Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gabriel Namulambe does not represent any Lamba but his stomach


Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Wynter Kabimba welcomes MMD Mpongwe Member of Parliament Gabriel Namulambe
Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Wynter Kabimba welcomes MMD Mpongwe Member of Parliament Gabriel Namulambe


Dear Gabriel,

I hope this letter finds you in a good financial position seeing that you have joined the ruling party on purely personal gains.I respect your decision to join the PF, as a matter of fact it is your democratic right to do so.

However, I am writing this letter deep from the thickets of Chief Mushili’s area, I am doing so because this is a personal note from a concerned Lamba.

Dear fellow tribesman, I wish to remind you that when you were campaigning in Mpongwe, you threatened our bemba cousins with expulsion from Lambaland if they voted for PF & not MMD.[pullquote]Kwena Ino Pindi twa katala naimwe Ba Mwisho (This time we are tired of you Gabriel Namulambe)[/pullquote]

Ba Mwisho, you have consistently used the Lamba people for your personal gain since you were Permanent Secretary for the Copperbelt,may I wish to remind you that when President Banda almost sacked you,you went running to Lamba Chiefs to plead with the Head of State, you were not fired.

That meeting was held at Directors Lodge in Luanshya, I was there!

Ba Mwisho let me remind you that the people you are cowering before today in the PF, are the same people you slandered with so much venom just little less than 12 months ago.Gabriel today you have decided to join the PF, and you claim to be representing the Lamba people, is that really true?

Where are you when Lamba’s have to grapple with 10hrs of annoying power outages simply because they are in a rural area in Chief Mushili’s area?

Where are you when a Lamba woman has to give birth under a tree because the nearest rural heath center in Chief Lumpuma’s area is beyond the reach of the common man?

Ba Mwisho, where are you when the Lamba’s you claim to represent have no access to even the simple basic necessities as mealie meal in Chief Chiwala’a area?

Today, let us set the record straight, Gabriel you do not represent any Lamba but your stomach.

The only time in your life when you realize that you are a Lamba Gabriel, is when an opportunity to put food on your table alone such as this.

The only time when you claim to represent lamba’s ba Mwisho is when your very own stomach is on the verge of going to bed empty such as this.You have done so since President Mwanawasa died.We are sincerely asking you to stop dragging innocent Lamba’s in your highly immature politics of self-enrichment.

Kwena Ino Pindi twa katala naimwe Ba Mwisho (This time we are tired of you Gabriel Namulambe)

I wish you success in your future endeavors as you falsely claim to represent a people you have neglected.

Yours Truly,

Ba Mwisho Wenu,

K. Kalussa


  1. Kwena bamusheta Gabriel..This shows Zambians are alert we wont be deceived nor lied to anymore..Enough is enough

  2. Zambians are gullible, that is why today they are still being lied to. If there is a bye election the same hungry lambas will vote for Namulambe. This is the curse of uneducated population.

  3. Lt does it mean that now you will just be publishing letters from every Jim and Jack in the name of concerned citizen/disgusted citizen ? Remember that  people will never run of opinions just like this bitter Mwiso has done.Please give her us proper news not opinions from every creature that walks on two legs and lives under a shelter.

  4. this man is bitter and i dont think he even voted for the hounerable. the same pipo he slandered have welcomed him, where are you? if you still hate PF keep it to yourself. we will see if you vote will matter. the pipo will vote him back.and you will jast shrivel off. jast join UPND., i know the people even yourself would have loved it if he had joined UPND and then maybe thats when he would not have thought of his stomach but lambas?????? shame on you ba author.

  5. Rubbish politics we are a poor country and these politicians are spending money on by – elections such politicians should not be given a vote

  6. #7 zebige what is your definition of proper news? Sata’s rants, George chellah’s coverups ,Lungu deporting someone or GBM’s diet?

  7. Gabriel Sebana Wikute Namulambe. It is written somewhere that he has struck a deal with PF for a full ministerial position. It is also stated that PF is going to sacrifice Given Lubinda so that Gabriel Sebana Wikute Namulambe can be accommodated in cabinet. One wonders how the people of Kabwata will take these PF machinations, if it is true.

  8. This is bulls.hit. Just wait for the by-elections and see if people vote for him or not. What are you people angry about? Who are you to speak on behalf of all Lambas? Makandi yenu mwisho. 

  9. OK let bye elections come after all they were budgeted for. No trouble wina azalila. Bring out the buried monies for bye election ba MMD or is it DDM

  10. Should these people expel Given, we will still vote for him in Kabwata regardless of which ticket he stands on. even as an independent candidate.
    I wish Wynter Kabimba could stand with him and bakamuchisa ububi.

  11. Wynter has been in policts long enough and he knows what he is doing. trust me he is doing it in the best interestt of our nation. I encourage you to embrace this God fearing leader of ours.

  12. No.19. Winter is up to bringing instability in the party. I think you dont know how Lubinda campaigned for PF. We love in Kabwata and we will follow him wherever he will go

  13. “That chap is a mischievous and dangerous little man whose life is solidly anchored on self-political aggradisement by peddling lies, innuendoes and misinformation about his colleagues,” Mpombo said.
    He said peddling lies about others is Namulambe’s deeply engraved quality.

  14. Amafi namulambe, we need new political parties with unrecucled selfish leaders we have in this country please youths we have zambia to ourselves all those in politics at the moment are all selfish and greedy.

  15. I love my country Zambia. Zambia is in my heart even if I live in the diaspora. Atleast I am able to visit my country twice a year.
    But one thing that depresses me whenever I open the Zambian news websites is Zambian politicians. I can honestly admit that I hate Zambian politics and politicians. The reasons are all well known to most Zambian, I presume.

  16. the author has always been with namulmbe in mpongwe and has never reminded him, or betterstill castigate him on these short comings he is bringing out now. this is a case of soar grapes, nothing more.. nothing less.

  17. #7&9 this guy has a point we are tired of hunger politics,PF also should not rejoice about bringing back thieves and corrupt mmd members. we can as well forget about the efforts of development sata is making, because the thieves have started regrouping. the only sentment Idont agree with in this letter is the youth not having mealie meal, surely if these youths are in rural lamba land they should lima and eat their own “kanjilimine mealie meal” ubunangani abalamba!!

  18. When you point an accusing finger at a friend,there are 3 fingers pointing back at yourself.Just like you claim Namulambe`s politics are for his tummy,I would like Mwinsho to advise which politician Lamba or otherwise do things for other pipo!
    Hardship that every Lamba is going through in Lufwanyama/Masaiti is the same hardship all people in rural areas experience! So why paint Gabriel black?
    You are a very bitter man dont drag all Lambas into your baseless argument!

    • Dear Mimbulu,

      You sound bitter as well. In fact the writer of that letter has a point, but you only have anger in your heart. Peace be with You!

      Kind regards,


  19. The opposition will be to blame , for not using logic, if they wanted to teach these proponents of the stomach they should have united.Chilufya and Miniver should have swallowed their pride and merge . The other small parties are sponsored to destroy the hard earned democracy in this Republic.It looks like the people will be changing colors as Namulambe changes his . That is not being principled, that is political prostitution of the highest kind.

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