Friday, March 7, 2025

Chizongwe High School from Chipata beat Lusaka’s Kasisi Girls in Secondary School debate final


Chizongwe Technical School in Chipata
Chizongwe Technical School in Chipata

Chizongwe Technical High School in Chipata district in Eastern province last evening pocked US $5,000 after scooping the 2012 Schools Debate Competition.

This was after the Chizongwe debate team beat their opponent, Kasisi Girls’ Secondary School of Lusaka.

Kasisi Girls’ Secondary School came runners-up in the tournament and they were given 100 litres of Decotex paint.

This is according to the live programme beamed at the Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) television and monitored by ZANIS in Lusaka.

ZNBC Assistant Public Relations Officer, Mpunga Simukwae, who was the director of programmes, congratulated Chizongwe Technical High School for their splendid performance to win the prize.

“May l take this opportunity to thank the sponsors of this programme and also for making it a success. Great thanks goes to Chizongwe Technical High School for emerging the winner of 2012 Schools debate,” Mrs Simukwae.

Mrs Simukwae further said the competition had attracted a number of players and urged pupils to be pro-active in current affairs programmes in their respective school.

The debate competition was sponsored by Decotex, a local paint manufacturing firm, Exams-Made-Easy and ZNBC.

ZNBC Director General, Chibamba Kanyama, Zambia Information Communication Technology Authority, ZICTA and Decotex officials including the school authorities from the two learning institutions also attended the event and witnessed the prize-giving ceremony.



  1. Metal ni metal congrats my school my boys. Now let’s go to bogoland after this and study more. I love my school

  2. I miss those days at Maboys when we could debate with the Musa from DK, Zyambo from Munali and Chris Jombo from Libala. Glory days gone… Congrats Chizongwe. I remember my late friend Robbie Chakwila 91 intake graduating from there. May his soul rest in peace.

  3. Chizy Metal. So in Rural Zambia there is talent. I’m mindful and Of-course some of the pupils come from the line of rail. Well done Chizy Inshimbi.

    The Prize money for the winner is a token and ok though small but under the circumstance maybe and just maybe. . But the runner up must have been paid something in cash as well. To cover Transport and logistic on top of the paint.

    • Yea where is Siza? I remember we had Tutu Nyalugwe too, Yohane Tembo. Thiose were great days. DK was untouchable with those guys.

  4. This is great news! These young people are the future politicians and if they can be trained to debate, political violence will be a thing of the past
    What was the motion?

  5. what evercase, evry one suports his or her fomer school. schools without roan antelope high schools are nothine. congrates current pupils at RAHS POWER of luanshya.from former 2002 NORTEC H.E.R suspect currently working with highet ZAMBIA company employer KCM in a nice town no other than CHILI-BOARDER with nice teams like SHARP KONKOLA BLADES and KONKOLA MINE POLICE.

  6. chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzz

  7. Congrats boys, now go to Nyagama or kauchende villages and drink some traditional wine. also greet for me the famous midget Roundani (little man) from kauchende.Chizzy 2001 intake.

  8. Chizz Mentals!!! Go boys Go!! reminds me of my days at Chizz doing my thing in the Debate club. Well done and continue making us proud boys.

  9. Well done boys for giving the girls a beating in the competition! I used to enjoy debate between boys and girls more because of the intensity of emotions on both sides. 

    Better luck next time, girls! At least you’re not getting youself into the up and downs of school life that add up to nothing and only bring female students down. Education is the key that opens the door to a better world.

  10. Well done Chizzy…was member of Chizongwe Debate Club in the late 90’s…with likes of George Mumba and Alifasi Daka hahaha even Chisanga Chansa aka “CQ” the musician!

  11. brings back memories of old days of the popular teacher: The Degreeman, Ms Delat, R.K Phiri (headmaster RIP), Mr. E Zulu

  12. Congrats Chizzy metals, i had collegues from this school who came to DK in 1987 like the late Masauso Chirwa, Dingani, brings back wonderful memories

  13. Well Done Chizzy Metal? at least something Positive than your Nonsense Riots Repetations and Fighting with Chipata day sec school.

  14. Hearty congrats, guys! Great. So, the flame is still burning. How refreshing for old twits like me who used to enjoy them, debates during the class of ’71. Brings back good old memories, indeed! Keep it up, Chizzy!

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