Friday, March 28, 2025

The unbearable day to day living of Chambeshi residents- A cry to turn Chambeshi into a District


Some women and chlldren in Chambeshi

By C.Kaleta


Now time has come when we youths of Chambishi have decided to take over from were the forum left because its too much of promises that never come to pass.

Why do we have to be kept like orphans in our own land and with our own money by Kalulushi when atleast 90% of the annual revenue that they have comes from Chambishi? Bibilically even orphans are cared for.We are saying Zambia is a christian nation ,but everything is being robbed from us by leaders who also call them selves christians.

Politically we have come to understand that the district is just too big for one member of parliament and its resulting in him failing to fulfill our needs and expectations.

Other factors like the government offices only being in Kalulushi which is far from Chambishi has made it difficult for Chambishi to benefit from anything that the local investors give the district.

In terms of registration of our children,we always have to go to Kalulushi and you have to spend money for transport about k50000.Think of people living in Zambia compound where even K5000 matters.So in short most of our children in Zambia compound are not registered as Zambians even though they live around the town.


Education is one of the main things the government should look at now.Honestly such a big town like Chambishi with a total population of over 30,000 having one secondary school? Were on earth will the children or youths finish school? That’s what leads them to turn into criminals knowing they won’t finish school…Compare how many secondary schools are in Kalulushi and yet the population is almost the same as Chambeshi.

Health care or lack thereof

In Chambishi mothers are dying and failing to deliver because we lack operating theatres , scan machine , X-ray but in Kalulushi they have and yet we are in the same district.

There is lack of man power at our clinic.Chambishi has grown in such a way that we need our own local hospitals where we will have our own doctors and other machines.A large number of people are dying every year while in transit to Kitwe central hospital of which it’s about 30km from Chambishi .Why do we have to be losing lives while we have resources and land to make our own?



Why do marketeers always have to find it difficult doing their business and people not buying their goods thinking they are roten?

Chambishi now is a town with mixed race and cultures.We have foreigners around who need to be supporting local marketeers instead of going elsewhere.To my understanding that’s one way of employing people because many will be motivated to open up their own businesses.
If NAKADOLI can be built.Why can’t we do the same if we were on our own.(a district) We can just ask local investors to help because we are the same people who breathe their chemical fumes from the mines.We thank them for their coming.

Imagine bringing PEP-STORE and SHOPRITE,not forgetting many banks where you will even be able to deposit NOT only withdraw.

If you can declare us to be a district it will be one way of creating employment to many local people who are still unemployed.

Water problems despite having the Kafue river

Why do we always have problems with water in Chambishi when Kafue river the main copperbelt water supplier has passed through the township? This is an example of how unfair and biased the Kalulushi municipal council is to our township.


People is Chambeshi a compound or Township? Then why are we treated like we area compound? The same municiple council gets money from us through land rates and taxes but we see nothing they do for us in Chambeshi but always in Kalulushi.

Imagine if we were on our own as Chambeshi district,this CHINA ECONOMIC ZONE the Chinese are building would have been finished by now but due to Kalulushi people who see no sense in it,its still not finished.When its finished how many people do you think can be employed? Thousands I swear.


How many bus stations are in Kalulushi?Imagine in Chambeshi we have even turned council offices into a bus station.In short we have no proper bus stations.But we are just picked from the streets..….imagine if we were a district we could have our own direct bus terminus to all Copperbelt towns….

Going to Mufurila you need to go to Kitwe the Mufurila.How much can you spend and how much time?

The importance of having a district status is we will have own government offices…meaning decisions will be made and definately by the people who are based here who know what the problems are.Even the government of today supports decentralisation. How can you be decentralised when you are treated as an orphan or begger?


  1. Chambishi has always been neglected it’s very true and yet it houses giants Chambishi Metals, NFCA Mine, Chambishi Copper Smelter and more and they have made unimaginable profits while poor zambian is still crying for a bus station, shame on zambians, we sold our souls to the devil! … its sad. Declare it a district with immediate effect!

  2. Well said,,,and in my opinion this should be looked at with a positive view. PF you are in power, am not a resident of Chambishi but am a Zambia citizen who is an ordinary being and have been in Cham..before..this is a timely advise cos the residents cries are genuine….PF just do it and don’t be assamed cos its be written,,,in the media. This should be the work of yo advisors ba tata ba Sata….why should we call ourselves orphans when u begged for our votes..this is a straight forword issue to revolve…! The mines around Chambeshi should definately do benefit to its local pipo…its few kwachas to spend on whatever these pipo are crying for,,a hospital with all facilities, roads maintenance, bus sation, schools, banks,,,,wish i was the presidents advisor,,,tata ba Sata act 4 yo pipo.

  3. Its amazing how people comment without reading. Obviously Chambeshi is not the small ‘village’ it was in the 80s and 90s it grown and therefore it needs amenities like hospitals,schools,administrative offices as the author has so ‘eloquently’ described.Why should people board buses to Kitwe first when going to Mufulira.This is money going out of peoples pockets and developmental time wasted.Thats why Zambians don’t think of development they are busy in survivor mode.This chambeshi resident is one of the few progressive Zambians around and I hope the govt shall take heed to his/her cries.

  4. As an ardent critic of Sata and the Pf govt for the first time I see what creation of a district actually entails.Its actually a good thing if it would change people lives.I hope Pf will carry through with everything involved in district creation.

  5. @Bwalya: clearly you have never been to Chambeshi because if you had you know that there is hardly anything progressive about Chambeshi aside from the smelter and colbalt mine  . . . . and if thats enough to earn district status then we will have several new districts on the Copperbelt in no time. Let them just become a neighbourhood of Kitwe  . . . . which is all they’ve ever been

    • I bet you’ve never actually been there, Zambia is were it is because loud mouths like you, yak off all day about things the don’t know anything about. Get off you ass and work . . .  

    • TheRenegade stay away from this issue if you have nothing positive to contribute.We are backwards because of chaps like you.TOO NEGATIVE.

  6. Yes, give them the status they have asked for. The author has very well articulated the prevailing situation there, the economic loss they have suffered, while enriching another town, etc.

    It is time this wish was granted.

  7. Indeed this has been long overdue, its time for Chambishi (Mauzu) to be on its own so that the area can be developed as well since the population has grown tremendously and the mines are doing well and am told they are constructing the economical zone right there in Chambishi. Hope His Excellence will declare Chambishi to be a district immediately.

    Concerned citizen and supporter of PF


  9. Renegade,

    I wonder if you have ever been to Chambeshi and other areas in Zambia. You say there is nothing in Chambeshi to make it a District. Have ever been to Shibuyunji which has been declared a District? What is at Shibuyunji compared to Chambeshi that warrants it to be declared a district and Chambeshi not? Let president Sata make Chambeshi a district since he has already started making district as a way of improving local governance.

    • I agree with you my bro. Chambishi is far better that than most bushy areas the President has declared as districts.There is money in Mauzu for sure, not Kalulushi.

  10. sad reading , i agree make it a district it is to big . This township has produced gallant perssonel in this country hence very neglected, the likes Late webby chikabala ,chipolopolo goal trainer Davies Phiri, Former indeni coach Emanuel siwale, Moses sichone National aiport MD , the list is endless, please BA Kateka ask the MP will tell u the truth

  11. I hope the powers that be are reading the emotions and facts right. During my school days (1982-90) I lived in Kalulushi. Chambishi was a “branch” of Chibuluma Mine/Operations. The link was purely dictated by mining activities. Things (social, political, and economic) have changed. Hence Chambishi deserves its legitimate status – a District! As for Kalulushi get to grips with reality – you’re ripping off Chambeshi.

  12. Kalulushi, including, Chambishi, has a population of 100,381. Of this, Chambishi, has a population of 24,062. The population of Chambishi is smaller than that of Chimwemwe which has a population of 117,341 and Kwacha with a population of 133,155 in neighbouring Kitwe. Constituencies in Lusaka like Chawama, Matero, Munali, Mandevu, Kabwata, etc are more than 10 times the size of Chambishi but are not districts. Feira with a population of 24,304 and Chipili with 32,565 have been declared districts. In the past, for a place to be called a town or city there was a minimum population size it had to attain. Why don’t have clear yardsticks based on population size and geographical coverage to determine which areas qualify for district status?

    • How much money or even economic activity is in Chambishi as compared to those places you are mentioning?Chambishi is a SLEEPING GIANT, robbed by Kalulushi.IT SHOULD BE DECLARED A DISTRICT.There is potential,baba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I was born In Kalulushi and moved to Chambeshi in 1981 and my parents still have a farm and live there. Indeed, there are challenges that still need to be addressed. The solution lies in the people themselves to sit down with their councilor and Kalulushi MP, mining firms in Chambeshi, GRZ depts, farmers, interest groups and let them spell out what is important for the Chambeshi residents. One thing i know is that NRC, plots, Birth records, decent shopping, farming inputs facilities are not catered for well. One has to travel to Kalulushi to get NRC, unless things have changed Chambeshi only has got a local court, mini hospital and no proper amenities given the economical boom in the area. It starts from sitting down. The pros and cons are welcome.

  14. The bad part is that the author chose to show a shanty compound photo which doesnt truly portray the true picture of Chambeshi.

  15. number 18 it is better to go and live in chambishi, if you would enjoy the fruits of a district just as others think, it is about distributing wealth to those woul dont have and that is great, if you want to stay in lusaka go a heard

  16. I once lived in Chambeshi, until 1978 and since they had no hospital (surprising still it has no hospital), I was born at Kalulushi mine hospital (although my parents use to stay in Chambeshi). all this time until 2006, I have been made to believe its a district . Please, HE M C, make my home town a district, Please, please.

  17. Submit the secound picture to the Journalistic photography awards ….to whoever took the second picture … its artistic 

  18. # 19 BMK, you are right, Chambeshi is more than shanty compound. Although, I left the place when I was 5 yrs old, I still remember our nice house (Ku makobo) with a swimming pool, facing power lines. the Zambia compound used to be after the power lines and small shopping was done from there

  19. If so, even konkola town ship here in chililabombwe must be a district coz it has also its on big big mine now called KONOCO and need some offices.

  20. Well articulated by Mr C.Kaleta.If the government knows what you are passing through,it will definitly help because Patriotic Front is a listening Governament

    • diplomacy is the act of sayin good dog while u looking for a big stick….
       this is da new order we the youths of chambishi wil giv the gov….. wait and see

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