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1 Guy Scott on his way to Lukulu West where he allegedly broke the electoral code of conduct and earned himself a title of “Stupid White Man ” from UPND Leader Hichilema Hakainde
2 Guy Scott
3 Guy Scott
4 Polling agents with elections materials for Kapiri Mposhi by elections boarding a ZAF chopper to the Kilwa islands in readiness for the Kapiri Mposhi bye elections
5 Kapiri Mposhi Council secretary who is also the district electoral officer Mr Hamwende Mpande addressing stakeholders from political parties and electoral observers at the pre elections briefing at lukanda basic school in Kapiri Mposhi
6 Low turnout of voters has characterized the Kapiri Mposhi elections this is one of the polling stations in the Kapiri elections
7 Elections officials verifying details of a voter during elections at matilyo polling station in Kapiri Mposhi
8 Low turnout of voters has characterized the Kapiri Mposhi elections this is one of the polling stations in the Kapiri elections
9 Newly declared Kapiri Mposhi PF Member of Parliament Hon Eddie Musonda and uis wife show the PF sign after being declared the winner at the kapiri Mposhi Civic centre
10 Newly declared Kapiri Mposhi PF Member of Parliament Hon Eddie Musonda is being escorted to the vehicle by PF campaign manager for Kapiri Hon Philip Kosamu after being declared the winner at the kapiri Mposhi Civic centre
11 NEWLY declared Kapiri Mposhi PF Member of Parliament Eddie Musonda is lifted should high by his supporters after being declared the winner at the Kapiri Mposhi Civic centre,
12 UPND candidate Misheck Mutelo celebrates with his supporters after he was declared winner of the Lukulu West by-election at Mitete basic school
13 North-Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu concedes defeat after UPND candidate Misheck Mutelo scooped the Lukulu West by-election
14 UPND candidate Misheck Mutelo is smeared with face powder by his wife Pauline after he was declared winner of the Lukulu West by-election at Mitete basic school
15 UPND candidate Misheck Mutelo is smeared with face powder after he was declared winner of the Lukulu West by-election at Mitete basic school
16 UPND candidate Misheck Mutelo is lifted shoulder high after he was declared winner of the Lukulu West by-election at Mitete basic school
Misheck Mutelo.Awe bakumushi abakamba bamoneka.I guess that`s the man the people in Lukulu needs.A person they can identify with on the social level.Well done….congrats too ba Musonda for winning Kapiri.Make sure you don`t forget your people once you take that seat in parliament.Epashili pakuleka bane.
Cakubaba! You’re just foo.lish stinking komboni maggot!
Come on.How can it chibaba me ? It is you who is actually showing that behavior judging from your choice of words.Take it easy man.I care less about the events there.Too busy drinking my coffee.
Ke ke ke.Mumbwa mumbwa style.
Awe Chishinka mweh, he looks more like a peasant farmer, the man cant even smile, to come and think of it he looks like HH and they are both farmers wow..
Care less ? When you’ve been the first to comment. You’re a shameless liar! Have some decency maggot!
@Kazimule Villager….ha ha ha.Insult all you can.I won`t use the same language.It is my opinion young man.Using that stone age language doesn`t make you appear more smarter.It actually indirectly shows the level of your IQ.I repeat buddy….i couldn’t care less.
@Mo taim forget this imbecile called Kazimule villager.He is just full of gases ready to fart at any moment.He is loser who spends his time pleasuring himself through mastabation.
the first thing i noticed about UPND candidates is that they are young while the PF candidates are mostly old people. have you noticed? mutelo compared to musonda! and whats this thing of saying bakumushi? ninshi whats wrong with you man? why do you want to identify or look at things from the perspective of the so called white mans civilization? i find it to be a very retarded way of thinking. should we all dress up and look like hollywood stars to be considered normal looking people. another brainwashed imbecile i see
@Conspiracy theoretist.The big imbecile is you because you can’t seem to reason without using mature language.Grow up mambala and leave my mo taim alone.Ulefwaya tukutukane naifwe ?
@KUKU tukana boi. nilibe navo nanchito!!! facts are facts,you always try to make human beings be a narrow minded species by trying to make us all fit one criteria of language(english being prominent now),way of life (western type of culture etc),religion and beliefs (christianity being the truth,the rest are infidels), education (ati it is only when you have conformed to this archaic education system that you are useful to society),the list is endless. when are you going to learn that this is all wrong. why should we all shave to be considered clean like your motaim suggests? why should we all look like will smith or Kalipinde not to be called mumbwa mumbwa. but like i said,its ok even if i look like mumbwa mumbwa. we are special just the way we are. ask your german friends there.
@Conspiracy theoretist…nakwelela chik ala.I think tawakwatafye amano.I can judge from your shallow argument.Go and shave waumfwa ? Mumbwa Mumbwa iwe.
@kuku noti ukwelela mdala lol. just convince us the so called ifipuba in your eyes kaili,with logical thinking. you call my thinking shallow but you can not even propound on one of the items i listed to make me reconsider or think otherwise. Ichi kala nalikwata ngaiwe,ninshi wakwata?
PIC 1,2,3.. this muzungu opusa can`t even put on his belt properly…hahahahahah
Interesting pictures especially Mutelo’s.
Its evident that Mutelo needs a serious Make over, its actually good that he won, those UNZA student chicks at Parliament Motel will Pimp him up……..And once he starts wearing skinny jeans thats when the whole western province will turn against him and call him a Bemba through their cyber attaché called “Ndobo”
Its coz he is the man of the people .He is still on earth. The kapiri one straight into pajero with wife to lusaka meet you 2016.
Serious make over? He is the man of the people! He is not a loser like you with no following. You will never win an election. You’ll will die a sycophant to Sata and his minions!
There are no dirty Bembas. They will call him Tonga. Look at the ndevu, my God, it is like what someone would call a different name.
Sakeni, Sata, Father Bwalya etc are indeed very clean Bembas! How’s about Sata’s photo with a cross? That one takes the biscuit. Clean Bembas! My foot! You makakas should start with cleaning your vulgar mouths, ba Kasai!
Ban those useless chitenges with Sata on them as it is tantamount to worshipping a mere mortal.Even Guy Scott is smart enough to avoid deifying his boss.
Shut up. You are just jealous. Your Mutelo looks like a run-away convict on wanted list. Atase, he is dirty. Let him find a barber to shave him everywhere.
He’s better looking than your Sata and Sakeni. You lost , stinking monkeys!
@kapaso,so how should mutelo look like? why should he look the way you want him to? maybe he would also think that you are a runaway convict from mukobeko if he saw you. why do you think your way of dressing or should i say your looks are ok and his are not? what is the definition of a good looking person or right dress code? why do you want to change your appearance so that it fits a certain group of people? free your mind and be all you can be,that includes looking among others like mutelo.
Pic 1 & 2 thats Guy Scott who is the current holder of zambias most stupidi white man
mawe mawe Lukulu MP needs serious image building, amoneka ifiko i wonder if he will be able to contribute in parliament constructively or he is just going there as another mineral water finisher.
Mp looks like a professional villager emo ali but I am sure he shares the same village namfwinti iyi baitana ati kazimule villager
Get lost stinking komboni maggot! Town dwellers my foot ! When maggots like you live in shanty towns. Mutelo is an MP! And what are you? Obviously a loser!
The PF Town people were defeated by a Villager! Poor Finishing indeed these Pathetic Failures!
Misheck Mutelo.Awe bakumushi abakamba bamoneka.I guess that`s the man the people in Lukulu needs.A person they can identify with on the social level.Well done….congrats too ba Musonda for winning Kapiri.Make sure you don`t forget your people once you take that seat in parliament.Epashili pakuleka bane.
Cakubaba! You’re just foo.lish stinking komboni maggot!
Come on.How can it chibaba me ? It is you who is actually showing that behavior judging from your choice of words.Take it easy man.I care less about the events there.Too busy drinking my coffee.
Ke ke ke.Mumbwa mumbwa style.
Awe Chishinka mweh, he looks more like a peasant farmer, the man cant even smile, to come and think of it he looks like HH and they are both farmers wow..
Care less ? When you’ve been the first to comment. You’re a shameless liar! Have some decency maggot!
@Kazimule Villager….ha ha ha.Insult all you can.I won`t use the same language.It is my opinion young man.Using that stone age language doesn`t make you appear more smarter.It actually indirectly shows the level of your IQ.I repeat buddy….i couldn’t care less.
@Mo taim forget this imbecile called Kazimule villager.He is just full of gases ready to fart at any moment.He is loser who spends his time pleasuring himself through mastabation.
the first thing i noticed about UPND candidates is that they are young while the PF candidates are mostly old people. have you noticed? mutelo compared to musonda! and whats this thing of saying bakumushi? ninshi whats wrong with you man? why do you want to identify or look at things from the perspective of the so called white mans civilization? i find it to be a very retarded way of thinking. should we all dress up and look like hollywood stars to be considered normal looking people. another brainwashed imbecile i see
@Conspiracy theoretist.The big imbecile is you because you can’t seem to reason without using mature language.Grow up mambala and leave my mo taim alone.Ulefwaya tukutukane naifwe ?
@KUKU tukana boi. nilibe navo nanchito!!! facts are facts,you always try to make human beings be a narrow minded species by trying to make us all fit one criteria of language(english being prominent now),way of life (western type of culture etc),religion and beliefs (christianity being the truth,the rest are infidels), education (ati it is only when you have conformed to this archaic education system that you are useful to society),the list is endless. when are you going to learn that this is all wrong. why should we all shave to be considered clean like your motaim suggests? why should we all look like will smith or Kalipinde not to be called mumbwa mumbwa. but like i said,its ok even if i look like mumbwa mumbwa. we are special just the way we are. ask your german friends there.
@Conspiracy theoretist…nakwelela chik ala.I think tawakwatafye amano.I can judge from your shallow argument.Go and shave waumfwa ? Mumbwa Mumbwa iwe.
@kuku noti ukwelela mdala lol. just convince us the so called ifipuba in your eyes kaili,with logical thinking. you call my thinking shallow but you can not even propound on one of the items i listed to make me reconsider or think otherwise. Ichi kala nalikwata ngaiwe,ninshi wakwata?
PIC 1,2,3.. this muzungu opusa can`t even put on his belt properly…hahahahahah
Interesting pictures especially Mutelo’s.
Its evident that Mutelo needs a serious Make over, its actually good that he won, those UNZA student chicks at Parliament Motel will Pimp him up……..And once he starts wearing skinny jeans thats when the whole western province will turn against him and call him a Bemba through their cyber attaché called “Ndobo”
Its coz he is the man of the people .He is still on earth. The kapiri one straight into pajero with wife to lusaka meet you 2016.
Serious make over? He is the man of the people! He is not a loser like you with no following. You will never win an election. You’ll will die a sycophant to Sata and his minions!
There are no dirty Bembas. They will call him Tonga. Look at the ndevu, my God, it is like what someone would call a different name.
Sakeni, Sata, Father Bwalya etc are indeed very clean Bembas! How’s about Sata’s photo with a cross? That one takes the biscuit. Clean Bembas! My foot! You makakas should start with cleaning your vulgar mouths, ba Kasai!
Ban those useless chitenges with Sata on them as it is tantamount to worshipping a mere mortal.Even Guy Scott is smart enough to avoid deifying his boss.
Shut up. You are just jealous. Your Mutelo looks like a run-away convict on wanted list. Atase, he is dirty. Let him find a barber to shave him everywhere.
He’s better looking than your Sata and Sakeni. You lost , stinking monkeys!
@kapaso,so how should mutelo look like? why should he look the way you want him to? maybe he would also think that you are a runaway convict from mukobeko if he saw you. why do you think your way of dressing or should i say your looks are ok and his are not? what is the definition of a good looking person or right dress code? why do you want to change your appearance so that it fits a certain group of people? free your mind and be all you can be,that includes looking among others like mutelo.
Pic 1 & 2 thats Guy Scott who is the current holder of zambias most stupidi white man
mawe mawe Lukulu MP needs serious image building, amoneka ifiko i wonder if he will be able to contribute in parliament constructively or he is just going there as another mineral water finisher.
Mp looks like a professional villager emo ali but I am sure he shares the same village namfwinti iyi baitana ati kazimule villager
Get lost stinking komboni maggot! Town dwellers my foot ! When maggots like you live in shanty towns. Mutelo is an MP! And what are you? Obviously a loser!
The PF Town people were defeated by a Villager! Poor Finishing indeed these Pathetic Failures!