every one will be on a montjhly salary working or not by virtue of being born and belonging to the diamonds, oil, gold, ulenium name it all from one province, no wonder we could manage to sponsor the Africa cup and bring the trouphy. M.H.S.R.I.P
MYSRIP Mr Sikatana and Mr Sakala.
MHSRIP. He shall be fondly remembered and missed. “May the departed through the Mercy of God Rest in Peace”.
Nitumesi changue Mr Sikatana, I met you in 1987 in Lusaka with Jacques, Daniel and Yvonne. You were a great Man. You always fighted for your nice country. I keep you in my memory. Thanks for all. Serge.