Thursday, March 6, 2025

Standard Chartered Bank Zambia CEO wins the “CEO of the Year” Award in Zambia


STANDARD Chartered Bank managing director Mizinga Melu
STANDARD Chartered Bank managing director Mizinga Melu

Standard Chartered Zambia PLC Chief Executive Officer, Mizinga Melu was awarded the CEO of the Year Award during the ZICA 2012 Annual Gala Dinner by the Deputy Minister of Finance Hon. Miles Sampa at the Hotel Inter-Continental in Lusaka on Friday, 7th December, 2012. The award was in recognition of her visionary and outstanding leadership to the Bank.
Mrs. Melu leads a Bank that has been recognised for its leadership in financial performance and delivery of high quality innovative products and services.

Standard Chartered has in the recent past received the Bank of the Year Award in light of its strong international presence, and the breadth of projects that it has undertaken to broaden its product offering and service quality.

With over 106 years of on-the-ground presence and expertise, Standard Chartered Bank consistently delivers convenient and innovative banking products and services to clients operating in Zambia. Pioneering services, such as Priority Banking, and award-winning channel technologies, like Internet Banking, have strengthened the Bank’s franchise considerably in Zambia’s increasingly competitive environment in 2012.

Standard Chartered continues to make a difference in the community. As part of its US$1 million “Seeing is Believing” eye-care programme in North Western Zambia as well as another US$1 million eye-care programme in Southern Zambia, the Bank has also refurbished Choma and Monze Hospital Eye Units and donated cataract kits, eye microscopes and a bipolar cautery.

Standard Chartered Bank is integral to the development of Zambia as demonstrated by our continued position as the lead bank in the retail, agriculture and mining sectors. Mrs Melu stated “We are proud of the standards we have set, and we say a big thank you to our customers for their loyalty and continued support. We could not have done this without them.”


  1. Useless PR statement and does not even qualify to be news LT. For her to be given a CEO of the year award who was she up against and what were the becnchmarks used. Most of the things highlited here were archived because of standard charted bank and not because of her. Any Standard Chartered CEO would have done the same.

    To me the CEO of the month should be somebody who turns around a sinking company and moves on to deliver exception shareholder value and in the process creates lots of jobs for local Zambians. 

    That will be CEO of the year for me and does this woman come any close to what I have said above. The answer is a resounding NO. Stop insulting our intelligence please. 


  2. With due respect to Mrs. Melu. This recognition does not seem to make sense. What exceptional growth did Mrs Melu deliver over the stated period of time? The article cites innovation but i cant see any financial innovations developed by her Lusaka bank credited to her. Internet banking is neither an innovation, its been around for years now. Maybe her bank just adpoted some internet banking processes, and these cannot be referred to as innovations. When you adopt something developed else where, you cannot call that an innovation. Call it something else———–!

  3. Shame. Do we research in Zambia? What method?
    Stanchart workers poorly paid despite their huge profits. Almost all top managers have been resigning daily for other banks. In a month time, more to leave. Poor labour relations. Labour turn over highest in Banking industry. Too rigged management. any way its in Zambia wwhere no research makes dreamers dreaming ………….. champions.

  4. To me this is the worst bank i regreted having banked with. Very expensive with silly charges every day. i closed my account immediately and am very happy now. I had a chance to talk with this so called CEO fimo fimo of the year. Man she is terrible. Anyway, may be they had other parameters to have awarde her this recogniton.

  5. ZICA as a professional body itself is just too flawed were ethics are concerned. Honestly speaking I agree with everyone questioning this Award, what did Mzinga really do to deserve this?

  6. Yet another bootlicker rewarded for parroting the policies of politicians where she changes her positions more than her husband can dream of in bed. I’d think the CEO of the Year is probably some small-time local guy in the SME sector who continues to pay her employees their salaries against a tough economic environment. Give me the SME sector any day – that’s where the magic is happening.

  7. Useless ZICA Award. What has stanchart done? They have not even openned a branch in the passed so many years.They just follow what their international offices tell them to do. If she was to leave the bank today, will she be able to start a bank on her own like Mr. Friday Ndlovu of Investrust? For me all the awards in banking sector should be going to Mr. Friday Ndlovu period

  8. Can ZICA tell us the parameters they used to come up with this award… Who was she competing against? We should not be fooled by her usual press statement about her Standard Chartered Bank… I guess this award should be given to CEO’s who have shown greater care for their stakeholders… If you look at this bank, you will realise that it is one of the highest bank with very high interest rates and they are damn ridged… So Melu, cant get that award… Ba ZICA tell us what parameters were you using.. Was it just 1+1= 2

  9. This woman is behind a very aggressive and fraudulent lobby by the banks to reduce the corporate tax on banks from 45% to 35%. Dceiving Government that it would increase credit access to SMEs, somthing that is still far fetched.

  10. This thing of just giving awards to your girl/woman friend must come to an end. What has she done?? Even her names are confusing me. Which part of Zambia does she emanate from??

  11. This Melu woman prophesised that MMD would win the elections based on her economic analysis of the situation in Z before the last elections. She was a hopeless MMD mouthpiece when we needed objective economic analysts

  12. About where she come from Nkumbabukata is not an issue- she is Zambia… But the moral of that award is what puzzled me… What extraodinary stuff has she done in Zambia to warrant such a presigious award… The bank she presides over is the most expensive in Zambia… Go there and ask how much you can borrow money at.. 15 to 21% per annum, but when you are depositing you money they say, you will get interest between 1-4%. What is this. Deposit interest versus Borrowing interest… I think i will just start doing the Indian of putting money at home instead of going to this so called banks.

  13. Her style of administration is that of holding press conferences, attending state functions, and generally being loud mouthed. I wonder if there is a PR person at standard chartered bank. She works through newspapers and TV. I would not be surprised if she is not boot licking someone for her personal gains.

  14. ZICA sometimes if you cant identify someone to award, its better not to award anybody. What criteria did you use. All we are seeing is a PR statement from the bank. The things included there like internet banking and the rest are products developed from their group. What has Mizinga done which is so unique and separated her from the likes of Friday Ndhlovu, the Zanaco man and Natsave bank man. I think local banks CEOs have been more innovative than these CEOs from multinational companies who just get instructions and implement policies from their groups.

  15. LOL what criteria did they use for this award only in Zambia can a bank CEO be rewarded with an award in this day and age…such awards should be going to self made businessmen/women in the private sectors/ entrepreneurs not bloody bankers who always appear in the public domain advertising their employers. There is nothing innovative about those products they exist already; give us the financial performance she has put in place…next year you will be awarding Mopani Mines CEO all he/she has to do is appear in the papers weekly.

  16. This is a PLC for gods sake…even a fool can run this and its a bank…Warren Buffett was spot on when he said;  “You should invest in a business that even a fool can run, because someday a fool will.”
    No wonder the private sector is sidelined in Zambia there are thousands of CEOs out there whom have achieved exceptional growth for their firms and ZICA awards a CEO for a bank a bloody bank. Where does ZICA bank??lol

  17. Dishing out an award to a CEO of a bank which also happens to a subsidiary only in Zambia; Melu is no top dog at this bank someone somewhere pulls her strings…when are we going to start to reward and recognise wholly Zambian owned companies? 

  18. Look for a company that was in the doldrums, that was troubled and loss making. Who is the CEO of that company who moved it from red to growth? That is the CEO worth awarding. This thing of overglorifying people won’t take us anywhere. Mrs Melu may be a leader in her own right but this award, no.

  19. Melu has not built anything at Stanchart. She just talks and talks (maybe that was the criteria). If ZICA wanted to impress the president by awarding some woman CEO, they should have looked at Prosofts Miyanda, LUSE’s Nkanza, some woman in the water sector. These are people who are trying hard to lift their companies to international standards despite all the odds against them. Melu is equvalent to a branch manager/ general manager to standard chartered bank in England if you know what I mean.

  20. So everybody here agrees with me that she is worse than Margaret Mwanakatwe te? I think MM was able to transform Barlcays bank than this lady has done Stanchart. Secondly, ZICA should rebrand itself now because it has proved to be usless. Its dealing in business and yet it has failing to recognise that globalisation now is about SMEs, they are the ones driving the global economy…SMEs are ones who should compete for this award, and they would scope it, but I am sure, they don’t even get evaluated by this DUULLU CHAAPs at ZICA, all they think of are banks…backwardness is what?

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