Saturday, March 29, 2025

Those asking Government to revoke Catholic priest’s deportation should follow the law-Home Affairs Ministry


HOME Affairs Minister Edgar Lungu
HOME Affairs Minister Edgar Lungu

THE Ministry of Home Affairs has asked people calling for revocation of the deportation of Lundazi Catholic priest Viateur Banyangadora, to do so within the provisions of the law.

Ministry of Home Affairs spokesperson Moses Suwali said people who feel aggrieved about the deportation of Father Banyangadora must follow established channels and should not use unorthodox means that may border on breaking the law.

Chipata Catholic Bishop George Lungu has urged Government to seriously consider revoking the deportation of Fr Banyangadora for the “sake of unity”.

Fr Banyangadora, 40, a priest of Rwandan origin, was last week picked up by a combined team of security officers in Lundazi in connection with a sermon he delivered on Sunday which was allegedly perceived to have been intended to incite people to rise against Government.

The cleric was later transferred to Lusaka for further interrogations after which Minister of Home Affairs Edgar Lungu announced the deportation of Fr Banyangadora.

Mr Lungu said the priest was found to be a danger to peace and order contrary to Section 39(2) of the Immigration and Deportation Act number 18 of 2010.[pullquote] I would advise them to follow the right channel and appeal through the courts of law or write to the minister and it will be within his jurisdiction to make a decision depending on the reasons advanced in the appeal,” he said.[/pullquote]

Mr Suwali said in an interview that aggrieved parties have the right to appeal against Fr Banyangadora’s deportation either to the Minister of Home Affairs or through the courts of law.

“People have the right of appeal in the event that they feel aggrieved that he was unfairly deported. I would advise them to follow the right channel and appeal through the courts of law or write to the minister and it will be within his jurisdiction to make a decision depending on the reasons advanced in the appeal,” he said.

Mr Suwali said Fr Banyangadora was deported for violating the laws of the country, saying Government found it prudent to deport him under the Immigration and Deportation Act.

He said the Minister of Home Affairs has powers to deport and that he acted within the law in the case of Fr Banyangadora.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. These Ministers are now causing anarcy in the country.They dont follow the law themselves and when they are questioned ,then they want people to follow the law.what a mess are we in.

  2. funny how tables turns! Now this church which supported sata and his pf is learning it the hard way!. Frankly and like chanda chimba predicted ‘the cobra can not be tamed’ and like my earlier postings ba catholic humble your selves and ask the zambian pipo for forgiveness for you played a role in forcing voters to believe in the 90 days lies. From now on preach the truth and denounce this agent of the devil even if he congregates with you and pray endlessly to God to deliver us from all this ritual sacrifices and accidents

  3. Bollocks! Muppets, what exactly do you think you have said or clarified? You are just a pack of empty headed bozos! How does one break the law by simply calling for the revocation of a deportation order? You are just a bunch of dictatorial monkeys! In a civilised country one would be given a right of appeal against the charges before a deportation order is instituted. Anyway you are still a primitive lot.

  4. Did they follow the law when deporting him? How do you call bundling someone and interrogating him without access to counsel following the law? Time will catch up with you soon.

  5. #s 1 & 5, you have fully expressed what was on my mind. The government did not follow the law, now they want others to follow the law?

    They made a silly mistake, they must just revoke the deportation and bring back the priest.

    • They did not give him an opportunity to be heard and to be represented by a legal counsel. That’s simple and plain.

    • Why should others follow the law when the govt does not? The priest had no access to a lawyer. the police did not tell the church where he was. The police have not told the church what crime he is supposed to have committed, a crime whose only punishment is deportation.

  6. Pf a govt of of action first and think later, in the mean time use the law to hide mistakes made in the process of action first.

  7. Sorry abducting someone at night and refusing him legal representation is not following the law. They did something wrong and they know it. I pray the church takes them up on their offer and takes them to court for this activity.

    • You are right lady. u see the problem with many Zambians is that they want to defend what cant be defended just becos it has been caused by the party they support. Kanshi when are we going to mature?

  8. cursed is he who pursecutes those that speak in my name.cursed is the country that rejects my word.cursed is that minister

  9. Perhaps the good Minister can tell us specifically what the Priest did wrong. The reason given so far is very vague and lacks depth and seriousness. In a court of law before a thief is jailed, what he specifically stole is established. No good just saying he stole but what he stole, when etc. In this case we are just being told the priest was deported to safeguard Zambians as he was trying to incite Zambians. What did he say to incite Zambians? Are we going to hide behind very vague laws to round up anyone that does not say what we want to here? Poverty is real; the gap between rich and poor is real. Deporting people and saying they are inciting Zambians will not miraculously take the gap away.

  10. please can you furnish us with information which lead to deporting him.please we have lived in other country and they way the treat foreigners who have broken the law is opposite to what we are seeing in pf goverment.things are not ok and people have the right to speak day pf will be out of goverment.I HAVE LEARNED THAT NOTHING IS PERMANT ON THIS EARTH EXPECT GOD HIS PROMISES.we will c where we are going.

  11. The Minister is Legally empowered under the Immigration and Deportation Act.
    Part V of the Act states:
    Any person whose presence in Zambia is declared in writing by the Minister to be inimical to the public interest shall be a prohibited immigrant in relation to Zambia.

  12. The beloved Priest should not even come back because he is better off in his own country. Sata Should learn  to consult, pls.

  13. Part v of the Immigration and Deportation Act further states:
    Any person who in the opinion of the Minister is by his presence or his conduct likely to be a danger to peace and good order in Zambia may be deported from Zambia pursuant to a warrant under the hand of the Minister.

    • Nshi Sunda
      The legal provisions are not in doubt and in any circumstances the Law is clear – be it theft, murder or driving offences. However, the issue here is the “abuse” of the law by this PF Govt evidenced in the way they have applied it. Your above quoted act suggests “persuant to a warrant…” this indicates that by law the minister’s office should issue a warrant/ notice of intent to deport. That warrant should be subject to appeal and a court process if disputed. The priest was not accorded access to legal representation or any means to challenge Govt’s actions and the whole thing was handled in secrecy which stinks of injustice and shows the dictatorial environment we are now living in.

    • If there is any evidence of “abuse” then we need to safeguard the nation against such purported abuse by challenging the Minister’s actions in the Courts of Law.
      We can also implore the MPs to amend this provision, strengthen it so as to make it less likely to abuse

  14. Just like mmd did,pf is slowly losing toucg with the people.Power and everything that comes with it has made them drank and they have only been 10 months in power.if they can be this drunk in the morning i wonder what will happen by evening!

  15. Mmmm…Its like this Government has started playing with the catholics!! You have enjoyed to the fullest now kaaaaa???Am in support of Bishop Lungu and let the letter be read in all parishes of the country.Let pipo know what is happening.PF you are really becoming a threat to the pipo who put you in power and dont think 2016 is far.Change your stance or else things will turn upside down and you will regreat.

  16. So how do u describe such stupidity…This minister is so dull and naive. When are we going to be led by level-headed men and women? I am just imagining what could have happened if that sermon came form father Bwalya. 

  17. Following the Law?, when you did not follow the law. You should have at list charged the man, and inform his church that you were deporting him. Not night renditions like CIA. Nish pa PF kanshi?

  18. i voted for SATA for change not knowing that the change was for the worst. shame on my judgement. i revoke my support for sata with immediate effect. he putting our beloved country on fire

  19. Ladies and gentlemen, whether you are a Priest or whatever, when are a foreigner,  you cannot say anything that may be viewed against the the state in which you are living. The problem is that in Zambia we have many characters who have never crossed the border and do not even know what is expected of them in a foreign land, hence the childish comments I am reading here. having lived outside Zambia the last 8 years, I understand how to conduct myself and how to open my mouth. The Minister is right in deporting that priest- period. I have been to Rwanda, the country where that priest came from. In that country you cannot speak rubbish.

  20. Sorry, in the first sentence I wanted to say that when you are a foreigner, you cannot talk anyhow, whether you are priest or not. 

  21. The minister or indeed the government should have engaged the local Catholic administration regarding whatever discomfort the deported clergyman may have cauzed. The action taken raizez a lot speculation, real or imagined.

  22. Sad that in this time and age people should send other packing for merely criticizing. Just how! This is Africa and we are all Africans. We should be free to speak out anywhere. Just who said that when you are in a foreign country should just keep quiet even when things are not going right? No. whether I am in Malawi, Tanzania or God knows where, a wrong is a wrong and i should be free to criticize. Its sheer act of cowardice to think we should speak out in our own nations. I spoke out about Mugabe and certain things while in Zimbabwe and no one deported me. But why in Zambia?

  23. The verbatim of the priests’ sermon must be published for us to understand if at all he was inciting the congregants.
    According to the laws of the land the minister was within his right to deport this priest if he had the full account of the sermon and it was deemed inciting by the Attorney General who gives legal advise to cabinet ministers.
    Instead of condemning the government without facts, let the catholic church appeal this decision by the minister so that an amicable and legal conclusion can be arrive at. We are using assumptions to arrive at conclusions!

    • Spot on MundiaM. That is the biggest issue I have with most bloggers on these Zambian sites. Very quick to judge without sparing a moment to critically analyze the issue or seeking further clarification. 

    • So Bishop Lungu was lying according to you in the letter that will be read in churches in E. Province.

  24. This dullness is simply appaling. Why are level headed ministers in this government quiet? This guy has go the guts to tell the agrieved parties not onlr to fallow the same law he arbitrarily applied but to appeal to him as minister of home affairs when he is the one who deported the poor priest. What kind of madness is this. Again they should appeal to courts when courts were not involved in the first place. But the good for you. You know the kind you are playing with. Muzasila.

  25. Be it on Sabbath or Sunday Services you are being watched by Ukwa’s puppies.Zambia the christian nation on fire. Son spying against the father and sister against brother, watch out.Sata and Mugabe are in the same league,they do fear their own shadows hence the violence.

  26. The eyes are off developmental issues and government is hell bent focusing on being “petty” and persecuting the innocent. The die is cast for this government and the end is near! Divine intervention is nigh!

  27. No. 30, go in any country and talk rubbish and see what will happen to you. If you ever care to read or listen to international news I am sure you remember that only two weeks ago, Mitt Romney, the USA Republican  presidential candidate made annoying comments about the organization of the Olympics in London. The British  public and press tore him to pieces. Common sense should tell you that if you are a foreigner, you should leave the politics of your host country to its citizens. In Zambia, we are roughly 13 million citizens and we do not need a foreigner to speak for us whether he wears a priestly collar or not.

  28. No. 30, You probably spoke against Mugabe in some pub or the like in Zimbabwe and that is why you got away with it. But had you gone into church and broadcast your speech from the pulpit, you would have left Zimbabwe by “air”. Fathers Bwalya, Luonde,Bishop Kamukwamba and the like can speak for us but not a foreigner. Besides, the Bible is full of messages that can edify the church and the priest had 66 books of the Bible to pick a good message from. It is always good manners to stay out of conflict with your hosts, be it in a home or country. Unfortunately, many people have neither common sense nor good manners.

  29. I just heard that Sata is from Tanzania. Let us deport him too and put a Zambian in his place HH or Ververs Mumba will do for me.

  30. This is the reason why Zambia can never develop. We support someone or a party blindly. We can’t nip a weed when it is first spotted. As for those who are blindly following PF they will like in Unip era only realize that they have been on the wrong path after many decades. PF has had no agenda for this country that will reverse the bad trends. Fuel supply – problems; human rights -being abused; plan for youth unemployment – national service for all school “drop-outs” & school leavers!

  31. PF is a gong’a and playing double standards, they rode on the same message during MMD using the late Fr. Duffy, why wasn’t he deported? No wonder RB is now considered a democrat.

    • Quintessentially qualify RB as the thieving, tribal and most corrupt “democrat”
      This now gives RB an irrevocable qualification as a “democrat”

  32. No 36(Christopher whatever) dont expose your stupidity and ignorance on matters which you are not knowlegeble in.The church where ever it is has a mandate to preach the gospel.There is no gospel for rwanda and for zambia.If the people of Lundazi are suffering any kind of priest should speak for them.Dont think you have won the battle by sending away this priest.I can assure you that this priest is coming back to your shame.You will see Hon Lungu being demoted or transfered to your shame.

  33. This Minister is just a xenophobe and frankly Fr. Banyangadora was deported for no other reason that he is Rwandan and dared to talk about an injustice, otherwise if he was an Irish, American, Canadian or even Chinese catholic priest serving in Zambia and saying the same exact things, the government would have looked the other way, Alas Rwanda does not give us Millions in aid and therefore it was easy to victimize him

  34. Christopher Mulenga have you forgotten about Bishop Duffy and Father Miha? The reasonable and tolerant government we had then never deported them. For your information Mitt Romney was never deported from the UK and even met the Prime Minister and was entertained at number 10 Downing Street. From the way you analyse things i can understand why you are mesmerised by CNPs, (those with no plans).

  35. A Edgar are you rearly a true lawyer? Where you defending people in court? I can not understand what you are saying. Tell us the exact words the priest said which insight dander in the country. Imwe ka bwelelani kwa JEKE (Jack compound) and start running those hair saloon. MaraaaaaBiiiiiiShi

  36. “THE Minister of Home Affairs (Edgar Lungu) has asked people calling for revocation of the deportation of Lundazi Catholic priest Viateur Banyangadora, to do so within the provisions of the law”. So the statement by the Catholic bishops is illegal? That must be a new definition of law breaking. Anyway that is for Edgar Lungu to worry about, my concern as a citizen is the anger that seems to be developing everywhere and among all people in the country. Seems people will riot or protest at the slightest opportunity including mobbing the President himself in the showgrounds.

  37. Is this the best Mr Sata could find for that very important position? Okay, sorry I understand, this guy was appointed to set up District Attorney offices, he does not have to understand the other functions of the Ministry. But silence is golden ngati suuziba vintu.

  38. If this fellow was a true priest , how many people did he save during the genocide? Zambians are so vulnerable. How can you be dull, rwandese are war mongers. If they were men of God they should have saved the millions of people who were senselessly killed.

  39. That bishop guy is 666, mark of the beast. He was testing the waters and before you know it, you will have an elephant in the house bigger than the door it can in through.stuck.” Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble ” Proverbs 21:23. The bible commission of priest is to preach and not comment on the politics of the day. Christ was a perfect example. He never commented on the roman government. Let the bishop now come back as a politician.

  40. This home affairs minister is very foolish. He underestimated people’s reactions when he was deporting the priest and now that the heat is on him, he is asking people to follow the law. What law is he referring to when he himself deported the man of God with impunity! These PF chaps are so high handed such that they are forgeting that the country belongs to all Zambians and not Sata and PF alone. No wonder they are being lambasted from left, right, centre. They don’t seem to know what to do.


  42. Christopher Mulenga, are you such a diehard PF member that you fail to see a wrong? And Fr Duffy, Miha??? Or is it that you are so far up an ivory tower you have no clue whats happening in Zambia? Wake up and smell the cheese brother…PF is a dictatorship…….old habits die hard. The President is as he has always been, hateful, tyranical and a threat to peace and unity….

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