Monday, February 24, 2025

Former Bank of Zambia Governor wants to know the breakdown of the Jobs created by the PF Government


Former Bank Governor Caleb Fundanga
Former Bank Governor Caleb Fundanga

Former Bank of Zambia Governor Caleb Fundanga says the PF government should provide a clear breakdown of the 195,744 jobs created since assuming office in 2011.

“I have just heard of the figures they are saying they have created thousands of jobs but one would do well to give a breakdown of the jobs and which sectors those jobs have come from,” Dr. Fundanga said.

On Wednesday, President Michael Sata through his Spokesman George Chellah revealed that his government has so far created close to 200,000.

President Sata said about 9, 716 jobs have been created in the central Government while the local Government has absorbed 5, 257 people.

He said the private sector accounted for 24, 098 with 5, 510 being actualised through the Zambia Development Agency in the period 2011 to 2012 pledged investments.

But Dr. Fundanga said job creation is a major challenge facing the country today and that increased focus on value addition is the only way that Zambia would create the much needed jobs.

“We should be focusing on value addition to raw products and we are not taking about high tech machinery here. Just the use of simple technology to improving product quality would go a long way, for example, women producing sweet potatoes or mangos should be taught on how they can preserve and extend the life of those products and seek international export markets for those organic foods.”

He said governments world over are struggling with the issue of unemployment and stated that the private sector should take the lead in creating sustainable employment for citizens.


  1. Please can someone confirm this rumour going around that chiluba was poisoned by emanuel mwaba so that PF can win elections as FTJ had great bemba influence that would have made RB retain power. EMANUAL WAS TO BE REWARDED WITH A JOB BY SATA. PLEASE HELP ME

    • False rumour !! Chiluba new that MMD will loose and later died.He new what PF will do to him once in power,PF was going to take him back to the courts to answer corruption issues that Levy had left.

    • Chiluba anwine overdose Viagra hoping hoping some concubine would pitch up, alas! NO SHOW!. Aaaaafwaaaaaa. Self suicide. Why did his uncle BY refuse to do postmortem? Sela tubombeko iwe, Konto!

    • Fwaka na bu Kachepa ba Octopus. Chiluba was losing elections in his village in Musangu and you are saying influence, what influence?

    • In fact that information is not just a rumour but the truth. Mwamba gave Chiluba some poison whose effects was more like viagra. I am told, it was timed that Regina was not around so that he would not have ways of releasing the pressure. Data has it that Vera was even called to come and help and no wonder she was found very early by those that went to Serval road that fateful day. It also explains the rewards Emmanuel Mwamba got thereafter. The issues of Chiluba being jailed by Sata don’t even arise. Sata would not have arrested Chiluba even if Chiluba was still alive. It is only that whilst Chiluba was tribal, atleats he had a sense of love for the Country and hence the reason for supporting RB as opposed to Sata. He knew that Sata would destroy the country.

    • In the African way of life death is always caused by one other person or many. Whether its a baby, young person, teenager, older folks or senior citizen, any death is attributed to a cause by someone in the extended family or other fellow villager. No wonder witchcraft has excelled and sustained over the centuries. We know that there has been many diseases but still we always want to heap blame on some soul as having caused one’s death. The mystery of death! They all die young or old, poor or rich white or black, tall or short, death will ever come to all of us. They time is not known to anyone whether clever or dull. Some day even you the write of above article you will die. It can be any minute, hour, day, week, month, year or century. We will be gone, no more, history forever and ever.

    • @Octopus.
      Emmanuel Mwamba had a job as a senior civil servant by virtue of being FTJ’s press Aide. His current PF position was simply a transfer from former presido office to another job within the civil service at same or very similar level of seniority. He didn’t need to do anything special for PF to get this, he already had it.

    • OPB, Mwamba was always a civil servant seconded to the Office of the 2nd president. If you followed the news carefully you will find that during LPM’s rule they tried to fire him and he sued the government, wining the case with all his full privileges restored. Even some the team working for KK and RB are civil servants on assigned to the respective president’s offices. Even MCS will be entitled to the same. All that happened was that after FJT died Mwamba was redeployed within the government.

    • Imwe mwe bantu its common knowledge that umukalamba afwile na “Congo Dust”. It was Regina that delayed in coming, she told him that she was now at Chisamba hearding to Lusaka, kanshi she was still in Ndola, so the big man took “Congo Dust” thinking Regina was going to arrive in 2 hours…. but alas she never pitched up, thats why the people that were around called in Vera for “help” but it was to late, infact it is belived kamudala kafwilile pamulu pali ba Vera……. he was already tired and the heart was already split by the time Vera arrived. Efyo chali kanshi

    • @Bernard: I doubt you understood the man’s arguement — he is saying that looking at the economic fundamentals this job creation is quite bogus unless the Government can really substantiate it. In a country with formal sector employment static at 500 000 since independence, creating 200 000 new formal sector jobs has very profound implications on the economy and its fundamentals which have not been evidenced. It would mean that Investments, Exports and GDP growth has at least doubled in the last two years, something which has not happened. The only thing – bulk of the job creation — that that has happened after 2011 is that civil servants sympathetic to the previous regime have been replaced with PF cadres and Government has become increasingly bloated.

    • One of the job went to Dick Masebo JR another went to Sata’s dog selling brother.Namugala and ex ZNS man who got clobbered by under nourished chaps are after a job and they will get one each soon.The family tree and the post guys did get jobs.A few unprofessional lawyers were offered jobs.Nothing for a common man on the streets of Katondo.

    • He is indeed fake ,after selling ZANACO and Finance Bank,Zamtel he can ask such a foolish question.He should instead tell us how many people lost their jobs when they sold Zamtel and the rest.Kawalala

    • @Robin, the governor of BoZ had nothing to do with the privatization of Zamtel and ZANACO. And do not believe the political explanations of the Finance Bank saga. The owner of that bank violated the BFSA left right and center and still does. E.g. the Act prohibits any individual from owning more than 25% stake yet Mathani does and hides other shares veiled as trusts. The only problem with the Finance Bank matter was the manner in which BoZ tried to offload it. i.e., selling to the caretaker rather than through a competitive bid. Otherwise, they had genuine concerns about violations of the Act.

  2. This idi ot of a president is destroying the nation and people think it’s taboo to question his policies. The man has ever said anything sensible since he assumed office. He misses 2 critical events in youth and women’s day which any sensible good leader would use to address the 2 groups to provide inspiration and people including the so called opposition just keep quiet. One wonders whether he will ever provide words of encouragement and inspiration. It seems as if winning the presidency was the final frontier for him, now he can just sit back and relax in State House and peep in camera once in a while. Let’s be truthful to our selves.. This man is not a leader but a mere politician who has nothing to offer to Zambia apart from political comedy.

    • Yahhh…lets be truthful to ourselves!! To me it shows that he is running this country very well as we can see every by-election its the PF carrying the day.This shows that people have realised that this man “SATA” is a true leader.
      If it wasnt that case,i dont think people would continue voting for PF.Mind you,the last 2 by elections (Mpongwe and L/stone) were not strong holds for PF but they have scooped.What does this mean?

    • The people of Zambia beg to differ with you Sir, the statistics and by election result have indicated to y you who is the *****. The ***** is the one who cannot understand such simple statistics

    • Kay above, you are just a useful *****. You are not the one who is going to suffer but your children and your children’s children. You think Zambia can afford all these by – elections being created.

  3. PF employed 8,000 Teachers last year. this was confirmed by all teachers Unions on ZNBC news yesterday. This is Just from one ministry. How about other ministries and the private sector. Dont be jealous, PF is making it BIG bane. Keep it PF.

    • How many retired, fired, died, resigned? You need to analyse properly. That is more reason Governor needs a breakdown of numbers. In short he is saying there is been negative employement unless breakdown of the 200000 jobs is given

    • Kwekwe…..Tell them!! We need to give credit were it is due.Some chaps on this blog are just jealous and BITTER!!

    • and how many retired and tired during the same period? 8000 teachers was just a replacement of those who tired and retired within the same period

    • Where do teachers’ salaries come from? Govt does not create wealth, we should be talking about “real jobs” created in the private sector. Public sector jobs just put a strain on tax payers.

    • Ba Kwekwe, like Wonder Banda has said, creating big Govt is retrogressive – that is not job creation because it takes away resources from National coffers – money which should be utilized for things like fertilizer subsidies. You shall be getting foreign loans to fund your new districts!!!

  4. Zambia really needs a break down thanks (Hon) Governor and to the editor Please inform as about pf rig’s Livingstone polls and Confusion about 2 break out!

    • Hahahaha…nothing like rigging my friend.People have just come to realise the true party to vote for.

  5. Ba former governor, it will help u and earn u respect if u remain mute on political issues. Provide advice on how to run banks and about the economy otherwise, asking questions like u have asked above will tarnish your image though u are a politician

    • I thought that job creation is an economic issue? Or maybe what confuses you is the thin line between politics and economy?

    • Being fortunate enough to be envisaged in the financial sector, job creation is a huge and cardinal element in any economy. As a citizen and former governor, he has every right to make such demands, INFACT; any sober minded person should demand for a concrete break down rather than been short minded. The central bank has an economics department which receives data with regard to the employment status of the country.

    • Phil, in fact part of the responsibility of central bank is to impact one of the major macroeconomic goals – unemployment – through money supply and its derivatives.

      What you read on these blogs, most of the time, is the personification of ignorance and shallow mindedness.

  6. Bravo former governor, it is irritating yapping without numbers. We have alot of kids at home with the right qualifuications but languishing without jobs. Further, can PF tell us how many jobs have been lost since coming into power. We have thousands that have lost jobs e.g in KCM a single company. Talk of termination of contracts of MMS, U and M, Smith.. and just individuals whose contracts have been terminated. I will not follow blindly I need numbers to be convinced. Though even just numbers will not be convining enough coz it will just be on paper. We need to see brothers, sisters, parents friends and all in need of jobs to be employed. Then we will believe or else it will be yapping as usual by the the president and his mouth piece

  7. Only breakdown that counts is a gazillion new district commissioners and assistant ministers.The rest are just collateral damage created by the inflated earnings and corruptly gained proceeds of the aforementioned.

  8. Governor Fundanga might instead wish to raise the question establishing a centralized digital National Employment Agency for purpose of systematically recording and monitoring supply and demand on the labor market. The current breakdown is just alright. Or does the former governor possess different figures? For a nation to succeed in eradicating poverty through employment creation, it is necessary to issue regular statements (monthly, quarterly, semester, annual, bi-annual, decade, etc). To achieve that objective, professionals need to drive the entire process without political interference along the lines of BOZ, CSO and LUSE. Naturally, governments will become popular when growth statistics are favorable and vice versa.

  9. Caleb, you didnt see the breakdown? You want also to be given a job for you to say “oohh yes the PF Gov has created jobs?The breakdown was very clear and i dont expect you not to read that breakdown which was published for everyone to ready.
    It is not the PF’s fault if you didnt read that.

  10. @Justice. Asking questions tarnishes one’s image, huh? “Don’t ask opposition in Provinces on Governance issues, instead ask me, Kabimba or Sakeni”. Sounds familiar mate, doesn’t it? “Pearmation Parroting”, from the Dictator down to the cadre. What next? Oh let me not ask, I will tarnish my ‘image’.

  11. Your critical views Dr Caleb are a reflection of an envy for PF government.
    You must really be missing a Bank of Government job.
    But what you have deliberately ignored of your past regime is that CORRUPT TAG.

    • Was he born a Bank Governor? The man asking a question. Allow those who know it best to answer.

  12. Bane muleikala fye nga tamukwete ifyakulanda!!!!!!!! it appears that every one having an issue with MC has something to say!

  13. BRAVO PF!!!!!!

    • No wonder you are following blindly that is not a breakdown, those are ‘mouth’ figures we need statistics even at CSO so that everyone can have approved data and information……Where are the figures for Job losses from the mining sector in particular???

  14. A news report has never been the best source of articulation at levels such as economic indicators and job numbers. I would advise LT and other outlets to include links to the actual technical report from which they are quoting. Simply showing numbers and where they are employed (by the way, what is “Arts”?) is in itself not complete information. Against what are we reporting these numbers? Categorize, analyze, and benchmark. That is the complete report we would love to see – those of us who track real progress.

  15. Fundanga just shut your mouth, otherwise we will start investigating you. What are trying to say, go to the Office of staticitics and you will find out the numbers. By the way the President has indicated areas of employement glowth, just go to those entities and get figures. We as ordinally Zambians we can see what the President is saying and we know it’s true, so if you do not believe you a Tomas go get the figures your self to show to your wife and children.

    • Yes there was a breakdown but it doesnt make sense…..116,000 artists! what the hell does that mean…utter nonsense and very poor spin from State House……Both the economic advisor and the press aide should be fired for coming up with such a porous statement

  16. I thought you saw the brakedown now what you need is to go round the country to inspect if that is true go through all the data given to prove

  17. Yamunyokola NJALA Fundanga, who are you to ask mwenemushi , mwenelubemba, uwalishishe umnsoli alenga train yacheuka, to give u a break down of JOBS ..SHA




  19. Tumbi utubantu very shallow mwe! why do people pitch up only with stupid questions, am not hating but confused, everyone knows what’s taking place in Zed, they are witnessess to all the joblessness, poverty, diseases, untimely deaths, chochise, accusing each other playing Tom and Jerry, why do they come up when things or statements are made? why not do something to make sure that there is work for pipo, Kwacha is now giving up, what are you guys doing about it? alot is going under, what are you doing? busy running to the press, making noise, this is not what we want to see or hear, defeat someone by working, bringing work and food to pipo’s tables, bushe mwalitipwa bonse? Utter nonsense!

    • By the way, it’s not only in Zed where all is going down under, everywhere, it’s global bane, but do you know what your friends are doing? chezela, loooking for solutions, not attacking each other while farting comfortably with your fat bellys on your sits, excuse my language am getting worked up cos of the noise everyone is making, stop condeming, it’s worse everywhere work together if you can for the good of the country.

  20. Ba Fundanga, find some piece of akali farm ka tomato to keep yourself busy instead of you sending your fart in the direction of PF. PF cannot be answerable to you.

  21. the usual politickingWhile the information provided by State House is what the unemployed citizens have been hoping for and would like to hear, my worry is that these statistics are not easily verifiable because they are not available at the legally mandated institution to compile such information,i.e. Central Statistical Office. I can only hope that someone at Ministry of Labour is not doing the usual politicking by duping the President with a cooked report that is not backed by empirically verifiable data.

  22. That is a big LIE there is no way such a great number of jobs can be created in less than 2 1/2 years. Those are just wild statements by Chellah. Wih such a huge work force being created it would have created alot of multiplier effects inour social economi sysytem and the streets would have been emptied by now. That is also most half of the total formal workforce in Zambia. To me the figures are phantom.

  23. We still have incomings from MMD!!! 4 councilors have joined us because we are viable!!! Non the less we are not looking for a one party state and yet its the opposition to blame of which the so called HH whom could have been the next president of zambian people if he;
    (I) Did trust mmd whom we fired from office,i.e ignoring us the electorates.
    (II) Did not recruit william Tekere banda who contributed to many violence
    activities in the former government!
    (iii) Did not even have the guts to appologise the nation after his cadres
    beat up and killed a pf member in livingstone.
    (iv) etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. We still have incomings from MMD!!! 4 councilors have joined us because we are viable!!! Non the less we are not looking for a one party state and yet its the opposition to blame of which the so called HH whom could have been the next president of zambian people if he;
    (I) Did trust mmd whom we fired from office,i.e ignoring us the electorates.
    (II) Did recruit william Tekere banda who contributed to many violence
    activities in the former government!
    (iii) Did not even have the guts to appologise the nation after his cadres
    beat up and killed a pf member in livingstone.
    (iv) etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. You Dr Caleb is the one who ill advised RB to sell Finance Bank and ZANACO BANKS.
    Don’t choke with envy, you already made your kwachas with this corrupt Rupiah.
    There is a a saying from the wise men from the East, which says, “osausa Kalilele”, meaning, “don’t raise that which resting(asleep)”.



  27. Those statistics refer to PF cadres who have been rewarded with jobs. Dr. Fundanga how do you ask such an intelligent question to these rascals and hyenas. Your question to them is nuclear physics. They will just insult you and use their years of experience in thuggery and mediocrity and beat you to the game. Guess who will look worse than them in f.o.o.lishness …..

  28. NAPSA , workman’s compensation and ZRA all must record about 25-30% increase in revenue.. IMPOSSIBLE

  29. Okey lets do a quick check; what is the total number of the formally employed in the whole country? What percentage of this total do these new jobs constitute? The numbers being presented translate into 11,515 new jobs per month. And all of this in just 17 months, WOW, too good to be true…

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