Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Maureen Mwanawasa speaks on Mini Skirts


Maureen Mwanawasa

By Pezzy Kudakwashe

Former first lady,Dr Maureen Kakubo Mwanawasa, has charged that the misinterpretation by some citizens, of the term, Zambia is a Christian nation, has caused what she coined “enslavement” than freedom.

Dr Mwanawasa said some citizens have mishandled the clause and were causing problems by taking the law into their own hands.

Dr Mwanawasa condemned individuals who undressed young girls in public because of how they dressed, in the name of preserving Christian and cultural values.

She was speaking yesterday on a conitutional review program presented by Zambia blog talk radio.

Dr Mwanawasa said, the undressing of women who dressed in mini skirts was unjustified considering that fashion was dynamic.

“People are offended by mini skirts, they have been there in the sixties and no hell ever broke loose”, Dr Mwanawasa added.

[pullquote]“People are offended by mini skirts, they have been there in the sixties and no hell ever broke loose”, Dr Mwanawasa added.[/pullquote]

She called on government to strengthen human rights institutional framework to protect the rights of women and children.

Dr Maureen Mwanawasa is the founder and chair of the Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI). The MMCI was Formed by Dr. Mwanawasa in April 2002, after her husband, the late President of Zambia Dr. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, was elected president of Zambia.

The mission of MMCI has been to uplift the living standards of Zambian children, youth, and women by promoting clean water and sanitation, health care, education, and social welfare.

Dr She serves on the boards of the Women’s Rights Committee of the Law Association of Zambia, the Female Lawyers Association of Zambia under the Child rights Committee.


  1. So so true. I still have pictures of my parents in the 70s..not one of them has anything long unless it was trousers or a wedding dress.

  2. imwe ba maureen, kanshi naimwe mulefwalako utma mini skirts pakuti tukamoneko amatanta yenu

  3. What Christian Nation tolerates such nonnsense? It is because a good number of Zambian men have dirty minds and a sight of a girl in a mini-skirt triggers all kinds of imaginations. The police must do their work by caging these thugs who harass innocent girls.

    • @Logic Deficiency Crisis, please read and understand what @Blue Blood before commenting. Blue Blood is actually against the harassment of women.

  4. Has anyone been oiling this lady? Men move on before we have another Dora Siliya on the loose. It looks like she wants to start advertising her thinghs. Lyalabafye iule

  5. where there is smoke there is fire.dont jst consida dynamism of dresing bt also de concern of men on de minis.lets defend our culture nt coping aza pipos.its very true 2 say dos who wore minis in 60s were nt cultured as these of 2day.

  6. This christian nation thing is a hoax that allows for the tyranny of the ignorant. Mini skirts are not a problem. Not so long ago Africans were wearing imibinde and women walked around with bear breasts just as men went around with bear chests. Cultural values? Do you see how traditional dancers dress? Women with breasts exposed? That chitenge stuff came much later, from the arabs. So, learn something and get real or shut the puck up. Dr. Mwanawasa is right.

  7. Fellow Country men and Women,our first lady is still in the sixties,this is another Century and pipo then are different from today.Children of nowadays are different becoz they become sexually active very early, so is Christianity of Nowadays.Mini skirts should just be condmned.

  8. Ba Maureen, you mean you can not fall in love silently and honourably rather than using young girls to liberalise kwenda bwamba in order to fond Mr. Right. Mulefwaya abane and the public to see forbbiden fruit once eaten by His Excellence, I am sue his bones are shaking in his respectable grave. Try other tricks, this failed mama,

  9. We reap what we so.A country or individuals that observe good morals are blessed as for me my desire is that my dear girl will be a role model a woman who fears the Lord

  10. Christianity and Islam are both tools of dictatorship. They are religions that want to put people in awe of whats considered the Mighty. The two religions encourage enslavement. Men are made to think that they are superior and as such should dictate what a woman should wear. The men who undress women are usually wearing sagging trousers that show off their underpants but the hypocrites want to be moral dictators.

  11. cant believe am hearing this from a former first lady,mother of the nation,you know very well the disadvantages of wearing mini skirts,wasnt there anything valuable you could talk about former madam first lady????? shaaa

    • it is honorary like everyone else who is lucky enough to get to plot 1….thandiwe almost got it, just missed it by a whisker

  12. What blessings? Malawian women have been wearing long dresses and long skirts for years but Malawi is still one of the poorest countries in the world. In the USA, UK, France, South Africa, etc where mini-skirts are a common sight the economies of those countries are doing very well. So the argument of attaching lack of blessings to mini-skirts is complete nonsense.

  13. This is why in the sixties, men didn’t have to propose for sex but to just chase until you catch a girl because the tweno was already exposed. Animal life indeed.

  14. I like girls in minis. I like seing the thighs and the browns just below the mini skirt. Makes me feel good. After all most of us men ndife chabe vipuba its ok, why not. Girls just look sweet in minis. If anything countries that allow mini skirts, transparent skirts and pants name them are far much ahead of us economically. So what the fuss and fight all about let the girls wear what makes them feel confident. If you have a faint heart just close your eyes and bust leave the girls alone. I end here!

  15. Funny how daft people can be,you insult the former first lady when she has spoken the truth,what right do you have to undress a woman wearing a mini skirt? Zambia is a democratic nation,people choose what they want to wear based on their taste,as long as their private parts are covered.

  16. @ KDM – that is a very mis-informed statement you have just made. Girls from a long time ago were married by 12 or 13 – so what do you mean young girls of nowadays have become sexually active early. Stop mis-leading the public.

    The only reason Zambian men un-dress girls in minis is because this is their last stronghold on women – zambian women are liberated whilst zambian men are falling behind especially career-wise. It is black men’s last ditch attempt at controling women – well this is a losing game.

  17. People who are undressing girls for wearing minskirts are not christians because christians believe that its not by power or might but by the spirit of God.Morals change through conviction by Holy spirit only and not by human strenghth.Christians can only advise and not undress.

  18. Awe mama Maureen, mwabepa! It is mostly bakaponya who harass ladies/ girls in minis. Have those become “represenatives” of Christian ideals? Stop using wrong context to fight the Christian Nation Declaration, puliz!!! I will quote your late husband who said: ” Zambia has been, and will remain a Christian Nation.”

  19. Maureen is a Doctor in What? I thought in Zambia their is only one female Doctor and that is the wife of COBRA

  20. If the western world is more civilised than us, why dont we hear such things like; doctor bush, doctor cliton, doctor blare, lets not be fooled pipo. doctor doctor in sex or eating?

  21. @ # 29 & # 30 you’ve cracked my ribs . kikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikiki

  22. Maureen Maureen never ceaseas to amze me, she is talking from her experience as a former Zambia Railways Secretary who enticed late Levy Mwanawasa when he went to defend some people in Kabwe at a time. Levy was married then but upon seeing Maureen’s legs he was taken away hence chasing his wife and married Maureen.

  23. let us learn to live by the rule of law and not by mere declarations such as “Zambia is a christian nation”, if people don’t want to see the women putting the mini skirt then we should ask our parliament to enact a law criminalizing the wearing of mini skirt in public.
    we look uncivilized and barbaric Christian nation when we start undressing our own sisters in public as if there are no law enforcement agencies in Zambia.

  24. Those who wore minis in the 60s and 70s were doing a bad thing just as those doing it today. They were not angels and it is wrong for us to treat them like role models.

    Secondly, Zambia is a Christian nation only by verbal profession. There is rampant violation and disregard for many, if not all, of the biblical guidelines on Christianity, and many, some infuential, either do or say nothing against the perpertrators, or support them, even loudly.

  25. Dr try to put on a mini skirt to see how your legs will appear. Every mans blood flow will concentrate on one organ. So don’t just say because you want to gain popularity. We should have morals. Walking partial naked is immoral. I don’t support your idea we should have decent dressing

    • Mwenye women are worse…. there are filthy stinkin cow urine drinking prostitutes who live in Mumbai brothels.. plenty of footage about that on YT

    • what about the men that rapes babies in nappies what do you think of them? Will you blame the babies or the dirty men who cannot control their d!cks?
      I ‘ve lived in different civilized countries you are either a sexual predator or a gentleman. They dont blame sexual harassment on women but the men who attack women. That’s what i call civilized societies.. not a bunch of brainless pipo blaming the innocent victims in the name of “an imaginary god” atase!
      Before the white devil brought his ‘book’ to us we all lived n peace then came religon that was the source of all evil. Religon demonizies everything, it was designed by men to control men. with it came slavery, racism, greed, wars, it brought more evil than good! I had to visit Jerusalem for enlightment…

  26. zambia has no nation dressing or close to it.we wear what we like,somethings men wear also attracts women and they never talk,kuichaila!!! what ever we will do to be a holy nation, God chose the Hebrews to be his people,so lets just live and enjoy seeing these thighs around..yashani!!!

  27. Youd think if one cant tolerate minis then they should dress the girls up rather than undress them. Or simply dont look, its easiest thing. To undress someone forcefully is an imprisonable offence and illegal, sentence some of these thugs to death or life imprisonment to give a good example to everyone , such behaviour is not on.

  28. #46 Zambian, I totally agree with you. If the guys doing the undressing are arrested it will serve as a good example. And Dr. Mwanawasa is right. In the U.K for example in the 1800 they decided to arrest who ever killed a owl as people of the time had superstitions that it was used by witches. When they started to arrest people over that people’s mind set changed to say its a peaceful animal no one wanted to kill it. If people are arrested over forcefully undressing girls/women in mini skirts in Zambia it will become a normal thing that people will not even notice that any of the women are in mini skirts.

  29. And culture is dynamic tefyo. If imibinde were there, then try to wear one today! A mini in the 60s…maybe the thighs were not as attractive. Now there is rape and defilement. Minds have been polluted with films, magazines, internet and all that. So? Girls, safety, nikulisunga we mwine. Moderation is best…

  30. forget the sixties mama, before that muzungu’s found us naked! No one was offended because its natural.
    wearing clothes is foreign culture not african. If you visit the Dinka’s of Sudan the Himba’s of Namibia, pygmies of the Congo basin the Amazonians ..and many parts of the world people still walk nude without feeling embarrassed. (because they were spared from the bible brainwash by missionaries who forced christianity on us by whip and the gun)
    If you check on Ytube which am sure many poor Zambians cannot afford to do yet, women are giving birth in front of video camera’s for the whole world to see..
    a pregnant woman wearing a PF chitenge was stripped naked by some men recently, she was not wearing a mini. its just the savage mentality of the poverty stricken africans..

  31. i just came across a documentary on Youtube about ‘the worst place to be a woman’ guess what? Sub-saharan africa is one of the worst!!! Zambia included.
    its not about being a christian nation mafontini fye!!

  32. worst places to be a
    ……………………………………………………………………………………………………is africa……..

  33. shud i become president, any one who undresses a woman for wearing minis would go in for 25 yrs with hardest labour. Its these same so called pastors and other born again fake christians who have corrupt minds that cant just see a thigh of a woman without thinging of their john entering whats its in between them. Maureen is very right, this christian nation thing is a hoax meant to enslave others. Women pliz dont mind men with dirty minds, go girls wear what plizes u, there ll be no harassment from us men with stable minds.

  34. @49, agreed with yu, bufontini fye. Why shud these christian regulate what should be worn by women. funny enough, each time this dressing talk comes out its mostly fake born again christian men who come out with guns blazing coz thats whats in their minds all the time … A woman’s nudity. No wonder they watch porn movies every day.

  35. A foolish man says there is no God, the Bible says. It is not like the white man or european brought you what they did believe in just to dupe you. Europe is full of Christian cathedrals, temples and churches towering in many towns. This shows where they are coming from. Find out the meaning of the word “APOSTASY”. You think you are wise and clever. There are gods and there is God. Girls, MODERATION.

  36. The problem with women these days is that they want us to see their offals. To wit, erections are no longer the preserve of the married man.

  37. If wrong things were practiced for a long time it high time we corrected the situation. We are talking of eliminating un progressive cultural practices, but why should we not extend the same to other practices that we feel are eroding our morals! We are fond of copying and supporting wrong things in the name of modern and fashion. I expected people who were learned and well cultured to condemn what is happening in our society in order to correct the situation. But if public figures will be in the fore front to support wrong things, then I see more wrong things to come. But Iam not supporting the undressing of girls and un cultured women who wear very short skirts and dresses to corrupt the minds of hopeless men. Let us support things that will not erode our morals.

  38. You know what as much as we want to preach freedom of expression in what we wear, our social level and culture does not allow it. I would rather cover myself adeqately than face a group of thugs etc who have the potential to harm me.We need to be rational and honest. Choose your battles wisely, please.

  39. #49
    World Citizen while I agree with your line of thought you got your facts wrong. Muzungus did not find “us” (whatever you mean by us) naked. Africa is huge so before you generalise do some research. Clothes were not brought by the white man. He only brought a different type of dressing. Clothes are not a neccessity in certain climates. Thus the people in the Equatorial climates you quote dress scantily. The Sothos in Lesotho and the Xhosa would die without clothes because it gets very cold in winter in their lands. To cut a long story short people everywhere covered themselves out of neccessity then later they made it a culture.

    • Sorry mate, there is enough proof that most africans were nude when the first ‘missonaries’ came on the continent. They made film recordings of what they saw… just do some research online you will find the facts.

  40. Firstly white womens figures are mostly not curveous. Am a Christian but still a man, so bumaima when I see succulent shaped and coloured thighs. Like a well done chicken oven baked. In the sixties and seventies those that wore minis and atrocious things were still rebels that raised daft uncouth children of the eighties. Arrest anyone undressing women and THOSE *****S ABOVE REMEMBER WE WORE CLOTHES BEFORE IMIBINDE. WE CIVILIZED THE WORLD. research history before Shaka and the European thieves. Real women dress well and don’t dress like hules. 

  41. Ba Maureen plz, do not encourage moral decay amoungest our already lost generation! I have respect for you becouse of our beloved late president, Mwanawasa, MHSRIP. Advise our modern women to dress decently and preserve our lost culture! Lets say NO to’ mind corrupting practices’ from the western culture!!!!!!!

  42. I have always wondered why Zambians are so obsessed with women’s dressing. The problem is not dressing, but having lustful hearts. For a person who has a lustful heart, it does not matter whether the woman is wearing a mini-skirt or a long skirt as their minds will always venture beneath the clothing.

  43. What moral decay? It is true, minis were there in the sixtees, and our ansestors walked barely covering their essentials. In the developed countries dressing is a none issue. It is only those envious of the beautiful women, for what ever reasons that make this an issue. Cry for better roads, better schools, better hospitals…etc, don’t bring sharia nonsense in the name of Christianinty. Infact, these that make the most noise are the worst morally.

  44. Maureen is a qualified practicing lawyer. Very sharp and well articulated on various issues. People like Nubian Princess are just jealousy of this very educated Zambian woman even fit to rule this country. She actual did during the 7 years properous reign of the Great Levy. Ichibumba, Kulibonnesha Taa, Bene chishi, ba Mwine. Let`s give credit where it is due bane.

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