Friday, March 14, 2025

Attempt by Police to arrest HH in court for another offence condemned


The Coalition for the Defence of Democratic Rights (CDDR) condemns the recent actions by Zambian Police to attempt to disrupt court proceedings and arrest opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema.

“Such a bold move by the police is without foundation in law and seeks to send a message to any member of the judiciary dealing with politically sensitive cases,” said Robert Amsterdam, international counsel to the CDDR. “Zambians are being deprived of an independent judiciary and rule of law when the police behave as though they are the armed wing of the Patriotic Front.”

On January 15th, 2013, Mr. Hichilema of the opposition United Party for National Development attended a court hearing regarding a politically motivated charge of “publication of false news” for statements he made last summer regarding the Patriotic Front’s agreement with the ruling party of Sudan. When Magistrate Joshua Banda temporarily stood the matter down, the police interjected before the court to demand the arrest of Mr. Hichilema for questioning, representing a serious breach of legal protocol.

“It is clear that the current government holds itself above the law when the Justice Minister bullies and threatens the ACC, when opposition leaders face multiple arrests for no reason every week, and when alleged corruption goes unpunished among prominent officials,” said Amsterdam. “The CDDR calls upon civil society groups and rule of law advocates to unite together and present these grievances before prominent international bodies to demand a return to due process and a constitutional separation of powers.”

Today, two Zambian Police officers in Lusaka interrupted a court session as they attempted to arrest opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema before being thwarted and ejected by the judge.

The incident occurred when Chief Resident Magistrate Joshua Banda stood down the matter momentarily.

The officers entered the court room and followed Hichilema, who is President of the United Party for National Development (UPND) to the dock and handed a call out, asking him to report to police for questioning.

But the opposition leader’s defence lawyers interjected the move and said it was unlawful for the police to issue a call out to an accused person or suspect who was in the middle of attending a court session.

When Magistrate Banda resumed the proceeding, lawyers representing Hichilema applied for adjournment of the matter, saying their client could no longer concentrate on the current case following an attempt by police to arrest him.

The state apologized on behalf of the police officers and Magistrate Banda said he would not tolerate lawlessness in his court.


    • I am confused!! the PF wanted to arrest an accused in court of law? Did the court have the bailiffs, why didn’t the court-police arrest those 2 Pathetic Fficers? I can’t wait to hear what drunken Lungu & Libongani will do to their 2 employees….

      Kabimba if he doesn’t understand, his Justice ministry was just abused by the ministry of home affairs.

  1. thanks for the clarification of this CDDR in your last paragraph although in itself is incomplete.
    this amsterdam thing is in zambia? yaba! this chap has issues with zambians over banda’s children. don’t we have lawyers who can stand up to pf and its govt. than relying on this proven crook to harrangue the govt.? this guy is just here to make money from the opposition thats all.

    • That is what happens when all your institutions are patterned after some international fimofimo. Nothing in Zambia is culturally Zambian anymore. Fyonse fakukopa. Yaba!!

    • One great thing is that the proven crook Amsterdam will NEVER set foot on the Zambian soil.
      He can yap from a safe distance in league with provincial political party president HH together with scandalous Sakwiba Sikota who stole from Gabon widows to make us look “uncivilised” but will not do.

      We are solid and love our country. We are not for sale

    • @Nshi Sunda…..
      But the fact that this (story) is happening, overwhelmingly to the fact that you are “uncivilised”. Civilisation is certainly not determined by whether the people love their country or not but by the maturity of Governance, literacy and respect for the rule of law and institutions and equally the recognition for human rights. Non of this can be said to be the case in Zambia. Therefore don’t over inflat you enlightenment, you have some way to go.

  2. ok who sent those coppers?infact they shud have locked them up to teach them a lesson..ifyabu puba fyeka fyeka pa sambia

  3. Just the name Armstadarm spoiled the story. These are not colonial days were we should be bullied by the whites. Go back home, our Judge handled this well enough.

    • It is our police who are behaving like we are still under colonial rule not Amsterdam. He is spot on. Dictators are mortal beings. They forget that they won’t be in power forever.

    • But you are using not only their language but also their court system. They surely know it better than you do and will tell you when you violate the process. Use your own language, build your own system, grow your own society then sing your own song.

  4. Robert Amsterdam, just shut up, who are you to lecturer to us about such matters. Go to hell *****. You are the one who was reaping where you did not sow swine. As for HH, he belongs in jail because he acquired the money he boasts about from privatisation and cannot claim to be an economic manager, yes he is an economic manager of privatisation money which he managed to steal.

    • Idiocy at its worst & we know that you CNP are afraid of HH. HH is a visionary, hardworking etc unlike many of you CPNs. HH be strong & couragous.


    • The continuous claim that HH is rich because he acquired money dubiously from privatisation must be a fable by now, to be told by grand pa’s to their bright eyed grand children at bed time. The present happenings prove that this is so. For, how can the police seek to arrest HH for going to Kalingalinga and not for stealing or dubiously acquiring public funds? If he had really done what the die hard fantics keep on echoing, HH could have done his sentence a long time ago.

    • i understand one thing and that is the president has stopped talking he just looking at the things from a distance if HH is guilty the law take its cause he is not above the law,furthermore we should entertain foreigners to preside over our internal matters we need to be independent

  5. Wats this fear of hh, u chaps every day pipo r brutality kill nd ur nt arestin the offenders, liv him hs also a Zambian like u, the only difference wth u chaps is tht he graduated nd u pastout,…..

  6. What do you expect when you have a police constable as state president?HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Zambia is behind you, be strong & couragous bcoz the battle is not yours alone but for all piece, justice etc loving Zambians.

    • lol!ba kayombo thats a good point tho..i remember people used to joke about KK being a teacher so he built more schools,FTJ a bus conductor so he improved transport,Levy a lawyer so there were lots of court cases and the emphasis on the rule of law…so since MS was a constable i guess its only fitting that we see all these arrests ja

  7. When am reading a story, the moment I see the name Robert Amsterdam, the whole story just goes sour and I don’t wanna finish it. I hate this thing of being lectured by this *****. Does it mean that you are jobless and you are always looking for silly opportunities in Zambia.

    • shallow minds miss substance and concentrate on minors, great minds pick substance in a mass of minors, which do u want to be?

  8. these maggots should learn to respect the law..who the hell do they think they are ..?one day their time will be over..HH keep fighting ..!we shall surely get there..

  9. HH, we are with u. Viva UPND, no matter how hard they try nothing will happen. HH is the next President of zambia. MBR beaware of pipo like kabimba who can’t tell u the truth becoz they are after money and care only for they stomach.

    • Point taken! I will bring 1000 rebased votes for HH come 2016 or any there be a general election in Zambia. HH we love you, the CNPs are panicking bcoz of you. Keep the fire burning & continue speaking for the voiceless.





  11. Amsterdam should go back from wherever HH & Henry Banda got him! HH will be jailed and rightfully so. It doesn’t matter how many tactical delays his legal team make, he will have to account for his wild halluvinations about the youth in Sudan being trained as militia! Mwanya bakabwa!

  12. but fi Pf mulifipuba sana leave the young man alone just concetrate on the promises u were making even if you kill hh there ll b no difference leave him alone mwe mbwa

  13. Number 7,2 i am totally with you, I love Amsterdam. He is merely reminding Zambia that the world is watching and all criminals will be dealt with accordingly. These mickey mouse police have nothing better to do than to constantly harass HH over basically nothing. Their boss tells them ‘jump’ and they say how high bwana then they scale the ladders, what a bunch of useless lawmen we have!!

  14. This is what happens when the uneducated rule. They tend to oppress and silence others thru dictatorial tactics coz they lack substance on issues that require intellect.

  15. Economic management in privatization can not constitute political will paZD ci colonial master ca ba underfive. Seleni tubombeko ba mumbwe mwibala

  16. This level of oppression if left unchecked will lead to catastrophe in no time.
    Ukwa is so myopic he cant tell that he is squeezing his own balls!

  17. May my biblical message give strength to HH,Nevers Mumba and others.Read Proverbs 3 v 24-25 reads do not be afraid of sudden terror,nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes for the lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.

    For Sata and Winter Proverbs 29 v 2 states that when the righteous are in authority ,the people rejoice but when a wicked man rules,the people groan
    (job loses on the copper belt,army worms,meal meal prizes,ritual killings,road accidents etc)

    For fellow Zambians Proverbs 24 v 1 states that do not be envious of evil men nor desire to be with them for their heart devises violence and their lips talk of trouble making.Kindly let us not follow these fools.

    Finally the bible states that he who justifies the wicked and he who…

  18. its always a big unlogical comments u find most of the time from your fellow zambians! everywwhere in the countries they have foreighners working for them under difrent predicarments! we dont judge the person coz of of his nationality! in logic we call that as fallace of attacking the person instead of giving ur own argument and defend it!! Amsterdam has said the truth.. and we know inside our hearts that he is saying what is happening without any hatred please may some one tell me what wrong he has said in his statements? lets learn to learn from others not becoz we are cadres it doesnt mean our govt is always perfect..leave the place of criticisms from opposition and dont turn zambia into a police state!!! very soon zambias leadership shall be for the youths we are tired of abakote !!

    • He can be what he is. The problem he has is he has left the cause that the Bandas called him to do and has gone viral. He is now under the skin of everything that happens in Zambia. He knows the Bandas will pay him handsomely but what he is doing is to the detriment of Zambia. He is even campaigning to block investment in Zambia, what a lawyer, for one specific case he was called to handle. Be ware how some characters use small prints to cause problems in Africa. This guy claims his client has no case to answer, but he has diverted from that, he has seen a fertile ground to enrich himself from. He is attacking every institution in Zambia – the three arm of governance, ministers, police, judges, etc. He has hijacked the opposition and endosring his signature on all they say. He Terrible!

  19. In the beginning, Sata and PF were not deep down recognized by the opposition, to the point that the opposition said and did a lot of bad & foul talk whilst Sata was settling down in Presidency. The opposition went on to think his rule would collapse soon never mind about the 5 year term. They wished him death, they mocked his health, they said anything. King cobra just peeped through the hole. Now king Cobra wants respect, the opposition are but still defiant, bitter, and often unreal in their demands especially that they are yet underfives politically. Its now time for opposition leaders to be real, to do politics with respect of Republican Leadership. If you do it the way you did it when the cobra was in its hole, stop it. The cobra is out and about. Learn to live with the Cobra.

    • #Floyd Chitalu, are you real? Where do you get the energy to scrible all this trash on here? Can a sane person really defend what those cops did? The so called cobra does not expect to be respected when he doesn’t respect himself and you don’t force someone to respect you, you EARN the respect bwana!!! Did Sata respect Mwnawasa? Did he respect RB? No, he didn’t!! So how does he expect to be respected when he hasn’t done anything worth respecting and he himself was in the forefront of disrespecting the former presidents?

    • Floyd Chitalu, God is not comfined in your preferred mind set on Zambians or as engineered by pf die hards hatred, corruption and deceit as a means of injuring His/GO’s people.

      If you and your pf see Amsterdam as dry bones in the valley, GOD has picked and breathed life into it to serve his people.

      Floyd don’t think and do things like there is no God you are simply inviting curse to yourself in trying to win human/pf recognition.

      SATA ,HH,MUMBA ,CHIPIMO,MILUPI,SAKWIBA,AMSTERDAM they are nothing to me BUT because I know GOD i love them . But following Danniel’s biblical living teachings i will never worship any one of them who rejoices in the suffering/deceiving of others and Zambians,in this context SATA/PF.

  20. Atase! efinshi nomba ifi? it’s not right, ubutututu bwekabwaka fi grade zero, am not a politician, i dont support any of these politicians, only pipo who are there for the development of Zambia in all fairness, otherwise, these fools should be jaid for indescipline, am angry, and as fo the lawyer, am serving an article for you, go back where you hail from!
    Zambians are fools, i cant imagine a lawyer from Zambia would even have a say on a radio staion in europe about the nation, kwena ichi chalinkalipa! even i, a mere citizen , cant even say negative word about how things are run here nomater how right i would be, they would kick my a******* like nobody’s bussiness so much that the next minute i open my eyes, i would be seeing the dust roads of lusaka! Africa, awe sure mwe!

  21. Are you sure Libongani is competent enough to be IG? How come she does not even understand court processes? It baffles me what the appointing authority was thinking in choosing the worst IG since Zambia got independent. She really needs to be replaced.

  22. How did robert amsterdam start acting as a lawyer for institutions in Zambia? Is Amsterdam eligible to practice law in Zambia. What qualifications does the ***** called amsterdam possess? Which University did he attend? Why do we Zambians sink so low as to allow all sorts of low lifers to lecture us on democracy simply becuase they are white? Like a lot of people I have talked to each time I see the name amsterdam I want to strangle Henry Banda.

  23. For all of you frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of Amsterdam; now read the story ignoring Amsterdam’s name and tell us what is wrong with what he said.

  24. Amsterdam is just “PARROTING” what Judge Banda had very EFFICIENTLY & EFFECTIVELY HANDLED!! So his “parroting” is simply a non-story, apart from informing us of the existence of another “ka ntemba” called CDDR!!!!!

  25. useless corrupt chi stupid lawyer,arrest the chap for insulting ba shikulu takwata umuchinshi under five cage him up to 2077

  26. One thing you must know HH is that you are a threat in this political scenario. They will oppress you to the last minute but if you have a focuss through your endurance you will rule this nation. Look at how Mr. Sata suffered in the hands of the then rulling party (MMD) but he persisted and now he is in power. Dont give up if you want to see sweet and liberate the nation as you claim.

    Continue fighting so that we as Zambians dont go back to one party state, its not health

  27. My goodnes!! Ths aint gat nothing 2 do wit Armstadm, he cud ve made hz own mistaks tht u hate hm 4 buh 4 2day luk @ wat hz sayin…very true and sensible infor 4 us who love our country, PF pliz leave HH and Nevers alone and concentrate on delivering your campaign promises..

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