Friday, September 20, 2024

Bush arrives in Zambia


Former United State president George W. Bush and his wife Laura when they arrived in Lusaka at Kenneth Kaunda international airport.

Former United States of America President George Bush has arrived in the country for a one week visit to various charitable organisations supported by his foundation.

Mr. Bush arrived in the country around 09:00hrs at Kenneth Kaunda International airport on Saturday morning aboard a chattered plane.

He was received on arrival by Vice President Guy Scot and his wife Charlotte.

Others were U.S Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella, Lusaka Province Minister Gerry Chanda and Deputy Mayor Theresa Funga.

Speaking to journalists shortly after Mr. Bush’s arrival, US Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella says President Bush is in Zambia to support HIV/AIDS, Breast and Cervical cancer programmes.

Mr. Storella says the bush foundation is expected to spend about 15 thousand United States Dollars on providing Assistance.

This is the second time the former US president is visiting Zambia within six months.



  1. Monitoring and evaluation ka? NGO’s received Bush fund you wont eat G BUSH’S money freely, like you do to your own government funds and other donors. Becareful G Bush and wife are on a mission, within 6 months they are back checking the projects they funded? Good project managers or donors, way to go Bush.

  2. President Bush on record is the first US President to have had funded HIV projects for Africa more than anyother President when he was in office. He also empowered a lot of African American to hold higher offices in the USA. He is cool am cool with him.

    • Ba JoJo: In American etiquette there’s what is called the matching principle, simply stated you can’t out do the hosts. When our own President went to Botswana, he gave away $10,000.00 to the school he was invited to open.

      GWB knows about that, as former head of state he is trying to match what is perceived to be a normal donation based on the precedence set by MCS during his last visit to Bots. This has nothing to do with whether his grand father Preston had so much money and clout.

      George W is trying to be respectful, this is a highly cultured man and he would never out do what we do. If you want to prove it, next time Michael goes to DRC, let him donate $1,000,000 and George W will match it next time around, mark my words on this, it is an America thing to do; match the host.

  3. Zambians lets open our eyes. What is it that this guy is after? Am really begining to smell a rat. Two trips to Zambia within 6 months for a man with a wretched past/record does not make sense. There’s more to it!!!!!!!!!!

    • U might as well smell an elephant.y creat rumors ya bufi.purpose of the visit is clearly stated stop yo kachepa 

    • Flagrante Delicto is right twice in 6 months when there are so many countries in Africa worse off..why not visit Congo Dr or Mali where there is real need for AID..This is a China – USA fiasco going on the Communisn (China) and checking up on his investment as the grave vine has it…George bush has a reputation of only getting his hands dirty where there are rich natural resources…Blood on his hands…

    • I agree with you Igwee, some people just can’t keep quiet, always spreading rumors . Please stop spreading lies bro.

    • kwacha Ngwee, he thinks we r still sleeping . there is more to it than HIV how many have died? WHY is he concerned now?


  5. Yes indeed, these same pipo brought HIV upon us and now that they see, we are rising from the ASHES; like the Japs did after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they are back again. Wach out Zambians, I too smell a huge rotten stinking RAT here. Lets live above tribal Politics, we have only one Zambia yet, they have elsewhere to go. Don’t say we never warned you ma guys…

  6. Welcome Bush. Inspire Sata to have a Plan for development than allowing people to sell food in the streets. We appreciate your good work. GRZ, take bush to see the Vic Falls. It is a pity that we had to wait for Bush to come and renovate a dilapidated a clinic in Kabwe. We fail to maintain things.

  7. Wellcome Mr and Mrs Bush. We thank God for God’s favor on our nation to have the former president of the greatest nation visit our nation twice within 6months.

  8. This guy I don’t trust him busy using charity as cloud of smoke hiding the real reasons behind his visits. Just saying

  9. suspicious , thank goodness southern Africa , has a low amount of Muslims  ….the Americans are up to something don’t trust them for a second

  10. Welcome back Mr. President … you were actually the first sitting US President to dedicate so much time and money towards the eradication of malaria in Africa. You did not just talk about it, you did and lead on this matter. Your efforts have paid off, and you know what? If I was President, I would confer on you the Zambian Citizenship so that you can be both an American and Zambian citizen at the same time and give you the Keys to the City of Lusaka.

    We honor you for that and we love you. Texas was such a great place to raise my kids from when you were Governor … you were the best, I don’t care what critics say about you. You lead with resolve. Welcome back to the best country God gave man in Africa. Welcome back, Mr. President! Glad to have you back.

    • Well said Brave. George W Bush is one of the most principled presidents to ever rule the USA. I bet the critics do not even have an idea that unlike in Zambia, the US congress sanctioned the war against Saddam Hussein. He made a decision to protect the US and promised that America will never been attacked on his watch and fulfilled that.

      Most important, as you rightly put it, he initiated so many projects in africa via the US government as well as charities through his wife Laura Bush and Melinda Gates. 

      I mean, what could possibly George Bush want from Zambia that he couldn’t have when he was president, serve for appreciating our being peaceful and chilling out a bit. Just because mwalibelela ukwiba, doesn’t entale everyone does. Leave the US President alone bakaboke imwe.

    • I respect your love and admiration for the Bushes and their administration??. But it saddens me that we Zambians are missing the link American institution( IMF ,World Bank) played to our under development, owing mainly to the 1970s, 80s,and 1990s  structural adjustments programs  inflicted on Zambian government… based on a Western perspective… 
      Ba Mumba, don’t you think these were unfair deals..

      Had it not been for such unjust programs, Zambia will be well developed now…

  11. Its a good development for zambia to continue hosting a high profile figure like Bush not withstanding his contravesial political career.

  12. #18, Agree with you. Let Ush be given the keys to the city of Lusaka. may be he can help us clean it and develop it.

  13. Ba Mashlarro: you betcha, like they say in Texas. Think about it, Lusaka just got $355,000,000 (Three hundred and fifty-five million US Dollars) for it’s water reticulation and sanitation plan from the Goo ole United States, why not give Mr. & Mrs Bush the keys to the city?

    It makes perfect sense to me!!! Also, President Bush likes to visit George Compound in Lusaka, the man has big ideas for a township named after his first name. He has the ability to make George Compound as sister city to his home town of Waco, Texas.

    New cultural exchanges would start, you would have professors from his county colleges in Waco work out modalities for a new George College, you would begin having student exchange programs and the list is endless, take advantage of advantages Texas style, babe!!

  14. Arrest the war criminal!!
    whats the difference between what he did in Iraq and Bashir of Sudan?

    • I bet you never saw what happened on September 11, 2001. Actually he was very patient and it took months before he could permit america to go to war despite almost all americans wanting revenge there and then.. Remember the 1993 Gabon crash! Every foreigner as long as long as they were from central and west africa were basically abused by Zambians. Anything considered bad, was named after Diramba, toilets, pit latrines, coffins you name. Lets not pretend because almost any sane human being would have reacted seeing what the terrorists did.

    • Ba Nshi Sunda: Why fight for the Iraqi and the Sudanese? Have they ever fought for any Zambian causes? Choose your friends wisely and if you can’t do that at least fight for your own nation. Jesus once said let the dead bury themselves. Let the Iraqis and Sudanese fight for themselves.

      It is time to fight for mother Zambia, let the others fight for themselves. As much as I would like to help others, I got to take of home first. If home is not doing well, I have no moral authority to fight on behalf of others.

      As for War Criminal! Says who? Stop this inanity, please. The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise have the honor of hosting the one time President of the entire world and all you could come up with is this war crime lunacy? Come on, bro … yours is serious masturbation

  15. I too can smell a big rat here,George Bush cant visist Zambia twice within a space of 6 months,Zambians should open their eyes!!

    • **==
      Thats the only problem with some Zambians, when somebody offers aid you think otherwise, do not be like most zed ladies who get stupid when a man get to love her more !

    • he owns lumwana mine so he’s just going to check on his business. American’s have no concerned for africans. I have lived with them so I know what kind of people they are!

    • Yes we smell a big rat with ill-intentions . If Jesus came today George bush would burn first for his contributions to human un-hapiness all over the globe..If I had a worn out shoe I would repeat the day he had to duck one…Don’t fool us , we have access to information elyo twalisambilila bonse..stop trying to educate the educated..To hell with bush….

  16. Ba Don Jay: It is summer in the US and it has been very hot here yesterday reaching 114 °F, it was scotching hot, and yet it is winter in Zambia. We have such beautiful winters, it is breathtaking and may President Bush wants to cool off a little.

    As for opening eyes, how is it that some people can’t just take things with a grain of salt? President Bush invested a lot of his time through his wife while he was still a sitting President. Mrs. Laura Bush became very good friends with Mrs. Mwanawasa and they have had joint projects during the time we had Ambassador Martinez.

    It was these three ladies that worked hard behind the scenes and Mrs. Bush has a lot of work going on she started during President Mwanawasa’s rein. Great executives check on their projects all the time.

    • @ Mumba sister(sir)
      U are a full u can think. We had recently big homosexual, now Mbush within 6months and u smile. Check his waving style and compare with satanic symbol/logo. This guy knows we are making the constitution hence manipulating Ukwa frm left to right. Watch u will see what will come out of BLUE LAW!!!!!????

  17. George Bush is also a Businessman in oil Zambia discovered oil during the time of KK in Western province. Then When Mwanawasa was president they did tests again and they confirmed that there is oil in Western province. I guess that’s the business he has come for to discuss further with the President or the Vice President and the Malaria Project as a by the way that’s why they will only spend $15,000 USD. Didn’t all of you figure this out already. That’s why Zambia was inviting Obama over too. What this Space.

    • Now even if he was a big oil baron in Texas before he became Governor and then President, who says he can’t invest in Zambia as such if he wanted to? Do you have problems with that? Why can’t you welcome it because it is our smart people of the Zambian Enterprise in Western Province who would benefit.

      I don’t see any problems with that either but as for now the official details are that the Bushes are in Zambia to check on their on-going projects. What’s wrong with that? How many times has Mrs. Bush been to Zambia while her husband was a sitting President? Do you have an answer to that? Now that the former President is no longer in power, what stops him from accompanying his wife? Please answer me, thanks.

  18. why coming to zed now, you were a president of America for 10 years never even thought of coming here so you have something in mind or bush has seen gold in zambia while we africans are used by ruled by you guys whites what can we do but personally i hate you bush… a lot of died because of war in Iraq? bush and blair devils?????

  19. Br R Mumba, Sr, walasa!!! you are but one of the few with a voice of reason. 

    Not these other punks who yap just for the sake of it. Day and night fya ikalila  fye. Ukwa!! Ukwa!! The name dosen’t even suit the man ( H.E. Sata )

  20. Ba Trigo: Now even if he was a big oil baron in Texas before he became Governor and then President, who says he can’t invest in Zambia as such if he wanted to? Do you have problems with that? Why can’t you welcome it because it is our smart people of the Zambian Enterprise in Western Province who would benefit.

    I don’t see any problems with that either but as for now the official details are that the Bushes are in Zambia to check on their on-going projects. What’s wrong with that? How many times has Mrs. Bush been to Zambia while her husband was a sitting President? Do you have an answer to that? Now that the former President is no longer in power, what stops him from accompanying his wife? Please answer me, thanks.

  21. This guy is after something we dont know. Why should he be allowed to spread HIV? That is what I understand by HIV projects.

  22. Zambians wake up. Don’t you think as a society we can raise more than $15,000.00 and render assistance to the needy charitable organisations? Our brains are certainly not functioning right. Zambia will be and must be developed by Zambians. One Zambia One Nation.

    • The problem here my friend is that unlike our western friends, we would rather bury our money in the ground just for fear of sharing. Lets appreciate selfless people that are willing to dip from their personal income just to try and help us. Pantu namafililo mwalileka ukusonka ngatapali ifyakulya. Why don’t you start by raising even US$5,000 yourself and then inform us to what good use you put the money to.

  23. iwe chi # 8! Chi flatulence dilicto, get civilised. This has been the among best USA presidents….others are RONALD REAGAN, BARAK OBAMA. U UPND chaps always ve something to critise; no wonder nobody pays attention to you *****s anymore.

  24. Welcome to mother Zambia mr and mrs Bush. Zambia has got vast and idle land, therefore bring your fellow americans so that they invest in our country,however be informed that there is no space [zambian land] for you to set up a USA military base.

  25. Watch OUT Zambia!!!. The USAID and many other Western organisations are busy advocating for male circumcision without  any grounded empirical evidences( apart from constant rhetoric, it reduces your chances of contracting HIV/AIDS by 95%). Africa, are forever going to be the CONSTANT GARDENER for western experiments???

  26. ### 18, 21 and 24. You seem a learned  Zambian. Facts here… The Bush administration’s projects towards Africa were chiefly meant to counter the un- reversible RISE of the Eastern power (China) in 21st century African affairs. WATCH the space, Africa has once again become the battle ground for idealogical dominace between the so called super powers. Argued from an international relations, political Realist perspective.

    • Speculation is what keeps us underdeveloped. It’s like fear of witchcraft. Wake up and plan your own future. Ideological dominance? as if Africans are completely  void of ideology.

    • Ba mr. Tembo, thanks a trillion for the compliment, I don’t take that lightly but the facts are that the Bush initiatives are actually working. Do you realize that it was actually George W who asked President Clinton to work with him through the Clinton Initiative on HIV/AIDS while he was a sitting President.

      So, the first Clinton visit to Zambia was part of the funds under the Bush initiatives in collaboration with the Gates Foundation. These are the facts I would like to focus on, not the east/west propaganda.

      As far as I remember, President Reagan ended the Cold War and this is the age of economic prosperity for all who dare to work hard. Africa is the final frontier and the smart people of the Zambia Enterprise are the the actual frontiers, I would like to believe that with you.

    • Tembo has a genuine point , de-campaigning communism is the primary motive here . Question to you ba Mumba BR ,within the last few years we have been graced by the presence of Hillary Clinton plus George Bush X 2..We are black but not stupid , gone are the days when we were uncivilised and didnt have access to information..Americans must be indebted to you such strong advocation , I wonder how you benefit from them…

  27. uyu chikala ayisa na futi, awe no no no……bulalishit, this is a criminal who should be behind bars. you all thinking that western people actually care about what goes on in Africa are self deluded and blind to reality. these people don’t help but exploit you for their own benefit, wake up people!! work hard and stop “tulelombako uwamfwilisho” mentality! to hell with this murderer!

  28. This is what accountability looks like. You don’t start a project and leave it to run itself. You follow through and monitor it until it takes on a self sustaining position. Our leaders must learn from this.

  29. Is the amount of US$15,000 quoted above correct or a mistake? Am sure the cost of just this trip is many times higher than this. But as #21 BR Mumba suggests, such visits mostly lead to many other benefits to the country that may not be directly related to programmes of the Bush Foundation.

  30. I think he was born on 6 July. Do we know someone else whose birthday this is? Paying attention to these “small” things can sometimes make all the difference in human relations!!!

  31. Bush the businessman and we think he is coming for a noble visit :(
    And only spend $15, 000, even I can make such a contribution. Let us find out what Bust really wants coz its not to help the poor people of Zambia.

  32. There has never been, and there will Never be “help” from the West. Bush cannot come to Zed to “monitor” HIV Projects.


  34. Thats how good governace can do more high profile people vist you country and invest slowly things are changing thanks to H.E SATA we are behind you.

  35. B R Mumba Sr. I hope in real life you have the same kind of brains as in written ones. George Bush coming to our lovely country can only be a plus,the exposure in the international press is worth millions in advertising. Great idea you have there to accord the man the keys to lusaka. I would even go further by hosting a massive party or fundago just for the publicity.Let us host them well and they will inform their friends about our warm hospitality. Boi i just hope you are not the academic sort that have disconnected from reality. Overall i enjoy reading your contribution especially that these sites are filled with insulting chaps. have a good day.

    • Ba Kasuba: I appreciate the compliment, I live what I say … you have a great weekend as well. Thanks a trillion.

    • You *****s are so desparate!!. You gat to develop the country yourselves. Don’t count on Bush or anyone else from outside. Why don’t you count on UKWA?

    • In American etiquette there’s what is called the matching principle, simply stated you can’t out do the hosts. When our own President went to Botswana, he gave away $10,000.00 to the school he was invited to open.

      GWB knows about that, as former head of state he is trying to match what is perceived to be a normal donation based on the precedence set by MCS during his last visit to Bots. This has nothing to do with whether his grand father Preston had so much money and clout.

      George W is trying to be respectful, this is a highly cultured man and he would never out do what we do. If you want to prove it, next time Michael goes to DRC, let him donate $1,000,000 and George W will match it next time around, mark my words on this, it is an America thing to do; match the host.

  36. 21 April 2011: Times of Zambia reported that a UNITED States of America (USA) oil company Hunts Energy was in Zambia looking at oil exploration opportunities. Instead of applauding in ignorance, supporters should check if there any links between Hunt Energy and Hunt Energy Enterprises, and if so, whether there are any business links between Mr bush and the Hunt Investment Group. The chairman for the group is Ray Hunt, who was appointed by President to serve on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board  (2006 – 2009) by President Bush. 

    • Now what is the problem with Ray coming to Zambia in his personal capacity as an investor? I thought the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise have been asking for investors so that we can create employment for our people!

      What you should be worried about is what your own personal contribution should be when it comes to newly found oil and gas reserves in Zambia. Stop talking from both sides of the mouth. Do you want Zambia to develop or not? Do you want investors or not?

      Focus on your personal contribution to wealth creation rather than talking about class envy, it is a wrong thing to do and it is against normal moral principles. You should be happy Ray Hunt went to Zambia last year. You should be looking at the same thing yourself in order to develop our great nation.

  37. To support HIV/AIDS OR TO ADVOCATE AGAINST HIV/AID ,IF its the earlier  then More money  in bush’s pocket, more  HIV ,drugs and deaths to Zambians…..hope no researching and trials on  HIV negative unsuspecting zambians

    • Correct. Last time he came with pharmaceutical executives. They are not medical personnel. They are business men who thrive where there is ailment just like the arms trade thrives where there is war, which often they create for the purpose of creating a market for the products. Business as usual sort of thing, perception management and stuff.

  38. 15 pin dollar only? The entire George W Bush, son of George H Bush,grandson of Preston Bush of Union bank, 15 thousand on cancer and HIV? 

    • Ba Logic: In American etiquette there’s what is called the matching principle, simply stated you can’t out do the hosts. When our own President went to Botswana, he gave away $10,000.00 to the school he was invited to open.

      GWB knows about that, as former head of state he is trying to match what is perceived to be a normal donation based on the precedence set by MCS during his last visit to Bots. This has nothing to do with whether his grand father Preston had so much money and clout.

      George W is trying to be respectful, this is a highly cultured man and he would never out do what we do. If you want to prove it, next time Michael goes to DRC, let him donate $1,000,000 and George W will match it next time around, mark my words on this, it is an America thing to do match the host.

    • B R Mumba, you may be right about what you saying, but calling him a highly cultured man? Do your homework mudala.

  39. Beware of strangers who cant help their own people yet run to help others.

    HIV/AIDS in black people in Washington DC is at the same levels as Africa

    • Ba Nubian Princess: that should be President Obama’s problem, he lives in Washington DC and I know he is doing something about it. President Bush is not in office right now and there more individuals out in the Belt Way area to take care of that, he has chosen to spend his time with the less privileged in Zambia and he should be recommended for that, do you think?

  40. Ba Mwaiche: Now what is the problem with Ray coming to Zambia in his personal capacity as an investor? I thought the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise have been asking for investors so that we can create employment for our people!

    What you should be worried about is what your own personal contribution should be when it comes to newly found oil and gas reserves in Zambia. Stop talking from both sides of the mouth. Do you want Zambia to develop or not? Do you want investors or not?

    Focus on your personal contribution to wealth creation rather than talking about class envy, it is a wrong thing to do and it is against normal moral principles. You should be happy Ray Hunt went to Zambia last year. You should be looking at the same thing yourself in order to develop our great nation.

  41. Ba Logic: In American etiquette there’s what is called the matching principle, simply stated you can’t out do the hosts. When our own President went to Botswana, he gave away $10,000.00 to the school he was invited to open.

    GWB knows about that, as former head of state he is trying to match what is perceived to be a normal donation based on the precedence set by MCS during his last visit to Bots. This has nothing to do with whether his grand father Preston had so much money and clout.

    George W is trying to be respectful, this is a highly cultured man and he would never out do what we do. If you want to prove it, next time Michael goes to DRC, let him donate $1,000,000 and George W will match it next time around, mark my words on this, it is an America thing to do; match the host.

  42. B R MUMBA SR ,ur statement of matching priciple is misleading,a tip is not a match principle.we all know that in a USA govern system ,they used behind the scene programs

  43. The last time he came, he went also in our neibhouring countries.but this time, only pa Z. Careful ba Z kuti atusendela akakombe ka AFCON kaaaaa! Anyway guys, whites are intelligent, believe me/ not there is some thing more than what is in news.MMD 20 years, no visit but in king cobra just six months twice.why not OBAMA?

  44. Ba voltron: Don’t expect President Obama to visit Zambia as much after he leaves office, he may visit but most likely he will visit his paternal homeland more and he is very busy working for the American people so it is unfair for anyone to expect him to visit Africa that much. He is also running for re-election and so it is showtime for him right now.

    Ba planzo: You can believe whatever you want to, that’s your right but the principle remains. Cultural people study their hosts before they visit and they follow what is believed to be the norm among those people they visit. Did you see President Bush dancing with some villages and even drumming on the Youtube last time he was in East Africa? It is an American thing to do, fit in and never out do the hosts.

  45. BRM keep up the good work, now I see why your businesses are successful … we need your kind of mindset in Zambia. You are a Zambian jewel. As for the local skeptics, you guys grow up start seeing the good out of people. There still people with good hearts out there and George W Bush is one such person even though I personally feel he over reacted when it came to Iraqi. Afganstan, yes but that up to the world to judge, overall Bush scores very high marks in my book when it comes to national security. You had to be in New York on September 11, 2001. I was here myself, America was attacked for no reason other than being a prosperous country. Just shut up if you have nothing to say, atase!!

    • over reacted when it came to Afghanistan and Iraq? Do you know how many innocent lives were lost my friend? And up to now you still believe 9/11 was never staged, even 11 year old kids in the U.S know it was an inside job.

  46. SATA MUST OPEN UNZA…………………………………………..bush shud pump knowledge on his head.

  47. The last time his wife brought mosquito nets,people who used the nets complained of uncommon diseases,after his last visit people became very sick! Now he has come back for thousands of blood galons,,,beware!

  48. Let them come, all of them. Be them Bushes, Clintons, Gates or even the Queen of England can come. Or EU’s Barosso kuti yaba fye bwino. Even Hu Jintao and Putin. Let them come. I will build them a guest house. Let them bring other infestors. Let them come and compete. Let the Americans even build their military base. Our country will develop faster and we will not die out. Umwenso ba Zambino. Ninshi?

  49. Mulebako fye adventurous sometimes ama Zedians. Elo nga ni Bush, kant never disagree to have him. There is nothing to worry about guys. If these people were going to Botswana you Zambinos would be saying that we don’t count in Africa. They visit you fyabipa. Kwati ni ba UPND. Sata appoints Hapunda ati mebo Sata what. Chibamba Kanyama ati don’t accept. HH we teach him in the pact ati awe. Now, its Bembas what?

  50. Only homo supporters like Ban Ki Moon should never come back to Zambia. Obama ekesako kuno pantu he sympathises with homosexuals. Former Brazilian leader Lula came to Zed aini? Now there Vale of Brazil investing in Konkola North Copper mine, known as KONNOCO. Bring them in Tourism as well.

  51. With 3 bye elections taking place on the 5th of July and the opposition complaining about harrasment from the PF regime the immediate former US president visits for one week supposedly to ‘visit various charitable organisations supported by his foundation’. This is clearly a diplomatic cover to make sure Sata doesn’t use brutal means to win the forth coming elections. Well done Mr Bush, we love America!!!!!

  52. He will also visit the victims of the UPND brutality on mourners they mistook for political opponents. UPND and the Mufumbwe formula of violence is not needed in our democracy Mr Bush. Infact ifwe in PF we are doing a fantastic Constitution, devolution of powers, Freedom of Information bill, provincial TV stations, many radios will be licenced. All this to promote democracy Mr Bush.

  53. UKWA sends Guy scot so that bazungu they deal by themselves bt Lt confirm US$15, 000 OR 15million US$ OR 15BILLION US$ OR 15BILLION KWACHA

  54. Does Lumwana produce Uranium? I thought it is Gold and Copper… Zedians can be paranoid mawee

  55. #22 Nshi Sunda Chisunde Sunde Kano Fye Mu Muntu & 8 Flagrante Delicto

    You are honestly ignorant Chimpanzees who does not even know when to call someone names! You are speaking like someone who is an empty TIN!
    George Bush has no hidden agenda and he is come to Zambia because he has a heart for Zambia! Many of our fellow Zambians benefited from George Bush’s money that he sent for Home Based care programs for HIV/AIDS which really benefited a lot of Zambians especially poor Zambians.

    #22 George Bush is not a war criminal like Bashir! Since when did Bashir fight terrorists? George Bush went to Iraq on the basis of fighting terrorists who were bent to harm innocent people! Just like the USA fought the evil Hitler so did George Bush go to Iraq to fight evil terrorists!

  56. ##43 Mwaiche

    Even if George Bush came for the Energy exploration business (which i don’t think is the business George bush came for in Zambia), what is wrong for George Bush to come to Zambia to support USA investors coming to Zambia? Which one is best? American investors who knows human rights and Chinese who does not even know an iota of human rights all they know is bribing Zambians including Zambia Police & Trade Union Leaders!

    Zambia needs more USA investors than Chinese investors! American investors will only come to Zambia when they have confidence and see more of George Bush type of leaders coming/visiting Zambia!

    Zambia love you George Bush! No amount of blackmail of George Bush will take away his goodness. God bless George Bush.

    • 1.You are forgetting to mention that, the very China you are saying doesn’t honour human rights is where the majority of big American firms conduct their businesses!

      2. Your arguments seem to revolve around the Western  take of events in Africa. Fact, in this day and age (century) Africa and Africans are more likely to welcome Chinese investments which comes with no strings attached, than the West’s conditionality deals. you missing a crucial point: It is the Western institutions( IMF, World Bank…) that depended Africa’s poverty with their structural adjustment programs of the 1970s , 80s and 90s. How do you give conditions based on your model of development?? to a totally different country, continent… its a shame…

  57. ##43 Mwaiche & 22 Nshi Sunda Chisunde Sunde Kano Fye Mu Muntu & 8 Flagrante Delicto,

    Let me tell you something. Do not be blinded by fanatics nor Arabs lies about George Bush and America!

    Wherever an USA citizen goes in this world, they take with them in their hearts and mind:>Fighting for freedom for everyone who they will find (interact with, work with, eat with e.t.c, the list is endless). Be it the UK, Australia, Germany, Russia’s workforce, NGO or politics an American (USA) will fight for the basic rights of the people they will live with, work with or play with! They do not just take advantage of people:> This is not what an American citizen stand for!

    American citizens fought for the liberation of Australia, Europe, ASIA, Africa, Middle East in the second world war!

    • ## 71. I beg to differ strongly with some of your notions…Fighting for freedom?? First look at among many other issues; the USA’s justice system,’Racial’ prison systems, worst in the entire world… They should clean up the internal affairs first, only then can the world buy their freedom notions…
      Their role in world affairs is purely for political dominance (political realist perspective). Spread terror (wars) around the world in the name of freedom…. Come on folks!!

  58. “Which one is best? American investors who knows human rights and Chinese who does not even know an iota of human rights all they know is bribing Zambians including Zambia Police & Trade Union Leaders!”
    Which planet are you on? Were 100,000 Iraqis killed for human rights? Do all American emloyees enjoy full human rights with no corruption? Is is possible to become US President without bribes? Do all Americans have acces to healthcare in their own country? Which non western oil producing nation has remaines as peaceful ans as united as Zambia in the last 50yrs?
    Wake up!

  59. He is not here for the bad reasons as you see it.Actually Africa is the next big thing.The elite enlighted world knows that.Kaunda knows it too and said only hours ago that for Africa to develop it need Africans in the forefront.The question is do we have them?Just look at the level of blogging on this platform.Zambia for own information is africa’s most stable democracy.The americans and the British know that pretty well.How else do you explain the heavy involvement of Barclays bank in the Zambian economy.Signals are everywhere and Zambia must seize this opportunity more especially bussines men/women.Let them get into corporate ventures than selling ice and peanuts in the streets of Lusaka.The ball is in our court.Pf must also empower Zambians.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  60. This man is a war criminal! Zambians should wake up, we are very docile. Welcoming such a person into our country with open arms shows a lack of understanding with regards to world politics. These people are interested in freeing up the resources we have, to achieve this, we must be eradicated. This is where eugenics comes in i.e population control. These people aren’t here to help us, they’re here to kill us. They come here under the guise of fighting AIDS, which by the way is a means of population control, they come here to advocate homosexuality, which is also a population control tool. After what this man did in Iraq and Afghanistan, he can just fly around freely, shows you who’s running our government. 

  61. Zambia needs investors. For me, Americans, Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, are welcome. As for George Bush, he is on a helping mission, not to fight you Zambians. He can do so if you are talibans. What’s the fuss about? Your war is poverty, disease, underdevelopment, illiteracy and so on and so forth. So George Bush wants to be on your side to fight with you. Let them do a military base even.

  62. ### 71. I beg to differ strongly with some of your notions…Fighting for freedom?? First look at among many other issues; the USA’s justice system,’Racial’ prison systems, worst in the entire world… They should clean up the internal affairs first, only then can the world buy their freedom notions…
    Their role in world affairs is purely for political dominance (political realist perspective). Spread terror (wars) around the world in the name of freedom…. Come on folks!!

  63. War crimes and world politics? My foot. Do we have to entangle ourselves in that? I think ours is to seek out jewels of life that seek to help our cause. Baba, come down to earth. If your concern is world politics as such, go ahead. Ifwe ni local politics. Ours are things like water, power, housing, roads, schools, education, health. In our bedroom this matters while we can pretend to fight world affairs.

  64. Baba, is Bush’s visit about those issues? Some world affairs are just stupid issues for your cousin in George compound. While we can get help from them lets do so. Or you can continue your mantra about staging 9/11 while the welfare of people in Zed remains as kwa Mandevu, kwa George instead of Ku Georgedale. Let’s not mix ourselves up. We can only pretend in condeming Bush at a distance. Just hug him iwe!

  65. Whatever our opinions on Mr Bush et al, for me one thing is clear: Oil exploration will signal the beginning of the end for the peaceful nation that is Zambia.It will be a political and economic battle ground for economically powerful nations desperate to gain control of a fast diminishing resource. The US has failed to look after the disadvantaged in its own country, the idea that its corporations and politicians and roaming the world to help development and eliminate poverty is about as credible as Britain colonising territories to boost trading links.

  66. So much Uncle Tomming here. Africans are going out of their way to defend Western etiquette. As if to show off about how civilised they have become since they embarked on pretending to be white. With so many mentally colonised apologists the US doesn’t need VOA.
    The tragedy of Africa is that most blacks think all whites are saints. Bush has killed more people than Charles Taylor but how many would defend the West African the way Bush is being defended by slobbering bloggers here? For a few dollars most of you would betray your mothers

  67. We welcome bush to the roal town of limulunga. May his journey be a success for our struggle. Data deceived bush the last time he was here. Now that America know that data is a Mugabe communists, they are ready to work with nations like barotseland.

  68. Mr Bush you are welcome, and by the way we have high grade uranium in southern province in gwembe valley

  69. #40 Julius Malema, why are you not giving your 15000 pini? #46 Dot com, why can’t Zambians use their pocket money to help their fellow Zambians? Problem with us Zambians, we are good at talking with no action. At least Bush is spending his pocket money to help our people. How many of our rich people are helping the poor? Even Kalusha has done nothing for our nation. Yet if he was a white sportsperson, he could have had his own charity work in Zambia or his own sporting academy. Leave Mr Bush alone. He is helping to save life’s in Zambia. Even if the Americans are coming in for other reasons, where they have been, they have left development. Even Iraq will develop more while Zambia will forever have its shanties and street vending.

    • You are so right. I love America. It has given me so many opportunities I never had in zambia. I am living an american dream. And one thing about americans when they are in a better position they help those in need. They are not greedy and thats why God has blessed america.

  70. @al #65.1: You son of a maggot! Next time remember that it’s not only your opinion that matters. Are the only idi.ot on this planet who does not know that Sata is a known dictator who is capable of using violence to get his way. Even the recent murder in L/stone was orchestrated by PF thugs so that they can accuse UPND of violence.

  71. I like your argument Nubian Princess! America has a lot of suffering blacks that Bush has never endeavored to support even when he was rep president. Its no coincidence therefore, that he comes to Zambia now when we have a gov that seems to tolerate lesbianism and gayism (check sata’s private meeting with UN sec general some few months ago) and the country appears to be on auto-pilot! There’s certainly more to Bush’s frequent visits than merely coming to ‘check on HIV/AIDS projects’. But since the majority Zambians are so sleepy and gullible, Bush and his minions from the west will have a field day here! God save mother Zambia!

    • Those black americans who are suffering there its their fault. They have that help me mentality, dont want to go to school, they are onwelfare getting govt money and food. And they blame the white man.

  72. (Ambassador Storella said while in the country Bush would also engage in some voluntary work.
    “He will be here for just about less than a week and he is gonna be doing some volunteer work which he will do with his own hands. He Bush just said to the Vice-President Guy Scott ‘I wanna demonstrate that no matter what your station in life is, the goal should be to serve people’ and that’s what he’s gonna be trying to do,” Ambassador Storella said.)
    From the Post. Question, How many Zambians leaders or those in the diaspora are willing to do volunteer work like cleaning up our dirty streets? Bush is my man. Let us give him the key to the city and turn George compound into a satellite city as suggested by B R Mumba Sr

  73. W has always lent a helping hand to africa when he was president.He is a compasionate person who has the well being of humanity at heart.I believe it was his administration that pushed to renew AGOA when it was set to expire.That is the better way to help the continent, not through charity but by creating opportunities that help people acquire skills and resources to make successful business. Come more often W make zambia your home after all we are in the process of doing dual citizenship

  74. Ba Emancipated African. We don’t say much about the likes of you. Facts are facts. George Bush has come to Zambia and he is a free man. He can come again in December for Christmas while you continue you political mustarbation. Ukuyumfwisha bwino that you know better? Come on, go on. Let’s see you roll on your balls to arrest bush over your war crimes.

  75. # 18 B R Mumba Sr totally agree with you. He is a man who stands for whats is right for humanity. Honorary citizenship would be a perfect idea.

  76. Mr Presiden Bush, you are welcome to Zambia every time you want to come. Don’t listen to some fanatical Muslim sponsored agents who hate you. Zambians love you and thank you for your good work to humanity.

  77. American want to build AFRICOM base in Zambia (Siavonga area to be specific ). Ask HH, last time he was taken by america embassy, he was taken to pentagon. and in the past 8 months, The embassy has been taking Zambian including journalists to Pentagon (so that they have positive writing on africom or they dont even mention anything).  The Clintons, Bill Gates and Bushes of these world they dont just pay a charity visit for nothing, they are pure capitalist. My question to every one is that is it good for Zambia or is this going to make Zambia more safe, thats have having american army base? 

  78. It is not only Zambia George Bush is visiting. After Zambia, Goerge Bush will proceed to Botswana. Zambians, be mature in your debates. Some bloggers on this site are a disgrace.

  79. That is OK. Just put a condition for them to assure assistance to our security system. They have already bought us with a $355m down payment for Lusaka water system. Just ask for more and add that risk factor in the negotiations.

  80. Who cares if we become an American military base? Japan has American military base. So is the Philipines and South Korea. Muslim fundamentalists in Zambia will be crushed. Zambia is not Somalia. Some fellow Zambian yap for nothing. Bush is doing a good work while you’re busy filling your bellies with kachasu or most or some other kind of beer. You’re proud for nothing.

  81. Whites love africa.Mr.Bush despite starting wars in Iragi and afanganstan.He is a cool guy,he helps afria eradicate malaria and supports HIV programes.He appointed african american in his govt(EG.C.RICE-former Secreatary of state)His counterpart Barack Obama does not like his fellow africans.He hardly supports programes in Africa and has not appointed african-american to hiigh position.Shame

  82. cant contribute much, too many under 5s childish comments. Just like their under 5 president nothing is ever good for these younglings. Bush is a good man.

  83. Lots of very original contributions but at the end of the day my thought process is, how do I contribute to a better Zambia? Starting point, honest, caring, Zambian brains- internal or external. Then the proper use of our resources. The Bushes and other kind people are welcome as immediate,interim measures. A dependant country does not foster development at the individual or national level. Any serious movement must come from Zambians. Use the expertise of a lot of Zambians who have worked in other countries as have been exposed to other work ethics and skills to those in the mother country. I am Lunda, Zambian and that is my right by God and no one will take it from me regardless of where I live. I will remain Mwanta Yamvwas blood.

  84. Zambians at their best? Bush is in Zambia, period. He is here while people remain saying this and that.

  85. $15,000 for 13 million Zambians. Break out the Mosi, the Nation’s ship has come in. Why that’s a shiny American penny for every 1,000 Zambians, almost. You can tell the Chinese to take their billions and go home, right? Every ody go home and wash your hands so you don’t smudge the penny when it’s your turn to touch it.

  86. The Bush visit is great for our country. It highlights the problems of not only Zambia but sub-sahara Africa with HIV and other diseases! Out of all countries in Africa we are lucky to have George Bush visit 2 times in a space of a year!

  87. Bumped into Bubya last December when he visited Zambia at the Intercontinental hotel. I hope he enjoys Zambia this time around too.

  88. ##76 ?mr.Tembo

    Which racial issues in the USA? We chipumbu we! U are a Moron Chimpanzee! Can you honestly compare the way your President Sata is discriminating against many Zambians by appointing his relatives in the Judiciary, Government, Diplomatic Embassies to the USA system where everyone has an opportunity regardless of their tribe or color? You are very ignorant!

  89. #74 Baba,
    I can confirm from your comments that you are such an ignorant person that your comment is very shallow!
    George Bush is not an advocate of homosexuality and he is not a supporter of homosexuality even during his presidency!

    For your own information George Bush does not even support abortion! He is a pro Life person! And George Bush does not even support the use of Condoms in the fight against HIV/AIDS that is why when he was the USA President he sent money to African to support the fight against HIV/AIDS through various ways like ABSTINENCE methods!

    George Bush is a principled person.

    If George Bush was not resilience in the fight against terrorism (as other USA Presidents had been before), the world wouldn’t have been safer place to live in now!

  90. Very suspicious bevaviour. Also that chi ma embassy of theirs is poorly disguised military base, there are weapons there ba kalamba, what has that war country have in mind for zed sure? God save us.

  91. Iwe bush go back to your country you i d i o t , its one thing when i read about you killing muslims all over, now you want to start killing our relatives pa zed? Somebody tell thi f o o l to go back please.

  92. @ shaka oz youve spoken rubbish, ati “everyone has opportunity in us regardless of color” total rubbish.

  93. two tyms within six months… i sense he is after uranium we know bush .he will take you near a fan and begin to chop you big chunks

  94. in siavonga we have rich deposit of uranium and zambians awake just there is were he wants to build a millitary base

  95. Bloggers, you can still express your anger without calling each other names or insults…..and you wonder why Sata behaves the same way sometimes with no regards of others…..that said…Bush coming to Zambia should of course rise eyebrows, same way you who are so corrupt when you visit poor remote areas with your nice vehicles everyone wonders…. you can’t just be excited, see what motive behind is and $15k is too small for a man of his stature…WHY IS HE REALLY HERE!!!!

  96. 114 comments…the guy gat serious buzz among Zambians. 

    I suppose Americans and or people of the developed world are also suspicious of our presidents’ visits and or even our own visits. They’re like, ‘what is this guy here to beg for?’. ‘These Africans are always begging for AID or jobs, just like we’re in their countries for oil or Uranium’. 

    The US does not need Bush for them to get their hands on our resources. Their Ambassador is already doing a nice job at that. Bush is creating buzz for his Cancer foundation, something necessary for securing donations…and trying to get some positive popularity out of it.

  97. Come on people give the man a break, so far we have not seen any bad from him on Zambia. He is following up on his project, ooohhh I forgot you want to keep him out so that you squander the money for his foundation. Let him see the project take off, that’s even better than some of our politicians who just keep on promising and never delivers. I bet that’s what we are used to and its strange to us seeing someone following up on his promises.

  98. The problem with Africa is that people go to school to learn how to admire the USA. I can tell by the grammar here that most schooled chaps have degrees in spectating and admiring US achievements. Thats why they are busy defending a murderer like Bush just because he comes from the US. School should open up your minds. School should make you focus on Africa and how it can take itself from poverty, not on who we can beg from.

  99. I am staying abreast of AIDS matters…Even after deep analysis I can’t see the cervix for the Bush…Texas a long time to get the joke :) I have it from highy confidential, unreliable fictional sources that Dubya’s back for peanuts, mosi and roadside grilled corn. He likes inswa too but don’t quote me. I disagree with letting him become a dual citizen until he passes the citizenship test which includes questions like can nshima be reheated after you stumble in from a night out and is it acceptable to pay lobola by credit card. As a ZamTexan the law requires him to give 48% shares of any Zambian based ‘commercial’ business to me with no charge. I will also be landlord of any military base. I’m in the money now :)

  100. Why is he in Zambia when Aids virus `s first client was from USA. and why now- all that time when he was a pres , he did not even know where Z is. what is he after??????????

  101. OH MY GOD MAY THE ZAMBIANS WAKE UP PLEASE KWACHA NGWEE> thats why our parents took us to school. African women`s breasts r naturaly big and thats not cancer , cervix r always taken care of , they do bath every day . please do not agree on every thing u receive on donar basis. Prevention is better than cure. LOOK IN TO POVERTYYYYYY

  102. zambians are funny pipo; anyway viva bush ! viva ! Lets thank God for sending such a high profiled man to our country.

  103. Kaisamukucita finshi, he never came when he was president, he toured Africa and only went to TZ and Botswana and failed to come to Z. This man is a criminal, he has caused atrocities in most islamic countries esp when he was president. I know he is coming for our Lumwana URANIUM and nothing else I know him we should be careful he can cause a fight and take our uranium to U.S. If he has come for AIDS, let him help fight poverty first before he does anything else, I hate this man, look at what he did to Iraq and Afghanistan, they are still killing each other today, @ WOMD? Did they find them? Support him blindly bane, I have washed my hands….!!!

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