Monday, March 17, 2025

Rain Season in Pictures


New Format to be phased in



Old Format to be phased out


Pig/s enjoying on the flooded road that passes through Chibolia Compound in Lusaka
Pig/s enjoying on the flooded road that passes through Chibolia Compound in Lusaka
Pigs enjoying on the flooded road that passes through Chibolia Compound in Lusaka
Pigs enjoying on the flooded road that passes through Chibolia Compound in Lusaka


A LandRover finding its way through the flooded Njashishi Road in Kanyama Compound in Lusaka
A LandRover finding its way through the flooded Njashishi Road in Kanyama Compound in Lusaka


A LandRover finding its way through the flooded Njashishi Road in Kanyama Compound in Lusaka
A LandRover finding its way through the flooded Njashishi Road in Kanyama Compound in Lusaka


Deputy Minister in the VEEP Office Harry Kalaba (in Green top) and Lusaka District Commissioner Ashell Kapengele (in Blue suit) checks on the Njashishi and Chiparamba Roads of Kanyama Compound in Lusaka
Deputy Minister in the VEEP Office Harry Kalaba (in Green top) and Lusaka District Commissioner Ashell Kapengele (in Blue suit) checks on the Njashishi and Chiparamba Roads of Kanyama Compound in Lusaka


Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops
Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops


Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops
Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops


Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops
Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops


Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops
Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops


Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops
Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops


Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops
Copperbelt minister Mwenya Musenge toured Chisokone market and ordered Kitwe City Council to clean up the trading place and stop illegal construction of shops


People from both sides of the Maramba stream were stranded and could not pass properly, residents of Libuyu were cut off from the rest of the people in Livingstone for about 1 hour picture
People from both sides of the Maramba stream were stranded and could not pass properly, residents of Libuyu were cut off from the rest of the people in Livingstone for about 1 hour picture


The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the country such have caused severe floods. Here, children play near a flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township
The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the
country such have caused severe floods. Here, children play near a
flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township


The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the country have caused severe floods.  Here, a motorist wades in a flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township
The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the
country have caused severe floods. Here, a motorist wades in a flood
of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township


The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the country such have caused severe floods. Here, a child plays on a Zesco pylon cable while on the ground is a flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township
The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the
country such have caused severe floods. Here, a child plays on a Zesco
pylon cable while on the ground is a flood of stagnate rainwater in
Kanyama Township


The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the country such have caused severe floods. Here, a house being surrounded by flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township
The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the
country such have caused severe floods. Here, a house being surrounded
by flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township


The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the country such have caused severe floods. Here, a house being surrounded by flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township
The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the
country such have caused severe floods. Here, a house being surrounded
by flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township


The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the country such have caused severe floods. Here, a house being surrounded by flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township
The heavy rainfall being experienced in some parts of the
country such have caused severe floods. Here, a house being surrounded
by flood of stagnate rainwater in Kanyama Township


Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba crosses Ngwerere stream on a pair of planks in Lusaka at a site in Mandevu Township where the Government intends to build a modern foot bridge
Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba
crosses Ngwerere stream on a pair of planks in Lusaka at a
site in Mandevu Township where the Government intends to build a
modern foot bridge


Some houses in Kuku Township in Lusaka are threatened with flooding owing to a disused quarry that might overflow as a result of being filled with rainwater
Some houses in Kuku Township in Lusaka are threatened with flooding
owing to a disused quarry that might overflow as a result of being
filled with rainwater


Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba jumps across a flooded section of a road when he visited areas of Kuku Township which are prone to flooding in Lusaka
Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba jumps
across a flooded section of a road when he visited areas of Kuku
Township which are prone to flooding in Lusaka


Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba (in a suit) who was accompanied by Lusaka City District Commissioner Ashwell Kampengele (second from right) and local councilors, listen to a Kuku Township community leader during a visit to a disused quarry site that has since grown into a dam in Lusaka
Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba (in a
suit) who was accompanied by Lusaka City District Commissioner Ashwell
Kampengele (second from right) and local councilors, listen to a Kuku
Township community leader during a visit to a disused quarry site that
has since grown into a dam in Lusaka


Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba crosses Ngwerere stream on a pair of planks in Lusaka  at a site in Mandevu Township where the Government intends to build a modern foot bridge
Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba
crosses Ngwerere stream on a pair of planks in Lusaka at a
site in Mandevu Township where the Government intends to build a
modern foot bridge


OFFICE of the Vice-President Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has procured and donated a banana boat to enable the villagers in three chiefdoms of Senior chiefs  Kanonge’sha, Sailung’a and chief Kanyama cross the highly crocodile infested Lunga river in Mwinilunga.
OFFICE of the Vice-President Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has procured and donated a banana boat to enable the villagers in three chiefdoms of Senior chiefs Kanonge’sha, Sailung’a and chief Kanyama cross the highly crocodile infested Lunga river in Mwinilunga.


Motorists trying test if they can cross Maramba river as Libuyu Township in Livingstone was cut off from the rest of the tourist capital after the bridges that connect it to become submerged in water picture
Motorists trying test if they can cross Maramba river as Libuyu Township in Livingstone was cut off from the rest of the tourist capital after the bridges that connect it to become submerged in water picture


Motorists trying test if they can cross Maramba river as Libuyu Township in Livingstone was cut off from the rest of the tourist capital after the bridges that connect it to become submerged in water picture
Motorists trying test if they can cross Maramba river as Libuyu Township in Livingstone was cut off from the rest of the tourist capital after the bridges that connect it to become submerged in water picture


People from both sides of the Maramba stream were stranded and could not pass properly, residents of Libuyu were cut off from the rest of the people in Livingstone for about 1 hour picture
People from both sides of the Maramba stream were stranded and could not pass properly, residents of Libuyu were cut off from the rest of the people in Livingstone for about 1 hour picture


Kafue district Commisioner Grace Ngulube stands infront of the flood victims,on her left is kasenje ward councilor Cleophas Musonko.
Kafue district Commisioner Grace Ngulube stands infront of
the flood victims,on her left is kasenje ward councilor Cleophas


Kafue District  commissioner Grace Ngulube inspecst the damaged roof at Kasenje Basic School that was blown off by heavy rainfall last night
Kafue District commissioner Grace Ngulube inspecst the
damaged roof at Kasenje Basic School that was blown off by heavy
rainfall last night


  1. A nation blessed with more water than most needs to have very good plans for how to put the resource to the best use. To think that water cleans things but we only generate more dirt. Pedestrians, rural and populous urban areas are low priority until one wants something from them. We can and should do better.

  2. Has the PF Govt Changed anything or are things just getting worse?? These are issues that LT u need to bring up to the govt’s attention rather than issues, of Nevers, Given, Weekend Post Pictures etc…These Photos should be fowarded to HE MCS and judge his perfoemance in that last 400+days in Govt… Nice challenged LT, keep it up…we will surely see change on if u bring developmental issues…

    • Lol. Anywhere else that costly law suit would be the dream retirement package for some lawyers and clients and a PR team fired in disgrace. However, that kind of pic on the other hand as long as it shows dirty Africa is worth many pennies to international media. If people are prepared to toss dollars in to a garbage dump so they can get a shot of ‘kids scavenging for food’ then this is low priority on journalistic ethics scale.

  3. The entire mitigation unit at cabinet office should be fired for incompetence…it’s not news for all to be told about the annual floods experienced in most parts of Lusaka..

  4. Zambia has brilliant and smart engineers who can tackle this flood problem and enable us to use the abundant rains we are blessed with productively.Unfortunately a good number of these engineers are abroad.If they were to come back they would not be welcomed and if anyone was somehow related to any MMD member they would find themselves victimized.So whats the solution I ask?

  5. iyee……., natina, niku Zambia uku? wont let in my pals on LT pantu these picture wont suit me! And i thought there was no work in Zed, all that rubbish need someone to remove it, that is work, ba sata sure do i need to point it out thru LT to advise you that there is plenty work in zed, there…., create jobs man, those youths crying foul that there is no werk, just want all on silver plater, otherwise, no rise!

    • my sentiments exactly… every where you look in zambia you see jobs jobs jobs… by the time we start creating jobs we’ll be so populated that it wont make a difference and it will be that much harder…like some west african countries ie nigeria…what comes next…crime rate increase…then possibly war coz thats when the poor or weak get to feel how sweat money power and guns can be…sad

  6. Never seen a deputy minister going to inspect flood areas in a suit and a neck tie,,,,maybe he had issues to attend to after that but really wish he had fallen into those dirty muddy waters….zambia – the only the country in the world where children with grey hair syndrom are found in the parliament

  7. kanyengambuzi you are asking about who eats pigs swimming in the free water in the lakes of lusaka? ndiye micopo ya pa ma bars or the famous barbeques mu lusaka and part of the copperbelt siuziba ai.? suona kalaba aina nazo micopo yakhumba?

  8. Zambia land of abundant water resource were there is even no tangible plans for its economical use apart using the resource to show the direction were it flows

  9. We know where its going to flood during the rainy season BUT we choose to ignore it in the dry season. Go to the same areas next year it will be the selfsame areas and locations collecting water.

  10. Lol: ati “we need to sort out the drainage” ASAP; ba kabwa, who told you drainage of that magnitute can be sorted ASAP? Drainage of that magnitude can only be sorted if there is a consistent implementation for years. To illustrate, no one jumps from grade 1 to 12 ASAP; you need to start by building the base for drainage; and improve it over years. These politicians only go there to get pictures and they fck off basically. If you want a happy life in Zed; live on the farm not muma comboni!! The real Africa Zo oona!!

  11. A country that cannot even clear drains, collect garbage or have clear town & country planning! Demolish shanties and let town planners be involved in land allocation – no more illegal plots. Zambia – that’s why I left more than 30 years ago – issues are worse now …

    • I would not take myself to visit that god forsaken country where people willingly put the Ukwas of this world into the higest office of the land. Sad to say but it seems Mushota was right after all.


  12. It all explains why zambians are low achievers.If zambians cannot do simple stuff like keeping streets & homesteads clean and well maintained then what of low tech tasks like building zambian made bikes,zambian made toilet bowls or building up zambian chain stores that can compete with S.African brands? Nothing in life comes on a platter you have to toil diligently to earn it.I give up on zed.

  13. Same as last year and the year before and the year before that and the year before that. I think you get the idea. It doesn’t matter who’s in power the politicians don’t give a damn!!!! Watch this space next year will be the same and the year after that and the following year……….Who will change things for the poor masses??????

    • no one needs to change things for the poor…the poor need to change themselves…they need to change how they think, what they do and how they do it. none of these people would move to allow for proper planning, so who’s fault is that? how can a street vendor say ‘where will i go if i leave the streets’ …’i’ll turn to stealing’ …. really thats your solution to this mr street vendor? you will turn to stealing coz we have chased you off the streets? my friend believe it or not being poor is a choice! and for those of you who would want to turn this into some religious thing, i repeat again, being poor is a choice!

  14. Interesting that LT is phasing out the old picture format and opting for the slide; I hope the slide is mobile phone friendly. Is it to restrict people from copying your photos??

  15. This is damn serious and i think even as Zambians we should change attitudes of deposing garbage especially bana malikete and people in komboni’s terrible, people should stop waiting for government to clean their own backyards.

  16. thats the negative part! Lets look at the POSITIVE aspect of rains. show us the maize fields. God gave us rains but are here complaining. this ia a result of our poor planning.

  17. Zambian government is a Big SHAME!! And these are ministers with huge properties abrod earning over $10,000 per month….?????Shame…shame shame on them.

  18. Ba LTimes The captions are terrible: Grace Ngulube inspecst the
    damaged roof at Kasenje Basic School that was blown off by heavy
    rainfall last night
    Can heavy rainfall blow off a roof? Zambians if we can’t do a good job in our professions why should we expect politicians to do a good job?

  19. Its only in Zambia where bloggers log on to blog: Pigs are dirty and will eat anything just like rats and bla bla bla. What’s this? A kindergarten health class?

  20. Pic #20 is the best. Congrats LT “Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President Harry Kalaba jumps
    across a flooded section of a road when he visited areas of Kuku
    Township which are prone to flooding in Lusaka

  21. mmmmm pick 15, 16… these people have satelite dishes.. what do they watch? do they watch their dreams? what life can be like if you lived in some parts of the western world? my point is…tv is educational in some way…it can open you up to the rest of the word and how others live, good and bad… so why is it that we still accept to live like this?? even when we have some of the worlds most sort after resources???? the rest of the world is at stand still and africa is experiencing growth…africa is the future and yet we still cant get around how we in zambia can have a piece of that cake and make our lives easier… even though am wealthy doesnt mean i wont have to drive my mercedes benz on some flooded road or that i will some how get my car to jump these trenches…so why why why

    • …so why why why do we not see the need to improve our infrastructure??????! see all those mmd guys are still driving their katwishi cars on the same roads and sooner than they think…the pf guys will be driving on the same roads and wonder how on earth they hadnt done something when they could. its not hard really…its not. others have done it and so can we.

  22. Voters take note. Year in year out this happens, check these parties’ manifestos if any had intended to tackle this.where are the millions Sampa brought from USA? Can we use some for this the end the money will end in people’s pockets..politicians’ PF put it

    • The bond was basically used for the rebasing exercise (sp) and that means more money in your pocket when you compare with regional currencies??????.
      The situ in the counrty durin this time of year is disgusting and this only helps diseases to flourish. The most common being fungal infections. GRZ has to sensitise the pipo on the need for self hygine. I have long since stopped shaking hands not because Im a hater but out of fear.

  23. Picture number 4…
    I know that Zambian attitude ”kulibonesha ta government” from the Deputy Minister in the VEEP Office (Harry Kalaba) with that ugly face even when you are working for a poor government!
    You can tell that the chap is Bemba becuase he shot,ugly and that full of nothing stance! Even when he is getting ka $2000 dollars per month and yet a secondary school teacher here in Papua New Guinea gets $7000 per month!

  24. Pictures leave a lot to be desired about Zambian priorities.
    People and children should not be standing in, touching or playing in stagnant water, it is the source of disease, especially if it is coming in contact with sewage, pigs, or any kind of waste.
    Is the drinking supply protected from these stagnant waters ? if not it spreads a greater risk.
    Why are people not thinking about harvesting this water when it is raining, saving it for later when they will need it for irrigation ? waiting for the government to do anything has not worked, local businesses, entrepreneurial types have to tackle these issues. Arterial drainage systems need to be developed to carry the capacity of the rainy season, and this need to be done when its not raining. MINISTERS VISITING SITES IS A WASTE OF…

  25. No need to visit sights in suits. You have local govt to feed u with data. Smart phones are everywhere for ease of sharing. Use google maps to plan your mitigation meausres, instead of foolishly parading yourselves for the whole world to see your lack of proffessionalism let alone proactiveness. If I were president……”U are relieved of your duties with immediate effect on public interest” Nomba fye…. Kaya mwandini.

  26. Can i ask a question? What is the deputy minister doing in these compounds ispecting the floods? should he have not worked on the drainage system before the rains came and go to if theyre working well now? Didn:t he know the rains were coming?. Floods have been there since time in memorial. Ba pf please do some sensible work. zambia is the dirtiest country in the whole africa at the moment. please local gov. do something we dont need so much money to keep our enviroment clean we wre tired of seing politians visiting places doing nothing afterwards. Nonsense!Let one of them come near my door asking for votes i will give it to them. NONSENSE!

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