Friday, March 7, 2025

Labour and Tourism Ministry re-aligned again, Masebo, Lungu appointed as Cabinet Ministers


Sylvia Masebo

Republican President Michael Sata has appointed Chongwe Member of Parliament Sylvia Masebo as minister of Tourism and Arts while former deputy minister in the office of the Vice President Edgar Lungu is new Home Affairs Minister.

President Sata has since transferred Kennedy Sakeni to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting with Fackson Shamenda retaining the labor portfolio which has been de-linked from the ministry of information.

The Tourism portfolio has been de-linked from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The President has also sworn in Dr. Roland Msiska as deputy secretary to the cabinet in charge of civil service and three Permanent Secretaries, Dr. Velepi Mtonga for Public Service Management Division, Pamela Chibonga and Felix Nkulukusa for budget and economic affairs and economic management respectively at the Ministry of Finance.

President Sata has further conferred the dignity of State Council on four advocates of the High Court of Zambia.

The advocates include Dr. John Mulwila, Mwikisa Mukande, Emmanuel Mwansa and Mwila Chitabo.

Speaking during the swearing in ceremony at State House this morning, President Sata urged the new officer bearers to serve the country diligently stating that Zambia has too many administrative pot-holes which must be corrected.

President Sata said the PF government in line with its party manifesto is pursuing the creation of district Attorneys in order to decentralize prosecution and further urged Home Affairs Minister Edgar Lungu to use his experience in law to ensure justice is given to the Zambians.

The President also urged the Minister of the newly created Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masebo to explore the Country’s tourism potential.



    • Who is a fool? It’s the one going on an empty stomach not the government.Wait and see how they will plunder. Tula twabane!!go zambia go!!!

    • I agree. They are all monkeys. They need to realize that Zambia isn’t a playground or some jungle where they can swing from tree to tree at the expense of the locals. Atatse!

    • I am enjoying it while you broke tongas cry foul we are living and loving it, the trees are getting better for us to swing! Mad cow disease is there for you ngo’mbe shaggers

    • These views are what will lead Africa to never develop if such mindsets are encouraged,  taxpayers money is not for chewing but should be used for development purposes with accountability.

    • Time to chew? Chew what, tax payer’s money? Cant believe we still have people who think like that!

    • Tiko, Chew What? what kind of mentality is that! That is why zambia will never develop because of individuals like you only looking out for yourselves and not the people you are serving. We elect people in govt to bring development and not chew our money that is intended to develop our resources in the country. shame on you Chiko. You are a disgrace to mother zambia!


  2. The only thing that needs alingnment is Sata heads.You can’t run a government like a katenba.I’m not sure anyone knows which ministry to go to for anything any more!Lord help please  us how did we get to this?

  3. Same old system is coming back,the merging is being unmerged!!Lol,we said that system of mergers was too ambituous!

  4. Looks like this Government is just taking way too long to settle down and do some serious work.

    You can’t have a government in such constant flux and expect it to deliver. This is really cause for great concern because a minister in a new Ministry always has to start things all over again. And now they will think they will be re-aligned soon anyway.

    And I think they have just increased the number of Cabinet positions to what it was during the MMD.

    Looks like the real work the president is doing well is basically 4  things 
    1) Creating Districts
    2) Re-aligning Ministries 
    3) Threatening anybody and everybody opposed to him 
    4) making diplomatic blunders left rich and center

    People, you voted for this , enjoy the show.


    • Chief bootlicker you sneered when the govt banned trding in dollars reuters is reporting that becoz of its massive success withe kwacha trading at 4600 today other african countries are considering taking the zambian path.Its not all doom and gloom in the midst of chaos there is beutiful horizon appearing.There is still life in the old man chikwanda

    • Indeed we are enjoying the show. Even if there waz another general election tomorrow, the people of Zambia would still vote for the PF. Maybe after 30-35 yearz, that iz, if the PF should go to sleep and create Doraz and Shikapwashaz like the late MMD did, the electorate MAY re-align their vote.

  5. How many ministries are now in Zambia?? The what happened to downsizing which was preached?? I am at aloss of words, which way Zambia??

  6. PF lies, Lies lies that when PF in govt shall trim cabinet ministers to small numbers to avoid wasting tax payers money, RB was wasteful but now pf is busy increasing ministers,districts DCs and  deputy ministers .Truly a swelling govt….Is this pf policy????

  7. Govt of fools?? that tribe will never rule zed…you know who you PF viva Micheal..PF will rule for the next 40 years haters deal with it!!

    • bullshit bevdo!1 you mean PF to rule Zambia for the next 40 years? that a dead dream of the dead peaple ta chingere. PF is gone come 2016. only 4 yrs is remaining for the PF GVT

  8. Looks more like creating potfolios for anyone who bootlicks well. Very shameful indeed. How I wish Sata was as versitile in resolving Zambia’s problems as he is in creating and re-aligning. Cry my beloved country.

  9. Re-aligning ministries and districts is the only thing that UKWA is good for! Man of action can not even bring about a small govt!

  10. Now then, we told Sata that it was wrong to have merged certain Ministries. He heard us, thought about what we said. He has now acted to correct what we saw as a mistake. What is he getting for listening, names, names and names. Where are the Glorious Band people?

  11. awe nomba ine ba sata naamba ukumibwelamo nomba. am not just going to continue follwing blindly nomba mwe. chachilamo

  12. ‘The President also urged the Minister of the newly created Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masebo to explore the Country’s tourism potential.’ Surely this must be re-inventing the wheel? Up to now Ukwa does not know the country’s development potential? Didn’t he say he does not want tourists to flock to Mpika because that is bad for the environment? No wonder RB cried!

  13. mmmmh  ni donchi kwena. chipimo 2016  or I might as well start working my way into state house, strategii

  14. Sata Michael is a master planner. He is trying to make things work for Zambia. He is always busy working and trying new techniques. I can assure Zambians that indeed Michael will leave a great legacy for Zambia by the end of his two terms. He is definetly going beyond 2016 thereafter, one of his good students such as Wynter Kabimba, Kisimba Kambwili, Emmanuel Chenda or Given Lubindawill take over from him. I end my case here!

    • Dr Mpoo yo comments can only qualify you to be a witch doctor who left school in standard 4 just like CNP. You are the same blind supporters who are costing this country a lot of money by blindly support all this nonsense. Where the ministries were being merged you say “great job mr president” now the same ministries are being separated and you are again saying “great job mr president”! Have you no sense of shame? Or maybe you lack a brain in your head?

  15. You can argue the best you want. But to me this a display of lack of seriouness an reminiscent of child like character.Shame to all those who voted for this funny man and more shame to Kaunda Who could not see that Sata was not the right man.Zambia will go nowhere with these thoughtless people .I am deeply concerned.

    • It’s such a shame I tell you. what were people doing voting for this man? Couldn’t they see all this? And yet like fools, they still support all his foolish decisions. Have the Zambian’s been ‘fed’ muti?

    • If my memorr serves me well, Kaunda was the first to point out that Sata was not presidential materila long ago.
      Even FJT echoed shared in these sentiments.
      Ninsi naine ndelolesya fye.

  16. Y were they merged only to be delinked in the end. The man in plot 1 is trying to creat more jobs for pf cadres

  17. Serpent Cobra Ukwa Simplify Sata at it again! What do you expect of a sweeper at a rail station as president? The saga continues.

  18. This PF government are just proving to us that they cannot govern the country. I don’t believe that settling down can be so disastrous. Miss Masebo’s son is the Deputy Ambassador to China. How could that be? He’s only 23yrs old, with absolutely no qualifications, Grade 12 and he’s known to have some sort of brain damage. NEPOTISM at its bes. Frankly, this president has to man up and start behaving like a human being. How on earth do you just wake up and make decisions according to your mood! I seriously worry about the future of Zambia. Zambia is in the wrong hands people. Let 2016 come quickly so we can have see some real change. Twanaka. And those of you supporting these things, please tell us what the Pf have done ever since coming into govt apart from employing their relatives

    • Where do you get your information from and who is your source..? It’s clear that foolishness has failed you. You are not even familiar or sure of his health issues but just hear-say. Get your facts in order before you can fight as this is just a pointless argument. 

    • Vernon Mwaanga was appointed ambassador at 21 years. Kingsley Chinkuli became a 4 star general at 25 years. Age is not a relevancy as long as someone qualifies and can do the job.

    • Excuse me, but VJ and K.C are EXTREMELY intelligent men. It’s not so difficult to tell the difference. Silvia Masebo’s is a pure dander-head, young or not! The PF are failing and all you can do is squibble nonsense in their support. YOU should get your heads right. Mukalila imwe. Ichishinka! Busy boot-licking mwe bantu? Oh maybe you’ve also been promised high positions for which you do not qualify and for which your I.Q levels wouldn’t ever match! NEPOTISM! Face it! WAKE UP sleepy heads!!!

  19. more districts more jobs,more ministries more ministers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????

  20. How many ministers do we have? How many D/ministers? Does UKWA remember any of the campaign promises that he made? Is he going to keep any? 

  21. maybe we will need the constitution to address the number of ministries zambia need coz Obama didn’t for a district or ministry and what ever were is dreams he consulted the law, even on health reforms

  22. With all the peaceful elections and orderly transfers of power uncommon to Africa, Zambia had become a shining beacon of hope and light in Africa. However, the recent election of this erratic lunatic called Sata CNP is fast turning the country into a cinderella nation. We are fast becoming a politically destitute hell hole devoid of any direction. He promised a lean government but has built himself a bloated tribal harem calling it a cabinet for the long starving tax payers to fund.
    And in all these appointments, the glaring lack of representation from North-Western, Western and Southern provinces is becoming most injurious to the fabric of the republic. Sata’s presidenting is destroying this country!

  23. heaps of crap, rubbish!!!! silvia, u are now a minister for a party you did not work for, how do the pf members who worked to build the party feel?

  24. @ Mwanamwene – Auto pilot does not mean not having direction. Planes on auto pilot are intentionally programmed with a destination in mind and will control the plane with that purpose.  Zambia is like an A – 380 on manual with a pilot who trained and last flew the famous DC 10.

    All of the president’s actions are just confirming his CNP tag. in his ten months in office his has made more than 10 appointments, disappointments and re-appointments, almost one for each month of being in office.

  25. I feel for the people that still have hope. the longer and higher the hope the more bit will be their disappointment 

  26. The wheels of change turns really slow… Hold your guns you mmd and upndS.

     Pluralistic politics and Representative government is what the PF is all about. De -centralisation ‘aims to give citizens or their elected representatives more power in public decision-making’ processes in the affairs of the Nation.  YA BA some of you on here are very dull chaps!!

  27. Ho nooo..Hoo…. my…. God! want have we done to have put Sata in Power! these guys have no idea of running govenment. this this too much. changing ministries and creating new districts ever month. this guy should be removed from power otherwise he will destory the country…………God have mercy on us

  28. Contrary to most contrary views, we must just be seeing results of a listening presido, which is a plus indeed!

  29. Legal Practitioners Act (Cap 30)

    18. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3), not more than three State Counsel for Zambia shall be appointed in any one calendar year. Limitation on appointments of State Counsel for Zambia .

    • It would take the chap 100 years to read that so dont even bother. His advisers are spineless or clueless, if not both. where to Zambia?

    • Does this mean that the president has breached the constitution and in itself ripe for impeachment? what do Cap 18 ss 2 and 3 state? am just looking at the fastest way in which this presidency can be done away with. anything legal or Godly, is welcome especially the fastest way

  30. Very soon he is swapping the Presidential post with a ministry! or handing over the power to the first Lady….

  31. I may not be a politician per say but i do see a lot of sense in most of these re alignments and will prove very effective, unless the government decides to mishandle these brilliant developments.

  32. instead of just whining why don’t you offer solutions. busy complainin but not givin a way to which the perceived wrongs of ‘our’ president can be corrected. ati am eatin popcorns and watching..what kind of patriotism is that. DO SOMETHING! if you see a wrong for peet’s sake do something to change it other than just throwin mud at a distance. busy postin ill-fated comments as if zambia isn’t yo country too:-( do something

    • So you support all this nonsense simply bcoz you are bemba? Gosh how low can you sink before you start smelling your own shiit? Gosh there shud be a law banning the existence of fulz like you

  33. @#22 Dr. Mpoo…i totally agree with you! people are failing to see the bigger picture here. President Sata is a master planner and he is trying to see what will fit best & who will perform better in this or that area….and then the action will start. People will remember this man, coz he will leave a legacy! It takes time to work on a damaged, cracked or broken (whatever term u may choose) foundation…PF cannot jes begin to seal the cracks in Zambias economy to make it better, it needs a fresh start, & that is what the president is trying to do…to find a permanent solution….& i salute him for that because i know the long-term results will be worth the effort!

    • Pixxy l even feel foolish responding to your foolish comment but l think l’d be doing you a huge disservice if l let you continue believing your hallucinations. In case you didn’t know, the zambian economy was the fastest growing economy in africa until you fools voted in this incompetent govt. the only problem before PF came into power was the poor redistribution of the country’s economic gains under mmd. All PF needed to do was equitably distribute the wealth that MMD left, not trying to fix a system that is running perfectly. I doubt you will understand any of this analysis but at least l have tried to educate you

  34. am very sadden by what Sata is currently doing to the Zambian people,u know what-changing ministries would not work if those chosen are not doing their work seriously,so i dont see any need of making changes everyday.what the hell is this Sata taking a country that has being enjoying its peace and life stylish.he makes himself seen has a liar and failed to perform his duties as a president

  35. come on the most feared cobra ever to rule Zambia,a Christian country and peaceful people,you have to rule wisely before its too late. people who voted for u are the ones who will keep u aside in the 2016 be careful wit what u always plan to do before jumping roughly and try to work on thoughts upon given ideas on what to do next,rule wisely and work on the people’s demands

  36. We need deliverance o Lord,without you we are doomed with this sort of governance.Lord people in leadership seem not to know what they are supposed to do and have no clue as to why we put them in this place,Lord direct them before your people sin by insulting leadrship

  37. the only president that brought visible change to zambia was the late chiluba. we had sliced bread for the first time, increased public transport, etc etc, and of course a new mindset, new way of thinking. Levy wasn’t far behind but RB and Sata are the worst.

    • Thank you Brave. We not only had sliced bread, we had kamulya weka (Sugar buns), cream dougnuts, condensed milk, maggie cubes etc and if you hand could not reach across the other ear over your head, then you rode the UBZ bus free. There used to be even government taxis called ZAMCAB. Just because you were born after these good things had disappeared doesn’t entale they never existed. You kids born in the 80’s and 90’s have missed out on what really Zambia the real africa was.

  38. Although am not a Zambia but happened to school in Lusaka High School in grade 8 to 12 but Sata is realy letting me down people coz the way i used to listen and follow his ruling methods before becoming a president,ooooph! u know what i said;God has given Zambia a truth and God fearing president but never what i thought.stay blessed Zambians and never let anything allow to divide you.long live the Zambian people

  39. Nw am worrid three days ago watchdog posted this refushuffle & stated that Given Lubinda was going to be demoted or dismissed for having ‘sold’ the livingstone seat to UPND bcoz he oposd the use of bribes.M nt a folower of watchdog bt ther prediction 3 days b4 proves it.CNP silences even his own. .AUTOPILOT INDEED

  40. 10 more ministries would translate in 10 new jobs at ministerial level…….this is just a line experts have extracted from Ukwa’s brain cells which are reported to be working ‘overtime’ without any ‘breakthrough’……

  41. I said it in October and It takes this gov’t up-to 9 months to relies that the Tourism Dept is too important too vital to be merged with another Ministry…just imagine how much opportunity has been missed and still after 9 months Sata is still shuffling non-performing ministers like cards in a deck. 

  42. That’s what you get when too much power is in the hands of one man. It’s like a kid doing whatever he wishes with his toys, but this is about a country of more than ten million.

  43. #44 John Dole : You seem to Have picked Something we Have all MISSED

    I know there was an amendment to the Legal Practiners Act in 2009, but am not sure if the number of State Counsel was increased.

    Can our friends in the legal profession update us on this.

    Otherwise the president has broken the LAW again and would not be surprised to hear of U-Turn on the number of State Counsel  appointments, just like on Parliament nominations. Will not it call it just yet ..I need to check my facts first  

  44. Hey bloggers, i have never seen Tribalism like UPND they are truly die hard, they are prepared to condemn any move simply because HH is differing with the President,if the comments above are genuine with political malice, i will think about them,much i disagree with impromptu decisions of the president, i think Sata need more time before he is judged properly.He may know something we dont know…..But Edgar Lungu Minister of home affairs haaaa, i will miss Sakeni..

  45. Countrymen, ya bija makani…but let us pray for our President for his success because such will also benefit us. What do we gain if he fails to deliver??b

  46. How long does he need to keep the 4 SCs (without correcting the situation) before it becomes good grounds to start the much longed for IMPEACHMENT process?

    Is it possible to run to the high court now and get the challenge going before he corrects himself?

  47. Very interesting we move in circles. Never reaching our intended goal. It’s high time the opposition parties start to seriously plan how they can govern this country if the PF does not make it in 2016. It’s very possible that anything can happen. Time to be clear on policies is now for the opposition

  48. No matter how long it takes you will go down if you do not fear the Lord, I cannot believe this is the same Sylvia, all that has remained is the chipuma, umoona nomulomo. It is good to keep ones morals even going to morningside as Minister will not help. She abused her good body so much it is now melting away and she is all bones. Anyway Sata is paying her for the campaign the grandmother carried out for the PF – Nkomeshya.

    • Are you her fitness trainer, what’s her body got to do with it, typical zedian female phd blogger! what’s your excuse for the sad state of your body?  


    • Iwe friend of CNP, bloggers are not just “blah blah …..” Why do you have to “link” and then “de-link” in a space of few months??? Your colleagues have been telling to consult other parties b4 making stupid changes

    • Glad to see that what we told him about labor and tourism was right. As per usual nine months ago cadres did not see sense in how folly that alignment was. MCS has finally done what we advised then, I rest my case.

    • At least he’s listening to some advice when he makes a mistake and is not afraid to correct it. Tell that to RB.

  50. Ni zee. Anso ndiyo manje ziza yamba kumveka munshe pa nyumba nachi Sylvia ku tourism so!! Ah, ni zee.

  51. Chesenga, so you admit that it was a mistake to tweak the ministries in the first place? Just as it it is a mistake to just wake up and declare districts without proper feasibility assessment. This is CNP proper. Cant get any worse that this. Satana has no plan. period! trial and error.  

  52. Eee, kabili we promised people jobs. Now it will be me as promised. Watch MCS’s space. You hater, you have no choice but to accept things as they are. You will end up dead bane.

    • We have now the machinery of power (in government: African politics), so weather you like it or not, we are ruling for the next 20′ something years! Yes, you heard it… email me for more inform!!!

  53. am tired of politics especially that we have kept recycling leaders as if we dont have other people to do the work,am pure pf but appoint masebo again is a drop in the ocean,sick and tired of of ma rubbish we need change again cos sata is self centred

    • lungu masauso ,why don’t you go back home then and do it for zambia then in other peoples countries ,instead of just concerning on Masebo ,she has been appoint its simple she is hard working ,we all have our bad sites .so dont judge the book by its cover .or mayb you like her no wonder why you are so hate….heheh:-?


  55. #8 i agree with your first sentiment but not your concluding remarks……. Indeed there seems to be struggle in knowing where the ruling party PF is trying to go hence all rectifications in correcting what is thought as mistake is hampering the progress to develop the country…I am beginning to lose sight too expecting the unexpected it’s sad, hope something changes soon…. One can only guess that adding hatred to already dirty game of politics is nuclear catastrophe resulting in not knowing where to begin and go…..Damn!!! maulesi

  56. @44, John Dole the last time I perused through the Legal Practitioners Act, the allowable number of people to be conferred with that status in a calender year was TWO. But like MMD Chief Bootlicker puts it, there have been some amendments where maybe the number was increased. Kindly give us your source so we can debate from an informed perspective.

  57. It’s amazing how it takes this government 9 months to realize what we said the very day they made this decision to merge the ministries. Oh my God, what’s wrong with this country? It’s time to vote them out. Can we call for early elections? This is pathetic and so annoying. 

    • Ba KKM: We have four more years, as we continue advocating for these things, these guys will keep listening and will make changes accordingly. It is the least we can do in the interim and next time around when it is election time, the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise will decide what to do.

      In the meantime, our advocacy help shape our fantastic franchise in the right direction. Zambia is greater than any single one of us … I want my Zambia back and even better. You are the best, thanks a trillion.

  58. Yaba!!! Even those of us with patience are running out of it fast. During the campaigns, Sata preached that Zambia was at a crucial period and that it was not a time for experiments which is why he dissuaded us from voting for HH saying he was inexperienced.How can an experienced politician be making so many experiments. But kwena….

  59. He is not just a CNP, the other thing is mudala chikopo as well, we are in for it a real treat.

  60. he is only creating Jobs for his friends leaving out the youths who voted in numbers with the hope of better jobs. why not create Jobs for the majority? He is only capable of creating two jobs for masebo and Lungu. Not the youths roaming in the streets. SHAME ON YOU CHIMBWI NO PLAN. I REGRET WHY I VOTED 4 you

  61. Its sad that our had earned strategic reserves will continue to be depleted by this unintelligent govt till we have no cover to provide for sudden disturbances in the economy. We need strategic thinkers who plan for tomorrow and not those that implement what flashes across their minds like those we have today.

  62. Yaya,thats a good move ba president don’t pay much attention kubuwelewele bwaba welewele.You are doing very well so far so good.

  63. In case it is forgotten 2013 has Zed tourism in the spotlight which places emphasis on arts and culture. A dedicated ministry is key to not just what has to be done now but what follows.

  64. U-turn after u-turn! What a mess Zambia is in! The remaining 4+ years left will now look like an internity. What happened to the trim cabinet that was promised, another lie, lie in the morning, lie in the afternoon, lie in the evening, lie at night; sad indeed for Zambia.

  65. Sata’s first full cabinet, had 18 ministers last year. In between there were a few fluctuations with his merging of some ministries. With this de-merging, there are now 21 full cabinet ministers. With all the shuffles, re-shuffles and further re-re-shuffles, most of these ministers haven’t started work yet, that is if they ever intended to in the first place.

  66. Iwe #47 .. Millan Sichinga .
    Why don’t you shut the F up . You talk out of your rear end like that foolish relative of yours Robert Sichinga Jr in the USA .
    We know you monkeys are eating from PF . So you have no choice but to be Pro PF.
    The same fate that befell sh!t kapwasha will befall your relative Bob sr . Bob failed to run his Timber business and failed to pay back the loan he got in billions of Kwacha .this is why he is very lucky to be in government . But sooner or later it’ll all catch up to him . All of you .

    • What has her looks got to do with Politics or being appointed? It’s clear you have nothing to say whatsoever but you just felt you had to say something for the sake of it.. If this comment isn’t useless I don’t know what is.. Face the facts and move on, hating on your future leaders who genuinely want to change your mindset and way of thinking is the only way people like you will ever reach a revelation.\:d/


  68. 7 months ago, we advised the President to reconsider re-aligning labor and tourism and it took that long but he did. These are critical ministries and only re-alignment would bring efficiency in running this fantastic franchise called the Zambian Enterprise.

    We echoed concerns about dollarization and Chikwanda listened and within a month the ZMK has appreciated more than 20% in value, These are critical fiscal policies couple with doubled trade surpluses that make sense for FDI in the running of this fantastic franchise called the Zambian Enterprise.

    We encourage the naming of our airport in honor of our founding fathers, and MCS moved as soon as he took office. We need to concentrate on his strengths and he shall leave the Enterprise better than he found it, I want my Zambia back.

  69. This is what we used to call “Electric Bugallo Disco Dance” & “Break-dance” in the 1980’s.

    We would dance on the verandas after our sisters or mothers have shined the cement floor with Cobra to make the floor squeaky shine. Usually listening to double speaker’s cassette players.

    Sata has lost the plot.!!!!!

  70. Creating new districts is not bad after all, there are 360+ cities in a 60 mile radius of DFW and de-centralization allows for efficiency because decisions are made at the local level and eventually revenues are collected at the local level and appropriated at the local level thereby enhancing development.

    These are things I would like MCS to concentrate on and before long we are going to see mushrooming development everywhere with new construction of new district centers, new jobs created and government spending paves way for more private spending using a multiplier effect.

    More focus should accompany delivery of goods and services in the most efficient manner as feeder roads are constructed, new farm to market infra-structure improving inter-provincial trade. That’s the strategy!

  71. I need some help guys do these two Ministries exist? If so when did parliament ratify or second their existence? As far as I know these are just presidential usual dreams. I can imagine the next sitting in parliament with more ministries than what the MPs know. This is El Pacino in the movies with guest star  in the name of Ukwa. Talk of more money in Silvia s pockets. And the son is in now in Japan enjoying himself on tax payers cash doing nothing tangible since he is a sick man/boy. Blessed are the bootlickers and the ones who appoint them. I end here!

  72. I see nothing wrong as the president has listened to our critsim that some ministries did not need merging. He has listened but what he receives are insults…why? Is it not that you guys you want Sata to fail, but I think it will not happen. Reflect on what you said about transacting in Kwacha, you insulted him but today you are happy coz the kwacha has started appreciating. You are just a bunch of haters who will die with chocking grudge. Well done Sata , you really listening to advice. Let haters go hang.

  73. Imagine creating 200 new districts around the country in the next 4 years, each district center costing about $100,000, we would have only spent $20,000,000 in CapEx … we currently have over $3,000,000,000 in reserves and that expenditure is less that 10% of our total reserves but ancillary business associated with these districts are innumerable. 

    Further still, new jobs created would be roughly 800 per district but if revenue collection became jurisdictional, these districts together with already existing districts immediately become local cash generating franchise.

    Once these municipalities begin issuing tax free municipal bond (munis) we begin to see new public private partnerships mushrooming all over the country, local investments increase and all of a sudden, viola!

    • Good points but the creation of districts was not budgeted for and some are already complaining that nothing has been done since they were created. i would like to get an update on the current reserves i doubt if it is still US$3billion

    • I used to have a lot of respect for B R Mumba , but now I have just noticed that you are a cadre , looking fror a job from CNP. You re too old for your un realistic comments.

    • Ba Jojo: I don’t need to be hired, I am actually hiring right now … do you need a job? Send me your resume and we might talk.

  74. I agree that we have too many Ministries. We must down size. The president must be told. Those with access to the Cabinet Ministers, pass on the message. The other alternative is for someone to come up with addresses to the Cabinet Ministers, advertise them in the Newspapers, and circulate them via e-mail. Once we all got them, then it becomes time to launch the mailings to their attention. This I believe might bring about some changes. Let’s try it. One Zambia One Nation.

  75. How to create a smaller Cabinet. By Michael Sata.
    Chapter 1.
    Nominate more members of Parliament than allowed in the constitution.
    Chapter 2.
    While people are not looking revoke the EXTRA nominations.
    Chapter 3.
    Remove constitutional offices without Parliamentary approval and while people are complaining send your Chola boy to parliament to reinstate.
    Chapter 4.
    Carve up and realign ministry portfolios. Two ministries share one Cabinet Minister but excessive number of deputy ministers.
    Chapter 5.
    Create a ministry only headed by a deputy cabinet minister.
    Chapter 6.
    Further realign the ministries and now appoint MORE Cabinet ministers.
    Chapter 7.
    You now have a bigger cabinet than ever before in the history of the country, but nobody can count anymore.

    • I feel the second edition of your book should have chapters like
      1.Appoint the Deputy director anticorruption commission at 0800hrs and remove him by 1700hrs
      2.Produce 32Metric tonnes of maize and allow 4Metric tonnes to go to waste
      3.”Donsell” ,apparently new vocabulary in PF when it is not clear whether they are donating or selling, 5million liters of fuel to Malawi only to have fuel shortages in zambia the next week

  76. SATA: Christine! Christine!
    KASEBA: Ati shani bashi Chilufya?
    SATA: Hey, what time is it?
    KASEBA: Ni foloko loko yalucelo.
    SATA: Awe, nacikwata nightmare. Nshilele bwino nakabili.
    KASEBA: Tamulala bwino ba President.
    SATA: I know what to do. I will create another district while I am awake. Naisa, naya ku office.

  77. Why are tongas complaining and insulting bembas and the president? Do they need to go to such heights? The presiden has not taken the country to war! He is just properly defining ministries and assigning them to people can run them properly. After all silvia is not even bemba! Whats all this fussy?

  78. well done president sata , i would to say congrats to mrs .sylvia masebo for your new position as tourism and Arts minister ,we know you are harding working thats what we need in zambia. As for those who keep hating too bad work hard oneday your chance will come.I wonder way they keep talking about the her son who is in japan .as i matter of facts ,he is 25years old and went too the best schools ,Babooba ,then he went to canada where he did his degree in economics,he is well and very normal.if he wasn’t normal i don’t think he would have qualified for the diplomatic post .yes he is young so what??? work has no age he can deliever ,even better then the so callled for the haters ,more you talk more blessings the masebos get .. cheers:)

  79. #106 & 107

    The changes being implemented have not added any value to the Zambian Enterprise.

    The excercise falls short to public expectaions. Re-allignment of potifolios, ministries and human personnel competencies can only come to value added when done professionally. BR Mumba Sr you dwell so well on the creation of jobs as though by a magic bullet. This is what Mr Sata preached to Zambians and went further by stating a deadline of within 90 days.
    I would like to believe you are enlightened and well schooled (stand to be corrected) to know that job and wealth creation can not be attained on Mr Sata’s words, it takes more than cheap political rhetoric that is missing so far.

    • Ba Complexity: You know I would be the first one to take advice from anyone on any subject matter so no worries there, it is also up to me to judge if the advice is appropriate or not …  just because you advice me on something does not mean it would take it, I have to vet it before implementing it. But let’s start by delineating things here. The first blog deals with re-alignment and is basically reiterating what we advised MCS seven months ago. We advocated for letting LABOR and FOREIGN AFFAIRS as stand alone ministries because these are strategic in nature. MCS has done that howbeit 7 months later, he has corrected a mistake there and he listened to our advice on the issue. Re-alignment has nothing to do with job creation, it has everything to do with MCS reversing an error.

    • Continued …  that would lead to ministerial deficiencies. So, it is crucial that you understand the gist of my first blog above and not mistake it with the next one that starts by saying and I quote, “ … Creating new districts is not bad after all …” qualified by the next one that starts with and I quote, ” … Imagine creating 200 new districts around the country in the next 4 years, each district center costing about $100,000, we would have only spent $20,000,000 in CapEx …” on the other hand creating new districts has everything to do with job creation implemented according to plan. So, in a nutshell, ministerial re-alignment – Devoid of that and/or to the contrary creating new districts is a job/wealth creation franchise. 

    • Continued …  So, three things – ONE, ministries … MCS yielded to advice and he has reversed an error that still has less of a potential for job creation with departmental expansions while with the same ministries – TWO, new districts with totally new jobs created coupled with new construction in infra-structure development – THREE, and finally, de-dollarization … Chikwanda listened to advice being great fiscal policy implemented and yielded ZMK appreciation by more than 20%. I hope I am clear now … my life is an open slate, what you see is what you get so never worry about correcting me, next time you think I am wrong on anything. If proven wrong (and I have been wrong before) I will be the first to admit … have a blessed day.

  80. When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.If you have no will to change it, you have no right to criticize it
    Congratulations to the newly elect Ministers…Masebo Do the country Proud….

  81. Here is a woman who knew what she was doing. She has made sure her son has a job, her cousin Mwakalombe has a job and now she has a job. What ado those who were celebrating have? I guess they were just helping others get to the life of luxury, Great . 

    • Excellent, I can ot agree more, she kept her legs open long enough and the results are there for everyone to see.

    • Some people like will you will forever be disgruntled followers whilst others will be ambitious leaders.

  82. At this rate of turn arounds, there may be no accomplishments to talk about. If this Govt does not stablise soon, then zambians have nothing to hope for.

  83. This to and fro arguments are simply amazing. Good for out democracy because we have intellectuals, academicians, ordinary and then outright plain and extremely abstract zambians. What can I say. Good for our democracy in development though and the less insults we through at each other, the better we will agree to disagree.

  84. Ba Complexity: You know I would be the first one to take advice from anyone on any subject matter so no worries there, it is also up to me to judge if the advice is appropriate or not …  just because you advice me on something does not mean it would take it, I have to vet it before implementing it. But let’s start by delineating things here. The first blog deals with re-alignment and is basically reiterating what we advised MCS seven months ago. We advocated for letting LABOR and FOREIGN AFFAIRS as stand alone ministries because these are strategic in nature. MCS has done that howbeit 7 months later, he has corrected a mistake there and he listened to our advice on the issue. Re-alignment has nothing to do with job creation, it has everything to do with MCS reversing an error.

  85. Continued …  that would lead to ministerial deficiencies. So, it is crucial that you understand the gist of my first blog above and not mistake it with the next one that starts by saying and I quote, “ … Creating new districts is not bad after all …” qualified by the next one that starts with and I quote, ” … Imagine creating 200 new districts around the country in the next 4 years, each district center costing about $100,000, we would have only spent $20,000,000 in CapEx …” on the other hand creating new districts has everything to do with job creation implemented according to plan. So, in a nutshell, ministerial re-alignment – Devoid of that and/or to the contrary creating new districts is a job/wealth creation franchise. 

  86. Continued …  So, three things here – ONE, ministries … MCS yielded to advice and he has reversed an error that still has less of a potential for job creation with departmental expansions while with the same ministries – TWO, new districts with totally new jobs created coupled with new construction in infra-structure development – THREE, and finally, de-dollarization … Chikwanda listened to advice being great fiscal policy implemented and yielded ZMK appreciation by more than 20%. I hope I am clear now … my life is an open slate, what you see is what you get so never worry about correcting me, next time you think I am wrong on anything. If proven wrong (and I have been wrong before) I will be the first to admit … have a blessed day.

  87. BR Mumba Sr. – You’re good at putting a facade of being learned and analytical but scratching you deep down, you’re nothing but a bigoted intellectual snob. There is & should be no doubt regarding the importance to any government of its ability to identify where it needs to be in the future, & how to manage the changes required getting there. It is indeed an important ?rst step towards constructing a new framework for managing change PF promised. However, Sata’s modus operandi of state of continuous change has become a routine in its own right. He came to power on a manifesto he has abandoned! He listens to the mob LIKE YOU to change things everyday. CNP style is not a way to run a country

  88. It is such feeblemindedness you manifest in your puerile reasoning that indeed often gives credence to the notion that us negroes are born stupid. No matter how much positive spin you want to put on Sata’s toilet acrobatics, the King is stack naked, a full cycle CNP, and let all those with unimpared vision see without any obstraction from mercenaries like yourself.

  89. The appreciation of the Kwacha can be easily attributed to other factors too besides the effects of ST. 33, FOR EXAMPLE, your foreign reserves are being depleted by this govt of Chimbwi Ukwa no Plan and you”re at the moment swamped with the green buck from your reserves in your economy. This has sparked an artificial Kwacha appreciation not backed by any meaningful economic activity. Sooner or later, there will be no reserves and the currency slide will start again, then what? If you understand the way global economics works, you would appreciate the folly of Chikwanda’s move, it’s foolish and shortsighted.

  90. AT THIS RATE, this guy will lose respect for all those that voted for him! We all know he came to power just to eject the previous cabal of thieves – for PF to remain in power, OBVIOUSLY, their next Presidential Candidate will have to be someone else other than MCS, for obvious reasons, he will be too old, & at the moment doesn’t seem to be adding value to our cherished goals of DEVELOPING OUR COUNTRY & DEMOCRACY!!!


  91. MR PRESIDO, being PRESIDENT, simply means you are Presiding over a govt, ONE THAT IS EXPECTED TO BE DELIVERING!! Govts are made up of MINISTRIES, which REQUIRE STABILITY & “some time ” to deliver their MANDATES!! Civil servants get their direction from their PERM SECS mainly, but who are influenced by Ministers – SO CHANGING THE PEOPLE DAILY, LEAVES THE MINISTRIES IN A STATE OF PERPETUAL “RUNNING AROUND LIKE HEADLESS CHICKENS!!!” Before long, THEY WILL HAVE DELIVERED NOTHING, & YOU TOO IN 2016 WILL HAVE DELIVERED NOTHING!!!!!!

  92. There’s too much anger, hatred and envy in the camps of MMD and UPND for the PF and Sata. Don’t worry you never voted for this party in power but us who did are very happy with what is going on so far. Moreover, when we see that they are going astray we pray for them for God’s guidance instead of insulting and calling people names who are politically better than you.

  93. How difficult is it to call a press conference as a new govt. and clearly state your objectives? Not everyone reads party manifestos – besides a manifesto is usually a rumbling maze of propaganda. The govt. should comprehensively reveal its actual; i) economic policies ii) foreign policy iii) social policies and state the time-frames and targets. Then we can have a basis to measure progress or a lack of it as well as evaluate whether these plans are achievable. As things stand, I am having serious difficulty trying to figure out whether any ‘journey’ has been embarked on by the PF govt. Where is Zambia going – if at all it has set off?

  94. Shamenda should be removed from teh labour Ministry & be left just as an MP so he can concentrate on his Constituency – there is nothing he is doing in Ndola….& nothing he is doing as Labour Minister….Mr. President Help the Unemployed youths who voted you into power…..Put Ministers like Chishimba Kambwili in Labour…God help Zambia

  95. This politiko prostitute is now given a ministry? Wow!! It is so shameful that the recycled MMD is back in govt. Where is Zambia going???

  96. That’s why in the States Presidents are given 3 months to prerpare before taking up office. To plan and think and re-think things over. No like this Chimbwi No Plan.

  97. We voted for Shetani at our own peril. Faced with a ferocious bulldog and a dumb ass, we went for the bulldog. Cry my beloved country indeed!
    We seem to be devoid of credible people and yet we are not. Good people shun the politics of poverty and insults.This is Africa, no matter whether the transfer of power is peaceful or not, people in the political arena are blood sucking hound dogs. Ba kabwa, ba poppy!

  98. Congratulations to my old lecturer at UNZA, Dr John Mulwila and my classmate, Mr Mukande on being elevated To State Counsel, not Council.

  99. Zambia is now Babylon (confusion). Looks like there is no criteria for realignments and PF has no idea on how ministries should be structured. Imagine if Zambia was a company; either the company would go down or the MD would be fired. PF should realise that it is costly to change things anyhow and anytime. Are we not back to MMD setup?

  100. It is pointless to argue on tribal or party lines without understanding the topic at hand. That simply makes you another cadre. Ba Mumba, exactly how does creating more districts translate into job creation? Indeed you will have allocated jobs for those who will be running those districts, but yoy forget that for you to create that district, it will need to be funded by taxpayers money. It is not once off even, government will have to be pumping in money till Ukwa is voted out. That expenditure is cumulative, without any trickle down effect on the ordinary Zambian. You need to argue on sustainable job creation Ba Mudala, this flip-flop behaviour is characteristic of someone who does not know what hes doing. This is evidence of CNP characteristics.

    • Further still, new jobs created would be roughly 800 per district but if revenue collection became jurisdictional, these districts together with already existing districts immediately become local cash generating franchises.

      Once these municipalities begin issuing tax free municipal bonds (munis) we begin to see new public private partnerships mushrooming all over the country, local investments increase and all of a sudden, viola

  101. Hu u hu total confussion – all days learning implementing with massive mistake which rae costly – my party and govt is in total confussion i need help please as MP and cabinet minister i knew Given was moving – campaign manager

  102. I would answer any questions to anyone really interested in proper intellectual discourse … I don’t respond to insults and presumptuous talk.

  103. And for some people thinking I am looking for a job … sorry, I don’t need one; I contribute here purely for love of country … God bless you all and may God continue to bless our great nation.

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