Thursday, January 23, 2025

Government impressed with works at Kariba power project


File:ZESCO Limited officials inspect the Kariba North Bank Power Station extension programme, which is expected to increase the power generation capacity for Zambia
File:ZESCO Limited officials inspect the Kariba North Bank Power Station extension programme, which is expected to increase the power generation capacity for Zambia

Government is impressed with the on-going expansion works at the Kariba North Bank Expansion power project.

Mines, Energy and Water Development Minister Yamfya Mukanga who toured the project yesterday called for the speedy completion of the project.

Mr. Mukanga said people are in a hurry to see improved and consistent power supply as they are tired of the rationing of power which they have being subjected to for a long time.

He urged the contractor to work tirelessly to see to it that the project was completed within schedule in order for people in the country to enjoy reliable and uninterrupted power supply.

Mr. Mukanga said Government has a lot of other projects it wants to embark on and the timely completion of existing projects gives the state the opportunity to start implementing other projects.

He noted that more jobs will also be created through such projects, adding that Government is committed to creating sustainable employment for its people.

He said Government is on course to create the much needed employment as it has put in place measures and programmes to ensure this is achieved.

The Minister further stated that Government is committed to executing projects which speak for themselves and that Government is ready to provide additional finances to help the Zambia Electricity and Supply Corporation (ZESCO) to execute power projects.

And ZESCO Managing Director Cyprian Chitundu said his Company was undertaking several projects to overcome the challenge of load shedding.

Mr. Chitundu said the Kariba North Bank extension project which is expected to be completed by November will boost another 100 mega watt of power to the national grid.

He said the power utility Company was looking to a day when it would supply uninterrupted power to the citizenry consistently.

Mr. Chitundu urged Zambians to join hands with ZESCO to overcome challenges the Company was facing in supplying power to the citizenry instead of just being arm chair critics.

And Mr. Chitundu said the Company was saving the country huge sums of money through the implementation of rehabilitation and extension projects instead of building new power projects.



  1. Kariba Extension project initiated in 2009. Be it Roads or Power stations, only those started by the MMD will be completed. These are projects that were properly planned and financed. The projects PF are pretending to do are not financed. Its just smoke and mirrors.

  2. If you are savvy as regard project management, you would not mention MMD. Planning and implementation are two extreme things. The critical aspect is implementation and that is what PF is known for and actually doing.

  3. just appreciate what chitundu is doing.which boss at ZESCO ever did such works .keep it up C C .we are yet to bring shame on the devil and the people who failed to run ZESCO in the past.GOD is on our side.

  4. The construction of Kariba extension started in 2009. Don’t start claiming other peoples work. All power station construction and extensions were started by the MMD. You are not even ashamed of your FALSE and pathetic claims. Have some decency!

  5. It seems there’s a lot of desperation amongst the PF cadres for success. Dear PF cadres just google “Sinohydro Kariba North Bank Project” and you will know when the construction of this project started. It has nothing to do with PF or Chitundu. The construction started in 2009. It is been financed by the Eximbank China 85% and the Southern African Development Bank 15%. Yes construction will be completed when the PF is still in power but it has nothing to do with PF.


  7. Where’s the report that is allegedly to have implicated the current MD on his attempts to illegally convey copper scrap from rehabilitated machines, via an Alstom container hurriedly painted in the MMCI colors. This container was stopped at the exit gate by a lone security guard who was later fired by Chitundu who was at that time the power station manager at Kariba North Bank? Has the report been swept under the carpet?

  8. This is what we want to hear guys, this is great planning and use of tax payers money not witch hunts. I want to hear more projects like this because power cuts are a disaster to business and people as almost everything depends on power.

  9. @Goncalves,so imwe ba MMD you expected the PF to abandon all projects left by MMD regardless of their importance? Stop your stupid and warped thinking. This is the same mistake MMD made during the change of government from UNIP to yourselves. You don’t make drastic changes for the sake of political expendiency. Be mature guys. Just think of this, if the government had committed huge amounts of money (your tax) on starting these projects you expected the PF to just come and cancel all? Would that have been normal? Meanwhile the power problem would have persisted. Find something else to say, losers!

  10. @Chindakwanda-Galileo Galilei, .You are the stupid one. Where in my contribution have I said the PF should stop all MMD projects? What I don’t accept is PF cadres claiming credit for projects that were started by the MMD. Give credit were it is due. All the current power projects and the financial arrangements have signatures of MMD Ministers. It is a FACT. MMD worked! PF Talks!

  11. @Goncalves, just admit that your argument is senseless. My friend, it goes without saying that if you are taking over something, let’s say a company as a going concern, obviously it had activities of its own which can’t just be banked away. When people booted you out they did not say you where just sitting on your arses, NO! You were able to think, plan but fail to implement because you obsession was corruption. Your planning also was “behind schedule” as Zambians where moving too fast for your mediocre perfomance. Why did we end up with so much unemployment? Because the boys and girls born in 1991 where 20 years in 2011. You failed to plan and execute your projects except to sell what UNIP left. The PF is on course and you are going to be shamed. Your argument is lame my friend.

  12. Last contributor chipuba sana! Kanshi ubu bupuba bukapwa lilali? When will this stupidity going to stop? Let PF work mwempelwa amano! Seleni babombeko nabo. You had your time for twenty years mwalenyafye amasushi.

  13. @Chindakwanda-Galileo Galilei, Oh dear where you born in 2011? PF is a regrouping of the 1991-2001 MMD. If Sata had his way with his Third Term campaign Chiluba would have continued to be President. And the country would have been in a worse situation than it was when your PF took over. When Levy took over there was no economic growth. Agriculture was dead. There were no forex reserves. Levy, Magande and RB , Musokotwane worked hard to lift Zambia from the doldrums. Zambia became a middle income country. We had bumper harvests. Forex reserves of $2.8 billion. Now the PF is reversing all these achievements. We now have mealie meal shortages and highnprices. Delayed public sector salaries. increased tribalism. bloated government etc. PF is failing.

  14. @JC. Who had twenty years? Didn’t Sata have 10 years with Chiluba between 1991 and 2001? Judge the administration of which Sata was part. He was a failure.
    Levy’s and RB’s administrations were relatively successful. Sata has failed before and he is already failing again. After all the signs are already there. He has gone back to what he knows how to do best ie he is busy suffocating the economy with controls. We’ve lived this nightmare before with his hero Kaunda. And its not pretty. PF is failing because the leader is incompetent and clueless about running a country in the 21st century.

  15. bloggers you always amaze me MMD also had their own share of plus power planning being one of them,the PF is playing their role of step dad when the child is completing collage even when they know MMD initiated them,they may take the praise due to the timing. chance favours the prepared mind.

  16. I can see that Gonclaves is well read and talks sense. As far as intelligent Zambians know PF projects are link 8000 ( which I do not understand in terms budget and blue print), disbursement of the $750 million dollars ( the detail still out there in the crowds) and of course lots of nonsense.

    I have not seen any original thinking from PF in terms of project planning and execution, everything is in press release or some talk show crap….

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