The Open Society Foundation says the opposition MMD’s repentance as announced by party president Nevers Mumba last week is an admission of guilt that the former ruling party was corrupt.
Foundation Executive Director Sunday Chanda told QFM News that it is important for the MMD leadership to bring back what they allegedly stole from the Zambians in order for their repentance to be complete.
Mr. Chanda said Dr. Mumba understands very well that repentance must be accompanied by restitution and that any repentance without amends will be deemed as an attempt to deceive people.
He has also slammed the MMD’s intentions to come up with an Anti Corruption committee to look into any acts of corruption within the party stating that the committee will just be a club of loyalists and one dimension whistle blowers.
Mr. Chanda added that the decision to disown convicted party leaders is an attempt to defend and protect suspected party criminals who are seemingly untouchable.
He said if the MMD is serious with repentance, they should ask all party leaders facing corruption charges to step aside and allow the due process of the law to take its course.
Can a man give back his balls?
Can a woman give back her couch! After wilfully killing so many male human beings?
no one can bring back what they stole, it’s impossible. it’s money ba Sunday for goodness sake
One complication to this is that the MMD who stole are now generally in PF eg the former MMD national secretary, the third term hard-cores like Sakeni, Katele kalumba, Chungu. The immediate past MMD was mainly UNIP who suffered under MMD through the various machinations like the Zero option and Black mamba
Even Jesus’s disciples were some of the most feared. I think we are taking this PF/MCS conundrum to extreme. @zagwa zatha, you kid wanna blame everything on a past we were privy to that you were never privy to. I think you deserve to be given a platform and you have my blessings.
Giving back what they stole from 1991?
Chanda lacks principles! His agenda is hollow!
They should just dissolve MMD and start afresh with new people because corruption tag is still hating them and it will still affect them come 2016.
This Chanda is very dull. The current MMD is fall of new people. He should be advocating for repayment especially from Sata, Katele, Sakeni, Mulongoti, Mangani, Masebo, Luo, Nsanda and Mmembe. He was in MMD, but since his preferred candidate dd not make it, he has declared war with Nevers and MMD.
Yes let the MMD bring what they stole even those who helped MMD steal should bring back our money they got through selling companies. This includes Sata and HH.
Mushota where are you. i miss you so much. LT is nothing without your analysis
Let us begin by way of expounding what Repentance is, defined as “the activity of reviewing one’s actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs. It generally involves a commitment to personal change and resolving to live a more responsible and humane life” In a lateral sense but Bibilicaly as cited in Matthew 3:2 “You must change your hearts and minds, for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived!”
Meaning changing your old ways aftering confession having foregone your old ways to becoming a new person in thought, speech, conduct and other attributes of the Holy Spirit in the form of the Fruits of the Spirit which are love, endurance, forgiveness etc and returning back to persons willingfully and stealthfully obtained your spoils. In short MMD has to do all this!!
last sentence should read “forgiveness etc and returning back to persons you willfully and stealthfully obtained your spoils out off selfishiness driven by your gluttony. In short MMD has to do all this!!
Chanda is very narrow minded.
Him and I know that there is a task force on corruption as well as the courts of law.
There has been a loud accusation on the MMD about corruption. President Sata has been the loudest but how many have they convicted?
If they are corrupt charge them, arrest them and recover whatever they stole.
We are tired of empty noise about corruption that yields no tangible result.
Chanda sounds to be bitter against MMD and it’s leader.
What has Chanda said about Mutembo and Membe?
If MMD was corrupt, then when did Sata become clean?
He was Chiluba’s finger for a long time.
Sata should bring back all the houses he grabbed from gov’t institutions including the Zambia airways house on omelo mumba road!
Satan and pamafi are all corrupt, all this guys were in MMD.
Sunday Chanda was Nevers’ chola boy. He even came to meet fellow VP Jacob Zuma in 2002. For him to be so anti-Nevers is quite disturbing. Maybe he was expecting a job.
Nevers thinks that we do not read the Bible to know the requirements for repentance. This so called Pastor I tell you is a demon, how can he say they have repented without bringing back that which they stole, shame Nevers we do read the Bible and God makes us to understand His word.
Nothing is stolen unless it is proved in court. No one is a thief unless convicted by a out of law.
Who supports these NGOs led by such dull people honestly?
Robin’ Liato’ Hood the cash farmer.
Chanda is spot on. MMD spoke about repentance and he is reminding them that it goes hand in hand with restitution…bringing back what they stole. So why should some of you bloggers think Chanda is shallow? What did Nevers mean when he spoke about repentance? He is a Pastor and knows that thieves must bring back what they stole.
@ 16, you are ill-informed Chief! Its Chanda who took Nevers to Jacob Zuma and not the other way round. Its Chanda who organized Nevers to meet Mswati and not the other way round. I was in South Africa at the time with Chanda. Don’t comment on what you don’t understand because you’ll just embarrass Nevers if Chanda was to speak on these issues. Comrade Chanda carries an independent mind and he does not need to be Nevers’ stooge. What job would Chanda have expected from Nevers when at the time he had a good job with University of Pretoria, Centre for Leadership Development and later the Afrika Leadership Development Institute? At the material time, Nevers was a fired Vice President and Chanda was helping him to mobilize funds which he did.
Comrades in Zambia, I am South African and met Pastor Nevers Mumba when he came to South Africa on a program Chanda had organized for him. This was a point when Pastor Nevers had just been fired by late President Levy Mwanawasa. Comrade Chanda was working with the Centre for Leadership Development at University of Pretoria and later for Afrika Leadership Development Institute at CSIR and I do not believe he needed a job from Pastor Mumba then. It was Chanda who organized that meeting and took Pastor Nevers to our President’s residence (then former Deputy President) in Sandton. Pastor Nevers did not even know the residence of U Zuma then. The fact that Chanda worked with Pastor Nevers does not tie him to the man for all his life. Chanda is not dull and shallow. Read his lines again.
Infact, the issue here is that Nevers does not like criticism and I am happy that Chanda is providing him with some. Nevers is happy when he can call late President Mwanawasa a bully and behaving like a school headmaster or when he can call President Sata names but he is sensitive when he receives criticism. Nevers has been complaining that Chanda cannot be attacking him because is older than him and they share a father-son relationship. I have wondered if Nevers is older than Sata because he’s been criticizing him or was he older than the man who raised him from the dust to become vice president when he called him a bully? Double standards. Chanda, keep it up. We need to keep these people in check, even in the opposition.
Ba Chanda, lets leave it at that, they have repented, because this is the case of “Mouse sitting on bread” how do u kill it? naya epo pelele
All those MMD the PF think have stolen they have been taken to courts of law. What are you talking about? The MMD now is Having true leaders under Dr. Nevers Mumba. People hate people with no apparent reason. Bambi you just want jobs from PF through talking rubbish.
It is good that pastor NEVERS MUMBA has taken lead MMD that we may see the way foward.
It is very important todioghonise the role MMD planned and excuted governance policies whether they are worth returning to helm of rulinmg zed or have to start moulding a spare wheel after our PF.
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