Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Zesco Utd embrace big bus theory


Zesco United has joined fellow elite clubs from migrating from mini buses to luxury coach travel for their away games.

On Monday, Zesco received a US$187, 000 54-sitter Chinese-built bus from their principle sponsors Zesco Ltd.

“We want Zesco to be like Manchester United we must create it that is why today we are handing over this 54 sitter that we got at a very high cost of Kr 995, 962 000 or US$187, 000 dollars,” Zesco managing director Cyprian Chitundu said at the handover ceremony held at its head office in Lusaka.

“We give full support to the club because football because is a source of joy for many of our people. We must keep winning.”

And Zesco chairman Kenneth Muteto said the club was humbled by their sponsors gesture.

“We are grateful to the Zesco Management for this gesture the only way we can repay is to win the league and any cup competition,” Muteto said.

“We take pride in being one of the best sponsored teams if not the best in the league we will continue flying the flag high in the league and in continental competitions.”

Zesco joins Zanaco, Green Buffaloes, Red Arrows and Zanaco in embracing the big bus theory.


  1. Instead of investing in infrastructure and youth development they are busy pouring money in liabilities and Mr. Cyprian Chitundu is a managing director this really laughable. Does he honestly think if Manchester United started off buying depreciating assets like luxury coaches worth US$187, 000 they would be a success today. FYI Manchester United does not own any buses of its own it has corporate sponsors who provide these buses.

    • But guys bamo imwe tamwakwata amano. Everytime there is a new development you complain. You just complain about anything. You are the people who even complain about your own$hit. Grow up pipo.

    • How is purchasing a luxury bus classified as “development” when you don’t have even have a stadium…you are the selfsame people who look up to your poor workmate who takes out a big loan to purchase a luxury car. Its no surprise load-shedding will never end when the ZESCO’s MD exhibits such a myopic mindset. Do you know the difference between an asset and a liability?
      Wake up!!

    • Ababene ba ati ba Jay jay bena ba complainafye lyonse.Maybe your name jay comes from being ama Jaid all the time ?

  2. “We want Zesco to be like Manchester United we must create it that is why today we are handing over this 54 sitter ‘.What are you talking about.Don’t embarass youself with such backward kawambwa type of mentality.

    • Its you whose backward because you dont want Zambian clubs to move forward. Take your frsutrations ukutali. Always complaining bakolwee.

  3. Some of you guys are just enemies of progress. No wonder Zambia is still lagging behind.
    @Jay-Jay, its you who is supposed to wake-up. Dont you know that Zesco Utd uses the Levy stadium for their matches. They pay for the maintenance of the stadium.

  4. Sponsering footbll teams is more than just about entertaining people ; it is also about creating jobs(income) for players, coaches and those that mann gates for commission(s) etc. Well they say everyone is entitled to their own opinions , even baseless ones!

  5. There will never be an instrument on earth that will be able to know how people think, i will call them thinking dynamics.One will understand why Zambia is still poor despite having abundant natural resources and everlasting peace.Management buys a big bus for a big club in Zambia,others condemn the move, saying they should have bought an ox-cat. If the same club had an accident in a minibus, the same people would say why didn’t they buy a big bus. Is this how we are going to do untill the end of time

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