Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Jehova’s Witness Elder in court for rape, Lawyer questions why victim’s father took case to police instead of church


Lawyer to a Jehovah’s Witness Elder who is accused of raping a fellow congregant has wondered why father of the accused reported the matter to police when his church was capable of sorting out such matters.

Before Lusaka magistrate, Willie Banda, was Dennis Bwale, an elder at the Jehovah’s Witness of Kanyama Congregation.

Bwale, 28, of Kanyama Site and Service, appeared in a case where he is accused of raping Melani Mufweba, a congregant of the same church, contrary to Section 132 of the Penal Code amendment Act number 2 of 2011.

Particulars of the offence are that Bwale, on July 12 this year, did have carnal knowledge of Melani Mufweba without her consent.

When the matter came up for continued trial today, father of the complainant, Kennedy Mufweba, told the court that he came to learn of what had happened to his daughter a month after the incident.

Mr Mufwebu said sometime in September, this year Melani and her mother went to the Kingdom Hall but upon return Melani rushed in the house and left her Bible and other books that she had with her.

He said upon realising that his daughter had gone out of the house for some time and it was becoming dark, he asked where she could have gone but shortly his phone rang.

Mr Mufwebu further said it was at this moment that he was informed that Melani had run away from home and went to her sister’s house.

“As days past he noticed that his child did not want to return home but further resorted to go and stay with her friends’ grandmother,” he said.

Mr Mufweba further told the court that he then decided to go to his church and asked for help so that elders could find out from his child why she never wanted to return to home.

However to his surprise the congregation overseer told him that the church committee was in fact preparing to call him for a meeting to inform him of the report that his child had taken to the church.

He told the court that it was at this point that the elders told him that his child had reported to the church that he was raped by Dennis Bwale, one of the church elders.

Mr Mufweba, however, wondered why the church took long to tell him of the sad news.

“Your honour I was told not to blow out the issue as the matter could be sorted out quietly without people knowing,” he said.

He said he, however, decided to go and report the matter to the police.

Mr Mufwebu further said upon hearing the matter he pleaded with his daughter to return home knowing that she had run away in fear of her parents.

He said his daughter then told him that she was warned by the church elders not to tell her parents, adding that if she did so she would be expelled from the church.

“Your honour, she told us that she ran away from home because she was not happy to keep a secret which was haunting her whenever she looked at us as she thought we could have known,” said Mr Mufweba.

Meanwhile when the matter came up for trial last month, Melani told the court that Bwale called her and told her that she should meet him at the Kingdom Hall as there was something he needed to tell her.

She further told the court that Bwale, who was with his nephew, then asked her to escort him so that he could say what he wanted to tell her.

However along the way around 19:00 hours, Bwale asked her if she loved him.

But in her response, Melani wondered what he meant knowing well that he was engaged to a fellow congregant.

She said it was at this time that he grabbed her and forcefully kissed her.

Melani further narrated that Bwale went on to ripe her skirt and under wear which she showed to the court during her testimony.

The matter has been adjourned to January 11, 2013 as some witnesses in the matter were not present.



  1. Some lawyers kaya mwe.I wonder what they teach them in some of these law schools.Nothing can ever justify raping another individual.

  2. Thats the problem with cult leaders. They use fear to opress and do to their congrgants that which they preach to them is wrong. I hope he is locked up for a long time. God bless the father to this girl for doing the right thing and reporting this man to the police. I pray that this young girl sees justice.

  3. ati she was warned by the church elders not to tell her parents, adding that if she did so she would be expelled from the church.
    Batee. Yashani!!!! thats why have stopped going to church. Its better to pray from home and help the needy. Awee Bwafya

  4. What is this lawyer’s name? Everyone must keep away from this lawyer. Could this lawyer be a member of the JWs leadership? He comes across very conversant with the JWs church regulations of “Don’t tell, munyina afwa munyina”. 

  5. This makes sad reading, i know Jehovah witnesded anf their values! This incident is not representative of them. The elder was 28 and single?? Strange, churches should look at msturity

  6. This makes sad reading, i know Jehovah witnesded anf their values! This incident is not representative of them. The elder was only 28 and singlr?? Churvhes nhem. The elder was 28 and single?? Strange, churches should look at msturity

  7. HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in awe at the church elders comments. If that was my daughter someone would be shot dead.

  8. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I want to let you know bloggers that if one of Jehovah’s Witnesses breaks the law, then the government should punish the offender. A serious crime like rape is not condoned in our congregations. That is why I totally disagree with certain parts of this story. The Elders in the congregation do not hide anything from the members of the congregation, if anything they are the ones who are always first to condemn such behavior and discipline the offender by means expulsion from the congregation. Lusaka times should get their facts right before publishing any story.

    • @Chombane that is absoultely not true. Jehovah’s Witnesses hide a lot of things. Infact even when someone is being discommunicated they do not mention the reason. The standar brief statement is: [name] is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If an Elder is removed, they will not mention the reason as well. So on this one the story is spot on!

    • Chombane, I too must disagree, and I know this firsthand as I was an elder for many years before stepping down due to things like this. 

      The things that are covered up and go on in these backrooms is disgusting, and the elders (sincere as most of them are) are not equipped or trained to handle matters of mental health, couples counseling, depression, etc. 

      There is something seriously wrong with the way the WT Organization handles these matters and it is heartbreaking to me.

    • Full disclosure: I am not affiliated with any religious group and have not been for years.
      That said, all religions have secrets, from the JW- RC. What should occur is strict observance of the law and punish a convicted suspect when they commit a callous crime, in this case rape. However I think every religion has people who will commit crimes or do things that their religions abhor in accordance with their interpretation of what ever religious script they use. It’s how we end up with rape, theft, murder ( Al Qaeda justifies their actions by misquoting the Koran) but I don’t think it’s representative of the entire religion. 

    • It is all about saving face, the golden cup, and not about the victim. The police should be called first, and then after the law has due process, let the elders sort out what scripture was broken. The old adage that a woman raped in Watchtower faces disfellowshipping, needs to be thrown out, but apparently some elder bodies do not keep up.

    • You have to know the facts. ELDERS HAVE TO HIDE AND KEEP IT A SECRET WHEN THEY FIND OUT ABOUT PEDOPHILES AND RAPES!!!… They have to give the impression that in “Jehovah’s Organization” that doesn’t happen. They have to hide it in the skeleton closet….

    • You are wrong,  I myself was told by an elder in the US who has regional authority that to go to the police would bring reproach upon the congregation.  The elders hide many things, such as which of the congregants are pedophiles.  They may condemn the behavior in words, but in actions or lack of actions, they promote and condone it and protect the guilty.  Lusaka times reported what happened in the court room,  this story does not fall into the category that JW are persecuted from the world.  JW are brought up on charges for their illegal behavior such as this of protecting the criminal and prosecuting (disfellowshipping) the victim.

    • Thank you,

      It shows how much knowledge you have gained through your studies and meetings you attend there in the capital city. Please continue with the truth. your elder brother.

    • well my father was a Christian elder in the congregation and he not only beat my mom but he beat us to he was stripped my sister and my older brother naked and beat them and we went to the elders and they cover for him for years nothing was done so what they’re saying I believe it because it happened to me

  9. “Jehova’s Witness Elder in court for rape, Lawyer questions why victim’s father took case to police instead of church.” What type of a lawyer is this? Which law school did he/she go to? Just as we have to many fake Doctors (Dr. so so; Dr. that; Dr. this) in Zambia, so we have so many fake lawyers well. Any way, that is where money & status are: in titles and courts of law.

    • the lawyer was following the testimony.  The girl was told not to report to the police for fear of expulsion. The father was told the same thing.  The lawyer is trying to get into the record why this congregant disobeyed the church elders’ direction NOT to report to the police.

  10. The church is full of hypocrites.why was melani stopped 4rm telling her parents by the elders what transpired?The answer is simple,the church of today wld want to potray 2 the world that they are holy and yet they are also fallible.

  11. JW do not believe that there is a hell. So they have nothing to fear. Unfortunately for them, a surprise in the name of hell awaits them!

  12. These JW have denied Jesus Christ as the saviour of the world, they deny there is hell, they refuse that God manifested in flesh, they wrongly believe that in the Kingdom of God they will be marrying and having children. They have written the bible to suit their own anti-Christ doctrine…they have their own bible now, they have been prophesying the end of the world but shift goal posts..
    Really what do you expect from them???

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia. 

    • You are totaly misinformated about JWs. When a perfecy angel sinned and brcome satan, does it ean God  teaches wrong things? The accussed was enticed by satan as an individual not the whole church.

    • The truth hates, as Jehovah’s Witness we believe in Jesus Christ very much, he is our master, he saved us from the bondage of sin and death, without him we not exist. So get your facts right.

    • Chombane, you are a liar man. The truth is what I have said. I have sisters and many relations who are JW. You have re-written the bible to suit your anti-christ doctrine. My sister was a very  staunch JW , we preached christ to her but always denied Him, until the illness of her son who received no spiritual care from her fellow JW is when she realized that she was missing something. Both her and the Son now have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and have since put off the JW garbs. This is the fact man.  

  13. I was a JW for 40 years and KNOW that these things are kept hidden from the congregation! The normal everyday Jehoahs Witness does not know until it happens to them. Being expelled from the Jehovahs Witnesses is a big thing, you are shunned by family and friends. Everyone you ever knew shuns you! The threat of expelling this girl would have scared her on top of being a rape victim.

    A 28 yr old is NOT immature and DOES know what rape is and knows from the ageof 2 what the word NO is!!!!

    • if you were a JW for 40yrs then now you are an apostate, becoz if you are a victim of rape then no need to fear expulsion. You will just report the matter to the Cong and wait to see the offender be dealt with. That does not mean you cannot report the matter to the police no, you can and let the law of the land play its course. To the offender expulsion helps to maintain the purity of the congregation.

    • Too bad you have lost the way of the truth. I am sure you could not live up to the high standards that Jehovah requires, hence you left, or should i say, you were expelled from the congregation!

    • Chombane and Your Reply

      You are both showing a very judgmental attitude- it’s easy to simply call someone a bad name like “apostate” but how could you actually know that was the case with Sheree?

      Can you read her heart? Are you the judge? Read John 5:22,23 to see who the judge of all things is- it’s not you people and its not the elders either.

  14. This is sad.  No matter which religion you belong to these kinds of thing will happen. You can teach someone all he Bible principles and laws but ultimately it is up them to apply it and practice it in their lives. You cannot blame the JWo org for what this man did. He is responsible for his own disgusting actions. As for the congregation elders if the account of them asking the victim to keep quiet even from her parents that will be dealt with s hey cannot do that scripturally.  do your research, REAL REAEARCH, and you will see that JW’s DO teach the truth about the Bible.  Stop your ignorant comments and get informed with the facts before you open your mouth.

    • looks like it will have to happen in your family before you see it!!! It happened in mine…3 girls 4 different elders..all still elders!!!

    • “Real research” involves looking at an issue from all sides and examining all the evidence. If you google “TTATT”, Jehovah’s Witnesses joined the UN”, “Watchtower facts”, etc. you will be able to get all sides and do the research.

      Read “Crisis of Conscience” written in a humble manner, by a man that was a member of the Governing Body. What does the truth have to fear by doing actual research?

    • The Pharisees had the written law. They could kick the people out of the the temple. They tried to do it to Jesus. When the same mental attitude prevails in Watchtower, it is hypocrisy at it’s worst. Whatever laws are made and written are only as good as they are applied, including the Bible. Watchtower resides in a democratic country, but denies it’s members of their person legal rights, all under the “freedom of religion” right.

  15. Also was a witness for many years, these t hings are happening all over world, jws need to look at their beliefs more closely && help innocent more, not  worry about how it looks!!!!!!!:(

    • well my father was a Christian elder in the congregation and he not only beat my mom but he beat us to he was stripped my sister and my older brother naked and beat them and we went to the elders and they cover for him for years nothing was done so what they’re saying I believe it because it happened to me

  16. This lawyer should be fired. Rape case, cannot be resolved at Congregation level. It is a Police case. Let this young man be arrested. How can he do such a thing in the name of being a believer?? Ok propose and marry than this nonsense. His desire for sex means he is mature enough to get married to have sex in a legal way. Causes of evil.

  17. No matter what bad comments people pass on this issue, the fact is everyone is responsible for their own actions. You cant blame the entire church for what one person did.. fact is JWs teach the truth. Tell me, Adam and Eve were given the best spiritual education by God himself but they sinned willfully, can you blame God for that? unless you are so dull and do not realize that humans have a free will to choose either to do bad or good. Besides, such things happen because we still have these other churches lead by false teaches and the world in general lying under satan’s control. But a time is coming when the whole earth will be filled by the knowledge of Jehovah and there will be nobody to influence people into wrong doing. To all JWs i say stand firm against satan’s machinations!

    • Sure man, you have denied christ as the eternal life giver. You have not believed nor called upon him for salvation. You believe in works and not faith in the Lord Jesus christ. You have re-written the Bible so it suits your anti-christ doctrine. What can you tell us you JW.


  19. This is not a rare occurrence for Jw’s.  In fact they have a whole set of procedures for when this type of thing happens.  Elders are instructed to call their own legal dept and not the police when paedophiles or rapists are exposed.  The 2 witness rule and elder instructions also ensure that a witness will remain in good standing unless he confesses to the elders or there are 2 witnesses to the incident.  Excluding DNA or forensics.  A guilty plea in court does not count as an admission of guilt according to the secret elder handbook. These policies are evil.

  20. Chombane, there are many of us, and our number are increasing daily, who have seen the immorality and hypocrisy of the wbts, have seen people hurt and traumatised and who have left on our own volition. We were not cast out, we woke up.

  21. Neutral, what i meant was that they do not sweep wrong doing under the carpet. They deal with the wrongdoer. A case like rape, yes the wrongdoer will will dealt with by the authorities like the police just like any person who does it, as you normally, their is no sacred cow and then also at congregation level.

    • And you know this…how? You have been an elder? You have sat in on these types of meetings? Or has your husband/wife done so?

      You are speaking out of loyalty, but with no real data or intelligence that has been gathered. Get the facts- do the research. It’s out there waiting, “seek it as hidden treasure”.

    • i liked all your replys, all religions do have these problems, but i do know the Jws in cases like rape or serious stuff, they will turn it in to the law of the land. this is what makes them different from main stream religion, they worship Jehovah, not a man. all the negitive comments i read, are just the opposition of truth,

  22. I find it incredible that rather than be sympathetic to this girl and the story I told about myself and my sisters… I am judged! But instead I’m told that I can’t hold high standards!!! Amazing ignorance!!!!

  23. The lawyer is most likely jw who is paid by WTS in which case the laws of the land are viewed as secondary to the rules of WTS.  I applaud the father for doing the right thing.  When a crime comes to light report it to police so they can investigate it and base their findings on something more than an assumption by 3 uneducated elders!  Jws should stop being afraid of speaking out,  this isn’t the 60s where these things were kept quiet, WTS has more dirty laundry than any major religion 

  24. JWs are a pseudo-Christian cult with autocratic leaders, mind control, unbiblical beliefs and practices. The pedophilia problem in their ranks is well known as is the above average incidence of mental illness. They are murderers with their horrific blood transfusion policy. Truth is found in the Lord Jesus Christ, YHWH in the flesh, not the WT and its croonies.

  25. Any person who covers up child abuse in any religion should b also charged the same as the person who did it…The JW king – dumb is just a mind controlling cult….anybody that defends the WT really needs to wake up and see there is no JEHOVAH…its story created by humans…what happened to armageddon coming in 1975…your scripts are full of it…..

  26. This is a very sad story for all JW’s. The offender deserves to be dealt with by both the police and the congregation. JW’s are very take their beliefs very seriously and practice what the bible says. That is why a story like this brings so much attention. However, I would be happy if true facts came to light about this case. Some parts of it don’t make full sense. It is very unlikely that a victim like the young lady here would be threatened with expulsion. Since this is a statement made by the father who may not be very clear about what was said it by the elders it may not be truly what was said. Expulsion is conducted only for serious wrongdoing and particularly where the person is not repentant. It’s a scriptural procedure which keeps the congregation CLEAN.

    • I was DF for being anointed. I never committed a serious sin. The elders and circuit overseers could find no fault in my conduct. I was very active, even up to the day they did the dirty deed. I feel like the concubine in Mispah. Anyone who sees the injustice and tries to step forward gets threatened with DF. You have to be a victim to understand. 

    • well all you think about is keeping the congregation clean but what about innocent victims the elders should be mandated to report any abuse we were kids and my father was an elder and we were being beaten they will bring my father a bible scripture and sent us home with that Mad Men they should have been mandated to report the abuse all jehovah witness to seem to me worried about is the image and the congregation not innocent people in innocent individuals that is not loving

  27. Also it is very unfair to have APOSTATES use this to attack the whole organization because of this story. These are people who try to spin a story like this to seem as if there are some conspiracies involved. The fact they resort to lies or half truths is evidence of who their father is that likes to use similar tactics. JW’s as a whole keep very high moral standards, that is why they may be unpopular to these ones who were expelled for failing to live by these standards. Expulsion helps people to really realize the depth of doing wrong. It helps people to really turn around if they are genuinely interested in serving God. Another permissive religion won’t make the world a better place. Do not be misled, God is forgiving and loving but not permissive.

  28. We’ll thnx to all thoz who ve read this story en ve reasond d@ they ar very few facts in this story. Truth is many people wud say, en publish all sorts of bad things abt Jehovah’s organisation just to put a dent on it. Its sad to see most u judging wronly w@ u not of sure of. This matter will be delt with en th truth will cum out. Ati thev even written their own bible, hahahaha? Kwisa? Justify yo statement.

  29. The answers from the Jehovah’s Witnesses here are few. They must know that the $23,000,000.00 lawsuit their donation money is paying for in California, U.S.A., was for this exact same reason, protecting the image of the Watchtower, instead of the innocent ones trying to learn about, and follow Jesus.
    This Watchtower Organization is very much like the Catholic Church in it’s defense of wrongdoing, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses who read this, must decide to investigate further into this religion!
    Is this how the Lord Jesus would handle such an issue?

    I think not.

  30. 21.2
    flag mel says:
    Thu Dec 27 at 10:55 pm TYPO CORRECTION ON NEWS

    NEWS FLASH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JEHOVAH WITNESSES are not PERFECT
    they do wrong just like you and me and everyone else……………DID YOU GET THAT. GOOD!

  31. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not perfect; the problem is that they hold themselves to have higher standards than what the “world” around them holds. They are also taught to rely on the elders and the Society for guidance in all matters of their lives and in doing so too many give up relying on their consciences to guide themselves by. They preach freedom, but in reality, they only have the freedom to agree with the organization. They also suffer from cognitive dissonance which is  the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions if they do attempt to think on their own. People of any religion need to learn critical thinking skills in order to be sound of mind; 2 Timothy 1:7.

    • napapa kanshi mulasabankanya ne lyash lya bufi,lekeni myebe nomba. nsokolole inkama shonse mwalitumpa, bushe nangu kuupwa,tefyo ciba,uyu mukashana nail mwishiba bwino, ok nga ni rape bawishi kuti baba shani ba witiness? ine ndasangwa ku court lyonse , nga cine mulandu nshi balebosesha? ulya kapokola abigali mulikita balimubosha indalama, c I o kampamba aliya na ku makalamba wa kwa acused kuti amupeele indalama apwishe umulandu, cankalipa sana ukubepesha umuntu ubufi bwakule ifi mwalamutuka no kumutuka kalya akamukashana kamunandi kalefwaya ukuupwa,nomba teko afwaile , kale laala na bawishi aba bene bali bawitiness. fyabupuba.

  32. For those who state that this is not characteristic of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I assure you that ELDERS concealing crimes committed by members of the congregation is very characteristic; they are instructed by the Watch Tower Society to handle the issue in secrecy because it’s more concerned about it’s self proclamation as the only “true religion” directed by GOD’s Holy Spirit and maintaining absolute control of the congregations.

  33. For those who state that this is not characteristic of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I assure you that ELDERS concealing crimes committed by members of the congregation is very characteristic; they are instructed by the Watch Tower Society to handle the issue in secrecy so as to not bring reproach on the organization. Who cares if the victim suffers or the guilty go free; the WTS is more concerned about it’s self proclamation as the only “true religion” because it is directly guided by GOD’s Holy Spirit thus allowing it to maintain absolute control of the congregations. The reason the Elder is so shocked that the father went to the police is because he fully expected to be protected by the other Elders. Notice he didn’t rape a “worldly” woman. JW’s come in all forms both good and evil.

  34. napapa kanshi mulasabankanya ne lyash lya bufi,lekeni myebe nomba. nsokolole inkama shonse mwalitumpa, bushe nangu kuupwa,tefyo ciba,uyu mukashana nail mwishiba bwino, ok nga ni rape bawishi kuti baba shani ba witiness? ine ndasangwa ku court lyonse , nga cine mulandu nshi balebosesha? ulya kapokola abigali mulikita balimubosha indalama, c I o kampamba aliya na ku makalamba wa kwa acused kuti amupeele indalama apwishe umulandu, cankalipa sana ukubepesha umuntu ubufi bwakule ifi mwalamutuka no kumutuka kalya akamukashana kamunandi kalefwaya ukuupwa,nomba teko afwaile , kale laala na bawishi aba bene bali bawitiness,

  35. napapa kanshi mulasabankanya ne lyash lya bufi,lekeni myebe nomba. nsokolole inkama shonse mwalitumpa, bushe nangu kuupwa,tefyo ciba,uyu mukashana nail mwishiba bwino, ok nga ni rape bawishi kuti baba shani ba witiness? ine ndasangwa ku court lyonse , nga cine mulandu nshi balebosesha? ulya kapokola abigali mulikita balimubosha indalama, c I o kampamba aliya na ku makalamba wa kwa acused kuti amupeele indalama apwishe umulandu, cankalipa sana ukubepesha umuntu ubufi bwakule ifi mwalamutuka no kumutuka kalya akamukashana kamunandi kalefwaya ukuupwa,nomba teko afwaile , kale laala na bawishi aba bene bali bawitiness. fyabupuba.

  36. twaisa nomba tulandepo,he was acquitted on 10.05.2013 by the magerstriet w banda ,lates get talking, ee cacine ubufi bufi tabwakabepo icine . balepanga no lubuli.icupo oo,kabiye ukopwe kuli ba wiso, dennis please forgive all those who insulted you and your lawyer,(SHAM to mufweba family)may JEHOVAH CONTINUAL BLESSING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

  37. Jehovahs wtns are owez a centa of attractn.a wtns and a catholc can comit da sam crime bt a jw wl cam out VISIBLE ,why bcoz its had for non believers to accept them as true worshpers.even if am nt yet one of thm i no dat its da ONLY tru religion.i hv leant alot which has made me to be da God fearin peson am toda.da elders ar a gud council and i recomend them 4ther spiritual advises.for dat CASE am sure thy were stl getn facts, just LYK da court does nt deal wt da mata thr and then.critism was part of Jesus lyf.

  38. The underwear shown to prove the assault, was DNA on it? Rape must always be reported to the police, it can not be handled within the congregation. If proven in court the person will be disfellowshiped. However, what if its not proved and the man does not admit rape? If there are no witnesses to the rape? The alleged victim needs loving support, understnding, and its easy to see why she didnt go home – she was ashamed and disgusted at being abused, felt dirty and humiliated. However, are these reports of who said what actual facts or hearsay? Words can be twisted, misunderstood. Why would anyone tell the woman not to inform her parents? There may be more to this than it appears,

  39. The information here is one-sided. The elders’ comments were not included. Only that of an angry father reported thru a journalist. We can’t really tell what the elders of the congregation did about this issue from just this one-sided story.

  40. hule ni hule,lets make money by taking dennis to court for a crime he did not commited,whre is this mellon now ,she has taken her self to a ka boy friend,she is now pregnant,we need to know why he was aquicted,we need heare from the elder him self instead of jst comment anyhow like *****s .so lusaka times please,why is this issue on one side?we need both side statements,tel the ***** who brought this isue on the site to bring the true story *****s fools

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