Zambian born and internationally acclaimed Economist Dambisa Moyo has criticized the clear lack of policy consistency exhibited by President Michael Sata’s administration.
Dr. Moyo said policy inconsistencies which have characterized the PF rule is the number one enemy to Zambia’s economic development.
Dr. Moyo observed that the PF government is busy focusing its energies on less important issues at the expense of pressing developmental issues.
She cited the shifting of the provincial capital for Southern Province and the rebasing of the Kwacha as matters that are less important which the government would have not started working on.
“I was in Livingstone yesterday (Tuesday) and I discovered that the provincial capital has moved to Choma, I find that highly irritating because I know that this country has more pressing issues to focus on, shifting of capitals is not one of them,” Dr. Moyo told a parked cheering audience.
Dr. Moyo said investors worldwide are not interested in working with governments that seem to lack a predictable and consistent set of policies.
She said the signing of some statutory instruments without the full participation of the business community has the potential of increasing uncertainties.
Dr. Moyo added that Zambia has many developmental challenges that requires but noted that the country is basically “pussyfooting” at the margins.
Dr. Moyo who was named one of the 100 influential persons in the world by TIME magazine was speaking last evening during a public lecture organised by the Economic Association of Zambia and sponsored by Barclays Bank Zambia. [pullquote]“I was in Livingstone yesterday (Tuesday) and I discovered that the provincial capital has moved to Choma, I find that highly irritating because I know that this country has more pressing issues to focus on, shifting of capitals is not one of them,” Dr. Moyo told a parked cheering audience.[/pullquote]
And Dr. Moyo has charged that it is embarrassing that some commodity rich countries such as Zambia are failing to take advantage of the high commodity prices to benefit the poor.
Dr. Moyo who is also a bestselling author has projected that copper prices would remain high in the medium to long term and urged Zambia to take advantage of the boom to develop infrastructure and make meaningful savings.
She says she finds it highly embarrassing that some commodity rich countries such as Zambia are failing to maximize their returns on natural resources.
Dr. Moyo warned that the current boom cycle will not last forever adding that only countries will clear foresight and policies will benefit.
She emphasized the role that trade plays in economic development saying Africa cannot develop if the continent continues accounting for only 2 % of global trade.
Dr. Moyo also took a swipe at the failure by African governments to implement most of the sound economic policies developed over the years.
She said everyone is agreed that regional integration is one sure way of accelerating trade among African countries but no one wants to move fast and implement the regional integration agenda.
What are you talking about apene ufyelwe we mwana iwe?? You know very little.
Amano yafuma mwi fwesa yaya muchulu.
turning green with envy. jealousy makes people nasty. u just can’t stand her success
Late George Kunda once said “I would rather be inconsistent and right”. End of quote
this woman is very pretty she should be talking in my bed then we will believe her as for now rubissh
again, another one turning green with envy. jealousy makes people nasty. u just can’t stand her success
i like this girl but only hate the fake wig she wears
The problem is not that pf govt has no consistent policy.They have no policies at all!!!Its a cnp goverment.Thats why the President will not have a press conference and that is why almost a year in power they have only had 3 cabinet meetings.Its because they have no plan,no policy.Hh was right
Dambisa for President? – just saying….but we need influential persons at the helm of our politics.
yes dambisa for president
Even Havard University will tell you that by and large, economic policies are try and error! Where have you been Moyo to talk about resource utilization now. What about trying your model in life and rule Zambia to prove a point. Sata and them did not ascend into govt by theories! Easier said than done. Try your economic policies in the USA, Portugal, Greece, Spain etc, they are in problems.
Iwe Monk, trial and error? You must be kidding me! Its a pity from all that she said you were only able to marginally pick up how she acquired her knowledge. Where have you been yourself? Why not avail yourself to some public forum where developmental issues are discussed so that you can come out of the shadows? Convince us with proper reasoning, otherwise just wrap up and let those who have been to real schools talk! CNP
Mr Monk,you will never progress as a country if we have people who have your way of thinking.I dont know what your education background is for you to say “even Harvard University will tell you”.What do you know about Havard to criticize Dambisa?
Good observation Dr ! I know some losers like above will accuse you of being bitter.Its time Zambia got serious cause posterity will judge that country harshly.
Dambisa or Dabwiso Nkhoma is talking theory. She has exposed herself that reality is missing for her to know now that Livingstone was stripped off capital last year. The other thing she has to know is that Coma is central interms of distributing resources to southern province. She has book ideas like akashambatwa mbukushita.
careful CNP will deport you to Zimbabwe for criticising them.
Do not bilittle this woman. She is a woman of substance. She is one of the advisers to Paul Kagame president of Luanda.
Paul Kagame is the Presdient of Rwanda. Luanda is the capital city of Angola!!
Of course you know he meant Rwanda, d….head.
This is rhetoric as usual. We need country specific options and strategies that clearly spell out how the country can move forward with careful considerations of local, regional and global political and economic contexts. At times text books solutions do not offer good alternatives to the development of emerging economies particularly those of the south. We need to think out of the box and set clear priorities for the country and follow these very strictly. This is what creates a ‘culture of prosperity’ which is lacking in Zambia. Transformation must be carefully planned with meaningful participation of the poor themselves, particularly women because they are in the majority and a valuable resource.
On this blog. You shall know the Tufimbwi No Plan (all the small CNPs) by their lack of thinking and analysis. It is too much for them to be objective.
We definetly need Zimbabweans like Dambisa Moyo to pump some sense into PF and Sata in general. If they fail report them to ZANU/PF and Mugabe,for disciplinary action.
she is zambian
Thats the problem of economists, they have no solutions. And in most cases they mislead. Look at how many economists the eurozone has yet they cant solve their own problems. Its time African leaders woke up and said abash to IMF and them World bank coz they are just economic oppressors. We have minerals yet we cant determine the price. Our copper has to go through the London metal exchange yet the entire UK doesnt have any copper deposits. Who then should know and/or determine the cost? Thank God I will never study economics as a major.
Very ingenious observation
This is a tragedy for people considered learned in Zambia. Dambisa claims on PF buffles me to learn that she is only reacting when she bounces in Livingstone as a capital and only yesterday. What a shame. I expected her to comment sensibly but what she is telling us is only what directly affects her is important than the whole nation. Where was Dambisa when President Sata made changes to the provincial capital to make disparaging remarks because of her own inconvenience. What about people in Namwala, Siavonga, Sinazongwe etc… when they need the services from the PS, does she mind how much it costs them to do so and Vice versa the staff to monitor progress in the province. Madam, Dambisa, i respect you but this time it is you who is pussyfooting.
You have missed the point. Dambisa is talking about priorities. Spend/invest your money wisely in order to bring returns/infrastructure. There are more important things to do before moving capitals.
In my CNP party WE DO NOT EVEN HAVE A PLAN of HOW WE CAN PLAN. that is why you can call us the PF(Plan Failures).
Kekekekekekekekekekekekekeke – sad :-(
Chinyo Ne Pala(CNP) ai….
what an intelligent & straight thinking fellow can do..be courageous and tell those hooligans..Zambia has more pressing needs than what they have started on..thanx Dambisa
if this lady advises poul kagame and rwanda has recorded significant economic growth after the genocide then she is sharp. what growth has GBM,UKWA,SHAMENDA put together brought to zambia. 90 days my foot,if you know anything about cooperate governance then you can know that policy formulation and implementation do not take 90 days. this is how life works, the illiterates voted but PF need us the educated to work so we still get the jobs while we layoff you the uneducated maids.its sad but such is life.
In my CNP party WE DO NOT EVEN HAVE A PLAN of HOW WE CAN PLAN. that is why you can call us the PF(Plan Failures).
Kekekekekekekekekekekekekeke – sad :-(
Dambisa Moyo Big headed chap, are you sure with what you are saying or you are politicking. You have never been a Development Practitioner . Keep dreaming girl! The Question for you is how did you advise Zambia when you worked for the World Bank at the time Zambians economy was being messed up by you guys at WB? SAPs do you remember them. We hate them here.
Isn’t she part of the failed Barclays board in the UK that couldn’t fire Bob Diamond for crookedness? They instead backed him only for him to resign the very next day? Why couldn’t she advise Barclays on that matter? How come she didn’t resign on principle? She was told that the capital has moved so how can she find that irritating? Thought she would be impressed with the speed with which it has moved? She has not offered advice on the “other pressing matters” just that there are other pressing matters that the country should look at?
Therein lies the problem and sometimes we all fall short. We tend to criticise very quickly and yet offer no alternatives. Yes , there is a need to be seen to be doing something in the short term but we should not be scared to take actions that will be positive in the long run. To take the point of the shifting of a provincial Capital may seem expensive in the short term but look at it in terms of e.g costs of monitoring of the various stations(districts) from a far distant provincial capital. I mean the cost of travel etc the cost of catching mistakes which could have been done had the officer in charge of supervising has no transport to get to where the problem is due to distance etc. Upgrade means improving eg roads,building equals more jobs. Two sides to every coin positive or negativ
well said Dambisa. If Sata is inteligent, then he will take heed of your advice.
she is in a way advocating more taxes on the mines
# 15 spot on. the ideals of the international financial institutions and the strategic interests of imperial processes tare o blame for Africa’s sluggish economic development. on the other hand Africans needs to move with civilisation and abandon 15 century cultural and traditional values that still dominate their minds.
# 15 spot on. the ideals of the international financial institutions and the strategic interests of imperial processes are to blame for Africa’s sluggish economic development. on the other hand Africans needs to move with civilisation by abandoning 15 century cultural and traditional values that still dominate their minds.
Dambisa has nothing to do with Paul Kagame. Paul is a sharp guy who is working with his people to change the country. Dambisa is just enjoying the noce time in Rwanda period. Are you sure you can compare her CV to the late Mutharika and check how he messed the Malawian economy. These WB chaps are good for nothing. They are slave drivers only.
Dambisa has nothing to do with Paul Kagame. Paul is a sharp guy who is working with his people to change the country. Dambisa is just enjoying the noce time in Rwanda period. Are you sure you can compare her CV to the late Mutharika and check how he messed the Malawian economy. These WB chaps are good for nothing. They are slave drivers only.
How some people change, from being a Kafue Moma to one of the 100 influential persons in the world by TIME magazinene!!
Zonda uzalema.
Well said D! When will Zambians learn to take good advice? The UK Government invited her to address their full parliament because they see she has world class economic wisdom. Unfortunately, our own Zambians can’t see that wisdom. And we expect to effectively fight poverty!!!
spot on
The problem we have in Zambia is that some carders think that when someone points out the government mistakes then they deserve to be in the opposition; but this is purely bullshit, this lady understands what she is saying, and I totally agree that we need to benefit from the prevailing good copper prices as well as ensuring that we come up with clear policies to steer the country forward. No hate no jealousy. The lady needs the attention of every well meaning politician and technocrat.
Very true, in Zambia will only realise what will have got, when someone passes on!!
Very true, in Zambia we only realise what we have got, when someone passes on!!
U re still a kid mwaice!
The problem with most Zambians if somebody especially educated people tries to advice, bantu start thinking that “azinvela mufana”. She is right, this GRZ is concentrating on trivial things which is a serous share waste of precious time. We are loosing out on major development and money saving. All we are doing is creating more and more useless costs.
Marubishiiii, imwe bantu let that lady keep talking, where was she when this country was rotting under RB, which country has no economist, even the worst performing has, so shiii
True Dambisa, people are waiting to see what they were promised. But the president is busy firing and hiring people. Naming districts, changing headquarters, renaming airports and stadia, Joking every time and spending money on Kwacha rebasing. These PF (Poor Failures) have poorly failed.
Walasa mwana wakwathu. We need young bright and educated people to instill focus on national priority areas of our economic development. Otherwise this pf govnt is a joke. They said within 90 days Zambians will have more money in their pockects. Look at what is happening….. a peasant farmer cannot even sell what he/she has produced and yet govnt was busy encouraging farmers to produce more. Malabish !!!!!!
We know you. You are not Zambian. Why is she not advice on what should have been done instead?
I heard someone from PF saying “SHE IS JUST BITTER” yabaaaa. kekekekekeke.
This Woman needs to move from theories to practicality. The problem with these so called Harvard educated is that they think writing a book trashing what we in Africa are trying to do makes them intelligent.Why doesnt Dambisa try advising the IMF and World Bank including the USA about the policy inconsistencies towards Africa and Zambia in particular and we see how far her theories will fly.Work up girl and stop being a COCONUT!! DARK ON THE OUTSIDE AND WHITE ON THE INSIDE. in short a wonna be
As long as the people in Govt. have no intention of any development but plunder, nothing is going to happen, u can bring in Economists from Heaven, it wont work.
I don`t have much respect for this woman.I know she is highly learned and all but her economic prowess are mostly theoretical and not practical.Good advice though.
Every time these so called Doctors come back to Africa,all they do is talk and no action,last time it was Prof Chirwa,he come back home,he wants to be president…this time around Dr Moyo with criticism,when are these doctors going to come and try and help develop Africa…enough is enough,all you do is talk,the country got you guys where you are not to only come back once in a while and think of us who have remained back here in Africa as stupid….
arrest that woman for insulting the presidency how can you say that the president is not serious
China, today’s leading economy brew its own economic policies without the Moyos of this world! The equation to our solution lies in the Zambian leadership first claiming ownership of the challenges that the country faces. Let Sata and team learn from their mistakes and correct them in time. The fact that the PF govt has embarked on the path of problem solving is what will bring out the ingenuity in the team. Madam Moyo’s chikwakwa is not the real solution.
Dr Moyo is Hakainde’s mercenary who wants acrimony in Zambia.The PF and H.E President Sata are in the process of enforcing policy to ensure that export companies including the mines do not externalize all their export earnings. This has been disadvantaging the country. This enabling environment was introduced by our colleagues in the opposition who we replaced, but we want to correct this and introduce an enabling environment for both the investors and the people”
Some of the blogs make for sad reading – we really have no hope whatsoever as a country with such a dull and shallow populace. What Dambisa is saying is true, wake up guys.
“Dr. Moyo has charged that it is embarrassing that some commodity rich countries such as Zambia are failing to take advantage of the high commodity prices to benefit the poor” Economists, surely how do you get 100% benefits from assets you fall short of control, which you don’t own? These profits are not Boma’s, but the investors who have taken the risk through investments to maximize their yield. That is why! Therefore, Boma’s benefit are crumbs from the Commodity boom (High Copper Prices) through Taxes only. Which were inadequately tackled for in the Development Agreements during Privatization in the medium to long term. Which now needs redress.
This fool of a woman just talks too much.she is not a full blown economist but a textbook one.prostitute
Some people are missing the point here. Dambisa’s main point is about priorities. Spend/invest your money wisely in order to bring returns/infrastructure. There are more important things to do before moving capitals.
I am not sure if you got my point clearly. My question is, where has she been all this time? My next question is if the structure is not correct, what are you going to build on the economics of cost benefit analysis. I think Sata is right, get the structure in place and on it overlay or the theories of development and not the other way round. As a country it is time we learnt to criticise and give credit where it is due.
Zambia is full of *****s. You cannot comment on the affairs of the country without being called bitter, a foreigner, a tribalist, etc. It seems we should all keep quiet and change our ethnicity to bemba. What a govt….a clueless pack of monkeys!
dambisa why are u leaps Red. you drunk all our tujilijili?
What an I.d.i.o.t You can’t even spell lips? With this calibre of citizens who is even to blame the politicians peeing on our heads?
You just know theory from school!!!
Thanks Dambisa for the talk. But as others have stated above, its easier said than done. Yes, paradigms change, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. Zambia’s, as well as any other african state’s, underdevelopment is directly linked to the greed in the west, where I believe you are getting your theories from. You sound to me more of a global perspective economist than of indigenous idealogist. Our Govt appears to be making many attempts on the ground to improve our well being, but I would be unfair if I blamed you for your ignorance, much as I cannot blame you for learning just the previous day that Choma is the new South capital. This information has been availbale online for eons. Professor, your current affairs and theories are polemic.
Read between the lines, Sata and his PF will now be attacked for simply embracing Robert Mugabe. Can one catalogue the inconstancies in the Obama policies?! What is Dambisa’s cheap talk about. Real leadership is simply about problem ownership and embarking on the path of finding solutions and you need not be a carbon copy.
These are the type of people who should be in government.I say it again Freedom fighters need to step down and let the young ones lead Zambia into the 21 century.How can creating districts,changing names,and provincial headquaters be of any value to lasting development.Next government should have people born after 1964..the ones born before that are our treasured parents who will take an advisory role.
Spoiled by the Brentwood institutions she is associating with and all the neo-liberal economic policies. She may have a point on inconsistencies and I think Government is addressing that but I doubt if the domeetic geo-political reorganisation, if it is meant ro enahce efficiency can be characterised as not important! I am also dissapointed that at her level of education, she finds her natural African hair inferior and she has to put on a dead white womans hair!!!
Dambiso has failed to recognize positives that have been recorded such as the banning of conduction all local transactions in foreign currency. This was done through a SI.
What is inconsistency about the positive changes that the PF govt has made that she has cited? Let her tell the world which govt has no executive powers to make some major policy pronouncements using provisions such as SI.
She has to focus more on the long term development effect of shifting admin HQ from Livingstone to Choma than the immediate ones. Even the rebasing of the kwacha is timely and important as it will stabilize the cost of conducting business that is currently experienced.
the country is basically ‘ pussyfooting’
Thanks madam for your wonderful contribution. Am sure PF has ears unlike some former party and one other party still apsiring for state house who think they know it all! Meanwhile all ‘yo, PF has the mandate until 2016. Like it or not, Sata is our president till then. Wamene cha baba, alile. Ati CNP? kekekeke. He’s still your president. I sat on LT blogging against MMD for years and it was so frustrating but at last, the party I voted for is in power and it feels great!
Dr D.M well spoken, dont get attracted to politics and keep hammering them. One day we shall overcome. Where is RB or ALA BEE today? Zambia will always be there!
When i called them monkeys and F.O.O.LS i was insulted… you can not have a grade 7 as a president and expect a nation to develop.
In time Zambians will release what a great mistake the make to put Ukwa in state house
It will not help to cry over spilled milk. But a helping hand to call for a mob to clean up is the only solution. I personaly value your concerns though but they are in vain! You can attest to my affirmation that even your MD or CEO is not the best of them on the market but you work for him/her though. That is if you are not self employed!
I meant mop than mob! Sorry mate!
she must be a bitter jealous tonga.hahahahahaha
Spot on # 45. If you have a job and you get your monthly pay, your priorities would be something like this: 1 Rent , 2 Food -Unga , malasha or malaiti salad etc), 3 School fees, 4 Money for transport and for medical expenses etc. Then money for beer and mahule would be at the very last end of the list. So this is what Dambisa is trying to tell the PF govnt. PRIORITIES PLEASE IN YOUR DEV. AGENDA AND PRACTICES Not kugawa ma districts mmalo mopanga zipatala na mabiliji. osalambalala nkhani apa. Fortsekiii.
LOL so pf priority is for beer and mahule would be at the very first of the list.
Stupid Dambisa. i wasted my 100 pin. POINT OF CORRECTION No ONE CHEERED ABOUT HER COMMON SENSE TALK. shes sponsored by USA to spoil CHINA -ZAMBIA relationship
Clear cut point! YOU JUST NAILED IT… I read her article about the Sino-Zambian relations, and its full of Western ‘centric’ propaganda about China in Africa(Zambia). Why did’t she advocate for Zambia’s development when she was at the WB…???? malabisha!!
#19 Rwanda has seen some development not because of the advice that dambisa Moyo gives to the president of that country but because it plunders the wealth of the Democratic Republic of Congo on the pretext of fighting the rebels.
UNZA Dropout
SHE FAILED FROM UNZA 086 AND PASSED HARVARD ATAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go and educate usa.
Under RB, we complained and were never heard. This country needed a new broom. Believe me by the end of 5 years, this country will be better that it would have been if MMD had been given another term.
Spot on!!
All these doctorate degrees obtained from abroad usually disorient our intellectuals. When Lungwangwa became education misnister I & many Zambians expected to see education administration and curricula re-allignment to suite our inspirations, but alas! Dambisa is a theorist who has gotten her PHD on the misaplication of AID in Africa. She can not understand the implementation of decentralisation and the benefits of this good policy to the ordinary Zambians. What bothered her most was her inconvenience about moving the provincial capital of Southern province to Choma. Please be real girl! The pro-poor PF govt. needs a different strategy to implement its policies to those approved by her employers the IMF & WB. Economics is full of uncertainity and unsure solutions.
I agree with you these chaps think they are no enonomist in Africa. We need to solve our own problems using African solutions!!
There is always a better way to say things when you are an influencial person of Dambisa’s type. The dillema though is that you say the right thing using a wrong forum, you create resistance to listen. Such is what i see from the message she may have said. That said, in KAPOYANS WE TRUST; and when they deliver, we will keep Zee. Till 2038!! Lol
Zambia people stay focussed. Fight the ills of corruption, render excellent customer service across the board, and practically participate in national development no matter how small. Those in subsistence farming are already doing something we must be proud of. ofcourse they are not the only ones. Goooooo Zambia.
what is this woman proposing.. She is talking like a UNDP cadre
#4 Kaka, what do you mean by fake wigs? Show us the real ones kaili!
she z mad……wats she talkn abt…..go to hell
What Ms Moyo is stating is what everyone including Zambian based economists have been writing on this selfsame website; a human being needs a plan or a road map every time one wakes up in the morning. We need a clear road map to take us forward. Moyo has been on the business end of these commodity deals and she knows what she is talking about when she says we should be taking advantage of our natural resources.
If i was Sata I would invite Ms Moyo and members of EAZ for consultation and guidance especially on creating a green paper on mining policy…knowing Sata he will just write her off as “one of those” Zambians in diaspora who ran away…your arrogance Mr President will not take us anywhere; arrogance is merely ego plus ignorance.
Come to my bedroom and lets comeup with an economic plan on 17 rounds,
Dambisa Moyo’s worst critics seem to be Zambian women why? This is something I have observed…
Its called jealousy
” And Dr. Moyo has charged that it is embarrassing that some commodity rich countries such as Zambia are failing to take advantage of the high commodity prices to benefit the poor. ”
That’s Dambisa Moyo, re-defining cognitive dissonance (a shorter 6 letter word starting with s and ending with p would be censored).
She should be advising the British government, except that they are already implementing ms. Moyo’s policies and are grinding their real economy into the ground to save the banking sector.
No more advice ms. Moyo, show your economic triumphs. Because there isn’t a country in the world that the World Bank developed.
Dambisa walasa! I think PF did not really believe they would win and would have to work for the people. Have you heard the Minister of Labour saying they need to come up with measures to create jobs?! What were they doing when they campaigned?
Everything starts with an idea. The Issues is which ideas work.
What has she done to her bank which is ailing, the economies of the countries were she resorted to save apart from milking them pls spare us from the theories, we want practical en workable solutions not pakanwafye no…..
Critical Independent Minds…. I will consider your participation Dambisa….
While Dr.Moyo seems to have some good points i do not agree with her on moving provincial capitals and the re-basing of the currency to not be useful at his stage. She talks like a westerner (western country person). The move PF has been making, to me makes a lot of sense. They first must create a base on which they will be working on rather than work on things then later change things around. What we need is lasting solutions which is what i believe they are doing….
Cont from 82..When the new currency is offloaded on the market, it will make it easier to strengthen the currency in terms of value and it will make sense to the people too. The moving of provincial capitals will make it easier for development in those areas take Choma for example infrastructure will have to be built there and people employed during and after construction. Each provincial capital will be well budgeted for keeping in mind what each needs. So far PF is on course.At the same time they are not perfect but heading in the right Direction.
She is talking about prioritising are those issues really that paramount…..
Someone told us that Copper had a life time of twenty years. I have grown old. Copper is still there. Let the economists dream on. 100 Yrs from Zambia will still be there making more money and attracting more investors.
This woman has issues.lol
this is just an internationally aclaimed slut, whats she talking about?[-(
What she has said is not new. Kaunda, Chiluba, Levy, Ruphia and now Sata all know about this. The million Dollar question is the how?? Has she provided any answers, NO. That is the issue. This is IMF talk and we all know it has never developed any country in the world. The truth is, and Dambisa knows this very well, this world is controlled by disguised Mafias in the western world. We may have the copper, but we do not fix prices.Why? Dambisa knows why, and that is the problem of Africa. Mafias know this and they are now watching Dambisa and probably saying, there goes another african dreamer.
Do you think the whole of Africa has no intellegent people? No the Mafias are controlling this world. Rebasing and Choma issues are long overdue Dambisa you pobably lost touch with Zambi
Woman of Substance, she makes me proud to say am Zambian and an economist!!! Dambisa for Economic Adviser to President! Shame to the small minded people belittling her on this platform, just shows how less educated and uninformed you are ! Keep flying high, you are a true Inspiration Dambisa!
Yesterdai i was thinking about her to be our future leader hoe ever toady i can safely deduce that she may not be suitable till she gets good experience.She is usuing English as her second language but yet to master her mother tongue.Dambaisa must hear or heed what Fundanga said yeterday.We need to decentralise adminsitaration even in North Western Chiefs have seen sense in effective management.HEMCS has been thinking about this NEEDS before our daughter Dambisa was born.She will be suprised the amount of devwelopment PF govt will record even before the end of NEXT YEAR.:-?
If you ask any one of Sata’s unintelligent zealots busy smearing stinking excrement on Moyo on this site, not a single one of them will tell you they know of one. And it is simply because there is none. It´s much like three people from three races arriving at the heavenly gates, together, the Ach Angel Gabriel asks each one of them what they are there for and the black one bluts out that he is only escoting his friend. This is the lack of intellectual and think much needed for survival of us as a people so lacking especially in Zambians of Northern origin whose addiction to tribal bigotry blinds them to anything logical, clever or worse still, common sense. That a head of state could be sooo adrift from reality and yet still retain support is to say the least bizzare!
I meant if they know of Sata´s economic `plan for Zambia
spot on Dr moyo lets hope they will listen
I attended Dambisa’s lecture and she spoke candidly about things that can make Zambia Successful. She advised that we need to educate , provide skills and help Zambians look for jobs. The biggest problem of Sata and Company is how to manage uncertainity. Changing Ministers and aligning and realigning Ministries smacks of policy inconsisentency and does not encourage investor confidence. She castigated the Minimum Wage Issue and lambasted Governemnt for not consulting business which is the biggest stakeholder in economic development. Identifying China as a major economic force in the next few years is worth considering.
Is she in Zambia,i hope she won’t be seported!!! :d:d
@ number 94 meant to say,i hope she won’t be deported by Sata if she’s in Zambia right now !!! hahahah
If she has been quoted correctly, then she is probably one of those foolish intelligent egocentric people. Maybe she can advise HH how to win an election then they can try to develop Zambia their intelligent way. If she had some wisdom she wouldn’t come all the way just to say she was irritated by the provincial shift; that’s so petty. She is world class, we are told. So why can’t she diplomatically approach boma so that she can have a way to influence them for the benefit of her ‘beloved’ country instead of prostituting her brains in Rwanda? She just lands and is on the offensive, how can the PF call her for detailed advice? Is it sour grapes that the kaponya CNP government has more intelligence to win an election from an incumbent than her preferred party has?
What reasons were given for moving the capital of Nigeria from Lagos to Abuja? Populism, populism only ba Dambiso, stop it please, it doesn’t become of you!
Going through the comments above makes sad reading because they reveal why we are backwards as a nation. Dr Moyo is a highly intelligent successfull person who is highly regarded by the best govts in the world and yet she gets insulted by some selfish tribal PF cadres who just want to protect their jobs/businesses at the expense of national development. What is selfish primitive lot you are! Cry the beloved country!
Well spoken Dr Moyo, please keep it up! Don’t be discouraged by these i.diots. Yes they will call tribal, bitter, apostle of hate, dull etc.. but just ignore them and keep talking about what you believe in. It’s your country and you have a right to be concerned about how it is governed.
@Zed Patriot
Sadly I couldn’t agree with you more on that point, its very hard for someone with Ms. Moyo’s background to make it in Zambia as evident by the posts; in Zambia only jumpy loud empty vessels have a chance.They choose to criticise her on silly issues and missing what she is pointing out all together, wake up people;
“..it is embarrassing that some COMMODITY rich countries such as Zambia are FAILING to take advantage of the HIGH commodity PRICES to benefit the poor”
No wonder the mines are making killing in this country as the dull people are in charge of the technocrats as the people allow it. Where is Dr. Luo?
This is the selfsame reason why Sata is afraid of having Dual Citizenship; honestly speaking Moyo has nothing to gain but prosperity for us all hence cannot be accused of “bitterness”.
The problem with Dr Moyo starts the very moment she decides to wear that wig! Artificialist! Problem solving and taking the China model is about being original and real.
There goes another useless debate, and monkeys calling monkeys monkeys! Pass the chai we drink.
This is a tough one. So grz wants us to get educated, but when we do, we get ridiculed for pretending to know to too much.
Dambisa is one of 100 most influential people in the world! I think people need to listen carefully and think twice before reacting to what she says.
Her impression of Zambia and what she says about it carried a lot of weight to potential investors.
But who will listen? You all want either insults or hero worship.
Wake up.
We are getting free advice. I think we should take it.
Dear . God free the lozis from zambia a failed state of dullards. Why are you attacking her person instead of discussing the merits or demerits of the issues she has raised? I won’t be surprised if most of the stupid comments are from the northern cadres scattered in the so called Zambian diplomatic missions abroad. Disgusting and pathetic excuses for human beings! What do you see in this tribal and incompetent govt of hours?
If she is not happy, she should leave and go where she would be happy. Hell may be?
Careful mum CNP will deport you to my bedroom. Anway the good news is that I can happily accommodate you. End of story!
I thought taking services nearest to the people must be priority.
What does our own Dr Moyo think is priority, putting the tourist capital in her house?
I believe in her and believe she has something to say. Why not be a guest lecturer at our universities.? I can understand peoples apprehension surrounding her. You jet in, ruffle some feathers and then jet out leaving us behind. Come back and fight with us pa frontline of development we. And we do not attack her because she has some nsomo. Bane we have plenty of women who are doctorate holders and professors working in Zambia so we are not starstruck. She is like anyone else with a doctorate bane.
By the way when I was doing my grade 5 social studies, I was taught that the provincial capital city of Southern province was Choma. From a physical, and economic planning perspective, Choma is ideal, kapena ti funa ma mall.
She could have done well to have a more African look about her hair than this “plastic” look she wants to be identified with! Awe sure! Even the schooled ones want to look like ladies of the night. Whats wrong with a nice natural afro?
The gentlemen who are only seeing Dr. Moyo as a pretty face, grow up. She raised some critical issues. What Zambia needs are some quality investors, who can partner with Zambian business people. Ultimately that is one of the ways to a progressive, developed Zambia. Govt needs solid, consistent policies that can guide the process.
What a devastating punch is Dambisa’s on PF’s louse policies! Many other scholars like her have, in recent past, made similar observations: http://thinkafricapress.com/zambia/michael-sata-unfulfilled-promises
She has failed to find a husband and yet she advices how to take advatange of the boom. How can u fix a big economy when u cant fix a small issue like finding a man. Even uneducated girls have two men.
Theories can not be the ans. Even low priorities do work
This is serous Pull him down syndrome. Dambisa please don’t be distracted by haters continue pursuing your God given dreams and may everyone who appreciates your insight be blessed.
Dambisa and her doomsday economics! She worked for Morgan chase, the architectures of the last financial meltdown. Never trust a banker! What policies is she talking about? Jumping on the the condemning bandwagon without any shed of proof, all over the world every government has the right to change any policy to benefit their citizens, the MMD policies benefited foreign investors at the expense of Zambians, how do you give 10 year concession for tax free?
@Ba nkupi, you are definitely a Zambian woman,only a woman can spit out such toxic venom. I can see us having a female President in Zambia, they are the worst enemies. Zambian women should go back to watching Big Brother Africa that’s all they know…
I can’t see us having a female president…..
Dumbwisa… whatever your name is….; you a the PUSSY in this whole issue, let UNZA graduates tell us something not you drop-out
Has Zambia ever had a good Bemba minister of finance? NO! hahahahaha Dambisa is correct.
There is nothing new that she is saying apart from giving some details. HH has already told us about CNP
“A prophet is not without honour except in his own country and among his own kinsmen”. Here is a woman of world class reputation whom we are subjecting to all sorts of insults over her criticism of the PF government’s policies. Elsewhere in the world, people pay thousands of dollars just to go and listen to her speak. We lack even the natural courtesy to treat her as a well meaning person. This, in my view, is the frightening side of the Zambian culture. No one may hold a different view from ours, otherwise, we subject the person, not his or her views to insult and ridicule. Why hate Ndambisa Moyo for who she is and for what she is or is not? Is there any hope for this country??????
Zambia needs deliverance from Jealousy and Pull him down syndrome, yes there is hope if we address these characteristics.
That’s why I never voted, I saw this coming… The PF have never had any real economic plan even during their campain. MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS.
Dambisa…..after reading economics books written by white men…you think you can bring it to africa.? just come to my bed I give you a good mandingo…you will forget all your economics…
Kwena muli mbushi, efyo mwi ngala landa pa chintu bwingi ifya bupuba. Instead of good contribution, you are busy insulting the young lady!!!!! Eco muculila lyonse, you do not want devepment.
What the Doc has put across is theory thats what most people are saying. Zambians lets be analytical not just support things just because are said by so called economists. Action oriented approach is what is needed. I mean how many times has the IMF / WB disappointed us? On this one i dont agree with Dr Moyo
you fool just shut your redlips shaaa
UNZA drop out iwe!
Zambians! Who is our worst enemy? Ourselves! Why, because we have conferred economic emancipation to others to determine our destiny than self. For this reason, we have perfected our art of complaints than efforts to economically emancipate ourselves through entrepreneur skills to wean ourselves from being employees and white collar job syndrome.
We have put our faith in this amateurish breed of Politicians with no schema to way lay us out of this predicament. The resultant “Complaining day in and day out” with no solutions insight, but bickering amongst ourselves whilst these vandals feast on our spoils (Government Treasury).
In short, our intellectual prowess which is the very core of our existence is lost moreover, over shadowed by hurt for each other and tribal patronage.
That is why Zambia is where it is today, all this has be escalated by this conduit of chats, blogging which has become a channel of frustrations venting than solutions. This tool has only promulgated ill advice to silence the less eloquent in speech or show down to well heeled persons in the Queen’s language. The Book of Ecclesiastes exclaims that this is a chase after the wind. Purely empty talk in the name of Political debates with no sought tangible elucidation. Which is not, the spirit of Ubuntu!!
Typical Zambians. Belittling people who are recognized internationally. Dambisa is respected all over the world. The same with Kalusha, who has now been honored to write sports for Forbes magazine but Zambians are just negative about people like Kalu, Dambisa etc
Dambisa for Republican President. Join the UPND and we will make you president to defeat the Dinasor currently at state house.
It is not her we have issue with it is her perspective, especially that she is not resident here, I’m I not right. What is her view on the paltry but still increments which has led to more consistent civil service, let us be patient bane. That is what has killing Zambia, impatience. The Chinese who everyone even Obama is asking for money from 1990 – 2000 were using food coupons. Patience and let us work hard, not blogging during working hours like, what time is it????
Africans and their obsession with titles! suddenly it’s doc this, doc that.. as far as i know she does not use the title out there.
Bill Clinton is a law professor, never have we heard Americans refer to him as Professor Clinton.
i am in congo
Very embarrassing comments, what type of analysis are bloggers using, is this the level of thinking we have among Zambians.
Why are you lying?
Zambia is bound to blossom economically! Look at the North western province.If you seat on the board of Lumwana???? You know what I am talking about. Lubambe Mine has just opened. Moestsepe is a South African tycoon……he does not agree with you or he would not have put his money in Chililiabombwe. Look at infrastrure re birth and housing projects and constructions abound. Farming in Mkushi and Tazara corridor. Mining in Northern and Luapula provinces. Why is PIck AND PAY here? All Soouth African businesses are scrambling for space in Zambia. They know there is no COSATU, No Julius Malema here…..They can externalise their money any time. Zambial will soon be a business haven. Wilatubepa, Kantu Kobe!
The statutory instrument 33 has resulted in total theft! I was informed that RTSA is using a rate of ZMK 5,250 for the motor vehicle charge at the borders. Could someone investigate this please? ZMK 210,000 divided by 40 will certainly give you a very high exchange rate. So is the ZAR 350 that is being demanded!!!!!! THIEVES! THIEVES! EVERYWHERE THIEVES!
Uyu mwanakashi alisambilila bushe ba Sata ifontini kuti bamumfwa. Bomfwila fye fellow kaponyas like Kambwili, Nsanda, Sampa na bambi bamuchindila bwali mu PF party yabatutu
‘I dont know any economics but all i care about is pipo having 3 meals a day’.words by Jerry Rawlings. former presido of Ghana.
It is quite surprising to me how economics has become irrelevant. Yes the euro zone are in trouble because the banks were busy borrowing money at high interest rates, knowing they couldn’t pay it back. The EU is a credit economy, Zambia is a cash economy. Ideally having copper should help our balance of payments. The problem has been allowing foreign investors to come in, dig, take and as a whole have no benefit through correct taxation. Ndola was a tax free zone for 5years under MMD. Investors came and took their profit. The UK is in a recession however the taxation is in such a way that as long as you are earning, HMRC will get their money. Therefore our leaders need to understand the basic stuff ie supply, demand then move on to see how they can change policy.
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What are the solutions and yo advice doc?