Wednesday, March 26, 2025

50,000 girls to be vaccinated with Human Papilloma Virus in 2013


Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer

A total of 50,000 young girls are expected to be vaccinated with the human papilloma virus (HPV) during the cervical cancer national pilot project.
Head of Cervical Cancer Training and Prevention Programme (CCTPP) in Zambia, Sharon Kapambwe, disclosed the development in a telephone interview with ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday

Dr. Kapambwe said the demonstration project, which will begin with Lusaka province in March next year, was aimed at reducing new cervical cancer infections in the country.

She said the project, which will target mainly school girls, will later be rolled out to all the other provinces of the country.
Dr. Kapambwe further explained that one of the major objectives of the pilot programme was to prevent new cervical cancer infections especially in young girls who are not yet sexually active.

The human papilloma virus vaccines are given to protect women against cervical cancer infections.

Government, through the Ministry of Health and in partnership with other stakeholders, has intensified the fight against breast and cervical cancer which are the most common cancers found in Zambian women and causes more deaths than any other cancer.



  1. Ba LT ati 50,000 girls to be vaccinated WITH the virus ? I know Ichisungu is hard but that Is called INFECTING and not vaccinating and it would be an ethical blunder of epic proportions .The words you shoulda used are “vaccinating AGAINST”

  2. I do not understand. Is the vaccine against HPV (which increases risks for cervical cancer)? or the vaccine actually contains HPV? Please help!

  3. The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine prevents or reduces infection with certain species of human papillomavirus associated with the development of cervical cancer, genital warts, and some less common cancers.Two HPV vaccines are currently on the market: Gardasil and Cervarix.

  4. My only worry is this vaccine only contains 2-4 strains and there are many other HPV strains that can cause cervical cancer .Evidence shows it takes a combination, or co-infections – multiple viruses or virus/bacteria combinations to cause cervical cancer. Examples include Epstein Bar virus, HIV, and Chlamydia, along with HPV. So please before you inject our innocent girls and earn the pharmaceutical companies some nice cash,tell the girls and their parents the cons of this vaccine.don’t just be agents for Merck & Co.’s Gardasil vaccine.Tell us about the 6 girls that died in India after receiving the vaccine and the other deaths in other countries.

  5. Please people this most vaccines do contain the virus you are vaccinating against.It can be a live (attenuated) or a killed virus.How else do you expect the body to come up with antibodies against the virus?

  6. Did Sharon herself get that vaccination? Tell us that Kaseba, Inonge Wina, Dora, Sylvia, Namugala, Nawakwi.. did any of those get vaccinated.
    Stop using our daughters has lab mouses, is that the vaccines from the George-Laura Bush projects?
    Yesterday you killed cows with chemicals, tomorrow you want to hold funerals for 500,000 girls. Pathetic Fools.

  7. Ladies careful with these vaccinations, the Illuminati wants to reduce the world population, this is one of their strategies. for you with access to internet do a research for confirmation. Swine Flu, Bird Flue was all part of it. George Bush, Soros, Obama etc are all part of this. Don’t allow your children to have this injected in their bodies. Let them lead by example first. right now in america they are getting ready to start receiving biological chips in their bodies this is all part of illuminati to control the masses. These chips do not only contain financial information but they can kill you with it just at a click of the button via satellite.

  8. In a recent TED conference presentation, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, who has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to new vaccine efforts, speaks on the issue of CO2 emissions and its effects on climate change. He presents a formula for tracking CO2 emissions as follows: CO2 = P x S x E x C. P = People S = Services per person E = Energy per service
    C = CO2 per energy unit
    Then he adds that in order to get CO2 to zero, “probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero.” Following that, Bill Gates begins to describe how the first number — P (for People) — might be reduced. He says:

  9. Just another example of the farmaceutical industry using Africa as a testing ground for their products.

    It isn’t enough that they are circumcising every Zambian male child born on the spurious claim that circumcision prevents HIV infection when all the evidence is that it doesn’t.

    (Google: doctors opposing circumcision hiv statement)

    Now our schoolchildren are the subject of who knows what vaccine. You do know that the elites are all for population control. Who knows what is really in these vaccines?

    These are the same people who brought us the genocide in the Congo Free State (20 million down to 10 million people in under a decade), Namibia (Germany’s first genocide of the 20th century).

  10. Is there really evidence that HHV8 causes cervical cancer? Because ‘an association’ is as vague as you can get.

    Remember at all times that the farmaceutical corporations are for profit organisations. All they are interested in is maximising profits and getting away with it. So if 10 years from now it is shown beyond a reasonable doubt that there are no such connections, they can just shrug their shoulders, after having injected your children with who knows what.

    The experimentation has to stop. We need complete and utter transparancy of all ‘trials’ held in Zambia. And frankly, they should only be done by Zambian doctors, using Zambian funding.

    Bill Gates is a big (population) control freak, and right now he is holidaying in Zimbabwe.

  11. Iam from northen part of zambia where circumcission is not their tradition. I had 4 circumcised friends who have since died of HIV and AIDS. Both of us were doing the same thing of playing un safe sex with sexual workers. I have done several HIV test & the results has been negative. Now isn’t true that male circumcision can prevent HIV without condom use?

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