Sunday, October 6, 2024

Docket Submitted on MP who “DEFAMED” President Sata


The Zambia Police service has submitted a docket after recording a warn and caution statement from MMD Mkushi South Member of Parliament Sydney Chisanga for allegedly defaming President Michael Sata.

Dr. Jere has noted that the Police are still waiting for guidance from the Director of Public prosecution Mutembo Nchito on whether to proceed with the matter or not.

Mr. Chisanga is said to have used defamatory language against President Michael Sata during a public meeting he held at Ching’ombe in Luano valley of Mkushi District.

Meanwhile Dr. Jere has taken over the search for the notorious Mailon brothers in Luano valley. He says police have also intensified the search on the alleged killers.

Police said that the challenge they are facing in their investigations into the whereabouts of the Mailoni Brothers is the unwillingness by the community in Luano valley of Mkushi district to open up and furnish the police with relevant information.

The Mailoni Brothers are on the police list of wanted persons for alleged suffocating to death 11 people in the area.

Dr Jere however said that investigations into the search of the Mailoni brothers has continued and that K 50 million reward for any person with information that will lead to the arrest of the suspects in question will be offered.


  1. Dr. Jere has noted that the Police are still waiting for guidance from the Director of Public prosecution Mutembo Nchito on whether to proceed with the matter or not. CNP Govt.

  2. sorry is it a case for ZAWA or police? it is a hyena or snake that was attacked by a man not so? anyway the DPP will be involved either.

    • Nothing happened. But you must know this.No right is absolute. No right is more has more rights than others.

  3. Anyone who calls SATA, and any member of the PF Govt and party, a liar can not be sued for defamation. These guys are crooks who would stop at nothing to get into power.

  4. Now we have gone back from democracy to autocratic one party police state, people called Mwanawasa all sorts of names like cabbage, Rupia was nicknamed and called nyama soya publicly but we never heard of any prosecutions following the defamers, so far we have had someone arrested in northern province for defaming the more democratic sata, can we check this before its to late, its a total threat to envied democracy in africa, Shame!

    • get yo facts right. Some guy was jailed early last year for defaming rupiah. He was only given a pardon after serving part of the sentence. Pipo shd learn to tame their mouths. If u comit a crime u get prosecuted. Period

  5. What Sata & Nchito should concentrate on is the addressing of Evelyn Hone College pressing issues not hauling of innocent Zambian MPs before the courts of law. Sata is a dictator who wants to shut up opposition views and free speech in Zambia.

    President Sata please address Evelyn Hone College and UNZA problems and leave Zambians alone to express their views freely!

    Knowing that Nchito is a political appointee he will haul the innocent MMD MP before the court of law because he is under the cover of his excellence President Sata!

    What a shame!

    Nchito should pay the 14 Billion back to us Zambian tax payers for him to start making independent decision free from Sata’s influence!

  6. And Jere calls himself a Christian but he is sitting on a criminal case where a man killed another person in a fight in Mumbwa!

    This is called lies in the Bible and those who lie will not enter the Kingdom of God. Jere is a liar and he calls himself a Christian who produces even songs!

    Jere is the same man who is in the forefront taking the innocent MMD MP who just expressed his views opposed to Sata but Jere can not confirm if the man who killed another man in Mumbwa is in custody!

    If God exist as in his Bible, he does not favor people but JERE who calls himself a child of God is favoring people and taking innocent Zambians to Court for trampled up cases.

    It is very difficult to believ if the same God whom Sata and Jere say they believe in him!

    What a shame!

  7. The nonsense that comes out of that fool’s mouth is a major catalyst for defamation. The law itself is archaic and has been abused by all our presidents. We expected the fool to show us us a different approach in 90 days but ya chipuba ni chipuba. look at how he was answering questions when he came to london. He is a joke and an embarassment. His character and mouth defame him

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